I just though that with all the ATs that people may be wanting to suggest, I would make a thread for everyone to use. I have two that I want to start with, and you should feel free to post yours. They don't have to be detailed, all we need is the general idea, the name, and the types of pri/sec sets they'd get (Pets, Melee, Ranged, etc.). Post away.
Crusader: Basically, a midpoint between Scrapper and Defender, this AT is meant to be able to support his friends and still hold his own in a fight. They can use their basic defensive abilities and their buffs(Most of which would be PBAoE) to tank, but it'll take a bit more management and Enhancements.

As a Crusader, you lead your allies into combat. You can not
only deal damage up close, as you deal and receive more damage,
you become more and more effective at bolstering your allies.
Melee DMG:7
Ranged DMG:2
Crowd Control:3
*Primary Sets: Melee Attacks
*Secondary Sets: Defense/Support
*Primary Set: Melee Attacks
Battle Axe
Broad Sword
Dark Melee
Dual Blades
Electrical Melee
Energy Melee
Fiery Melee
Kinetic Melee
Stone Melee
Street Justice
Super Strength
Titan Weapons
War Mace
*Secondary Set: Support and Self Defenses
Armor Imbuement: Mix of Invulnerability and Force Field.
Burning Support: Mix of Fiery Armor and Thermal Radiation.
Dark Haze: Mix of Dark Armor and Dark Miasma.
Electric Fields: Modified Electric Armor.
Gadgetry: Modifed Devices.Traps with a "Power Armor" theme for the Self powers.
Healing: Mix of Regeneration and Empathy.
Icy Reinforcement: Mix of Ice Armor and Cold Domination.
Iron Will: Modified Willpower with a more Psionic feel.
Kinetic Defense: Mix of Super Reflexes and Kinetics.
Radiance: Mix of Energy Aura and Radiation Emission
Stone Empowerment: Modified Stone Armor.
Energy Aura(mix of Force Field and Energy Aura)
Kinetic (extension of Kinetics to include more caster-effect powers)
Ninjitsu (mix of Poison and Ninjitsu)
Psychic (mix of psychic buff/debuffs and armors scattered throughout City)
Storm (mix of Storm Summoning and Electrical Armor)
*Ancillaries: (Added Defense and weak ranged attacks)
Dark Mastery
Psychic Mastery
Fire Mastery
Body Mastery
Fervor: Improve Buff/Debuff powers in combat, similar to Brute Fury.
ATO: Wrath of the Crusader: Damage (Special Proc: Chances for KD)
The Commander is sort of like a more "heroic" Mastermind. They can deal a good amount of DPS in melee, and have passable durability, but still may need to make use of bodyguarding at lower levels. Later on, they could certainly tank, but their tanking would best be described as "Phalanx Tanking". That is, they are strongest with all their critters to back them up.

Commanders are born to fight, but also to lead. Whether it's
the noble, savage Barbarian, or the wicked, brutish Warlord,
The Commander isn't afraid to get his hands dirty, and is often
accompanied by one or more aides, be they healers, warriors, or
*Would, if I got my way, use a new mechanic: Guard $target.
Would use Bodyguarding, except the pets guard the target,
instead of the owner.*
Inherent: Command: PBAoE (Henchmen Bonus[+Def, +Regen])
Melee DMG:9
Ranged DMG:2
Crowd Control:4
*Primary Sets: Melee Attack
*Secondary Sets: Pets/Defense
*Primary Sets:
Battle Axe
Broad Sword
Dark Melee
Dual Blades
Electrical Melee
Energy Melee
Fiery Melee
Kinetic Melee
Stone Melee
Street Justice
Super Strength
Titan Weapons
War Mace
*Secondary Sets:
Please note that sets mentioned in quotes do not actually exist, and are used just to give a general idea of what is intended.
Force Armor: Invulnerability/"Force Constructs"
Frost Creatures: Icy Armor/"Frost Creatures"
Ghouls(VIP-Only): Regeneration/"Ghouls"
Gremlins: Electric Armor/"Gremlins"
Hellfire Defense: Fiery Armor/Demons
Necromancy: Dark Armor/Necromancy
Ninjutsu: Ninjutsu/Ninjas
Robotics: "Power Armor"/Robotics
Street Smarts: Willpower/Thugs
Super Soldier: Super Reflexes/Mercenaries
Vanguard(VIP-Only): "Psychic Defense"/"Vanguard Soldiers"
Warriors: Shield Defense/"Barbarians"
*Ancillaries: (Support and ranged DMG)
Weapons Mastery
Field Mastery
Charge Mastery
Energy Mastery
ATO: Commander's Leadership: Heal/Buff/Debuff/Def/Res (Chance for self and pet Absorb)

