91 -
Basically my point was not only making the page superficially more cleaner/easy to read but also letting us put things like RP chat logs on our pages so that it's possible that we could make a character that has a 'living' page, of new stuff being posted when it happens
RP logs make for awesome reading (like those gothamknights links)
Would be awesome if anyone else can help yeah, wiki stuff is fine but programming itself isWould be awesome if one day you could get a computer make a program by describing what you want to make... But I guess we really need computers that can process stuff on the same level as humans for that really.
Reposting this in case anyone else here can help:
I thought it's probably best to have all this stuff in one place since I guess you probably look more at this thread for feedback than the talk page (since there's more people that check this), and well, since I last posted on it in November and Jan I've come up with a few more ideas hehe:
What would be really cool would be the ability to change the <spoiler> "Click to reveal Spoiler" text to, for example, "Title of the writing, author, date" or "Roleplay chat log, 'Title Of Scene', location, date" (e.g. the kind of stuff that used to regularly get posted up on gothamknights.net/phpBB2/?c=4 or gothamknights.net/phpBB2/?c=3but in a more accessible and centralised format than forums - I like most people don't have time to follow forums much as well as RP!)
e.g. being able to use our character pages as one-stop places for *all* our background story to our characters including stuff that has happened to them IC since they have been made, not just the initial writeup, while giving the ability for pages not be a huge long mess that turns people off if they aren't already interested in the character already before reading - so that if people want more detail about various subjects they can click to get more
So for example this could be used for embedding RP chatlogs on character pages, not just long story spoilers/snippets! Also for the more obvious example you could talk about something that happened to the character then instead of little 'spoiler' button be able to turn it into a wide Break button that can be clicked to expand the text saying 'click to read more' or a more descriptive title of what the text chunk is about (to make it more likely people will bother to click, you can currently write stuff above the spoiler button, but then it looks weird if it's not actually a spoiler. using the spoiler thing but letting us change the words/format) That's the kind of thing that was kind of my original intention as per the poetry I used it for on my userpage hehe, 'mis-use', but it's what it's perfect for really
— and maybe change the colour as well, I'm thinking it would make it easiest if we were able to do it in something like this format?
{{spoiler|Title|textcolour|backgroundcolour|border color|buttonwidth|buttonheight|borderwidth}}
(Though maybe change it to {{cut|etc}} instead to make clear it's not just for spoilers, cos a lot of people won't experiment to use something for it's non-official use unless told to, maybe leave both options open, I dunno.)
— best of all though would be if there was a way to do it in the normal 'what you see is what you get' editor though since otherwise a lot of people probably wouldn't use it, I know that some people see wiki code and go 'bleurgh'. It doesn't bother me at all, as you can see from my page hehe, but I have heard the occasional thing from people saying that they got put off or in some cases literally couldn't figure it out(!), some pretty smart people but just aren't good at thinking things logically but more creative... the friendliest thing to do with RP I think is to make sure there are as few barriers as possible to stop people who are creative but don't like hardcore computer stuff (I know it doesn't seem like it to a lot of us but people that use forums are in the minority, try show a wiki edit thing to a random person and you will see what I mean hehe) - that's another reason why I think in-game channels for RP are so important, because a very small minority of people use the forums compared to those in-game, looking at the forums you can get a completely false impression of how the community actually feels about many things, I really thing NCsoft need to put in-game polls and a dedicated easy-for-people-to-spot feedback button on the radar bit! Anyway, gone a bit offtopic)
Also the spoiler boxes appear to have a bug at the moment if you look on my Lilith page for example, press END to skip to the bottom and you'll see (at least in Firefox) that it messes up the format of Virtueverse by adding a HUGE big black space.
— I worked out what it was, and it appears that even though the spoiler text is not visible, it takes up space and so adds white space. When you expand all the spoilers, the page appears 'normal' at the end, ending with the 'powered by mediawiki' icon instead of the huge block of empty space
— at the moment that kind of ruins the using-it-to-make-pages-shorter-and-snappier thingI actually had someone I told to 'go to the bottom of page and look at the inspiration links, haha' (or something like that) tell me there was nothing there - it was cos the page was so long due to it adding blank space for the hidden spoilers, you have to scroll up a long way before the real end of the page becomes visible
Quote:Basically my point was not only making the page superficially more cleaner/easy to read but also letting us put things like RP chat logs on our pages so that it's possible that we could make a character that has a 'living' page, of new stuff being posted when it happensOriginally Posted by ransimAs much as I would like to modify the existing spoiler extension I am absolutely maxed out on time with trying to test global accounts on both wikis, make changes that were identified as needed from the survey and still have a life.
It will most likely be months before I get a chance to look at this as it sound like a cool change it is a largely cosmetic one so it goes a bit further down the to do list then other more needed changes like some of the back end work for php configuration settings by site, global accounts, or much needed expansion/updates to the tutorials/help pages on both wiki.
Perhaps someone else is a php developer and is willing to take a stab at extending the spoiler extension code?
This is the extension we are currently using: http://vanishingpointwiki.com/wiki/MediaWiki:SpoilerRP logs make for awesome reading (like those gothamknights links)
Quote:Very well put, I think 'toon' is some warcrap slang abominationThe primary way to know you're a role-player is when you don't refer to your characters as "toons." A "toon" is an inanimate object, an abstract construct of concepts and ideas without a soul in it, so to speak. A character is what a real person in a story should be, a person with his or her own backstory, personality and identity that isn't broadly describable by what he or she is: a "toon," but rather what his or her role in the story is: that of a character.
