((Vet Plater: New to the CoH RP Forums))





Hey, folks. Just figured I'd throw a shout out. I've been playing CoX for about 4 years and this is the first time ever that I've found the Virtue RP to be lacking, hard to find or non-existent. So I'm looking to try something different.

I may be poking my head in here more and more, seeing if there's something I can get into or if the RP compass on the forums happens to be on and pointing in a particular direction.

In the past I've been turned off to the forums. Negativity, random uselessness and just my lack of patience. But my love of RP wins over every time. And heck, why continue paying $15 a month for something I'm not thoroughly enjoying.

So, I'm hoping to be welecomed here and meet some new friends. Maybe find some new SGs. My global roster is now full of people who really no longer log on or who have just gone silent for reasons unknown.

I'm not always online as I work during the day and live on the east coast of the united states, lol, but if you see me, feel free to say hi. I'm @Tanklet in game.

Also more than willing to throw in a character or two to help RP plot lines.

So ... that's my story



Well then, welcome aboard the crazy cruise. Martini?

Anyways, I see you've decided on your first RP thread to join, so it looks like you're already on the right track. Just hang loose, be courteous, and prep your escape pod in case the Unionites drop an overcaffeinated buzzsaw into the drama cauldron again (but don't tell them I said anything >_>).

As far as RP SGs go, I hear there's a ton on Union (I run with a group on Protector myself, but we're pretty small, so for more people, Union's gonna be your better bet), and at least half the people playing in threads here are affiliated with an RP SG in one way or another. So just feel your way in and I'm sure you'll soon find what you're looking for.

Now, if you'll excuse me...

*puts on fancy Captain's hat*

*draws rapier with dramatic flourish*

All hands on deck! Run out the guns-a! Ramming speed, Mr. Christopher!!!

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




I'm a margarita lass myself but hell a drink's a drink

Thanks for the warm welcome! I started working up a tad of an intro. Just an ooc bio for now.

*sashays to the corner with her fancy tropical drink in hand*



Union is full of RP-er of a huge range of styles and types, some are easier to find than others, but this is the place to start.
Next pop to Pocket D any time after 9pm BST and there will be someone who can help you get into the RP chat channels and link you up with people, you can try at other times but it will be more hit and miss on who is there.
Do make sure you take a look at the Unionverse handbook and its thread on this forum page, its got a lot of good stuff. Also the Last Night at GG, and D threads, both locations are RP hotspots.

Then just dive in and see what you like....

See you there.



Originally Posted by DeviousMe View Post
...and prep your escape pod in case the Unionites drop an overcaffeinated buzzsaw into the drama cauldron again (but don't tell them I said anything >_>).
Dare I ask what they managed to do -this- time? >_>

Sam: "My mind is a swirling miasma of scintillating thoughts and turgid ideas."
Max: "Me too."




Originally Posted by LadyPhoenix View Post

Hey, folks. Just figured I'd throw a shout out. I've been playing CoX for about 4 years and this is the first time ever that I've found the Virtue RP to be lacking, hard to find or non-existent. So I'm looking to try something different.

I may be poking my head in here more and more, seeing if there's something I can get into or if the RP compass on the forums happens to be on and pointing in a particular direction.

In the past I've been turned off to the forums. Negativity, random uselessness and just my lack of patience. But my love of RP wins over every time. And heck, why continue paying $15 a month for something I'm not thoroughly enjoying.

So, I'm hoping to be welecomed here and meet some new friends. Maybe find some new SGs. My global roster is now full of people who really no longer log on or who have just gone silent for reasons unknown.

I'm not always online as I work during the day and live on the east coast of the united states, lol, but if you see me, feel free to say hi. I'm @Tanklet in game.

Also more than willing to throw in a character or two to help RP plot lines.

So ... that's my story
Will be on Virtue tonight 9pm est, My Home server is Liberty, It is MetaForces Monday, and I will look to see if you are on and wish to join us for a bit o fun and light RP
And Welcome to the Whitmoore


by Star Ranger 4
WE ARE HEROES This is what we DO!
When you wake up seek the courage and strength to do the right thing.
Decide that this will be another day in which you Walk The Talk.

