134 -
1) Is there any way to get a timer on specific abilities? (esp. T9s.)
2) How soon does the icon start flashing, exactly? -
Having done some more play, I am going to stand by my earlier statements, and in fact assert that Energy Aura may be one of the most survivable sets for a Brute Tank.
1) EA gets a pretty high passive recharge.
2) Overload is the only T9 not called Granite Armor with significant bonuses to both evasiveness and resilience that can also have its recharge time reduced. You can have it down to about a minute and change or less, easily.
3) Destiny Barrier provides two potential uses: it can be used immediately before a crash as coverage, or it can be used as an emergency button prior to using Overload. In the former case, you are covered for thirty seconds after the crash, and the last thirty is a good opportunity to void judgement. Then your overload is back up and running.
In short, the build transforms into a click-power based build with only about ten seconds ish of vulnerability at most. The rest of the time, you can be considered a high-threat, layered protection powerset. -
Quote:I just leveled my main up to 50+1 on a reroll. While I learned Energy Aura extensively in that time, my knowledge of how to play /EA below late 40s and how to play it after are nearly completely disconnected due to the incredible difference caused by huge amounts of global recharge, IOs, and incarnate abilities.I can't see the point of farming. what good would it do me if I get run up to lvl 50 in three hours by someone else and knew nothing about my build or how to play it?
All AE farms do is produce lvl 50 nubtards who don't have the slightest clue about anything their character can do outside of what they have read in a guide or had a friend tell them. (unless they are making an exact carbon copy of a skill set they have on another character... and what is the point of that? ... they already have one.)
I would much rather take a month or two to level my character up the hard way by doing missions and end up having a build that suits my play style and the knowledge of what all my skills do and when to use them.
1) I constantly ran out of endurance from between levels 15 to 28-ish. I now basically do not run out of endurance unless I'm being dumb or fighting one thing solo for a very long period of time, and I have ways to mitigate even that issue.
2) I basically did not die from levels 10 to 20, and 30 to 45, while I suddenly was introduced very hard to the cruelty of RNG on defense-based tanking in Incarnate trials.
3) A few hours after hitting 50, I picked up a significant defensive/offensive combination cooldown of solid duration with little drawback, something EA doesn't really have. (It has a moderate utility offense/defensive cooldown in Energy Drain.)
4) My self-heal, by base, takes around 2 minutes to recharge. It now recharges in around 30 seconds. This is really huge. I didn't even have a self-heal before 35.
5) Soon I will get Destiny Barrier. This is a massive, crashless durability bonus that recharges faster but has a tapered effect when compared to my T9. Destiny Barrier can be used effectively as an 'oh crap' button. By contrast, Overload is not an 'oh crap button' but an ability which has to be used in preparation for something that you know is going to suck, at least as a tank. I already know - and I don't even have the ability yet! - that I will use Destiny Barrier in of two ways:
A) when my health suddenly spikes down to dangerous levels, and then I will use my T9 in conjunction with Void Judgement (the power mentioned at (3)) to ensure my continued survival as Destiny's bonus tapers down.
B) I expect it to suck, I open with Overload, cast Destiny Barrier with 10 seconds left on Overload, laugh at the boss during my crash, retoggle, and reoverload in another 60 seconds.
This is not a thing that levels 1-49 will give you with /EA whatsoever.
Independent of whether or not someone finds this game to be easy to learn - I find it to be simple enough, myself, but I'm not everyone - your knowledge of a character and how they play at one level range really translates very badly to how they will play at another. -
Quote:Uh... Can't you already make Longbow appearance-wise in the costume creator? A friend of mine has a Longbow character I thought was an NPC the first time I passed it in Pocket D.I am just curious this time. I made another post suggesting that we have a Psi Melee and a Psi Armor for our toons and though alot of you folks hated the idea of a Psi Armor, you really seemed to be ok with a Psi Melee bundled with Willpower and counter proposed alot of awesome concepts which made me HAD to post this:
I did read some requests lately for a new Epic Archetype. On one hand. I had the idea of doing a Longbow archetype, despite not suggesting it, because I'd rather see something else instead.
