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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
    Seconded. Some of my favorite storyline arcs are older ones (the Library of Soul and the Revenant Hero Project, to name but two), and although their actual implementation leaves a LOT to be desired, I thought the concepts behind them were spiffy. If part of I-24 included a 'tightening up' of some of the earlier arcs (ditch the unnecessary FedEx mishes, have a few flow into one another a la the Positron TF, etc), I'd be a very happy camper.




    What if we took the old arcs, changed NONE of the story, but revamped the mechanics behind them? And what if they had random guest writers occasionally come in, JUST LIKE IN REAL COMICS!?! And what if we all got ponies and ice cream!!?

    (To be clear, except for the pony bit, I was being completely sincere. Although I would rather like a pony, but that is outside the powers of Paragon Studios. Unless it was a pony travel power...which I'd be totally cool with. Good for Jonah Hex-style characters...*continues on series of random tangents*)

    I gotta agree. The really old arcs have some great stories, even while being stuck under...uh...squiffy mechanics. I wish we could have more stories like those. Think how awesome they would be now that we have the modern game mechanics that exist today!

    I have wanted a little more by way of archaic costume parts for a while, esp. Greco-Roman clothing and kimono.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    The writers could be recruited to refill the vending machines and wash Positron's car, but I doubt the powers team would let the writers anywhere near the critters and powers design spreadsheets without making them take a test first.
    ...Now I have the image of .Viridian. washing cars. Thank, Arcanaville. I think the only thing you could have done that would be worse is somehow disproving nachos.

    EDIT: To clarify, I meant the character. I have no idea what the staff member looks like.
  4. The problem is, Aurora, you weren't just dismissing "only plays villain", you were dismissing "plays villain at all" and discounting them as an important part of the community. We don't have a problem with you not playing villains, but we do have a problem with you acting like we don't deserve a fair amount of representation, simply because our play preferences do not line up with yours.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post
    <snip!>burning like a thousand suns.<snip!>
    My main problem with that statement is that stars do not "burn" per se. They undergo fusion, where hydrogen, helium, and other light elements combine to form heavier elements such as nickel and iron. So technically, it's "fusing like a thousand suns."
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by daveyj3 View Post
    curse the encryption method of rhyming!!!! I CANT FIGURE IT OUT! >

    :edit: oh.
    Perhaps a spoonerism will work better? Worce of Fill?
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
    Edit: Snipping, cuz it was just meant as a reference no one got. :P
    I got the reference. I'm a Whovian.
  8. Kirsten

    New ATs

    I agree. Assault is a pretty cool set, and it can open you up for a lot more versatility.
  9. Okay, let me rephrase what (I think) Rosa said less snarkily:

    "Perhaps while the idea may possibly be beneficial, we don't necessarily know whether or not it would be practical enough for the benefits to offset the difficulty/tedium/memory/usage/what-have-you required to execute such a system."
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Power_NA View Post
    A number 2 would be awesome... and smelly

    This game is old, and kinda boring... There are alot of cool stuff they could do for number 2

    I don't think it will happen anytime soon, but it would be awesome.
    .............HERESY!!!!! But, honestly, I'd rather they just do more to improve the existing game than waste years making a new version that may or may not catch on and actually be better.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    They did a similar visual trick for Mother Mayhem's top - the geometry of the chest isn't actually changed, but it looks more realistic than the spandex chests available to players.
    Er...That's one way to put it...
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    Honestly? I can believe it, but I'd say that at the very least someone who speaks English well will do just fine. Hell, I'd do it for free, but they'd never hire me
    I'd also do it...I've actually been writing a superheroic work for a while, but I need to find an artist to actually get it going.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    <snip!> A story about an invincible hero who never faces adversity and curb-stomps an incompetent villain is boring in the extreme<snip!>
    What about God-Man?
  14. I think DFB is handy, but I always felt it was a waste of time. Usually I just use it when I complete all the available arcs for my level for a quick boost up to the next set of contacts. Or just to get the badges at 50.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    There's very little that's feminine about that
    I suppose that depends on your criteria for "feminine".
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Premonitions View Post
    This is probably a better example of Golden Age
    Captain Marvel is Pretty Golden Age and we could use a lot of what he has.
    OMG!! He has a Kheldian Sash!!!
  17. Kirsten


    It would take too much programming to ever be plausible in the current game engine.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aurora_Girl View Post
    <snip!>Ash: Crazy dude with a bigger gun. (Don't get me wrong, I love Bruce Campbell. Marvel Zombies appearance notwithstanding, Ash is not a superhero. He's a heroic character. There's a difference.)<snip!>
    *also clears throat*

    A superhero (sometimes rendered super-hero or super hero) is a type of stock character possessing "extraordinary or superhuman powers" and dedicated to protecting the public...By most definitions, characters do not strictly require actual superhuman powers to be deemed superheroes...

    In short, according to the very well-qualified nerds at Wikipedia, Ash is indeed a superhero.[1]

    [1]"Superhero", Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
    <snip!>Or what do you think Arachnos, Nemesis, The council do?

    Play tea time?
    ...Yes. I actually wanna go make a picture of that.

    Originally Posted by Aurora_Girl View Post
    <snip!>To be less pedantic, good always wins because that's what humanity needs. The belief that no matter how bad the odds, the truly good can triumph. Whether it's defeating the universe-devouring aliens or helping the cussing grandma across the street, people need to believe that being good is a good thing.
    I disagree. Good only wins frequently enough to largely nullify evil. Otherwise, individual conflicts wouldn't matter! I mean, yeah, maybe in some cases, good consistently trumps evil, but then, there have been many times where evil has won, if only for a while. A good story doesn't have to be "The good guys win. Period." In my opinion, the one where the heroes and villains are on even footing, or even when the villain tends to win, because then the hero's fate becomes more uncertain, and their battles with evil become more exciting! And the villain may win, they may even take over the world for a while, but that just makes the hero's victory that much sweeter. All desert and no main course is bad for you. It can cause blood sugar problems such as insulin resistance and diabetes, metaphorically speaking.
  20. If you are letting your child play plotlines that would lead to you blowing up thousands of people, you may want to step back and think for a moment. This game is rated T.
  21. Kirsten

    SSA #2 Episode 2

    ...I really don't see why people have so many problems with Penny. I mean, she had been foreshadowed as an unusually powerful psychic way back in the Faultline arcs. (She was the only one they knew who was powerful enough to disable the PCM, she subconsciously hijacks clockwork...) If people didn't expect Penny to be more important later on, that's on them.
  22. Again, all valid arguments, but... if these parts were included in the game, they would still be referenced in the code like any other part, just a few kilobytes in the costume data. It would just be a costume part like any other.