Char as short for character works fine, lol. -
mmm, channels are definitely more a random experience compared to gfriend'ing people, but when it does works it works well at least
Just got to catch people before they get into RP really, before their attention is lost, depends a lot on the time.
There really should be a way to enable a 'new global channel' message noise in the same way they made a separate noise for league chat instead of team now -
Quote:WANT... to killmaimburndestroybatheinbloodwhilechewingonheart of that animey abomination thing
at least it isn't sparkling.. I think.
seriously it makes me want to strap something down and hurt it slowly with not-too-sharp objects, with a mic and big amp to make the screams more enjoyable. AND THEN SLEDGEHAMMER ON IT'S CAREBEAR-LIKE FACE BAMBAMBAMBAM. Oh god that would be delicious, i feel better now -
Re: "How to know if you're a real RP'er"
When you used to RP on chatrooms when you were around 12, and when you tell them you are 18 (to avoid being banned), the replies tended to be stuff something like "I thought you would be older"
Quote:You know that you've been embraced by a Tzimisce when ...
• ... You watch hospital dramas for the operations and take a biology degree for kicks.
You know you've been Embraced by a Malkavian when ...
• ... You freak out on a stop sign, repeatedly.
• ... The TV not only responds to you, but also comments what you are doing.
• ... You'd rather speak to the invisible bunny monster than avoid sunlight.
• ... Nothing scares you more than a kitten.
You know you've been Embraced by a Giovanni when ...
• ... You find that someone has put a 'If you can read this, I've got your soul' bumpersticker on your car.
• ... The kids look forward to their birthday presents from Grampa and Grandma every year and they've been dead since 1968.
• ... You read 'Reanimator' by Herbert West. For lifestyle tips.
You know you've been Embraced by a Ventrue when ...
◘ ... Your greatest shame is that after being declared dead your family got a concrete memorial marker rather than marble.
You know you've been Embraced by a Toreador when ...
• ... You unwittingly experience Final Death because those heavy blinds and curtains with that wallpaper just have to go...
• ... Having the 'no reflection' flaw, the most serious issue for you is not being able to see yourself in the mirrors above your bed.
You know you've been Embraced by a Brujah when ...
◘ ... You get pissed off by the London Congestion Charge, and react by picking up and throwing your car into the Thames.
◘ ... You break Masquerade to show your former buddies your newfound street-fighting skills and the new Harley you just "acquired", and in life you were an accountant named Murray...
◘ ... You practice fighting by punching the wall rather than the punching bag.
You know you've been Embraced by a Cappadocian when ...
• ... You fill your basement with earth to practice your own death
• ... When people come with pitchforks to kill, you you let them in and offer biscuits.
You know you've been Embraced by a Setite when ...
• ... You suddenly decide to do various Voldemort impressions.
You know you've been Embraced by a Tremere when ...
◘ ... All you can say to other kindred is that you also drink blood.
◘ ... You realise you know the boiling point of blood.
You know you've been Embraced by a Nosferatu when ...
• ... You're amazed by the rats' ability to dig their own network of tunnels.
• ... You skip a dinner date to munch on a rat.
• ... When you have to stop a conversation to pick up your ear.
You know you've been Embraced by a Gangrel when ...
◘ ... You decide that vultures are too disorganised and need a leader
• ia600406.us.archive.org/12/items/RoleplayingLaughs/jokes/jokes.html
• malkav.freeshell.org/fun/wod
• angelfire.com/rpg2/spfdsquare/humor.html
' Currently Active Users: 5529 (1313 members and 4216 guests) [..]Alpha Wolf, Arbiter Curry, Arbiter Hawk, Beastyle, Dr. Aeon, GM Lloyd, Moderator 05, Moderator 13, Positron, Tex, TheNet, Zwillinger[..] '
' All times are GMT -7. The time now is 08:48 PM. '
No Jay? :o -
Hey, welcome back then!
Like Rock Powerfist said, the best way is to try out the global channel and get talking to people!Just got to not be shy and say what kind of story you are interested in or running, what your character is like/link etc, and then see who else is interested in running stuff.
I thought it's probably best to have all this stuff in one place since I guess you probably look more at this thread for feedback than the talk page (since there's more people that check this), and well, since I last posted on it in November and Jan I've come up with a few more ideas hehe:
What would be really cool would be the ability to change the <spoiler> "Click to reveal Spoiler" text to, for example, "Title of the writing, author, date" or "Roleplay chat log, 'Title Of Scene', location, date" (e.g. the kind of stuff that used to regularly get posted up on gothamknights.net/phpBB2/?c=4 or gothamknights.net/phpBB2/?c=3but in a more accessible and centralised format than forums - I like most people don't have time to follow forums much as well as RP!)
e.g. being able to use our character pages as one-stop places for *all* our background story to our characters including stuff that has happened to them IC since they have been made, not just the initial writeup, while giving the ability for pages not be a huge long mess that turns people off if they aren't already interested in the character already before reading - so that if people want more detail about various subjects they can click to get more
So for example this could be used for embedding RP chatlogs on character pages, not just long story spoilers/snippets! Also for the more obvious example you could talk about something that happened to the character then instead of little 'spoiler' button be able to turn it into a wide Break button that can be clicked to expand the text saying 'click to read more' or a more descriptive title of what the text chunk is about (to make it more likely people will bother to click, you can currently write stuff above the spoiler button, but then it looks weird if it's not actually a spoiler. using the spoiler thing but letting us change the words/format) That's the kind of thing that was kind of my original intention as per the poetry I used it for on my userpage hehe, 'mis-use', but it's what it's perfect for really
— and maybe change the colour as well, I'm thinking it would make it easiest if we were able to do it in something like this format?
