New archetypes




One day I thought of a cool archetype and then I thought of another and so on.
I will list all the archetypes I came up with and the information and how they work/ play.

Name: Trickster
Survivability: 4
Melee Damage: 5
Ranged Damage: 7
Crowd Control: 7
Support: 4
Pets: 5

Primary: Traps/ Debuff
Secondary: Offense

Description: Tricksters have summoning traps that can immobilize, stun and what ever else. Tricksters can also summon provoking or distracting creatures.

The Trickster's can set traps before fighting enemies or can set trap while fighting enemies. The Trickster can set traps and then pull a group of enemies and while they're trapped, the Trickster can finish them off.

To play a Trickster, you can't just randomly click on powers like attack powers or combos. You must use your powers wisely to defeat your enemies easily.

Name: Hunter
Survivability: 7
Melee Damage: 5
Ranged Damage: 7
Crowd Control: 2
Pets: 4

Primary: Ranged/ Offense
Secondary: Pet/ Support

Description: Hunters can attack from far away and they do a lot of ranged damage, and they can do pretty good with up close or melee damage.

The Hunter's primary power set is mainly ranged attacks, but there are some melee powers. The Hunter doesn't do very well with crowd control, they are only able to hit one enemy at a time with thier attack powers, but with the help of they're secondary power set, they can do much better.

They're secondary power set is pet/ support. They can protect them selves or they're pet. They can summon a pet to help them. The Humter can only have one pet at a time. The Hunter's pet can get to be as strong or even stronger as the Hunter.

They can only protect they're pet and themselves. They're secondary power set can also let them make they're pet even stronger and faster.

Name: Devourer
Survivability: 8
Melee Damage: 2
Ranged Damaged: 5
Crowd Control: 8
Support: 6
Pets: 2

Primary: Absorbsion Defense
Secondary: Absorbsion Offense

Description: Devourers can suck the life out if they're enemies and use it to heal them selves and others around them. They kinda have ranged attacks, they can drain the health from areas either AoE, DoT or Aura powers.

Name: Demolisher
Survivability: 6
Melee Damage: 8
Ranged Damage: 8
Crowd Control: 4
Support: 2
Pets: 2

Primary: Offense
Secondary: Defense

Description: Demolishers can do massive damage to any enemy.
Demolishers are combination of Scrapers and Blasters. They have great ranged damage and great melee damage, and they even have medium hitpoints.

But one disadvantage is that most of the Demolisher's powers take up a lot of endurence and recharge slowly.

They are the closest thing to a blaster that wouldn't die so easily.

Name: Devastator
Survivability: 8
Melee Damage: 2
Ranged Damage: 4
Crowd Control: 10
Support: 5
Pets: 2

Primary: Massive Control/ Ranged
Secondary: Defense

Description: First thing's first, you're probably thinking WTF is "Massive Control?" Massive Control is like a Controller's primary, bit more lethal and long-lasting effects. Devistaters are able to control huge groups of enemies, but just like the Demolisher they have long recharges and takes alot of endurence.

When they're waiting for they're massive control powers to recharge, they can use the ranged powers they have (maybe just a few ranged powers). They also have defense as thier secondary to protect them from getting killed by the huge mobs they're taking on.

Name: Charger
Survivability: 5
Melee Damage: 7
Ranged Damage: 5
Crowd Control: 4
Support: 8
Pets: 2

Primary: Support/ Buff
Secondary: Offence

Description: Chargers are like Defenders in a way, but reversed. They fight close up like a scrapper and they have a few close ranged blast attacks.

They're primary power set can heal them selves and can increase thier endurence. They can even increase the endurence of allies. What I mean by increase is that they can save on endurence and the Charger can make allies stronger.

They also can get an offensive defense. It's a lightning field eg. When an enemy gets close to you, they slowly lose HP.

Name: Grappler
Survivabiliy: 7
Melee Damage: 5
Ranged Damage: 5
Crowd Control: 7
Support: 4
Pets: 2

Primary: Grappling
Secondary: Support

Description:Grappler's primary power set is a mix with ranged, crowd control and melee. They can use enemies as weapons by throwing them into other enemies. This is why they have an even ranged and melee.

I hope this archetype doesn't seem to over powered.

Name: Constructer
Survivabiliy: 8
Melee Damage: 6
Ranged Damage: 6
Crowd Control: 6
Support: 5
Pets: 6

Primary: Offense
Secondary: Gear/ Defense

Description: Constructers have a mux of ranged and melee attacks. Thier secondary has gear and defense powers.