==Enforcer== (Suggested by Dekoy)
Enforcers: the armored archer, the robot-suited avenger, the shielded mage...Enforcers are the compromise between ranged destructive power and physical durability. As an Enforcer, you will be able to shoot enemies from afar, and while you may not have the raw killing power of other ranged Archetypes, you have much greater durability.
Durability: 7
Melee Damage: 2
Ranged Damage: 8
Crowd Control: 5
Support: 3
Pets: 2
*Primaries: Ranged Attacks
Assault Rifle
Beam Rifle
Dark Blast
Dual Pistols
Electrical Blast
Energy Blast
Fire Blast
Ice Blast
Psychic Blast
Radiation Blast
Sonic Attack
*Secondaries: Defense/Resistance
Dark Armor
Electric Armor
Energy Aura
Fiery Aura
Shield Defense
Super Reflexes
Inherent: Turn the Tide: Domination-style bar, filled by receiving damage, click to boost damage, Def/Res, and accuracy for ~30 seconds.
Ancillaries: (Basic Melee Stuff and a weak pet)
Frigid Mastery
Machine Mastery
Pyro Mastery
Shadow Mastery
ATO: Enforcer's Assault: Damage (Chance for health drain)

==Field Commander== (Suggested by daveyj3)
You are a natural born leader. With a team of your own to back you up and obey your every command, you encourage and guide others using your talents to ensure your allies survive.
Durability: 7
Melee DMG: 3
Ranged DMG: 3
Crowd Control: 3
Support: 6
Pets: 10
*primary: self/team buffs/debuffs [organized similar to SoA secondarys]
Cold Domination
Dark Miasma
Force Field
Radiation Emission
Sonic Resonance
Storm Summoning
Thermal Radiation
Time Manipulation
Trick Arrow
*secondary: Pets [but instead of upgrades incorporate 2 melee attacks]
Force Constructs
Frost Creatures
*inherent: Command: larger teams grant increased buff bonuses
Ancillaries: (A little extra defense)
Chill Mastery
Power Mastery
Heat Mastery
Psychic Mastery
ATO: Strategy: Pet Damage/Recharge (Chance for pets to self heal)

==Field Support== (Suggested by daveyj3)
You must stand your ground in the midst of battle, as you strive to ensure the safety, and survival, of your allies.
Survivability: 4
Melee Damage: 6
Ranged Damage: 3
Crowd Control: 4
Support: 8
Pets: 2
*primary: assault
Darkness Assault
Earth Assault
Electricity Assault
Energy Assault
Fiery Assault
Icy Assault
Psionic Assault
Thorny Assault
*secondary: Buff/Debuff
Cold Domination
Dark Miasma
Pain Domination
Radiation Emission
Sonic Resonance
Storm Summoning
Thermal Radiation
Time Manipulation
Trick Arrow
*inherent: Tranquilize: Attacks have a chance for enemy placate, increasing as the enemy's health drops.
*Ancillaries: (Defense)
Dark Mastery
Electric Mastery
Body Mastery
Will Mastery
ATO: First Aid: Heal/Buff/Debuff/Def/Res (Chance for Build Up)