{{spoiler|Title|textcolour|backgroundcolour|border color|buttonwidth|buttonheight|borderwidth}}
(Though maybe change it to {{cut|etc}} instead to make clear it's not just for spoilers, cos a lot of people won't experiment to use something for it's non-official use unless told to, maybe leave both options open, I dunno.)
— best of all though would be if there was a way to do it in the normal 'what you see is what you get' editor though since otherwise a lot of people probably wouldn't use it, I know that some people see wiki code and go 'bleurgh'. It doesn't bother me at all, as you can see from my page hehe, but I have heard the occasional thing from people saying that they got put off or in some cases literally couldn't figure it out(!), some pretty smart people but just aren't good at thinking things logically but more creative... the friendliest thing to do with RP I think is to make sure there are as few barriers as possible to stop people who are creative but don't like hardcore computer stuff (I know it doesn't seem like it to a lot of us but people that use forums are in the minority, try show a wiki edit thing to a random person and you will see what I mean hehe) - that's another reason why I think in-game channels for RP are so important, because a very small minority of people use the forums compared to those in-game, looking at the forums you can get a completely false impression of how the community actually feels about many things, I really thing NCsoft need to put in-game polls and a dedicated easy-for-people-to-spot feedback button on the radar bit! Anyway, gone a bit offtopic)
Also the spoiler boxes appear to have a bug at the moment if you look on my Lilith page for example, press END to skip to the bottom and you'll see (at least in Firefox) that it messes up the format of Virtueverse by adding a HUGE big black space.
— I worked out what it was, and it appears that even though the spoiler text is not visible, it takes up space and so adds white space. When you expand all the spoilers, the page appears 'normal' at the end, ending with the 'powered by mediawiki' icon instead of the huge block of empty space
— at the moment that kind of ruins the using-it-to-make-pages-shorter-and-snappier thingI actually had someone I told to 'go to the bottom of page and look at the inspiration links, haha' (or something like that) tell me there was nothing there - it was cos the page was so long due to it adding blank space for the hidden spoilers, you have to scroll up a long way before the real end of the page becomes visible
This! There's a huge team of roleplayers on now waiting for something to happen...
Has the EU simply been forgotten or deprioritised *again*, or what? I mean come on, you did say it would be at 6, you could at least make an announcement or something if there's anything up?
edit: Cool Avatea, thanks!
People are in St Martial btw for anyone that wants to join send a tell to @Nitro v. IV -
There's a current bug where if you are brought to a page linked somewhere else (where the person using the link is using one of the other languages) it will change your language via &lang=whatevernumber at the end of the address - &lang=1 is english, 2 is german, 3 is french
*Doesn't mention 'the SQL' like she wouldn't mention The War, it tends to unnerve moderators on internet forums hehe* -
Who said that though and where? If so that is no excuse whatsoever, they said exactly the same about power colour customisation years ago too (I am from Union server on the EU ones originally, I made a US account)... :
'Complex' is not the same as 'impossible'. If they are saying no then it means they just don't consider their most loyal players (who bought the game more than once just to carry on playing after the EU servers died down!) worth the development time...
Hell, it's not just those of us who moved already losing our characters and veteran rewards that it shows a casual disdain for that (we are now being told 'cancel an account or pay twice' rather than being allowed to *properly* merge our EU and US accounts ... I am basically being punished for supporting the game twice...):
It's also EU players in general that this is going to be bad on, since of course most people, especially roleplayers, after trying the Virtue server and seeing the sheer amount of active, lively people, will do the same thing as I did and move there... Yet we only have a character transfer from server to server and not over from EU to US account, and not supergroup transfer. Surely it wouldn't be *too* hard to put in a system to let people vote on whether to move their (*years* of work) groups for this unprecedented event? -
Please can we move our characters from our EU account into the US one? I started up again on US Virtue server because of the lack of people on the EU ones, but I actually have been playing on for like over 5 years now since City of Villains came out (City of Heroes was marketed as very cheesy and bland so never picked it up I'm more of a Batman Begins kinda girl
The base idea really attracted me too because I thought it would be more like Dungeon Keeper 2, said it before say it again that it is a shame that you couldn't have them used more with the game story than just pvp, which I used to enjoy now and then actually before the ridiculous issue 11 or whatever changes where they made blasters have scrapper durability whilst doing more damage, etc, which you think they would have realised killed off most of the pvp players even on Virtue it seems and rolled back by now, I don't get that. Also killing off motivation for going to the areas other than people who enjoy doing stuff for no real reason - I actually liked to bring my supergroup to RV and fight over the turrets before the whole AE farming crap I remember it actually meant something to control RV) - my account on the EU ones I have not logged on for ages but the characters I have have purples and stuff that I have not bothered to regain in my year or so on the US servers - I basically gave up playing the game, although I had already cos of boredom anyway really, I didn't want to restart afresh totally because it is such a ridiculous grind to get to the top now with invention origin enhancements, so just ignored it in favour of RP... If I had my characters back I might actually play missions again, and I bet I'm not the only one, I have bumped into quite a few people on Virtue from the UK.
