The annoying, driving me insane grav/storm troller
Good to see you signed up to the forums mate so a big welcome to you
First up you'll find this link useful it will help you plan out your build, Mids hero designer
Having a quick scan through your build i can see you've slotted your hold with 2 IO's from tempered readiness which really shouldn't be there, i suggest slotting it up with 2acc, 2hold and 2 recharge SO's or normal IO's (which works out even better) for optimal hold stacking ability. However later on when you get the money to or are lucky enough to get them from the STF or hammi himself, slot 3 Endoplasm Exposures (Acc/mez) and with the remaining 3 slots put 3 recharges or 2 and a slow, up to you on that one.
Sadly when it comes to Grav and storm i don't have much experience with those so ill put forward this suggestion if you want to free up slots to put in other powers take them from powers like steamy mist and hurricane where with regular IO's you can afford to 4 slot them so eg hurrican would be 2 acc/debuff and 2 endred Or if you can get the Hammi O's for it 3 enzyme exposure's (to hit+defense debuff's and endred) will do giving you 3 extra slots to play with. Although if you take this advice i suggest waiting for a while before using your respec and concentrate on acquiring the HO's/ SO's or even the money needed to buy them if you do not have room for them, then when you have them all use your respec so you dont end up with a gimped build, while your getting the enhancements you need.
Looking at the pool powers i would suggest changing from leaping pool and moving onto the speed pool since super speed + Hurricane work well together especially end cost wise and you get the added benefit of Hasten too.
You have the fitness pool which is a good thing but you taken health and 3 slotted it with heals which sadly isn't that affective on a controller, however if you planned on replacing the heals at some point with a miracle +recovery and a numina's +recovery and + regen then it would be worth having those slots there but at the moment they are wasted slots, if anything take one slot out and keep it at 2 for when you get one of those 2 ever so rare but worth it IO's which will do wonders for your endurance problems
For the healing pool i suggest you dump heal other and take stimulate which you can then use on your singularity to prevent it from getting confused.
As for Heal self the best slotting for it are 2/3heal's, 2 interrupt reductions and 1 recharge
As for the Presence pool interesting idea, maybe 2 acc in the provoke and if you get spare slots some taunts and a recharge. While for intimidate 2acc, 2 fear and 2 recharge works well.
Primal mastery looks good to me, no problems there.
Well hope the suggestions give you a good start to making an uber grav/storm build, as for me its 6:30 in the morning and i need some sleep
For the healing pool i suggest you dump heal other and take stimulate which you can then use on your singularity to prevent it from getting confused.
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It shouldn't be much of an issue if you have Steamy Mist on and Sing stays within it, as it has +Res to Confuse. I think Fear is the one that could mess Sing up.
I'd drop presence pool and take Dimension shift from your primary being phased is really annoying and the leadership pool won't shorten the duration like it will with fear. That would free up a power pick to delve into the speed pool and get hasten i'd also look at loseing the blast from your epic the damage is fairly poor from it and the end cost is quite high. That would free another power with which to get Superspeed coz in PVP movment is king and superspeed with the leaping pool is the best movement you can get imho
Well thats what i'd change if it was my build but what ever you decide i'm sure you'll have fun with it
Well I want hasten back in also ss because speed is indeed everything. And about that dimension shift... not a bad idea indeed, very good idea ;-)
But I was thinking to get thunder clap back in because aoe disorient is also handy for mm and stuff
Well please post more... :-D
NO stay away from thunderclap i used to have it for de-toggles on my Ice/storm but after they change the de toggle rules in PVP ie slashed the chance it was not worth taking. Use freazing rain against MM nice de-buff and ok KD chance on pets.
damn it :P
But I was thinking to get thunder clap back in because aoe disorient is also handy for mm and stuff
Well please post more... :-D
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Actually, 2 powers which are very handy vs MMs are Wormhole and Crushing Field (especially vs melee henches). I would drop the Presence Pool to get them both. You certainly want Hasten anyway. I'm not sure how good Dimension Shift is anymore in PvP since I dropped it a long time ago on my grav/sonic, you might want to test it first.
CoX 50s: <ill/rad> <ice/ice> <fire/kin> <grav/sonic> <ice/storm> <earth/kin> <kin/elec> <cold/psy> <thugs/dark> <fire/dark> <dark/elec> <night widow> <EM/ninj> <mind/icy>
Dimension Shift is pants...duration is very short, recharge is fairly long...and you can't see if you miss (unless you decide to take a closer look which can be somewhat dangerous )
"Extremists LOVE to fish to get us annoyed so we break the forum rules."
"The origin of life wasn't planned either, should all life be declared a bug and wiped out?"
"You know me.Ever the realist"
well I got no room for it... I mean I can't drop ant of my storm powers because they are needed and I want also hasten, ss and I did had wormhole in my build but I need that one to back again :-\
I got this controller with the powersets

Gravity Storm got her to 50 and I was thinking lets make it all pvp-able... I did pvp but I had some endurence problems,
fixed those well anyway let me just tell you my build and I hope for some advise because i'm all dried up, I don't know how to make it better let say its a writers block hehe
Gravity control :
1 IO: tempered readyness:+21.2% acc, slow and rech
1: SO acc
1: sO Dam
Gravity distortion
1 tempered readyness 21.2% end, rech, slow
1 tempered readyness 21.2% acc, dam , slow
2 SO: recharge
1 SO end red
1 SO acc
Propel( don't ya just love thoriwn cars and forktrucks against people's head :-D )
1 devastion: 26.2% acc/dam
1 SO : acc
2 SO:dam
1 SO: rech
2 IO blood mandate: 21.2%acc/dam/end and 26.5 acc/dam
2 SO dam
1 SO end red
1 SO Rech
Storm part:
1 SO acc ( not a power I really use)
Snow storm:
1 IO : tempered readyness 21.2% slow/rech/end red
3 SO End red
2 SO slow
Steamy mist:
3 SO dam resist
3 SO End red
3 SO acc debuff
3 SO end red
Freezing rain:
1 SO acc
2 SO Def debuff
1 so end red
1 so rech
1 IO tempered readyness 21.2% end/rec/slow
3 SO def debuff
2 SO end red
1 SO rech
Lightning storm
1 SO acc
2 SO end mod
1 SO end red
1 SO rech
Then I got as powerpool sets
Fitness( ofcourse)
2 SO increase runspead
3 SO health
3 SO end
Combat jump:
1 SO end red
Super Jump
1 SO end red
3 SO end red
Presence( its a bit diffrent I know but it works)
Provoke( power I don't use i'm not a tank but you can annoy ppl with it in zones)
1 SO acc
Intimidate( fear)
2 SO acc
2 SO rech
Aid other:
1 SO health
Aid self:
2 SO health
1 SO rech
1 SO dec interrupt
epic power: Primal Force Mastery
Conserve power( being a storm and all)
3 SO rech
3 SO rech
1 SO acc
2 SO dam
1 SO rech
1 Io devastion 26.5% acc/dam
i use powerboost to spam holds and to boost my heal
I'm gonna put the kite slots in place with my 9 moth repec
But I need some help with my build anyone oh anyone out their that wanna help me out
I would like to hear it thank you :-)