==Kamikaze== (Suggested by daveyj3)
You are willing to give every fiber of your being to ensure the destruction of your enemies. Your power is unmatchable, because you know the fuse is short and you have to make the most with the time you do have.
Survivability: 2
Melee DMG: 8
Ranged DMG: 10
Crowd Control: 4
Support: 2
Pets: 2
*primary: Ranged DMG
Assault Rifle
Beam Rifle
Dark Blast
Dual Pistols
Electrical Blast
Energy Blast
Fire Blast
Ice Blast
Psychic Blast
Radiation Blast
Sonic Attack
*secondary: Melee DMG [with AoE dmg self rez]
Battle Axe
Broad Sword
Dark Melee
Electrical Melee
Fiery Melee
Kinetic Melee
Martial Arts
Staff Fighting
Street Justice
War Mace
*inherent: Destruction: a bar like domination that when full (through DMG dealt), allows for activation of a "Destruction" power, which initiates a brief period of ten-ish seconds with +Dmg and +Res/Def, ending in a self destruct. if you die from kamikaze, you have no debt. regular deaths still give debt
*Ancillaries: (Ported from Blasters)
Cold Mastery
Electrical Mastery
Flame Mastery
Force Mastery
Munitions Mastery
ATO: Mad Bomber: Damage (Chance to fill extra Destruction bar/extend timer)

==Scout== (Suggested by daveyj3)
You are a master of spying, and only the greatest missions are given to you, behind enemy lines, finding and relaying vital information to your allies,
Survivability: 6
Melee DMG: 2
Ranged DMG: 3
Crowd Control: 9
Pets: 5
*primary: Defense (similar to stalker secondary but instead of hide you unlock a power called "disguise" that is the same for all powersets allowing you to appear identical to a targeted foe granting "invisibility" and foe placate
Dark Armor
Electric Armor
Energy Aura
Ice Armor
Super Reflexes
*secondary: Control (with a power replacing group hold with an Espionage power severely reducing the defense of target and, to a lesser degree, surrounding enemies.)
Darkness Control
Earth Control
Electric Control
Fire Control
Gravity Control
Ice Control
Illusion Control
Mind Control
Plant Control
*inherent: Espionage: a chance for critical dmg the higher tier the enemy while disguised, reduced endurance cost when not disguised
*Ancillaries: (Ported from Stalkers)
Blaze Mastery
Body Mastery
Darkness Mastery
Weapon Mastery
ATO: Scout's Hold: Hold (Chance for extra crit on held enemies)

==Trooper== (Suggested by daveyj3)
You are the backbone of every army. You fight and win, or lose, every war. Will you be a casualty... or come home a hero?
Durability: 8
Melee DMG: 7
Ranged DMG: 5
Crowd Control: 4
Support: 2
Pets: 2
*primary: Assault
Darkness Assault
Earth Assault
Electricity Assault
Energy Assault
Fiery Assault
Icy Assault
Psionic Assault
Thorny Assault
Armory (Mace, Axe, Sword/Archery)
Arsenal (Gun/Gadget)
*secondary: Defense
Dark Armor
Electric Armor
Energy Aura
Fiery Aura
Shield Defense
Super Reflexes
*inherent: Victorious: grants increased regen + recovery when taunting enemies
*Ancillaries: (Ported from Dom and Blaster)
Fire Mastery
Ice Mastery
Primal Forces Mastery
Psionic Mastery
Force Mastery
Munitions Mastery
ATO: Trooper's Training: Damage (Chance for +MaxHP)

==Devourer== (Suggested by Trilby)
You are the bane of your enemies: A potent archetype which is capable of stealing the strength of your enemies and adding it to your own and your allies'. You are...a Devourer!
Survivability: 4
Melee DMG: 3
Ranged Damage: 8
Crowd Control: 5
Support: 8
Pets: 2
*Primaries: Obstruction (Blast/Control)
Archery Obstruction (Archery/Trick Arrow)
Arsenal Obstruction (Assault Rifle/Traps)
Gadgetry Obstruction (Beam Rifle/Gadgets)
Dark Obstruction
Pistol Obstruction (Dual Pistols/"Trick Bullets")
Electric Obstruction
Force Obstruction (Energy Blast/Control-oriented Force Field)
Fiery Obstruction
Icy Obstruction
Psionic Obstruction
Radiant Obstruction (Radiation Blast/"Radiation Control")
Sensory Obstruction (Sonic Blast/Illusion Control)
*Secondaries: Drain-Centered Team Buffs
Cold Domination
Dark Miasma
Pain Domination
Radiation Emission
Sonic Resonance
Thermal Radiation
Temporal Warping (Time Manipulation)
*Inherent: Consumption: Regen, Recovery, and maybe Recharge are buffed for each enemy defeated, up to a certain limit
*Ancillaries: (Ported from Doms and Defenders)
Dark Mastery
Electricity Mastery
Fire Mastery
Ice Mastery
Primal Forces Mastery
Psionic Mastery
ATO: Hunger of the Devourer: Hold (Chance for toxic DoT)