MA #14724 Operation: Discredit @American Valor
Sentinel Of Liberty SG



Hey, welcome back then!

Like Rock Powerfist said, the best way is to try out the global channel and get talking to people! Just got to not be shy and say what kind of story you are interested in or running, what your character is like/link etc, and then see who else is interested in running stuff.



Originally Posted by Crazy_Dragon View Post
Dare I ask what they managed to do -this- time? >_>
How would Devious know? He's just making amusing comments.

Actually, there's little or no major drama going around currently (at GG anyway, I can't speak for PD). One of the NV's students was killed in the Invasion, but that's off-camera and just a line to hand RP on. It's pretty quiet. We're about due for some more, really. I should kick off some murders. There's plots on the back burner currently that could do with reheating.

Meanwhile... so far the people actually turning up at GG and interacting have been farly good. I've also noted a slightly higher frequency of people who think mocking the RPers is funny and I'm sorry but I can only assume that these are Americans with the brains of a cabbage.

We are actually a relatively friendly bunch, not matter what people might say, but the best way to interact is to actually interact. Say hello at the very least. Dark and silent heroes who stand there looking enigmatic often get ignored; why talk to them when there's people around who do actually speak?

(From my experience, PD is the same. Standing in the corner and watching results in you... standing in the corner and watching. This has been useful for me since I generally don't want to talk to anyone there, but if you do then go speak. )

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



I may consider transferring a character to Union. As much as I'd like the idea of starting a character from scratch, the low levels are painful.

Hopefully the RP griefers vanish. I never understood why people think griefing is humorous, but then again, I scarcely understand people, heh.

And Kitty, I'm not new to channels and how they work. However, in a roster of well over a hundred members, being the only person speaking (or 1 out of 5) doesn't really accomplish anything either ... just sayin.

AV - Were you in the team I was with yesterday? I was on Molten Terra. She's flighty, isnt she? lol! My excuse for when I fail at multi-tasking XD



mmm, channels are definitely more a random experience compared to gfriend'ing people, but when it does works it works well at least

Just got to catch people before they get into RP really, before their attention is lost, depends a lot on the time.

There really should be a way to enable a 'new global channel' message noise in the same way they made a separate noise for league chat instead of team now



Wow ....

I JUST realized that I misspelled "PLAYER" in the subject .. WTF!?!

And you people didn't TELL me!?!? O.O

Of all places for misspelling ... a place I don't think i can change. Roflmao! Figures

EDIT: nevermind ... fixed original post XD
I think I need a nap



Heh. We thought was just a typo, no big deal, we understood what you meant, so nothing to worry about.

And Birdy's right. GG needs some plot. So I'd better finish writing The Job, because that should kick one off.

The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise. ; Techbot_Alpha: Also, what Shadowe said. It seems he is still somewhat wise ; Bull Throttle: Shadowe was unwise in this instance...; Rock_Powerfist: in this instance Shadowe is wise.; Techbot_Alpha: Shadowe is very wise *nods*; Zortel: *Quotable line about Shadowe being wise goes here.*



Originally Posted by LadyPhoenix View Post
Wow ....

I JUST realized that I misspelled "PLAYER" in the subject .. WTF!?!

And you people didn't TELL me!?!? O.O

Of all places for misspelling ... a place I don't think i can change. Roflmao! Figures

EDIT: nevermind ... fixed original post XD
I think I need a nap
The Galaxy Girl statue is surrounded by a +10000 magnitude spelling debuff with a 10 million year duration. We just figured you walked past.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



I'm guess the other way on this matter.

When I started playing this game in earnest a few years ago. I didn't do any role-playing in chat hardly at all. Instead I went straight for this forum here and started posting character descriptions and asking for invites into existing threads. Role-playing by forum post is much better for me. I know who is doing or saying what and I have time to write out detailed replies or moves. And I've had a lot of experience role-playing by e-mail, web fora and BBS.