Also VERY IMPORTANT: Can we please please please please also please move our supergroups? For people that want to restart on the more populated Virtue server like I did, it would encourage them to actually keep communities alive rather than the rather depressing "yeah, but see that mountain you need to climb to get a large base again? you start UNDERGROUND." Prestige built up over years is not really replacable - I have a dormant SG on my EU account with none of the people apart from me still playing, I would actually be interested in reviving it if I knew there were more people alive to actually enjoy it (e.g. on Virtue rather than the utterly dead server in comparison Union) -- One thing maybe that could be simpler would actually be to give us the option of transferring the only real unreplacable part of SGs (people can move freely, it can't) which is the prestige, even that would be good really if that would be easier on the programmy kind of things for us to remake the SG and then have the prestige transferred, I wouldn't mind remaking the entire base just to have the prestige back
Would be very very grateful if you could take the time to include options to do this to people who supported you early on in the EU rather than mostly leaving us by the wayside and saying "hey, if you want to play on the US servers you now have the option, but you're going to have to lose half of your characters by dropping either your US or EU account and one of your supergroups one way or another") - they would be much, much, more appreciated than more veteran rewards
at least give us the option to merge our US and EU accounts if we already have a US account (characters and supergroups mostly, but veteran rewards too)... Otherwise it's kind of like a reverse veteran reward punishment for supporting the game early on (when city of villains came out) on my EU account ...
Let us move our characters/supergroups to US account if you truly care about your most loyal players (e.g. those of us who were foolish enough to start playing on the EU server and played it for years even as it slowly died, before then BUYING THE GAME AGAIN just to carry on after the EU servers died down, at the US servers like I did)... it would be way way more appreciated than pets and stuff!
<-- Bit the bullet and made a new US account and joined Virtue about a year ago when I saw that there were loads and loads and loads of people making the UK&EU servers look even more dead in comparison, feels a bit like I'm being punished for recognising what it apparently took NCsoft years to notice :( Kinda wish I had waited one more year before coming back to the game now :( -
Did not know about this thread or would have posted earlier!
The old virtue rp channel does not get used for RP anymore, it's just a spam channel now really, kinda died off. The Roleplayers channel has been mostly advertised in-game over the past few months, and now is the biggest roleplay community in the game (no joke, right click on chat and click the 'channel members' link ingame and it will show the number at the top)
♥ Tell your friends to type:
/chan_join roleplayers
It's for discussing roleplay out-of-character (OOC), organising in-character events, passing on IC gossip characters might have heard, and collaborating on storyline ideas without *spam*!
Basically we have been trying to get the community at large more open towards new people and breathe new life into roleplay, creating more villain-hero RP not just in Pocket D
150+ people online peak times currently, god knows how many total overall since they didn't think of putting in a way to check it seems, I'd guess 500+ at this point!
There's a bunch of moderators to keep the channel on-topic, and they are picked based on shown maturity and able to deal with problems rather than from cliques (in fact, we are always looking for more if you think you can help out, though we usually have at least one online at this point)!
Very few people are silenced and it's kept on topic rather than just devolving into one of those channels people end up turning offThe channel is open to anyone that is even interested in RP, and there are often RP teams, events and theme groups started on it, with the occasional storyline (hoping to get more people sharing plot stuff and IC gossip outside of just supergroups, make stuff more open and retain new players rather than them just getting disappointed from thinking all there is to RP is just bar RP in Pocket D)
Quote:I'm actually the Magazine guy at a Big bookstore and I wish I could put this magazine on the shelf! It would be awesome.Quote:I'd buy it off the rack in a second. A project like this will really drive me to push harder to use the game tools as creatively as I can in the future.
Beware tho, there's a lot of conflicting info and terms used interchangeably around... I have no definitive answerLook at these two quotes for example -.- This site claims to use it in what sounds like an interesting way, but look at the quote after this one too, seems no one can decide what exactly print-on-demand is: poetspress.org
Quote:Lulu is not our publisher: like many other small presses, we use Lulu as a commercial printer, retaining our own identity, catalog, and ISBN number.
Using print-on-demand for the physical book makes sense. Because we do not have to invest in a warehouse full on unsold dead-tree books, we can concentrate on designing and producing more books. Poet's Press books are sold directly from publisher to reader via our online bookstore. Because we are not using distributors and bricks-and-mortar bookstores, we can keep our prices reasonable and pay our authors a decent royalty for every copy sold.
All publishers, large and small, are dealing with the realities of the new digital world. The age of the printed book is now coming to an end, and this is good news for poets. The text is liberated from the medium of the book at last. We intend to make as much poetry as possible available at the most reasonable cost — free if the author is willing to publish their work on-line. A recent book from our press sold a few hundred copies in ink-on-paper, while the e-book version had 10,000+ free reader downloads. We are more interested in live, responsive readers than in transporting, storing and selling little assemblages of paper, ink and glue. So yes, we print books, but we now regard the printed book as a by-product, available for those who want them.