The Constructers are able to build or create a power suit or mech that they can summon as they're first power. The suit can give them defferent powers when your in the suit, they can even turn thier suit on auto pilot (make it into a pet). The suit can't be healed by normal healing powers, the suit needs repair powers that constructers get with thier gear power set. Other constructers can repair other constructers' mechs or power suits.

They're inherit powers is automatic, they're inherit power is that when they're mevh blows up or dies they can survive the explosion with less than half hit points.

They can even get a self destruct power.

When Constructers leave thier mechs they can go inside it agian or it will disapear if you take to long.

Other players can not take your mech suit.

The mech or power suit can not automaticlly heal it's self.



Originally Posted by TheGrouch View Post
Name: Hunter
Survivability: 7
Melee Damage: 5
Ranged Damage: 7
Crowd Control: 2
Pets: 4

Primary: Ranged/ Offense
Secondary: Pet/ Support

Description: Hunters can attack from far away and they do a lot of ranged damage, and they can do pretty good with up close or melee damage.

The Hunter's primary power set is mainly ranged attacks, but there are some melee powers. The Hunter doesn't do very well with crowd control, they are only able to hit one enemie at a time with thier attack powers, but with the help of they're secondary power set, they can do much better.

They're secondary power set is pet/ support. They can protect or heal them selves or others and they can summon a pet to help them. The Humter can only have one pet at a time. The Hunter's pet can get to be as strong or even stronger as the Hunter.
I like pets, this sounds good but If they can heal and buff their pets and do damage, why would we pick Masterminds anymore. =)

Overlord..... Defense and Pets :P lots, lots and lots of pets. That might be cool, there would still be a reason to go back to the Masterminds.



Some comments on each AT:

1: Trickster

What makes this different than a Traps/ anything Defender? This powerset plays exactly like you want this AT to play. They'd even have the ranged powersets to compliment it.

2: Hunter

I think this is the most balanced of your suggestions, and could work with some tweaks.

3: Devourer

They have no attack powers at all? How would they work in a 1-on-1 fight? AoE fights? Remember that most enemies only have 1 or two attacks, so how would that work if your entire powerset was based on using those attacks against the enemy? You need to flesh this out a bit more and keep some of the balance considerations in mind. For instance, how would this AT work at all if you were with a controller who locked down the entire spawn?

4: How would this be different from the current EATs, which have these same power combinations?

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus



I fixed the Devourer, they now have types of attacks.

The Demolisher does seem like a epic Archetype.

I made the Hunter so it can only protect it's self and it's pet instead of healing every one. You're safe Madterminds.

The Trickster has different traps than that power set called traps. The Tricksters traps require more strategy and pulling. They also have way better traps.



Some interesting ideas there, but the Trickster, I reckon I would be fine with just a new traps-like powerset that can actually make use of some of the new tech the devs have. Not that the original traps suck, just having played my demon/trap MM to death, traps don't require strategy much more beyond having the attack chain of Seeker Drones into the mob, poison trap, caltrops, acid mortar then PROFIT!! I don't think it would really warrant making an entire new AT

The Hunter is a cool idea, but the difference between you and a corruptor would be pretty negligible to the point where you could just have a support powerset that has a decent pet in it in exchange for some buff/debuff.

Devourer would be a little out of place because a well-built tank can take whatever gets thrown at it which would mean it's role would be little more than just being a much sturdier version of a defender, also for soloing it would be terrible. The absorption idea is good and I reckon it would make a nice niche defense powerset.

The devastator is treading on the toes of the controller/dominator, ok more damage more control for more endurance and recharge but what then? ok you got defense, so you just gonna stand there and take damage? It would be nice to have a Titan Weapons equivalent for control powerset which basically means excactly what you just outlined but again, a powerset would do, the AT doesn't really have much of it's own niche to it.

Same for the demolisher, just an OPed version of a Blaster, again having a couple of powersets that perhaps sacrifice endurance and recharge for more damage would be cool but thanks to IOs, this toon could easily surpass a Mastermind in terms of damage and get pretty close survivability wise.

The ATs that are in the game are good because each has it's little niche. Besides the Hunter and Trickster ATs the others are somewhat just more powerful versions of another AT, they don't have any particular role that can't be filled by at least two other ATs. Even the Hunter and Trickster are kind of ideas that could be brought to life by some new powersets but to the existing ATs.



Tell me what you guys think of the Grappler and Constructer.