


Since dual pistol scrapper is out ..
How about making 2 new preatorian VEAT .
Based on the soldiers of arachnos .
There skillset and defenses are similair to scrappers..

So this gives finally a real dual pistol / gun kata .
As a secondary VEAT , make a sword pistol VEAT .
Thus more melee orientated , more selfishe instead of team buffs , debuffs .
Fits the Preatorian mindset .

Gives developer more freedom to make something cool .
Half the AT is done anyway , while the other half provides a challenge , pistol sword .

Just the story arcs are a pain , but think of the income .
And how many people still lacking a character they really want .



Then I could be Baby Doll finally!



I would rather have powers like heavy commanders and Prae Durray durring the suter tf



Originally Posted by Cheetatron View Post
I would rather have powers like heavy commanders and Prae Durray durring the suter tf
Word. There have actually been posts like that on my AT suggestion thread. (See signature) [/ShamelessPlug]

Also, to the OP: Two small things:

1. VEAT stands for Villainous Epic Archetype or Villain Epic Archetype. I believe you meant "PEAT", or Praetorian Epic Archetype.

2. EATs not only have unique powersets and combinations of powersets, but they also have a specific and unique overarching story line to them. (The "Epic" in this case referring to its more traditional meaning of a long story or saga, derived from the Greek ἐπικός (epikos), meaning "An extended narrative poem in elevated or dignified language, celebrating the feats of a deity or demigod (heroic epic) or other legendary or traditional hero.") So whatever powers the EAT has, they need to be justified in-story, and they have to have a single common story in addition to the myriad plot lines every character can follow.

Open Archetype Suggestion thread!, Kirsten's Epic Weapon Pools, Feudal Japan, Etc., Alignment specific Rularuu iTrials!
If Masterminds didn't suck, they'd be the most powerful AT in the game.