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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    To secure ourselves against defeat lies in our own hands, but the opportunity of defeating the enemy is provided by the enemy himself.

    - Sun Tzu
    Snap! Sun Tzu'd!

  2. From what I've gleaned, it actually sounded like a great RP tool, and an interesting way to have alternate "win" conditions for missions. (We need info on the 5th column. Beat up mooks, hack computers, have a little birdie tell you, I don't care. Just make sure it's solid.)
  3. Don't forget Dark Astoria. The Dagger of Jocas is what allowed Dream Doctor to kill Diabolique.
  4. I'm curious on two specific points:

    1.) At one point I learned that Emmert was working on a skill system that was referred to the Super Secret Out Of Combat System. What would this system have entailed?


    2.) Would anybody want to use such a system?
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EnigmaBlack View Post
    How about a chance to placate?
    That would be perfect for Stalkers.
  6. I've been playing a Mercs/Poisons MM named "Wonkondescending" (yes, it's for the contest...) and so far he's been pretty cool.
  7. Well...These are patently enlightened remarks. I was afraid I'd have to break out the Colbert-Popcorn gif.
  8. I have heard in various circles various opinions, and from what I've gleaned, MMs are either gimped into 3rd-tier or tankmages that are only held in check by awful AI. I wanted to really clear this up so I decided to make this thread.

    So, in your replies please tell your opinions on this controversial Archetype, and why you think it is weak/overpowered/just right.

    And PLEASE, for God/Buddha/Flying Spaghetti Monster/Whoever's sake, please don't start a flame war.
  9. Hm... I couldn't say anything about the numbers, but the idea looks good.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arilou View Post
    Honestly, he always struck me as more paternal than anything else. He's the clockwork King and she's his little clockwork princess. His dialogue in the Rikti Warzone was definitely "overprotective dad"-mode.

    Which is funny of course since Penny has a living dad, but still.
    Wait...Are you saying Penny has two dads?
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
    Where did they say that?
  12. Or you could just attach them to the existing badge that unlocks Rularuu weapons.
  13. Kirsten

    New archetypes

    I gotta agree with Aett here. The only one I like is the Hunter: Assault/Pet, better up front damage than MMs, but no armies of cannon fodder.
  14. Well, I prefer solo.

    I am now preparing for rotted fruit.
  15. Sounds good to me. I'd also like to see a few missions and arcs only available through this...Not necessary ones, but minor arcs...

    A mysterious rash of unexplained disappearances among students of a local high school has occurred in the sleepy suburb of Glennville, leading local police to appeal to the heroes of Paragon for aid. While the cause is uncertain, one thing is: Someone, or something, is taking these students.

    Gang violence has overtaken Independence Port, as the Outcast, apparently empowered by some unknown benefactor, have attempted to move into Tsoo and Family territory. Civilians are advised to stay inside until the PPD has gotten the situation under control.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post

    Or skewed.

    I'm not sure I want prices impaled on a stick.
    Well, it would help...deflate them.
  17. What the set really needs is:

    But I would like to see some alternate fighting styles for the unarmed sets, and some armed sets.
  18. Problem is, due to the non-existant AI of pets, if they get too high a recharge buff, they can just end up repeatedly using the same power, according to the devs. That's why they cant really take recharge, even though their summoning powers can.

    Aside from that, it looks like a good idea for a tree. The MM controls and Endurance reduction would be a godsend, not just for Doms/Controller with rascally pets and tired MMs, but even to anyone with an end-hungry build.

    Would these buffs apply to non-powerset pets?
  19. Red Lanterns spray a caustic, flaming liquid (which used to be their blood) at their foes.
  20. Kirsten

    I24 hopes?

    Originally Posted by Lazarillo View Post
    Tyrant kinda nuked the place. Not just Nova, either, as far as I can tell. The Imperial City is totally visible from the Magisterium in Praetoria normally...can't recall seeing it after the blast. That would seem to indicate that, y'know, there's no more Praetoria.
    And we all know that civilians never get evacuated from warzones...and rebuilding afterward is impossible, even though they had, only decades before rebuilt from Hamidon, whose destruction was ostensibly worse.
  21. I'm sure it's been suggested, but can Dark Blast/Miasma get options similar to Dark Control/Assault/Affinity, and vice-versa?
  22. Uhm...Assault is Ranged/Melee DPS, Manipulation is Melee DPS/Mitigation. The two are similar, but not the same. I could see an Earth Manipulation set, though.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    The devs haven't said anything about him - we're just interpreting it ourselves - like Statesline
    Oh, Gawd...Statesline...
  24. I suppose being able to choose different "skins" for MM pets is a decent compromise between what we have and full free form...