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  1. Ted Man. He's a top-tier superhuman, but he's also an idiot with no self-respect or confidence, often called "The World's Dumbest Prodigy" and "The Winningest Loser". He has no self-esteem and acts like a jerk to cover it.
  2. Kirsten

    New Power Sets

    I love gimmicks. Gimmicks are, IMO, a good thing. Otherwise, it's just repeated clicking.
  3. I've honestly seen a lot of forumites who could probably, given enough know-how and training, could really improve the game.
  4. You make a valid point, Sam. Several, actually.

    I agree, this game is combat-oriented. The few times where we do get some noncombat interaction mostly amount to "Hey, hit this guy!" "Okay!", and the Devs are, like you said, a bit notorious for not revisiting old stuff. I wouldn't be surprised if they eventually had to devote an issue entirely to it, it might get so bad! (Hmm...Issue 40: Elbow Grease!)

    All that said, we do have some minimal noncombat interaction, like conversation, and it'd be nice to expand upon that. It's just kind of sad that they were never able to work this in all those years ago, because I would've really liked to play it.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Remaugen View Post
    I like Kirsten's idea of ancillary Kheld forms, it would be pretty cool to choose something different than the flying Squid or bipedal Rhino.
    Thanks. I got the idea from Von Krieger's Hellfire Elementalist, namely the various "Mantle Pools".
  6. What I wanna see is special ancillaries for Squids that go into other past hosts the Kheldian/Nictus may have had.

    Felids: Strange, catlike beings who give defense buffs and claw-themed attacks.

    Mytsians: Magically imbued avian beings, offer improved flight speeds and ranged energy attacks.

    Pyrones: Magma beings with a strong resistance to energy, Fire and Colds, and fiery melee attacks.

  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
    <snip>...I see it as fun because I can better emulate my characters as smart, resourceful, cunning and/or knowledgeable characters. Right now, the only useful skill is fighting and that's only 1/4 of what goes on in the comics.</snip...>
  8. Like I said, it'd probably be best for people who like RP-heavy play, and it'd be optional.

  9. "Revival Of Redside?" of Planet Earth. RISE.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
    And beyond that, what would villains' skills look like? The same, but reversed? Using their forensics skills to cover their tracks?

    Detectice to find leads for jobs,

    Psychology to terrify victims,

  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by jwbullfrog View Post
    True, he might have been a wonderful president but, since he wasn't, we'll never know.

    That, I think, was my point.

    I could be wrong.
    In another reality, it might not have been...
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
    I thought we were dealing with statistically significant figures (which I'd say pretty much every other system (even pvp) can muster), not one guy living in a coldwater flat still using AOL.

    Carry on!
    Am I not statistically significant? 8(
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fireheart View Post
    Then Stan Lee, the Janitor, pushed a broom through the scene, sweeping away the water-soaked notes. He paused, tipped his hat to Positron, winked at the ladies, and continued on his way to cameo in the next film starring characters that HE had created.

    Be Well!

    A few hours later, after BOTLER got everything fully cleaned up (Mr. Lee wasn't very thorough...) The false "Dillo" was being held for questioning by Manticore.

    WHACK! "Who are you!?" WHACK! "Who do you work for!?" WHACK! "Why are you impersonating Dillo!?"

    "You will not the truth be getting! HOORGB! My energy sign is only to be knowing by the Batta-Ergh, my masters!!!"

    "So, you work for Battalion?" Manticore said, walking into the shadowy corner of the room. "Citadel, Code Black. We have a possible class X-1 breach!" he whispered into his earpiece, hidden safely under his mask.
  14. Kirsten

    Design a TF?

    I'd rather see a "Design an Archetype" panel, but this could be good, too.
  15. Hey, we can't assume Dewey would have been such a bad president...Jobs and Wozniak got laughed out of Hewlett-Packard for their cockamamie "Personal Computer" lunacy. Look at them now.

    In addition, I had no intent to be as rude as I sounded to Nethergoat. Strawman Fallacies really get in my craw.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
    yeah, it's called Champions Online.
    Yes. Every similar system is the exact same, and that sameness always spreads to the rest of the game. We are Legion, we are many.

    Don't like snotty responses, don't make snotty comments.
  17. After doing much searching, I slowly learned of a skill system which was being planned by the now long-gone Jack Emmert (AKA Statesman). This system was, from what I understood, intended to allow for a more flexible playstyle, integrating new ways of completing objectives into the existing game. (Link to an article here, courtesy of Creole Ned.)

    I looked at this and thought, Hmm...This seems rather neat. I'd actually want to use this. So I ask, is this feature-that-never-was due to return triumphantly?
  18. Hmm...if only melee-appropriate pets could have a tag that told the AI to treat them differently...
  19. Kirsten

    Forum Question

    I would ask this question in the RP section.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DLancer View Post
    From what I understand, it was going to be the CoH equivalent to crafting, only more cumbersome and with fewer benefits than the invention system.
    I don't think it was meant to be an equivalent, but an "answer" to crafting.
  21. I'd be happy with a Motorcycle Mission teleport.
  22. Kirsten

    SSA2.1 choices

    With my Energy/Energy Blaster I picked Penny. Because I thought she was awesomest.
    It worked quite well.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
    Hey, I just realized something: Won't the Quills of Jocas work pretty well against the Battalion? I mean, they're pretty much completely dependent on the Wells they've collected.

    Also, as a random note: I'm now theorizing The Battalion... Is actually just one person. But they have an army at their command or can summon all the races linked to the Wells they consumed. They are called "The Battalion" by the Rikti because their command could not possibly believe ONE person could be so strong.
    Well, Dream Doctor was afraid that Tyrant might get linked to Ruularuu, so it might be a bad idea to try and use it on Battalion.
  24. I think there were even inspirations dealing with them.

    They obviously never got used, but people have found icons.