But I can't get over how cool it would be to see a Longbow Archetype. But I got to thinking more and I am now like "No it isn't". They should just make a Longbow Costume set and sell it on the market. Then you can make any archetype and have it be a Longbow Soldier!
What do you guys think, should we do a Longbow Archetype in the FAR, FAR future, or just simply wait and hope they sell a Longbow Costume set like they do with the Circle of Thorns or both? -
Alright, Etienne is now high enough level to register an SG (and will likely stay at 11 for a while; I have a high level incarnate bruiser, two in fact, I don't need another yet). Going to give Jessie a little more time before I make a move.
Might want to look up Special Section 15 - SG Leader is @Alisha Shatogi, it's a covert ops themed SG. Most of us are college age or just out of it, and have weird senses of humor, but it's really awesome.
They're almost always at least partly-IC, too.
Quote:Oh, I was considering bigger Void Radial for farming. 'cause I like to level friends up.If you're going Void Radial, you may as well hang out at Uncommon for a while. The only difference going up in levels is the radius and how many targets you hit. Damage, debuff amount, and duration are all the same. And it already hits lots of people. So other than minor boosts, focus on other stuff. My widow has t4 Void Radial, but only because she had so many extra components left over after getting t4 Reactive, Warworks, Barrier, and Rebirth (yes two Destinies).
Alright, well, let's give Jessie a day or two more, but I saw him running Lambda yesterday, so we know the computer isn't broke or anything. I have an idea or two for an origin story, but as I am pretty busy myself, I would personally like to avoid a very specific naming pattern. if we do this where everyone has to specifically be a planet or constellation, we are kind of boxed in the first time 3 people leave and 3 more want to join.
I think it would be kind of cool if we crossed over some comic elements into this. I am sort of thinking that a bunch of misfits happen to have powers and such that make them suited to be magical girls... but secretly it's not all by chance, and the mysterious circumstances that led to their powers in the first place is the result of destiny as each is a reincarnation of a member of a fairy court.
the court was situated on avalon, but died out long ago. all of the stuff with the well of the furies however and incarnates has revived their dead spirits. so ultimately magical like with incarnates, but allowing for different origins anyway.
because it's 1 thing to do a magical girl supergroup, it is a whole other thing to get it to fit with lore. -
This idea would appear to have gone DoA, until I hear a little more from Jessie.
I'm willing to try and pick up the pieces a little bit, though? Anyone interested still? -
I mean the fact that 7/8 of the final interface slot items are broken is pretty huge.
Quote:for interface i refuse to take anything other than reactive radial because of the debuffs being resistable
all interface debuffs are resistable and can only stack up to 4x from all sources, the dmg can stack up to 8 times though and expires faster which drastically increases your dmg output -
I know you can make some very basic macros in this game, but is there any way to keep a power icon so you can see the associated recharge/activation status?
E.g. I want to announce that I've used a defensive cooldown to team, but I want that spot on my bar to still show proper recharge. -
Thanks for all the help Dispari (especially with that primer on incarnate stuff! It's me, @SolarDjinn
), Hopeling, and Warkubo. Since I've learned about Void Radial and Core Barrier Destiny I feel much more confident about my character's ability to tank long-term even with Paralytic broken. =) I'll take Reactive for now for farming and switch to Paralytic later.
Activate 'Arcanatime' in the config options for Mids'.
Hmm. That last bit of res - (just found this lovely thread: http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=257011) - is really tiny, but yeah, that looks pretty awesome. I'm sure a bajillion other scrappers will have Ageless, so it's not that necessary for me to have.
What's the recharge time on Destiny Slots?
Somehow I missed Barrier and Barrier suddenly looks like my new best friend - open with Barrier, use Void Judgment when it's getting low, stick with Interface slot. -
Note, EA is huge with Kinetic Melee, and I recommend taking it, Shield Defense, Super Reflexes, or Fiery Aura with KM. KM/EA on a -brute- is capable of reaching around 200~ DPS in sustained melees, and it's worst on brutes. On a scrapper, the numbers are going to be big.
