
Forum Cartel
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  1. [ QUOTE ]
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    Considering there's two little girl gamerz on their way in the next 6 months in my SG alone, you betcha.

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    Jeez, LM, now you're making me want to come up with a creative nickname for my little one so she'll fit in with our SG babycrew.

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    Baby Elf doesn't work for you?

    Quickening's is going to be hard - her hubby also games and goes by Mindlock. BabyMind? Quickbaby? *shrugs*
  2. [ QUOTE ]
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    This thread gives me baby fever...

    ... please don't tell my fiancé.

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    Man, me too.

    Maybe I'll just borrow my 9-year-old brother for a few weeks this summer

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    There is no birth control more effective than an afternoon with a grumpy 2-year-old.

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    One of my sister's friends (while still a teenager) started talking a lot about having a baby, and I mean really seriously about it. My mother talked to my aunt who had a colicky newborn at home and arranged for both girls to spend the night at her place to help take care of the baby. Fixed that in a BIG hurry.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
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    Sister Flame, Hero 2 and BabyMage, COH:The Next Generation?

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    You left out Positot.

    [/ QUOTE ]Maybe we need Chase to make a City of Kids comic

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    Considering there's two little girl gamerz on their way in the next 6 months in my SG alone, you betcha.

    And sorry about leaving out Positot - my memory disappeared when I got pregnant :O

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    That's it, now I gotta get Bashie and Xander in there somewhere...

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    Got to have our poopcasso boys!

    Oh, gods I hope BabyMage doesn't try that....
  4. [ QUOTE ]
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    Sister Flame, Hero 2 and BabyMage, COH:The Next Generation?

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    You left out Positot.

    [/ QUOTE ]Maybe we need Chase to make a City of Kids comic

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    Considering there's two little girl gamerz on their way in the next 6 months in my SG alone, you betcha.

    And sorry about leaving out Positot - my memory disappeared when I got pregnant :O
  5. [ QUOTE ]
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    "Why do Skulls hang out in Perez Park?"

    "How come the Clockworks don't attack cars or make nasty cars to attack people?"

    "Why are Trolls green?"

    "Where do the Outcasts get their power?"

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    She should be lead dev for this game.

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    That's Hero 1's job (the new story bible guy). He just had a baby, so he should be a sucker for these questions...

    Okay, Hero 1 (if you do vanity searches for your name like the other Devs, you'll see this), would you please answer the child's questions? If you can't, then she can rightfully claim your job.

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    Castle sent the link over all of us. War Witch, Positron and I are all laughing and enjoying the read. As many have said, it's nice to see stories like this come up. It also makes me glad I updated the profanity filter yesterday

    As far as answering her questions, I'd be more than happy to, but something tells me my answers would be no where as interesting as hers.

    I'm sure someday Hero 2 will join the forces of justice and hopefully people like Sister Flame will be there to help him along.

    Stay True
    Hero 1

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    Sister Flame, Hero 2 and BabyMage, COH:The Next Generation?

    I'd share stories of BabyMage playing the game, but mostly she just likes watching the character I'm playing jump.
  6. I log into teamspeak, find out if anyone's on and what they're doing, and find someone who can join them. I try not to burn myself out on a single character.

    The fun part about these weekends for me is not really the XP. It's the fact that my SG makes large blocks of time available for gaming, so we can get big fun teams going.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    Thats your opinion.

    Searching but not finding is NOT FUN for many.

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    And how would your game play differ if these things didn't exist? Was your game play fun before?

    Frankly, I'm honestly not seeing the problem. It's not as if we have to farm a specific mob for these things. They exist. It's pretty obvious to me at least that the devs kept them rare quite simply to not make them worthless once the furor dies down over them. They're a one shot deal - once that character has one, it never needs to get another one. The fewer people out there that need them means more that are up for sale, and the lower the price will be for them. Jeebus, honestly, have some patience.
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    It's a shame that their special fan-only closed beta, and then an open beta with some raids watched BY a developer didn't seem to notice that these inspirations weren't working 'as intended'.

    So much for the improved testing environment.

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    How do you know that they didn't notice it then, and the fix has only just now come through QA?
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    In fighting games: Yes
    In FPS games: Yes
    In racing games: Yes
    In RPGs: No

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    Pretty much sums it up. PvP in RPGs, including this one could dissapear entirely and I wouldn't miss it. At all.
  10. [ QUOTE ]
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    Wow, DDO got hammered.

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    Cause DDO isnt that good. I beta'd it. I went live with it. I tried to like it . . . it didnt work out.

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    Same, only I didn't beta it. I cancelled my billing on it before completing the first month that was included in the box.