The real act of making books is to write, to edit, to design and to publish them, publish in its original sense of "to send abroad." For our roster of dead poets, publishing online in PDF format is making their work available to posterity. For our living poets, it establishes connections with new readers and may lead to other publications, live readings and teaching opportunities.
selfpublishingwithlulu.comQuote:First, let me start off by correcting a common misperception. Lulu is not a Print-On-Demand (POD) company or a vanity press. It is a do-it-yourself publishing service that allows you to publish a variety of media
Unlike a vanity press or POD company, Lulu will not charge you any setup fees to publish your book or require you to order a minimum number of books. The only money that Lulu makes is from the commission of your book sales, which is 20% for each copy sold. Neither do they trap your publishing rights with exclusivity clauses. That means that you have total control of how your book’s format, design, price, and where it is sold.
Lulu does offer several publishing services packages, which range from $369 to $4,500, depending on which package you want. While I’ve never used their packages, I find myself leery of them because of Lulu’s chronic customer service complaints.
• How to publish your own book online – and make money, Victor Keegan for The Guardian, 28th January 2010
• technorati.com/tag/self-publishing - lots of interesting links in the blogosphere bit
• , DIY publishing: getting Amazon and Lulu to co-exist, Cory Doctorow, 4th April 2011
• My Life as a Lulu: Experiences in e-Publishing, Erika Dreifus, 2005
• Self-publishing with Lulu, Corinne McKay, 25th July 2009
• Lessons Learned Self-Publishing With Lulu, 2006
Beware tho:
• PDF: Unfit for Human Consumption, Jakob Nielsen
• Why PDF Sucks
There's a reason why even gay male fashion designers choose women
For those who don't get the reference (hidden behind link cos I realised that it could be taken another way. I don't mean the word in a sexist insulting way, just solely aesthetics(and I'm bi so don't jump to any conclusions there lol, I'm just saying that objectively
2short2care, FlashToo, anyone else : If you are interested in joining that Carnie VG I mentioned, the best way is usually to just ask on the 'roleplayers' global channel in-game, most of them are on that
It's the biggest roleplay community in the game!
In-game type: /chan_join roleplayers
It gets used for discussing RP, organising IC events, passing on IC gossip characters might have heard, and collaborating on storyline ideas without *spam*! The idea is to make the community at large more open towards new people and creating more villain-hero RP not just in Pocket D -
The left one is on ultra mode graphics, right one is on lowest setting (notice the 'flat' look, lack of shading, and the flames barely being visible because particle effect slider is turned down to lowest)
If you right click on the picture on the right then view info, he's made a false representation there by copying the other one off paragonwiki (wiki.cohtitan.com) where most of their pictures are years and years old.
That's actually the same outfit other than the change in face, boots and logo. Old style looks better. He's a punk/gang leader, not tom cruise - the old one looks cooler, that one looks s-eating and smarmy, old one looks like he'd wipe that expression of his face while recording on cameraphone to upload to Trolltube
And yeah, even on ultra mode the new graphics still look like mannequins compared to the other games I mentioned in my previous post, I think in Cityof they were too scared of giving us sliders that let us do more than minor adjustments because the thing they use for clothes is quite old and doesn't intelligently wrap around when the body isn't the same shape as every other body, it 'clips through the model', but Champions seems to give a lot more variance in what you can do with sliders for some reason, yet still have the same issues on some of the other stuff (I remember trying to put on armlets and a bracelet and found that just because my (female) character had a bit of muscle on her (not huge even) they were only half visible and looked stupid sticking out of the skin in random bits. Hmm maybe they don't use the same thing to resize accessories rather as the main outfits.
Also yeah, even on max the facial expressions, still mannequins, you don't really notice it in screenshots of course where it's static anyway, but talking to other players or 'talking' to characters (hey, we need that. NPCs' mouth should at least move and expressions, rather than relying on gestures so much in cutscenes. You really notice it with the ridiculousness of the blank staring faces of the characters in the new Trial cutscenes), Cityof characters look really terrible compared to FallenEarth where emotes actually change, and there are even dedicated emotes to change expression - the face stuff is so much better than champions
But both games are horribly boring grind games and have terrible excuses for communities compared to Cityof, which really wins on that part and I think that is why it has lived so long - it's not the grind that has kept people (especially if you think about that there was very little 'grindy' stuff in the game for years, it was mainly people creating new characters after 50 and having fun with friends), it's the very social play which is why this game is still so successful so many years on, and should be the focus and improved upon further rather than trying to turn it into warcrap
Cityof should just learn from others is what I'm saying reallyI really hope the developers take a look at APB's tattoo/clothes editing system when it re-releases in a couple of months ... Tattoos, scars, can even make your character look totally inhuman by basically making a 'skin' out of tattoos!
▬ ▬ ☻☻☺ READ!!!☺ ☻☻ ▬ ▬Quote:Also:MMORPG.com's Angie Webb recently had some hands-on time with Realtime Worlds' APB. One of her assignments was to write an article based on her own unique perspective as a female gamer.