==Destroyer== (Suggested by Trilby)
You exist only to destroy your enemies. Blow them up, freeze them solid, fry their brains, it doesn't matter, as long as those in your way...aren't.
Survivability: 6
Melee DMG: 6
Ranged DMG: 6
Crowd Control: 2
Support: 2
Pets: 4
*Primaries: Blast (AoE Focused, w/ a pet option at tier 6)
Archery (Archer)
Assault Rifle (Mercenary)
Beam Rifle (Robot)
Dark Blast (Shadow Creature)
Dual Pistols (Thug)
Electrical Blast (Voltaic Sentinel)
Energy Blast ("Energy Being")
Fire Blast (Fire Imp)
Ice Blast (Jack Frost)
Psychic Blast ("Psychic Force")
Radiation Blast ("Singularity")
Sonic Attack ("Wailer")
*Secondaries: Defense
Dark Armor
Electric Armor
Energy Aura
Fiery Aura
Shield Defense
Super Reflexes
Inherent: Destruction: For every enemy defeated, there is a chance to regain endurance, and a defense buff.
*Ancillaries: (Ported from Controllers and Brutes)
Ice Mastery
Psionic Mastery
Stone Mastery
Energy Mastery
Pyre Mastery
ATO: Destroyer's Destuctive Destruction: Damage (Chance for stun)
The Battlemaster is designed to sort of an upside-down Blaster, with some added durability. They really can't compare with the other Melee ATs as far as durability up front, but in the fight, they can get tougher and tougher until they can tank with the Brutes and Scrappers.

==The Battlemaster== (Suggested by me)
As a battle master, you are skilled at ranged and close-quarters fights. You gain access to a wide array of abilities to crush your foes, but you aren't as tough as some of the other Archetypes up front, but the more damage you deal, the tougher you get.
Survivability: 6-8
Melee Damage: 8
Ranged Damage: 6
Crowd COntrol: 4
Support: 2
Pets: 2
Inherent: Battle Focus: The more damage you deal, the more focused on the battle you become, making you harder to kill. (Fill your bar by dealing damage, it pumps up Def/Res, to between Scrapper and Brute at max.)
Primary: Melee sets (Modified, to add some defensive abilities)
Battle Axe (+Shield Defense)
Broad Sword (+Shield Defense)
Claws (+Regen)
Dark Melee (+Dark Armor)
Dual Blades (+Super Reflexes)
Electrical Melee (+Electric Armor)
Fiery Melee (+Fiery Armor)
Ice Melee (+Ice Armor)
Katana (+Willpower)
Kinetic Melee (+Energy Aura)
Martial Arts (+Willpower)
Spines (+Regen)
Staff Fighting (+Super Reflexes)
Street Justice (+Willpower)
Titan Weapons (+Invulnerability)
War Mace (+Invulnerability)
Secondary: Ranged Sets, probably ported from Blasters or Defenders
Assault Rifle
Beam Rifle
Dark Blast
Dual Pistols
Electrical Blast
Energy Blast
Fire Blast
Ice Blast
Psychic Blast
Radiation Blast
Sonic Attack
Pyre Mastery
Force Mastery
Weapons Mastery
Ice Mastery
ATO: Warcry of the Battlemaster: Damage (Chance for ally +DMG, +ToHit)
This class was one I came up with while I was playing a certain other game, which shall remain unnamed. The Enervator: This AT is designed to be a "Smart Tank". This means that it can be an effective tank, but it takes a good bit more management. This AT is Restriction/Melee. "Restriction" is a combination of Control and Def/Res, meant to give passable durability and decent control.