For me, chat just isn't the ideal medium for this stuff. I don't type fast enough, I keep arrowing back to make corrections and, in a crowded channel, I just can't keep track of who is replying to whom. Chat is just plain confusing for me. I've recently tried it again on Virtue over the last few weeks and it's still confusing. And a lot of the characters I've built just don't provide the kind of interactivity that chat requires but they are real easy to write about and therefore seem ideal here.

"Civilization advances by extending the number of important operations which we can perform without thinking of them."



Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post
The Galaxy Girl statue is surrounded by a +10000 magnitude spelling debuff with a 10 million year duration. We just figured you walked past.
lol! Nice one



Originally Posted by synthozoic View Post
I'm guess the other way on this matter.

When I started playing this game in earnest a few years ago. I didn't do any role-playing in chat hardly at all. Instead I went straight for this forum here and started posting character descriptions and asking for invites into existing threads. Role-playing by forum post is much better for me. I know who is doing or saying what and I have time to write out detailed replies or moves. And I've had a lot of experience role-playing by e-mail, web fora and BBS.

For me, chat just isn't the ideal medium for this stuff. I don't type fast enough, I keep arrowing back to make corrections and, in a crowded channel, I just can't keep track of who is replying to whom. Chat is just plain confusing for me. I've recently tried it again on Virtue over the last few weeks and it's still confusing. And a lot of the characters I've built just don't provide the kind of interactivity that chat requires but they are real easy to write about and therefore seem ideal here.
I can see how chat can be fast moving and confusing. Luckily for me, I've been used to multiple IM windows and actually look forward to the action that keeps my mind occupied.

Right now, since I've seen such a drop in RP on Virtue, I've found it necessary to seek as many other avenues of RP as I can to keep me interested/occupied.

I LOVE getting into the nooks and crannies and depths of character writing.

But I do relate ... I played a character last night who's intentionally flightly as an IC way for me to explain how I manage getting lost in a conversation ... (or a map)



Originally Posted by LadyPhoenix View Post
But I do relate ... I played a character last night who's intentionally flightly as an IC way for me to explain how I manage getting lost in a conversation ... (or a map)
I tried something similar on Virtue with my silly Python tribute, Mister Henry Semprini Gumby, as a way of dealing with the flurry of disconnected utterances that is chat. It was funny and very Dada but it wasn't like I was really interacting other people's plots at all. Gumby was mostly just goggling vapidly at things and thinking about Spam and Wheatabix. And I've got other characters that are just total no-hopers for chat role-playing.

What stuns me in this game is the people who type so fast that they can chat and fight at the same time! Me, my stubby digits just don't have that kind of juice! When a fight starts, I'm too busy targeting and launching attacks.

Anyway, yeah, here I can actually write.

"Civilization advances by extending the number of important operations which we can perform without thinking of them."



Heh, I can type and fight to a point. If the team is steamrolling things, I do more typing. If there's need for serious assistance, then I do more fighting.

The flighty character I play though, she has a lot of depth and personality. So she does chatter quite a bit. But when she loses the conversation, it's because she's always pondering anywhere from 1-5 things at a time. She's big into just thinking for the sake of thinking. That way, if (when) I lose track of the conversation, it's as much an IC thing as it is an OOC thing, lol



Originally Posted by synthozoic View Post
What stuns me in this game is the people who type so fast that they can chat and fight at the same time! Me, my stubby digits just don't have that kind of juice! When a fight starts, I'm too busy targeting and launching attacks.
I've never understood how people can do that... My own characters are remarkably quiet in combat (Even the hyperactive, normally "chatty" ones like Rose and Ty-) because I can't type and still control them at the same time for anything in the world.

I'd blame that on my preference for melee types if I didn't have exactly the same problem with my blasters and defenders...

@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...



I like to throw a line or two every now and then, mid battle. Had a quick but nice conversation happening during the Praetorian Invasion here on Union, 'twas fun.



Yes and I didn't realize that was you. um there was a fist in my eye, yea that was it.


by Star Ranger 4
WE ARE HEROES This is what we DO!
When you wake up seek the courage and strength to do the right thing.
Decide that this will be another day in which you Walk The Talk.

MA #14724 Operation: Discredit @American Valor
Sentinel Of Liberty SG



A likely story :P