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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    maybe you think before posting or actually PLAY a villain in Pvp next time.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Someone needs to practice what they preach.
  2. Lady_DarkForce

    Plant Control!!

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    That's not the same. /ice and /fire are just no options.

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    If you are going to be pedantic, there are no sets in this game called /ice or /fire either.

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    I was going to post the exact same thing, I thought I posted it, oh well.
  3. Lady_DarkForce

    Plant Control!!

    I'm not really sure what I'd mix Plant with, if Them was ported, I'll be making a Fire/Them, wanted another fire for a while.

    At the moment I'm thinking Plant/Kin, but then I've already done Kin twice before and I don't fancy doing it again unless its a really fun combo.
  4. Cloaking Device does provide a +DMG, but only to the Snipe from AR, I think.
  5. Lady_DarkForce

    Gratz Prov & War

    Congrats! What was it this time?

    I miss the game so much!
  6. FS should be 2-3 Acc and 3 Rech, no matter how good your set bonuses are, you still have room to increase within ED limits.

    I mean, we're talking about a Fire/Kin here, it should be as close to the max as you can get.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    who actually cares ?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You care enough to ask a question.
  8. Thanks for the advise everyone, I decided on a Kat/Regen in the end, but I'm thinking of making a Kat/SR for Union.
  9. I've fancied the idea of having a Katana Scrapper for a while and thought I would given I11 round the corner.

    Only I can't choose between SR or Regen, I thought of SR at first in order to stack with DA, but after playing my Sines/Regen to 50 and my MA/SR to 33, I know how they feel.

    My MA/SR won't have the passive Def powers untill the 40s, giving me room for Aid Self below 30, but if I was to make a Kat/SR, I wouldn't take Aid Self and get the ranged and AoE passives instead, not taking Aid Self at all then.

    So....I'm not sure which secondary to pair up with Katana.

    And no, I don't like the look of Dark with Kat, I have an Invul Tanker and prefer it on Tankers, and I already have a Willpower Scrapper planned.

    Any help, please?

  10. Lady_DarkForce


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    Sorry blasting is new to me, I'm too used to defending......... run in before the tank, use blazing aura to gather the agro then let one Fire Sword Circle kill them all mwhahahahahahahaha

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    That sounds alot like how I play my Fire/Kin Controller....
  11. Lady_DarkForce


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    A lot of that comes down to possitioning. Make sure you're the other side of the mobs to the tank, then the cones will focus on him and you'll be out of most AoEs

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    That sounds alot like planning ahead, but since we're in the Blaster forum, that can't be so.
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    (btw you didn't mention stone, so i take you think stone is the best PvP primary?? )

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    Goes without saying. Hence why no one mentions it in PvP threads.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Maybe there needs to be more chat on our default server channel - Arena has been too quiet recently

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    you mean the Arena channel which is for Arena events and should be used for arena events and not just any PvP events.

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    At least thats what I thought the offical stance on the channel was, unless I've missed anything?
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    So far we got a nice mix. It's interesting to note that no one's picking Fire/

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    I would, but I'm leveling a Fire/Kin atm anyway.
  15. Love to do this, and I don't have any heroes on Union so this could be great way to get one

    First idea is Grav/Rad, but I wouldn't mind trying something else.
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    For the healing pool i suggest you dump heal other and take stimulate which you can then use on your singularity to prevent it from getting confused.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It shouldn't be much of an issue if you have Steamy Mist on and Sing stays within it, as it has +Res to Confuse. I think Fear is the one that could mess Sing up.
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    To compare it to the others.. not really indeed
    Ice - instead of trow, you slinger it from your body outwards, different sound.
    Nrg - big effects, lotsa light bolb effect, way bigger.
    sonic - Well... a shout? unique animation
    AR, Arch and Elec dont have a sortlike.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I don't know, Blazing Arrow isn't that far off.
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    I would like to join...The Fallen Femmes with Rabiah, my lovely purple lvl 10 Super Strenght / Invulnerability Brute.
    Who do I have to send a tell to?

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    I can arange that for you. My handle is the smae as my forum name.
  19. Theres a good 80-90% chance I wont be there should a space open up. I did the STF tonight and we finished late.

    Just so you know.
  20. Depending on the other events for Saturday I've posted about, I'd like to join this, either Ill/Emp or Spines/Regen.
  21. I'll try and be there, but if it is Saturday, I don't think I'll be able to, with a possable STF and Villain Hami raid to do.
  22. Hopefully, I'll be there with my Fire/Kin.
  23. Stick me on reserve please, Illusion/Empathy or Spines/Regen, noon should be good for me too.
  24. Lady_DarkForce

    Human/Dwarf WS

    I've only got 1 Acc in my Human and Dwarf attacks on my WS, its ok for yellows and oranges.
  25. I'll try and be there for PA dropping, I need HOs.

    I also have a Dam/Mez and an Acc/Mez from prior events that I'm willing to trade for Acc/Dam.