==The Enervator== (Suggested by me)
As an Enervator, you stand in the thick of battle, rendering foes helpless and crushing them up close. You aren't as durable as other melee fighters, but you can make up for it with your ability to disable foes.
Exploitation: As you disable your foes more and more, you become better able to bring your full might to bear on them. As you use your disabling powers on enemies, your powers charge faster. (This would be sort of like Fury, except it fills when you fire a control power, and instead of extra damage, your powers charge faster.)
Durability: 5
Melee Damage: 8
Ranged Damage: 4
Crowd Control: 7
Support: 2
Pets: 4
*Primary: Restriction (Control/Defense)
Darkness Restriction
Earth Restriction
Electric Restriction
Fire Restriction
Gravity Restriction (Gravity Control/Invulnerability)
Ice Restriction
Illusion Restriction (Illusion Control/Energy Aura)
Mind Restriction (Mind Control/Willpower)
Plant Restriction (Plant Control/Regeneration)
*Secondary: Melee
Battle Axe
Broad Sword
Dark Melee
Dual Blades
Electrical Melee
Fiery Melee
Ice Melee
Kinetic Melee
Martial Arts
Staff Fighting
Street Justice
Titan Weapons
War Mace
Burning Mastery (Blaze/Fire)
Self Mastery (Body/Energy)
Gadget Mastery (Modified Devices)
Psionic Mastery
ATO: Grasp of the Enervator: Hold (Chance for Smashing Damage)

==The Protector== (Suggested by me)
The world is full of dangers. Quakes, twisters, killers...Your job is to keep your friends safe and your enemies out of the way.
Survivability: 4
Melee DMG: 6
Ranged DMG: 6
Crowd Control: 6
Support: 7
Pets: 2
Primaries: Support
Cold Domination
Dark Miasma
Force Field
Radiation Emission
Sonic Resonance
Storm Summoning
Thermal Radiation
Time Manipulation
Trick Arrow
Secondaries: Assault
Dark Assault
Earth Assault
Electricity Assault
Energy Assault
Fiery Assault
Icy Assault
Psionic Assault
Thorny Assault
Armory (Mace, Axe, Sword/Archery)
Arsenal (Gun/Gadget)
Inherent: Resolve: For every Melee AT, support powers are buffed, for every support AT, Assault powers are buffed.
Dark Mastery
Primal Forces Mastery
Mental Mastery
Electric Mastery
ATO: Shield of the Protector: Heal/Buff/Debuff/Def/Res (Chance for Team +Def)

==INVOKER== (suggested by Ridia)
As an Invoker you conjure the essence of other entities into yourself and temporarily gain their characteristics, powers and abilities. You can call upon the ferocity of a beast or the brilliance of a Celestial to temporarily imbue yourself with their inherent powers. Be careful however because your low HP and abilities when not invoked are minimal and your current invocation only lasts for so long.
The Invokers Power Sets Are:
Survivability: 7
Melee Damage: 4-6
Ranged Damage: 4-6
Crowd Control: 2
Support: 5
Pets: 2
Power Sets
Primary Power Sets
An Invokers primary power sets are designed for invoking other beings powers, mostly ripped from MM Sets. They are:
-Invoke Beasts (Beast Mastery)
-Invoke Warrior (Thugs/Mercs/"Barbarians")
-Invoke Elemental (Fire/Earth/Air/Water/Ice/Electric/Etc.)**
-Invoke Umbra ("Shadow Creatures")
-Invoke Revenant (Necromancy)
-Invoke Demons* (Demon Summoning)
-Invoke Celestials* ("Celestial Beings")
-Force Armor ("Force Constructs")
-Henkan no Jutsu (Ninjas)
-Cyborg Implants (Robots)
*Demonic/Celestial forms require VIP status or purchase on the Paragon Market
An Invoker’s secondary power sets are designed for buffing and debuffing. They are:
Dark Miasma
Force Field
Pain Domination or Empathy
Sonic Resonance
Storm Summoning
Thermal Radiation
Time Manipulation
Trick Arrow
Inherent: Synergy: Fury-like bar that fills with damage dealt and empties with damage received. The fuller the bar, the less expensive powers are to use, and the less likely invocations are to detoggle.
*Primary: Invocation (Invoke toggles have a chance to detoggle every 15 Seconds, [60 seconds w/ a full Synergy bar], and only one may be active at once.)
1: Invoke(1) <Technically gives 2 or 3 subpowers, depending on the variety of MM pets gained from the L1 power, and a few unlocked Attack Powers only usable in-form.>
2: Innate Attack(1)
6: Self Upgrade(1) <Low-cost Toggle, changes the overlaid model of the invocation and adds an extra invoked power or two.)
8: Innate Attack(2)
12:Invoke(2) <See Invoke(1)>
26:Invoke(3) <See Invoke(1)>
32:Self Upgrade(2) <Auto Power, Adds another attack for each form>
+When you become invoked a translucent model of whatever you have invoked is transposed over your toon along with the accompanying VFX, but you may also choose to have no overlay.
ATO: Form of the Invoker: Damage (Chance to increase Synergy)
The Tactician is supposed to be the next logical step after the Mastermind and the Controller. You step up from being a passive leader to an active weakener of enemies. You can weaken and disable your foes, thus your pets become more effective, at the cost of being able to buff allies.

