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just log onto your SR Scrapper and the fight is pretty much decided.
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that's sad that set define more a victory than skill but it's true -
in fact it depends.
if you read carefully you will see that the only thing you have to fear is blaster. so to pvp in all map but warburg i would taht that SR is supperior to regen.
remember that + acc boost or + to hit buff lack a lot on vilain side so nothing to fear is SR is played on a scrapper.
avoiding attack means avoiding secondary effect, and mezz effect.
all of that is not true for a stalker that die easily in front of FA AIM+BU and all the buff/debuff a hero team will always carry. -
so just thorn can be a jack of all trade?
yesterday i got in trouble against minx and walkyri.
for valk the frist encounter was short, we powned her.
then she raised and... OMG! she MoGed herself it was over for me.
i then waited and looked at my comrade that had a hard time defeating her without being able to hit her.
then it's minx meeting, once again, elude means i am useless.can't hold or hit mean i can't slow or even build domination. and even with domination up, without hiting minx it was useless.
i have 2 doms an ice/ice and a grav/psi. (i have a grav/thorn also but aim + impal slotted in def debuff help a lot in this case)
what can i do to help my team mate when i am confronted with those kind of mob?
i no BU and no debuff... even with tactic i wasn't able to hit them to use drain psyché.
is there anything i can do ?(no yellow inspi are not the solution and btw against minx 4 of them did'nt helped me at all) -
cause a lot of time i just can't held him before he kill me ^^'
Co* se transforme en diablo !! -
bah... brute or scrapper that take it seems to do well with it.
it was a good way to drain psyché someone no? i mean even slowed any at that can go near me will kill me in almost 3 shot so...
now i'm confused.. :s -
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and a fire that was IMO a good way to go close of a regen and use drain psyché.
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ok put "fear" (from the presence pool) instead of fire and you got the correct sentence ^^' -
it would be for PvP in zone (siren, recluse) and maybe in raid.
for the team or solo part.. depend if there are people in the zone.
my plan was to find a way to make a dominator (yes dominator.. i know..) use drain psyché
and psi shockwave without dying (as its both melee power)
the primary would be plant/ grav/ or fire/ not sure for the moment.
the prob is that i know i HAVE to take leaping and aid self; that hasten could be nice; tat maybe stamina would be needed and i wanted to take Tough (Tough + ppp shield = nice res) and a fire that was IMO a good way to go close of a regen and use drain psyché.
but... there's just too much power to fit in correctly : / -
i'd like that to be the answer but for a dominator you can't just only go with what you like.
and btw i just don't have the time to build two and choose the one i prefer. (sad that you can't really test a build for those like me that plan to PvP only (PvE after 4-5 char begin to be boring))
filth, for the synergie between PPP shield + Tough + spirit three + drain psyché i am building one with that in mind but i just don't see what i can drop i what i want to fit it in as i am not sur that drain psyché alone could be enough tu run Tough, the shield + plus finally tactic or just all the power i need to fire. -
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plant got creeper and confusion
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How ironic
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why ironic?
by the way i really don't know waht could be the best combinaison.
turn on hot feet -> flashfire -> fire cage -> drain psyché -> boonfire -> shockwave
creeper -> confusion -> psy scream - > spirit three ->drain psyché -> shockwave -> psyché -> shockwave....
the first is clearly more damaging, but the second seems more safe as spirit three stack with drain psyché and that confusion make me a little harder to target...
in PvE both would be as strong IMO but in PvP with breakfree and proctection i'm not sure at all : /
what do you think? -
i have a lot of probleme when planning a toon for PvP to make the good choice.
there are the power i like, those i know i must have ect...
is there any magic way to not feel frustrated to not being able to take all the power i think i should take? a guide maybe? -
it would be mainly for PvP as i see a great PvP potential in both drain psyche and shockwave
which one would be the more pvp oreinted you think ?
sure fire got the imps, but plant got creeper and confusion -
so... this power offer you to heal and refill yourself to compense your poor health by jumping in a pack of mob or heroes (gloups !) ?
question can this power be used like some people use super speed in PvP ?
i mean
turn super speed on
toggle a melee attack
pass near the foe
the attaque trigger 2 sec after, you are far from your foe.
?? -
does it work great in PvP?
i mean it it possible to use it instead of stamina when you need to be near your foe? (which mean a lot of time dying) -
i need some feedback on those two as i can't choose between them
how do they perform in PvP? PvE? -
before doms were better friends of the stalkers for the critik they had while hitting a held foe, now you won't be that required as they got that hold.
i will reroll a corruptor, i will still be a dominator but in more useful... : ( -
yesterday i grouped with a level 50 team that was 4 corruptor a brute a stalker and me.
i now understand why Doms are as easely ignored for LRSF, it's hard to say but we are almost useless at high level.
brute was taunting and tanking, thanks to the heal of the corr
stalker was ASing and critiking like a mad, but not thanks to me and my control, but thanks to the 2 "corrminator" there was in the group.
one was ice/rad/mu, second was a ice/dark/GW.
they controlled all the game, i was only slowing them.
looking at my power i searched what i was doing they couldn't. the answer is "absolutely nothing".
the 2 of them had debuff; heal; AoE hold; PBAoe hold; capacity of phasing mob; raise; self team buff; a pet, and one hold more than me due to their patron pool.
when you look honestly they had all i had, plus possibility to heal and debuff.
it's not like when i'am in a team i hope i will be the only one dom, but when i rolled several dominator it was to play the class that controlled.
corr can control as good if not better than me, and they can increase the survivability of the team and their own, what i can do .
playing 4 dom it's hard to admit that it's an evidence that dominator are useless in a team or need a team with no corrminator
(i beraly can imagine the rampage they could do in recluse victory too T_T) -
i would be interrested for some demo of water spout in action both in pve and PvP if someone could provide me some...
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"Hmm... damn so if I want to do this TF I'll have to solo it, as being grav/thorn I don't seem to have much to offer from that list".
Yep, it looks like you're out of luck, as Grav certainly doesn't have any AoE immob (crushing field), any AoE hold/disorient (Wormhole, GDF), any AoE phase (dimension shift) or any pet (Singularity) that I can think of.
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bah for the moment it's the worst char i ever play : / (currently level 14) -
yes it lack of PvP sg... but by the way you are lucky you are not french, french server lack of players it's worst ^^'
i know that but after siren there are war then RV and i feel there are more must have that other thin in buildind a char and that [censored] me off a little