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  1. /signed, although it'd probably be easiest to just do min. FX and have a path aura in your costume.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SteelRat View Post
    Croatoa can die in a fire as far as I'm concerned, for no other reason than Red Caps.

    There is nothing more humiliating than being a super powered pillar of awesome only to have your backside repeatedly handed to you on a silver platter by a bunch of garden ornaments.
    Well, somethin' tells me you didn't prepare for 'em! I played a blaster and flew through Croatoa with ease. Mezzes and KB/KD/KU are very handy.
  3. Guys, I greatly appreciate the help you're giving me, but is there any way you could just post the datalink, and possibly the stats?
  4. Uh...Perhaps thou ought not to have mention'd the First Ward in the presence of friend Samuel...

  5. Sounds brilliant. I'd also like to see a little more about Arachnoids...maybe they try to take Grandville?

    (Also, as a small note, I believe it is "Port Oakes," not "Port Oaks.")
  6. If only there was a ranged IO set that procked taunts...I kinda guessed there'd be no IO sets for PB. I'll keep this in mind, and I'll probably wait until i24 actually comes out before I really get to work building...Gonna have to rebuild my DPS and Blastroller Builds anyway.
  7. Wow. That's some good defense there...Should power boost be slotted with IOs?
  8. Sammy, regardless of if I had already finished Night Ward and then been able to read that post, I'd probably say that you are the unofficial master of TL;DR.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
    You know how you can color the 'swooshes' on Titan Weapons and Staff Fighting?

    Do that for Broadsword, Katana, Dual Blades, Claws, Axe, and Mace and I'll explode with happiness.
    I did not know that.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
    Check out this n00b. The answer was clearly 36. Do you even play this game?
    No, it's 42. Don't you people know anything about Life, the Universe, and Everything?
  11. ...on a Blanker build. Yes, I am insane enough to want to pursue a Tanking build for my Energy/Energy Blaster. Are there any recommendations as far as power choice/slotting? Or am I pretty much PANCAKE outta luck with that powerset combo?
  12. Ah. The "Set of Many Things". Seems pretty interesting. Cosmic Shift would be pretty much perfect in AV fights. "Hey Fred? Could you just stand back and Cosmic Shift? Yeah, that'd be swell. No, no need to attack. Just hold down that Cosmic Shift. TIME FOR SCRAPPERLOCK!!"
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sentry4 View Post
    <something about PVP>
  14. The thing is, without a decent story, it's just punching mooks ala "Bad Dudes". A perfectly valid type of game, but it leaves a lot of people feeling hollow. Gameplay is important, and often more of a draw than story, but that doesn't mean that improving gameplay should come at the cost of story quality...Like I said, a balance must be struck. I mean, Stories of Herakles aren't compelling just because of Herk's powers. They're so interesting, so retold, because he does things. He actually follows a narrative, as opposed to beating the royal jelly out of random dorks for no reason.
  15. I agree with what a lot of people are saying about the missions relying too heavily on flashy mechanics. I like the mechanics, but they can be overused at times. But I rather liked Twinshot...I suppose it's all about balance and individual opinions. And balance. And also balance. Did I forget balance? Because it needs that. Balance...
  16. Okay, yeah, there were a few errors that I corrected.
  17. Okay, this has been a problem for a while, but there are several weapons the should have been ported/made to work long ago, but for some reason, did not. If somebody could explain why, please do. Also feel free to speak up about any I missed:

    Beam Rifle Weapon Models. Full Stop. The obvious port would be for Bots, but a few of them, (Rune Soldier in particular) Could also be conceivable for AR, and perhaps DP.

    Tsoo "Katana": Why has this never actually been ported to Katana? It should have been available for it in the first place.

    Nemesis Rifles: Why are these only available to Assault Rifle, when the even more outdated-looking (in terms of history, not rendering) Steampunk Rifle is cross-set?

    Rikti Rifle (my mistake, edited.): Only available to Bots MMs, and it won't unlock. If it ever does get working, it needs to at least get ported to BR.

    Thorn Blade: Again with the Broadsword that should be a fairly easy port! Gosh my golly, this would be great for Dual Blades, Katana, possibly even Titan Weapons!

    Rularuu Weapons: There are no Rularuu weapons for Arachnos Assault Rifle, Arachnos Mace, Beam Rifle, Dual Pistols, Pulse Rifle, Staff Fighting, Shield Defense, or Titan Weapons. I suppose I can understand not having Rularuu guns, but what of Arachnos Mace (copy over regular Mace), Titan Weapons (upsize Broadsword/Mace/Axe), or (I'm sorry, I didn't realize there was a Rularuu shield. My bad.)


    Crey Rifle/Pistol also needs porting.

    Thugs' Legacy Semi-Auto needs to be ported to DP, and DP weapons need porting back to Thugs.