==Tactician== (Suggested by me)
You are the Tactician. You are master of manipulating both friend and foe to get your way, from calling hordes of followers to swamping your enemies.
Survivability: 6
Melee DMG: 2
Ranged DMG: 5
Crowd Control: 8
Support: 2
Pets: 10
*Inherent: Tactical Fighting: You and your pets gain a mild critical against controlled foes.
*Primaries: Pets (Ported right from MMs)
Force Constructs
Frost Creatures
Demon Summoning
*Secondaries: Control (More AoE-centric than the other control ATs)
Darkness Control
Earth Control
Electric Control
Fire Control
Gravity Control
Ice Control
Illusion Control
Mind Control
Plant Control
ATO: Command of the Tactician: Pet Damage/Recharge (Pets gain small chance for increased crits vs. controlled foes)
The Commandant is an attempt to take the Mastermind and make it more effective at dishing out damage, at the cost of support ability.

==Commandant== (Suggested by me)
A good officer can direct his troops and stay out of the line of fire. That doesn't mean he can't lay down some damage of his own. A Commandant exemplifies a strong offensive leader, able to command a tactical squadron, and take on enemies with his own power.
Melee DMG:2
Ranged Damage:8
Crowd Control:3
*Inherent: Field Presence: activate when a Domination-style bar is filled (By DMG, yours or pets'), buff pet defense and DMG.
*Primaries: Ranged DPS (Ported from Blasters, Self buffs also effect pets to lesser extent)
Assault Rifle
Beam Rifle
Dark Blast
Dual Pistols
Electrical Blast
Energy Blast
Fire Blast
Ice Blast
Psychic Blast
Radiation Blast
Sonic Attack
*Secondaries: Pets (Ported from MMs, with extra synergy depending on which primary you choose.)
Force Constructs
Frost Creatures
Demon Summoning
Robotics(Beam Rifle, some Assault Rifle models)
Thugs(Dual Pistols)
Mercenaries(Assault Rifle)
Warriors(Assault Rifle)
ATO: Commandant's Charisma: Damage (Chance for Fear)
This AT was meant as a way for melee fighters to be able to do some meaningful Mezzing, and not be totally squishy, without them being overpowered. In order to allow them some real control, with their defense reamining intact, their melee damage is way dropped. That isn't to say they're pushovers.

==Disabler== (Suggested by me)
You know those guys who come in, swords-a-swingin' and fists-a-flyin? Knuckleheads. You're a Disabler. You're smarter than that. Sure, ya may not hit as hard, but ya can hit where it
really hurts: When you fight, they can't stop ya, 'cuz y'already stopped them!
Melee DMG:5
Crowd Control:8
*Inherent: Incapacitate: Your powers are particularly disabling, being able to ignore Mez resistance by (5 + (Level/5))%
*Primaries: Melee-Based Control (softened DMG, buffed control effects, sort of like a scraptroller, but with a pet at the end.)
Crippling Shadows (Umbra Beast)
Disabling (Dual) Blades (Knife Fighter)
Electrical Melee (Gremlin)
Choking Flames (Fire Imps)
Chilling Ice (Jack Frost)
Kinetic Melee (Singularity)
Martial Arts (Ninja)
Staff Fighting (Student)
Street Justice (Street kid)
Earthen Attacks (Golem)
Illusory Weapons (Phantom Army)
Mental Attacks (Bonded Telepath)
Toxic Plants (Fly Trap)
*Secondaries: Defense
Dark Armor
Electric Armor
Energy Aura
Fiery Aura
Shield Defense
Super Reflexes
ATO: Disabler's Defense: Heal/Buff/Debuff/Def/Res (Chance for +.1 mag Mez)