I expect my opinions to be a bit "unconventional" for this site, but lots of women play MMOs [..]Some of us are girly; some of us want to be "one of the boys"; but we all look at games in a slightly different way than guys do. And our interests and concerns are poorly served in the industry.
[..]Would it really be that hard to allow us to change the "package" size? If I can make my female avatar's melons bigger than her head, it only seems fair? Or is everyone OK with this double standard? For the sake of equality, Realtime Worlds please let me make the bulge on my virtual Ken doll a tad bulgier.
Makeup! My goodness, the detail on things like the eye-shadow designs are astonishing. [..]apply them in multiple ways, high on the arch or wide across the whole eye. Eyeliner has some great choices too. You can do just upper or lower, smudged, or the "I've been crying for hours" sad-panda look. I also had fun playing with the eyelashes. I'm the type of girl that puts on loads of mascara when I'm going out clubbing, and, to be honest, the lashes were lacking in the awesome. There was a limited length allowed ... and I want LONG lashes! I was going for a street look and the longest length I could find was "clumpy".
Lipstick, like the eye shadow, comes in many shades, and can be applied in different shapes and styles, including geisha girl, the Joker, and a smear that makes you look like you just kissed a guy for an hour. I know that for a guy makeup is an incredibly minor deal, but it's one of those little things that makes a game like this stand out to players who really care about making their avatars look "just right", and it's an experience that is enjoyable to do, and hopefully for others to look at ... if you care about that kind of thing.
[..]I decided on a design and shape that worked well on the back pocket: a dragon over a periwinkle chevron. You can adjust the sizes of all your designs, so I modified it until it fit the back left pocket of my jeans perfectly. I then added this design to my shirt and tattoo too. No sparkles, but it was cute.
I like the fact that the game has "true crafting" instead of fixed recipes that require no thought or inspiration. I like that I can design my own theme music and "jingles". I like that I can form a clan and socialize with friends. I like that I can become an artist and run a business selling my designs.
dariopane.com/commercial-work/apb - APB's lead artist's portfolioQuote:(images are from in-game shots) [..]There are around 100 morph targets and normal maps per gender (of which I made the majority) that are used to customise body and face of the character. There are also many other textures I worked on: skin tone, moles, freckles, skin ageing, eyebrows, irises, etc. These characters were created using the APB Character Customisation System:
it's an AMAZING system, and really is way more suited for a more social game - even ignoring roleplay, Cityof is much more team-based, people see and interact with each others' characters a LOT more than other games like Cityof than APB. That kinda thing *belongs* in Cityof, which was good years ago but seriously don't rest on your laurels or you'll find that the competition has overtaken you in leaps and bounds soon enough, and that would be a terrible shame when there's so much potential to build on the good system already in place in Cityof!
... damnit I should start a blog for this stuff, lol. -
7 years on, it's got to the point where characters are recognisably dated compared to newer games:
Champions, which is terrible except for the character editor, which has a LOT less options available than Cityof, but is awesomely well done, especially the body sliders which allow much more variance than Cityof. Also being able to choose 'skins' of outfits is brilliant and should be an option on every Cityof piece ( for example the Metallic skin in Champions looks badass and doubles up for cool looking shiny clothes in the style of http://tinyurl.com/covtexture )
DC Online where the game itself is terrible, and the character editor is an absolute joke in how little options there are, it's just reduced to 'pick your gear and skin colour' - BUT what's there looks good, and the ability to have stuff like jet pack *costume pieces* permanantly on the back to explain powers like Fly is brilliant. Cityof kinda got that with wings, but why did they stop with wings and not go onto stuff suitable for characters with tech/natural origin, hmm. The tech wings look as ridiculously cheesy as the others do, I'd only say the demony characters have it good really (though there does need to be a LARGE bat wing option)
FallenEarth.com, terrible grindy game at heart, very hostile to roleplayers, but, characters look good (though very lacking on options, even less than DC), and they put in one of the most amazing things for RP, a big bunch of realistic face expressions and emotes to control them, so characters don't seem like this, in Cityof:
A thriving social/roleplayer community gives for a lot, like a catalyst, for relatively little work compared to all the time it takes to add grindy content (it only needs to be done once, and once it's there it's a big draw). For every social/roleplayer you keep playing the game, they add value to all other players and encourage the other types of players to stay too. I have an internet friend who is an utter genius, now a professor teaching games design at Dundee University, and writes about this kind of stuff all the time: Epitaph Developer Blogs [/fangirl]
My previous post along the same thoughts as you, Xzero!
Made a www.j.mp Link to pass to people ingame, nice and short so saves on copypasting, is human-rememberable:
Link to this thread (thinking of when more issues come out):
j.mp/cityoffashion (or cityfashion, or cityofashion)
Anyway, proper reply:
Is cool! Shame that the blurry texture quality (even on high) when zooming in, and the lack of facial expressions (we need something like FallenEarth.com's face emote system) lets you down though, but you did what you can and still made it look cool mostly.