    The Sky Raiders Machete for BS, DB, possibly Katana


    Nictus Katana

    Arachnos maces for Warmace, tie it to Spider Smasher or an Arachnos pack
    Downsized Titan Weapons concrete hammer
    Downsized Titan Weapons atom smasher

    Axe models for Dual Blades, axes have a blade and I want a barbarian berzerker.

    As for Axe: A Kopesh, a one-sided legacy Battleaxe, a downsized Titan Weapons flesh axe

    Nemesis know..STAFF Mastery. How was this missed when it came out? Maybe Blackwand too.

    For example the snake headed staff(wand) some CoT are using.

    What's missing for broad sword is the Red Cap Dagger,

    which is somewhere between a giant dagger and a short sword in size...if in doubt, make it even larger

    The long promised Rularuu (and Vanguard) TW aside, a Rularuu themed Crab backpack would be nice for future content.

    I think I've got them all. I know it's a big thing for new art assets, but there are plenty of customizatons here that require little by way of new assets (relatively speaking), and should have been ported a while ago. I know i24 is probably too far along, but i25, perhaps?
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nihilii View Post
    COH had one of the nicest MMO communities even before community managers were involved at all.

    One might want to argue devs have been talkative from the start, but on localized EU servers (french, deutsch) most players didn't speak english so had essentially no communication with the dev team and yet were just as nice.

    Dollars to peanuts the friendliness of the community has much more to do with the game itself, being so casual friendly and mostly PvE. When you don't need to have a specific amount of players going through very specific steps for any given task, people are much more relaxed - and it also weeds out many of the elitists, who have to be able to look down on someone to feel good. Much harder to do that when everyone is awesome and able to complete any task.

    You have the opposite example with MOBA games. As the gameplay is PvP, team-based and reliant on virtuous/vicious circles, a single player can wreck the effort of a whole team entirely. As a result people in these games are extremely abrasive. You can see it even in games where the devs get involved with the community - see LoL and DOTA 2.
    Good point. Like I said, "Correlation Does Not Imply Causation". I still think it contributes, though.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    I'll trade you - the Rikti rifle I'll never unlock from my Bots MM for a whole bunch of Beam Rifle weapons for Bots in return
    I know, right? There are a bajillion models for Beam Rifle that the Robotics Pulse Rifle could easily use, likely with little-to-no problems porting, that they never ported.
  20. I agree with what you're saying, Sammy. What I meant was Touching up some NPCs, removing kill-alls, maybe adding ONE VERY BRIEF cutscene at most, *posssibly* adding some dialogue balloons and captions. I'm not a huge fan of in-mission long dialogue menus and long, frequent cutscenes, but a little bit more talk on the part of characters and a carefully placed cutscene can really make storylines come to life. Like in anything, it just requires judicious application of resources.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hqnk View Post
    I actually do have a lore based question:

    What happens to the male psychics who survive Tillman's process? The women become Seers, but there are both genders in the Awakened.
    You do not want to know.
  22. I personally think that every single MMO studio that can manage it (i.e. All of them), should have a community management policy at least approaching what Paragon has. I honestly think it would not only improve game quality, but also improve the community. Think about it: What MMO has one of the nicest communities? City of Heroes. Which MMO has the most involved Community Managers? City of Heroes. I know correlation doesn't imply causation, but it does waggled its eyebrows suggestively and mouth "Hey, look over there!"
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Power_NA View Post
    I was thinking about a simpler thing, I agreed it would be awesome to visit them. Maybe even play as them just for fun =) I want to see a story for every hero/villain in the game dead and alive.

    Heck why stop there, what it we played as the former leader of each villain group, to see who started the groups like CoT.
    Could work...Especially as personal stories. I love personal stories. I think every major new arc needs a personal story.
  24. The thing is, Jacks have specifically been relegated to EATs as an incentive to play them. They have a narrower story focus, for sure, but sometimes having limitations helps spur creativity. Like epigrams using backwards alphabetization.
  25. Kirsten

    New VEAT

    Originally Posted by Cheetatron View Post
    I would rather have powers like heavy commanders and Prae Durray durring the suter tf
    Word. There have actually been posts like that on my AT suggestion thread. (See signature) [/ShamelessPlug]

    Also, to the OP: Two small things:

    1. VEAT stands for Villainous Epic Archetype or Villain Epic Archetype. I believe you meant "PEAT", or Praetorian Epic Archetype.

    2. EATs not only have unique powersets and combinations of powersets, but they also have a specific and unique overarching story line to them. (The "Epic" in this case referring to its more traditional meaning of a long story or saga, derived from the Greek ἐπικός (epikos), meaning "An extended narrative poem in elevated or dignified language, celebrating the feats of a deity or demigod (heroic epic) or other legendary or traditional hero.") So whatever powers the EAT has, they need to be justified in-story, and they have to have a single common story in addition to the myriad plot lines every character can follow.