==Duo== (Suggested by Bradley_IFV)
This AT is a super-hybrid with elements from Masterminds, Tankers, and Defenders. The big gimmick for this AT is the Partner, a singular MM-style henchman that is selected independent of the primary powerset of the Leader (the main character).
Survivability 6
Melee Damage 6
Ranged Damage 2
Crowd Control 4
Support 6
Pets 7
Initial List of Offense Powersets:
Broad Sword
Martial Arts
War Mace
Initial List of Partner Powersets:
Archery/Broadsword or Katana or Battleaxe or Mace Assault
Assault Rifle/Martial Arts or Street Justice Assault
Dark Assault
Electric Assault
Energy Assault
Fire Assault
Icy Assault
Psychic Assault
Radiation Assault
Sonic Assault
Power Assault (SS/Energy Blast)
Initial List of Defense Powersets:
Armor Imbuement: Mix of Invulnerability and Force Field.
Burning Support: Mix of Fiery Armor and Thermal Radiation.
Dark Haze: Mix of Dark Armor and Dark Miasma.
Electric Fields: Modified Electric Armor.
Gadgetry: Modifed Devices.Traps with a "Power Armor" theme for the Self powers.
Healing: Mix of Regeneration and Empathy.
Icy Reinforcement: Mix of Ice Armor and Cold Domination.
Iron Will: Modified Willpower with a more Psionic feel.
Kinetic Defense: Mix of Super Reflexes and Kinetics.
Radiance: Mix of Energy Aura and Radiation Emission
Stone Empowerment: Modified Stone Armor.
Energy Aura(mix of Force Field and Energy Aura)
Kinetic (extension of Kinetics to include more caster-effect powers)
Ninjitsu (mix of Poison and Ninjitsu)
Psychic (mix of psychic buff/debuffs and armors scattered throughout City)
Storm (mix of Storm Summoning and Electrical Armor)
ATO: Tag Team: Pet Damage/Recharge (Chance for Build Up in Leader and Partner)

There are those who say they're good in melee and at distance, but they can't compare to you: You are the only one who melds both, the Skirmisher!
Survivability: 4
Melee Damage: 8
Ranged Damage: 8
Crowd Control: 4
Support: 2
Pets: 2
Primary: Assault (with an early-level hide toggle)
Secondary: Assault (With a mid-level placate)
Inherent: Hit and Run: a domination-like bar which fills with defeated foes, click to increase Crit chance and Defense and light mez resistance.
Primaries: Assault
Dark Assault
Earth Assault
Electricity Assault
Energy Assault
Fiery Assault
Icy Assault
Psionic Assault
Thorny Assault
Secondaries: Assault
Dark Assault
Earth Assault
Electricity Assault
Energy Assault
Fiery Assault
Icy Assault
Psionic Assault
Thorny Assault
Fire Mastery
Ice Mastery
Primal Forces Mastery
Psionic Mastery
ATO:: Skirmisher's Strike: Damage (Chance for PBAoE Placate)
==Marauder==(Care of Steampunkette)
"The Marauder AT is a combination design. Ranged/Melee for a primary with Defense/Control for their secondary. The method used for this design is a whole new secondary powerset build and the Primary being Dominator "Domination" sets. The AT will use both passive and active defenses in combat to survive, while pelting enemies at range or thrashing them in melee."
Melee DMG:6
Ranged DMG:6
Crowd Control:5
Pets: 4
Maraud: 15% endurance discount while solo. With each teammate they added their own damage would increase by 5%, maximum of 5 contributing teammates. Teammates gain 1/2 of this buff.
Primary: Assault
Dark Assault
Earth Assault
Electricity Assault
Energy Assault
Fiery Assault
Icy Assault
Psionic Assault
Thorny Assault
Secondary: Alteration (Defense/Control)
Gravity Alteration (Invuln/Gravity)
Ice Alteration
Fire Alteration
Nature Alteration (Regen/Plant)
Stone Alteration
Mental Alteration (Willpower/Mind)
Electrical Alteration
Energy Alteration (Energy/Gravity)
ATO: Marauder's Assault: Damage (Chance for +Def/Res/Regen)