Quote:http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/Interface_Slot_AbilitiesI dislike that I can't seem to find information on how much -res Reactive Core is supposed to give per proc. One thread states that the cumulative total is -10% which seems... Terrible. So terrible that I'm not sure I believe it actually sucks that bad.
Says 2.5%.
How much negative energy resist is common in iTrials?
Thanks for all the info. -
Quote:What.There's no such thing as "damage debuff resistance" directly, but normal damage resistance resists damage debuffs. So if you put a -50% damage debuff on an AV with 50% lethal resistance, the debuff to its lethal damage will be cut in half by its resistance, to 25%. If the same AV had 0% energy resistance, any energy attacks it used would take the full 50% debuff.
Currently, Reactive Radial is the best Interface without question, because all the other ones are broken and do not function at all. But presumably that will be fixed soon.
Have the developers acknowledged that?! That's PRETTY HUGE.
Also, good to know on the debuff resistance. I'll be relying on Void Radial a lot, so that's... -really- good to know. Also explains why I feel like sometimes KM has less of an effect than I expected with its debuffs.
Quote:You're right that the various Lore pets are good at different things, and some do more DPS than others. I've only personally used 3: IDF, Warworks, and Cimerorans. I was underwhelmed by the IDF compared to the other two: they have a mix of melee and ranged attacks, but they seem to go into 'melee mode' or 'ranged mode' and not use their other attacks, which means a lot of idle time. Warworks and Cimerorans are wrecking machines though. -
I saw a big list of effective DPS of lore pets, and I've seen discussion of some lore pets being easy to die, and the Longbow Cataphract has HUGE -regen but meh damage... So yeah, it seems pretty complex to me - there was like a 90 DPS spread (between 150 to 240 or so) on them.
Do you mean Reactive is preferred over even Paralytic, even for tanks, or was that just 'radial reactive > core'?
Oh, wait, looks like the Wiki has the number. -5% damage, stacks up to 4 times. Looks like I want Paralytic Total Radial for my tanker ASAP. -20% damage is pretty huge for a defense tanker... There's no debuff resistance for damage penalties on AVs, right? -
Playing a tanky brute with middling resistance and high defense, with moderate offense. (KM/EA) Looking for advice on my incarnate slots.
ALPHA: Spiritual, this is a no-brainer, don't need help on this one.
JUDGEMENT: Void Radial is definitely the way to go, though I'm wondering if I should spend the time to get Void Core for doing S/L and Energy farms?
INTERFACE: This is my first tough decision. Do I go with Reactive (and which type of Reactive if so?) or Paralytic for -Dmg to smooth out my spikes? I have no idea how much -Dmg is afforded by Paralytic at all. :\
DESTINY: Barrier, because I am an idiot.
LORE: I don't have a freaking clue what to choose here. I'm interested in Clockwork, IDF, Longbow Cataphract, Polar Lights, Robotic Drones, Warworks, and Storm Elementals, concept-wise. Any recommendations? -
I think this is in reference to the solo damage boost from vigilance + access to more higher offense sets, like Fire Blast.
Oh hey there. It's SolarDjinn, from the other day. Welcome back, Kydaria.
I had a blast, guys. Even if Phanto did wear purple. Thanks.
Quote:To echo, it depends on the build. Dual Blades can take three to four or take all of the powers, for example, Kinetic melee has half the attacks somewhat optional, and you can only skip one maybe in StJ. Energy Blast I've done with only three attacks.I'm talking mostly for melee types and ranged attacks. I understand having lots of powers for different situations, but I also don't see the need for spreading out my slots so thin. I usually try and go for DPA, not DPS, so i generally skip 2 or 3 powers for my primary. Is this normal or am I missing out too much?
Well, at what point can EA be considered layered? It has as much resist as my FA did on anything not Fire (and those somehow tank trials), it's softcapped to a bunch of stuff, has a pretty quick heal and moderate (450%) regen.