They really need to do a big revamp of character models and skins in the same way that they did ultra mode as mainly affecting the cities - the characters still look 90s/2000ish really compared to Champions (with the horrible cartoon effect turned off in their graphics options, anyway)Quote:www.trillian.im Session Start (kkillerkkat:redactredacted): 2011-05-03
[:39] <redacteddd>: CoX was made in 1840 and looks like it so whatever lol
[:46] <redacteddd>: Seriously, if you hadn't been playing CoX before to develop a fondness and whatnot, you'd have a different opinion I'd really bet
[:46] Killerkitty: the community is SO much better than champions
[:47] <redacteddd>: Its also been around for like 6 years
[:47] Killerkitty: as for graphics, the carnie screenshots (ignore the other posts cos most people don't have their stuff at max settings)
[:47] Killerkitty: and there's this too: j.mp/roguemag1
[:47] Killerkitty: yeah but it's been patched a few hundred times literally
[:48] <redacteddd>: Well, again, 6 years or something. Plus, maybe its got some cool styles, but just the model detail, its aged, very aged
[:49] <redacteddd>: Hell I bet you said its graphics were better than dcuo at some point then right after went 'oh oops maybe not'
[:49] Killerkitty: hehe, I just went to look at the patch notes page (cityofheroes.com/news/patch_notes) and the 10 pages of patches only go back to issue 9 lol (it's at issue 20 now)
[:50] Killerkitty: the city graphics are better than DCUO, not the models tho I agree, but... they do look good, there's a lot more customisation than DC. And I loved the idea of Gotham. But it didn't live up to it, they made it too small, too fake. Just an empty time-filler for going between missions.
[:50] <redacteddd>: lol
[:51] Killerkitty: you not tried cityof on ultra mode? the cities look amazing now
[:51] Killerkitty: Praetoria especially, the new world, that was only made last year
[:51] <redacteddd>: Everything. Of course CoX has customization options, more styles, but thats all it has visually
[:51] <redacteddd>: I have ennexae with flame tatoos on her thigh and legs and chest...she's walking around bareassed with a cloak and armor skirt
[:52] Killerkitty: pff ill be happy with tattoos when we can actually have variety
[:52] Killerkitty: I'm looking forward to when they bring back APBI hope that other companies will get ideas from them
[:52] Killerkitty: they are re-releasing it soon
[:52] <redacteddd>: Hopefully -
You know, that's a damn good idea! Invite people into mission then get them to quit instead of being kicked, and then it doesn't do the auto-kick of instance right, so could get unlimited amount of people on one map (although a little awkwardly)? I'm thinking of those converted nightclub/party warehouses from the carnie story missions! Or the Hellion one... But yeah, this is the kind of thing that A) people don't have the missions to hand or B) Are limited on whether villains or heroes can join in
Rreally, we just need to merge the base editor and AE editor together so that we can use items from missions inside bases and make AE maps in the same way we can bases (rather than just being expected to juggle around text whilst using the same boring maps)
AND THEN, once we are able to pick what maps we want, some way to list an AE as 'open' for other people to join on request or automatically if set (could work for normal missions too actually), like the arena finder... Any more encouragement of open-ness that doesn't rely on people sending tells is good, from talking to more casual friends the thing that puts them off is the awkwardness of finding people to play with, the game feels empty for new players -
Why's it hilarious they have left the game, did you fall out with them or somethin? I didn't know them other than that encounter mentioned on the forum when asking in broadcast if anyone know what happened to the website, and then later talking on their forum as you can see - They seemed nice enough, I found their site very useful when I was new, and again when I made new alts, especially these two pages:
...There's still nothing on paragonwiki that has all the zone levels simply on one page so far as I can see: paragonwiki.com/wiki/Zone -- They are too obsessed with putting things obsessive-compulsively into categories rather than making them more useful for human use! That's why a lot of people don't read wikis I think, it's often hard to find the immediately useful pages in the spam of random trivia :/ Paragonwiki should have a menu or table of contents that is actually useful in the same way a website menu is, not just a huge wall of text list with no explanation of why these things are important etc -
I found them on guildportal a while ago, but it looks like they have disappeared now. I can't find the address of the replacement site, but googling I think it might have been amp.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=299964&TabID=2514251 - It looks like it's been wiped or something?
Edit: Just found it! Incredibly hard to find on google, I hope this link helps others: city of heroes city of villains gameamp game amp guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=299964&TabID=2514252&ForumID=14 01230&TopicID=9340060
Pasting it here in case it disappears, for future, something I should have done before relaly!Quote:Forums : AMP General Discussion > Archives of the Old GA site
euphestes 11/4/2010 7:11 PM : Archives of the Old GA site link
Posts: 3
I saw a player asking about a site today. She described one of the pages from the original GA site and when i identified what she was describing she went out and found the site archives. Kudo's to Killerkitty for finding the old info. Ill post the link if anyone is interested.
