Easy keybinngings for me and maybe for you...
Neat, but not really the right forum for this. This forum is for suggesting changes to the game. I'll be reporting this thread to the moderators to be moved.
And I've never, even with about 20 defenders/controllers/corrupters needed to change the base binds for targetting which are Shift+#. YMMV
SHIFT+# is awekward(sp?) for me, YMMV.
I much prefer binding NUMPAD# to teamselect and the keys around them to buffs/debuffs/powers.
Ok check this out, I don't know how many players make personal keybind changes, but I have adopted this one.
For my powers, I use the NUMPAD for the first tray slot, I use ALT+NUMPAD for my second tray slot, CTRL+NUMPAD for my third tray slot. Using the arrows for movement and the NUMPAD ENTER key for jump, your common used controls are all close to each other.
For trageting, I use the the NUMPAD . (period) for targeting the nearest foe and the NUMPAD + and - to cycle through enemies.
I use the Num Lock for autorun. Page Up and Page Down to look up and down.
Ok, this makes it easier for Healers...I use 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 for my team mates so that way you can hit the number then heal. Its a easy swift key stroke and quick healing.
Hope this helps and holla if you have any questions.