Whatever happened to gameamp.com?
I believe GameAmp.com shut down around Feburary time or so. Apparently server costs, revenue issues and personal problems lead to the closure.
Ah, oh well. Sorry to hear it, they had some really entertaining screenshot galleries.
I too think this is a real shame. I used to go there to look at player thoughts on individual powers, as well as oogle at the pictures of the individual powers when they were there. Anyone know of somewhere else this is done?
I think warcry network or something like that...
I found them on guildportal a while ago, but it looks like they have disappeared now. I can't find the address of the replacement site, but googling I think it might have been amp.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=299964&TabID=2514251 - It looks like it's been wiped or something?
Edit: Just found it! Incredibly hard to find on google, I hope this link helps others: city of heroes city of villains gameamp game amp guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=299964&TabID=2514252&ForumID=14 01230&TopicID=9340060
Pasting it here in case it disappears, for future, something I should have done before relaly!
Forums : AMP General Discussion > Archives of the Old GA site euphestes 11/4/2010 7:11 PM : Archives of the Old GA site link euphestes Posts: 3 0 Like 0 Dislike I saw a player asking about a site today. She described one of the pages from the original GA site and when i identified what she was describing she went out and found the site archives. Kudo's to Killerkitty for finding the old info. Ill post the link if anyone is interested. web.archive.org/web/*/cityofheroes.gameamp.com Top | Bottom Killerkitty1 11/4/2010 7:26 PM : RE: Archives of the Old GA site link Killerkitty1 Posts: 2 0 Like 0 Dislike Cough... want something properly do it yourself, god ![]() [Tell] -->SpecOps Dynamo: the city of villains one you just delete heroes in the url and change to villains web.archive.org/web/*/http://cityofvillains.gameamp.com the zone guides which is what I was looking for are at: web.archive.org/web/*/http://cityofheroes.gameamp.com/coh/viewZones and web.archive.org/web/*/http://cityofvillains.gameamp.com/cov/viewZones Another page I found, coh.withinmyworld.org/herozones.php seems to be still being updated, their twitter link looks active. It's called "Skies Over Atlas" but seems to be down at the moment, however if you copypaste the link into a google search then click Cached on the result, you can see the page Another page I found, Stark's Leveling Guide < cohvault.ign.com/View.php?view=Guides.Detail&id=39 > seems to be ok too, but only for heroes and only if you like skipping all the story in a rush second character etc [Tell] -->SpecOps Dynamo: it takes a while to load but looks like the images are slowly coming up [Tell] SpecOps Dynamo: ill make sure to give you credit for the research Tell] -->SpecOps Dynamo: any ones that don't, tell them what you can do is right click on the missing image icon, then click Copy Image Location, then replace he datetime numbers (after /web/ but before the new /http ) with a single * [Tell] -->SpecOps Dynamo: and that will search their database for the image from all dates not just the one when the page was saved [Tell] -->SpecOps Dynamo: prob best if you just copypaste what I said onto that forum [Tell] SpecOps Dynamo: i posted it so hopefully ill see some feedback soon Edited by Killerkitty1 11/4/2010 7:36 PM (Most Recent) Top | Bottom Killerkitty1 11/4/2010 8:14 PM : RE: Archives of the Old GA site link Killerkitty1 Posts: 2 0 Like 0 Dislike For the curious, info about the wayback machine: archive.org/web/petabox.php Oh this may come in useful for you too btw: warrick.cs.odu.edu Edited by Killerkitty1 11/4/2010 8:15 PM (Most Recent) Top | Bottom Grifter0408 11/5/2010 2:55 AM : RE: Archives of the Old GA site link AMP Staff Grifter0408 Posts: 36 0 Like 0 Dislike Man, I think I may of shed a tear looking at those pages. Had a lot of fun posting back on GA. Those were the days when there was always something going on with CoH. Jeni got so annoyed by me and my news submitting she made me staff so she wouldn't have to constantly approve my stuff. And then I slowly ran it into the ground, well that isn't true but I shall except blame. Characters: Blackhawk Alchemist Kid Silverhawk Thunndar Stiletto Psyren Top | Bottom Grifter0408 11/5/2010 3:00 AM : RE: Archives of the Old GA site link AMP Staff Grifter0408 Posts: 36 0 Like 0 Dislike Ok, so playing around I clicked on a date of Jan 10, 2005 and clicked the top forum post which was bumped to Top 5 by myself. Funny stuff, my 1st 50 Blackhawk was only level 30 at the time. So from the 700+ hours it took me to reach level 50 I was barely over 300 hours or so. But even funnier was the secondary website I created for some supergroup that I don't remember having at all.....Wow, what a nerd < web.archive.org/web/20041224194354/www.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=23391&TabID=211596 >. Sadly I was the only member. Characters: Blackhawk Alchemist Kid Silverhawk Thunndar Stiletto Psyren Top | Bottom Phedre_D 11/6/2010 12:39 PM : RE: Archives of the Old GA site link AMP Staff Phedre_D Posts: 275 0 Like 0 Dislike Wow, we are forever a piece of the history of the internet. That is pretty cool! Thanks so much for posting those links on this last little left over from what was once an awesome place to be. How did you even know we still existed here? Characters: Concrete Pillow Deidra Cunningham Mandy Blake Sandra Guiterrez Sylva Varescu Top | Bottom Grifter0408 11/6/2010 1:41 PM : RE: Archives of the Old GA site link AMP Staff Grifter0408 Posts: 36 0 Like 0 Dislike I remember someone posted that once before or something similar but I had long forgotten. I concur with Phe, thanks. I had the site up in a tab and my wife said, "Is the site back up?". I laughed mockingly, but then cried a lil. Characters: Blackhawk Alchemist Kid Silverhawk Thunndar Stiletto Psyren Top | Bottom _Phase_ 11/15/2010 6:37 PM : RE: Archives of the Old GA site link AMP Staff _Phase_ Posts: 