    I wanted to like it, I did. But the controls turned me off within the first 20 minutes, and the gameplay made me want to throw it in the garbage. I'm surprised I lasted as long as I did playing it.
  11. [ QUOTE ]
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    The most difficult thing to develop that I would like to add to our game is a completely new database architecture which allows every single player who plays CoH & CoV to be able to play on the same game server. This means no more server selection screens, no more re-rolling because your real life friends are not on the same server as you, and no more trouble finding a group at 3:00 AM because everyone else is sleeping. It’s not an impossible endeavor but my programming team assures me that there is nothing more time consuming and complicated that we could develop for our game at this point.

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    Throw in the towel much? You see, the problem I perceive from this programming/production team is that they work in absolutes. It's an anal-retentive flaw I see all the time at work with engineers. Everything must be perfectly prepared, and complete. If a feature they're working on cannot be fully realized, it's shelved (in this game, that means for a long time). I have a problem with this. What is it about engineers and programmers having a very hard time working compromise? Or does the fault lay at production's feet or higher? This mindset has prevented the release of features like flight poses, and any Crossover.

    I really do hope there is someone other than the fans thinking outside of the box around here. After all, if Mythic can figure out how to cluster low pop servers, so can Cryptic. This is better to pursue than doing nothing at all, because it's too HARD to do perfectly.

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    Just because they *can* doesn't make it a good idea. I like my low pop servers exactly as they are, thank you very much. I've played on Freedom. I'm not into that kind of bother every time I play. If you are, there's a solution - play on Freedom.
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    yeah, my dreams have been squished already. Next best thing, would be more higher level content

    Just out of curiosity, how long ago was it said that 50 would be max? Might it be possible that they have now changed their collective minds, or has the cap been confirmed recently by a red name?

    I know it's one of those "next tuesday of never" things, but I can always hope....can't I?

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    Wasn't that long ago. Last fall at most.
  13. Don't hold your breath on the level cap being raised. They've pretty much said it ain't going to happen.
  14. <QR>

    Hey cool, my question got answered - in true cryptic fashion. It is good to hear that they're going to be doing some work on SGs and bases though, even if we're going to have to speculate wildly to figure out what exactly is coming down the pipe.
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    Is there a page that has a list of all download updates for coh goodversus evil edition. can they be manually updated! Thanks

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    COH GvE edition is pretty much the same thing is as regular COH. Patch notes are posted on the main page. And, no, you have to go through the updater to patch. There's a link to the patchnotes on the updater.
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    Thanks for the support!

    To be honest, criticism comes with the job. I'm not fond of personal attacks, but I understand that people are passionate. Heck, I worked in a comic book store (yep, I was comic book guy), so I understand the vagaries of working with the customer. One thing is tantamount, however - you guys are the PAYING subscribers. I might not like the feedback, but everyone is entitled to an opinion. Admittedly, honey is usually more effective than vinegar, but I always try to look beyond that...

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    /sends States some honey

    I've never been much with name calling. I'll be the first to admit that I've not enjoyed every change in the game, but I'm not about to froth at the mouth over it. All in all, the development team of this game has created a game that I have enjoyed playing on almost an obsessive level for nearly three years. How much room have I to complain? I'll thank them instead.

    Thank you for creating, growing and maintaining your game. I've enjoyed it immensely.
  17. Screenshot taken today. Level 47 scrapper in a level 50 team, taking on a level 53 Nightstar.

    sick and wrong
  18. Neat, but not really the right forum for this. This forum is for suggesting changes to the game. I'll be reporting this thread to the moderators to be moved.

    And I've never, even with about 20 defenders/controllers/corrupters needed to change the base binds for targetting which are Shift+#. YMMV
  19. LadyMage

    "Moral Combat"

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    From what I've seen, it's gone like this.

    ZOMG! Radio Plays will ruin our children! They'll try to act out what they hear! BAN IT! Think of the children!

    and that didn't work. So

    ZOMG! Comic Books will ruin our children! They'll try to act out what they read! BAN IT! Please think of the children!

    THAT didn't work. So

    ZOMG! MOVIES will ruin our children! They'll try to act out what they watch! BAN IT! Will you PLEASE think of the children!?

    Again, it didn't work. So

    ZOMG! Dungens & Dragons will ruin our children! They'll try to act out what the RP! BAN IT! Will you *PLEASE* think of the children already?!

    Again, same reaction. (You seeing a pattern here?) So

    ZOMG! Rock and Roll will ruin our children! They'll act out what they're hearing! THINK OF THE CHILDREN ALREADY!

    Once again, Head On: applied directly to your forehead. So

    ZOMG! Video Games will ruin our children! They'll act out what they do in the games! BAN IT! Why won't you think of the children?!

    It ain't working, and I'm quite sure it won't work in the end. We still have comic books, rock and roll, radio plays (though those aren't as big as they used to), movies and all that.