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Killerkitty1 11/4/2010 7:26 PM : RE: Archives of the Old GA site link
Posts: 2
Cough... want something properly do it yourself, god
[Tell] -->SpecOps Dynamo: the city of villains one you just delete heroes in the url and change to villains
the zone guides which is what I was looking for are at:
Another page I found, coh.withinmyworld.org/herozones.php seems to be still being updated, their twitter link looks active. It's called "Skies Over Atlas" but seems to be down at the moment, however if you copypaste the link into a google search then click Cached on the result, you can see the page
Another page I found, Stark's Leveling Guide < cohvault.ign.com/View.php?view=Guides.Detail&id=39 > seems to be ok too, but only for heroes and only if you like skipping all the story in a rush second character etc
[Tell] -->SpecOps Dynamo: it takes a while to load but looks like the images are slowly coming up
[Tell] SpecOps Dynamo: ill make sure to give you credit for the research
Tell] -->SpecOps Dynamo: any ones that don't, tell them what you can do is right click on the missing image icon, then click Copy Image Location, then replace he datetime numbers (after /web/ but before the new /http ) with a single *
[Tell] -->SpecOps Dynamo: and that will search their database for the image from all dates not just the one when the page was saved
[Tell] -->SpecOps Dynamo: prob best if you just copypaste what I said onto that forum
[Tell] SpecOps Dynamo: i posted it so hopefully ill see some feedback soon
Edited by Killerkitty1 11/4/2010 7:36 PM (Most Recent)
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Killerkitty1 11/4/2010 8:14 PM : RE: Archives of the Old GA site link
Posts: 2
For the curious, info about the wayback machine:
Oh this may come in useful for you too btw:
Edited by Killerkitty1 11/4/2010 8:15 PM (Most Recent)
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Grifter0408 11/5/2010 2:55 AM : RE: Archives of the Old GA site link
AMP Staff
Posts: 36
Man, I think I may of shed a tear looking at those pages. Had a lot of fun posting back on GA. Those were the days when there was always something going on with CoH. Jeni got so annoyed by me and my news submitting she made me staff so she wouldn't have to constantly approve my stuff. And then I slowly ran it into the ground, well that isn't true but I shall except blame.
Characters: Blackhawk Alchemist Kid Silverhawk Thunndar Stiletto Psyren
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Grifter0408 11/5/2010 3:00 AM : RE: Archives of the Old GA site link
AMP Staff
Posts: 36
Ok, so playing around I clicked on a date of Jan 10, 2005 and clicked the top forum post which was bumped to Top 5 by myself. Funny stuff, my 1st 50 Blackhawk was only level 30 at the time. So from the 700+ hours it took me to reach level 50 I was barely over 300 hours or so.
But even funnier was the secondary website I created for some supergroup that I don't remember having at all.....Wow, what a nerd < web.archive.org/web/20041224194354/www.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=23391&TabID=211596 >.
Sadly I was the only member.
Characters: Blackhawk Alchemist Kid Silverhawk Thunndar Stiletto Psyren
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Phedre_D 11/6/2010 12:39 PM : RE: Archives of the Old GA site link
AMP Staff
Posts: 275
Wow, we are forever a piece of the history of the internet. That is pretty cool! Thanks so much for posting those links on this last little left over from what was once an awesome place to be. How did you even know we still existed here?
Characters: Concrete Pillow Deidra Cunningham Mandy Blake Sandra Guiterrez Sylva Varescu
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Grifter0408 11/6/2010 1:41 PM : RE: Archives of the Old GA site link
AMP Staff
Posts: 36
I remember someone posted that once before or something similar but I had long forgotten. I concur with Phe, thanks. I had the site up in a tab and my wife said, "Is the site back up?". I laughed mockingly, but then cried a lil.
Characters: Blackhawk Alchemist Kid Silverhawk Thunndar Stiletto Psyren
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_Phase_ 11/15/2010 6:37 PM : RE: Archives of the Old GA site link
AMP Staff
Posts: 52
Wow... Looking through some of those really brings back some good memories... We shared a lot of laughs and established a lot of friendships. I know a lot a good people dedicated their time and efforts into making Gameamp the best place it could be. I was lucky enough to be part of it in its prime.
Characters: Phase of Echoes Rebel Saint Van Diego Vasher
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Falcon15 11/16/2010 3:51 AM : RE: Archives of the Old GA site link
AMP Staff
Posts: 55
_Phase_ said:
Wow... Looking through some of those really brings back some good memories... We shared a lot of laughs and established a lot of friendships. I know a lot a good people dedicated their time and efforts into making Gameamp the best place it could be. I was lucky enough to be part of it in its prime.
Brought some tears to my eyes, but I am glad we stayed together on this new forum. At least we have each other. =)
Characters: Goblynn TomSawyer Enath Unit One Emapthos
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Marine X 11/21/2010 12:43 PM : RE: Archives of the Old GA site link
Marine X
Posts: 16
Agreed, very cool seeing that again, went thru tragic GA withdrawal when the site was gone. I remember working so hard at earning credibility to finally get in the top 20 ( without being staff ) only to have the site vanish. We had really done such a great job compiling and documenting the game that it is truly a shame that it is no longer there to access. Life is cruel so cruel !, lol.
Marine -
I hope when they do the server list merge they at least give us the option to merge our US and EU accounts if we already have a US account (characters and supergroups mostly, but veteran rewards too)... Otherwise it's kind of like a reverse veteran reward punishment for supporting the game early on (when city of villains came out) on my EU account ...
They really should let us move our characters/supergroups to US account if they truly care, it would be way way more appreciated than pets and stuff!
<-- Bit the bullet and made a new US account and joined Virtue about a year ago when I saw that there were loads and loads and loads of people making the UK&EU servers look even more dead in comparison, feels a bit like I'm being punished for recognising what it apparently took NCsoft years to notice :( Kinda wish I had waited one more year before coming back to the game now :(