52 0 Like 0 Dislike Wow... Looking through some of those really brings back some good memories... We shared a lot of laughs and established a lot of friendships. I know a lot a good people dedicated their time and efforts into making Gameamp the best place it could be. I was lucky enough to be part of it in its prime. Characters: Phase of Echoes Rebel Saint Van Diego Vasher Top | Bottom Falcon15 11/16/2010 3:51 AM : RE: Archives of the Old GA site link AMP Staff Falcon15 Posts: 55 0 Like 0 Dislike _Phase_ said: Wow... Looking through some of those really brings back some good memories... We shared a lot of laughs and established a lot of friendships. I know a lot a good people dedicated their time and efforts into making Gameamp the best place it could be. I was lucky enough to be part of it in its prime. Brought some tears to my eyes, but I am glad we stayed together on this new forum. At least we have each other. =) Photobucket Characters: Goblynn TomSawyer Enath Unit One Emapthos Top | Bottom Marine X 11/21/2010 12:43 PM : RE: Archives of the Old GA site link Marine X Posts: 16 0 Like 0 Dislike Agreed, very cool seeing that again, went thru tragic GA withdrawal when the site was gone. I remember working so hard at earning credibility to finally get in the top 20 ( without being staff ) only to have the site vanish. We had really done such a great job compiling and documenting the game that it is truly a shame that it is no longer there to access. Life is cruel so cruel !, lol. Marine |
I have just realized something, one of my toons is now the guild leader(Overlord) of their Freedom VG, Game Amp Nation, except for 3-4 toons, I don't see any activity for 80+ days for most members, this could either mean of course their playing alts or have left the game. Hillarious.
Why's it hilarious they have left the game, did you fall out with them or somethin? I didn't know them other than that encounter mentioned on the forum when asking in broadcast if anyone know what happened to the website, and then later talking on their forum as you can see - They seemed nice enough, I found their site very useful when I was new, and again when I made new alts, especially these two pages:
...There's still nothing on paragonwiki that has all the zone levels simply on one page so far as I can see: paragonwiki.com/wiki/Zone -- They are too obsessed with putting things obsessive-compulsively into categories rather than making them more useful for human use! That's why a lot of people don't read wikis I think, it's often hard to find the immediately useful pages in the spam of random trivia :/ Paragonwiki should have a menu or table of contents that is actually useful in the same way a website menu is, not just a huge wall of text list with no explanation of why these things are important etc
Wow. This and Paragon City Radio (or whatever it was called) are a blast from the past. I remember there was a player run event where they would play music on their station and invite EVERYONE into a single mission to dance and socialize in. A GM noticed this and I think didn't understand what we were doing (instanced partying) and I think they contemplated breaking it up. Hahah.
Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP
Remember kids, crack is whack!
Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it

You know, that's a damn good idea! Invite people into mission then get them to quit instead of being kicked, and then it doesn't do the auto-kick of instance right, so could get unlimited amount of people on one map (although a little awkwardly)? I'm thinking of those converted nightclub/party warehouses from the carnie story missions! Or the Hellion one... But yeah, this is the kind of thing that A) people don't have the missions to hand or B) Are limited on whether villains or heroes can join in
Rreally, we just need to merge the base editor and AE editor together so that we can use items from missions inside bases and make AE maps in the same way we can bases (rather than just being expected to juggle around text whilst using the same boring maps)
AND THEN, once we are able to pick what maps we want, some way to list an AE as 'open' for other people to join on request or automatically if set (could work for normal missions too actually), like the arena finder... Any more encouragement of open-ness that doesn't rely on people sending tells is good, from talking to more casual friends the thing that puts them off is the awkwardness of finding people to play with, the game feels empty for new players
Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.
Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.
You know, that's a damn good idea! Invite people into mission then get them to quit instead of being kicked, and then it doesn't do the auto-kick of instance right, so could get unlimited amount of people on one map (although a little awkwardly)? I'm thinking of those converted nightclub/party warehouses from the carnie story missions! Or the Hellion one... But yeah, this is the kind of thing that A) people don't have the missions to hand or B) Are limited on whether villains or heroes can join in
Rreally, we just need to merge the base editor and AE editor together so that we can use items from missions inside bases and make AE maps in the same way we can bases (rather than just being expected to juggle around text whilst using the same boring maps) AND THEN, once we are able to pick what maps we want, some way to list an AE as 'open' for other people to join on request or automatically if set (could work for normal missions too actually), like the arena finder... Any more encouragement of open-ness that doesn't rely on people sending tells is good, from talking to more casual friends the thing that puts them off is the awkwardness of finding people to play with, the game feels empty for new players |
Little late, but when the forums were down I thought about visiting it (They had some funny pictures there) And couldnt seem to find it, the gameamp links went to things totaly unrelated to the site, anyone know what happened?