    Granted, when the government actually does get involved and tries to ban games, we all jump on their backs and make them remember that They work for Us and we can make sure They no longer do and we find someone Else to work for Us.

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    You missed Television, but yeah. It's pretty much scapegoat. "Kids are getting violent - what can we blame it on?" Ultimately, the blame falls on the parents, because it's part of parenting to figure out what your kids should and shouldn't be exposed to. If your kid's whacking his siblings with tree branches because he's gotten a little too worked up over power rangers, don't let him watch power rangers until he's ready to understand where fantasy violence falls in the scheme of things.

    Oh wait - that might fall into the category of taking responsibility for our actions and denying our children something they may whine for, regardless of if it's good for them or not. My bad.....
  20. LadyMage

    "Moral Combat"

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    Talk about an assumptive thought process!
    "I turned out ok, so everyone else should be ok too"
    Unfortunately, that's not the case. I wish it weren't so, I wish we were all (as in within society) well-balanced individuals, with well-rounded personalities.
    But me wishing it doesn't make it so.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    But is the fact that some people are not well balanced the fault of video gaming or any other media? Sorry, no.

    Bottom line: If your children are not ready for something and you expose them to it, who's to blame? That something or you for exposing them to it before they are ready? If you put a two year old in the driver seat of a car and he crashes it and gets hurt, do you blame the car manufacturer and the automotive industry? Of course not - you're the one that put him there, knowing he couldn't have the skills required to operate it.

    It's no different with video games. A friend of mine had a child that would become violent after playing a hulk game on one of the consoles - start throwing stuff, taking swings at a younger sibling. He tried to explain to the young child the difference between real violence and game violence and it wouldn't stick - the child didn't seem to comprehend the difference. What did he do then? He didn't sue the video game industry, instead he took the game away from the child until he could tell the difference between game violence and real violence, at which point he gave it back. Is the the fault of the video game that the child got violent? No, it's the fault of the parent who gave the child access to the video game before he was ready to handle it, plain and simple, and this parent was savvy enough to recognize that and deal with it.
  21. LadyMage

    "Moral Combat"

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    I'm extremely disappointed that an image of Statesman would be used in such a way. I know that we designed City of Heroes to appeal to "children of all ages." My proudest accomplishment with the game is that many parents (including my brother) play with their children...sharing, I hope, the same joy for the comic book world that I've had ever since I was 8. I cannot express the shock that I felt seeing that a character created by Cryptic would be used in the same sentence as Columbine.

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    To be frank, when I saw the shot of Stateman in the trailer, I thought it heavily undermined the credibility of the film because of the very reason you give. How a game that espouses Superman-esque morals is in any way comparable to the [censored] and murder of everyone's favorite example of violent video games is beyond me.

    And don't get me started on the logic or lack thereof behind the flight simulator-9/11 conspiracy theory...

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    Pretty much. The entire thing was just plain and simple fear mongering. I find it disgusting.

    People always have to have a scapegoat. This time it's gaming. Thing is, it's up to the parents to police what the child is and isn't exposed to. If more parents would do that, this kind of crap would be history. If your child isn't ready for violence, don't expose them to violent types of media. Simple, no?
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    The fix to blaster secondaries is quite easy, actually.

    Just dump all the powers that are worthless. (Blazing aura, Burnpatch, Electric field, auto turret, etc) And replace them with powers that blasters can actually use.

    Blazing Aura ---> Char
    Auto Turret ---> Poison Gas Trap

    Also, for anyone else who argues that getting more damage-mitigating abilities for their secondary would overpower them, I have one word for you: Corruptors

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    Corruptors do only 75% of the damage that blasters do. Wouldyou like to have your damage dropped too?

    Replacing some of the secondary powers with more mitigation is a good idea, but it has to be done carefully, or it *will* be overpowered.
  23. Bronze, nothing happens to your characters if you deactivate your account. There was a policy where names on accounts that were deactivated for more than 90 days would come up for grabs, but that was repealed.

    Unless something changes in the interrim, your account and characters will be as you left them when you come back. Keep your email address on your playNC account up to date, and they'll send you newletters as normal which will detail any changes that come up, including account policies.
  24. I wonder if the Tabula Rasa community knows how wonderful a community rep they're getting? I really hope they appreciate you as much as I have.

    Good luck where you're going, and do come back and visit. This place won't be the same without you.
  25. [ QUOTE ]
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    lol DAMMIT!

    I booted a bunch of inactive people from the group LAST NIGHT because they were inactive or were pethetic prestige earners.... I just threw away 140k prestige easy...

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    same here but it was Wednesday.
    ah well

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    Ahh, see my groups only kick if we're out of room, and then only enough people to fit in the new alts.