Drain Psyche
It will increase the amount of health regenerated per tick, not increase the number of ticks.
I tried slotting DP with Heals for a bit, and although your Regen rate can be pretty impressive your low HP will still make you pretty squishy. I much prefer the slotting you're already using, which has allowed me to happily run a Stamina free build.
By my 50s shall ye know me:
Tundra, DVM, The Late, Neutrino Ghost, Sir Clanksalot, End Of Days, Prof. Migraine
Howler Monkey
does it work great in PvP?
i mean it it possible to use it instead of stamina when you need to be near your foe? (which mean a lot of time dying)
im thinking of changing the slotting to 1acc/2rec/2end/1heal since i have tactics.
its work in pvp against regen scrappers stops there powers from working
I find it works better in pvp thanks to the faster domination bar. When your end is low theres a good chance either DP or domination will be up.
Does it hit with 1 acc and tactics? I would have expected it to miss.
My MA IDs:
Fiend Space: 211464
Not sure if there is a -acc like on most aoes (well aoe holds)
This power is great but you cant pvp without stamina, forget it.
My Mind/Psy dominator use to have stamina but then i respeced stamy out and i ful slotted Drain psyche (2 acc, 2 end mod, 2 rech) and its GREAT in pve, you can absolutely forget stamina.
Plus, when you use domination you recover all your endurance so..
But PvP is another story.
- Drain psyche is PBAoE, you have to stay close and that's not good.
- Even with 2 Accs, can easily miss a Hero. You dont care about that in PvE, because you use it with lots ob mobs around you so, even if you miss 2 or 3, your recovery will be increased anyways. But if you are fighting a hero, and you miss... you're dead.
- Even with 2 end mod, it doesnt give a great recovery PER foe. Again, if you use it in a group of mobs, you drain from them all so you'll recovery will rocks; BUT if you drain from 1 foe/hero, and if you dont miss him, you'll recovery will be too slow!! not good as stamina!!
For these facts, i think you cant defineively pvp without stamina. DP could still be great, but just as a support buff or a good debuff agaisnt regens.
There isn't
@Under Control
For these facts, i think you cant defineively pvp without stamina. DP could still be great, but just as a support buff or a good debuff agaisnt regens.
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I've never had stamina on my mind/psi and have no end problems unless I run into a player built as a sapper.
My MA IDs:
Fiend Space: 211464
[/ QUOTE ]
nah, it'd be more like
so... this power offer you to heal and refill yourself to compense your poor health by jumping in a pack of mob or heroes (gloups !) ?
question can this power be used like some people use super speed in PvP ?
i mean
turn super speed on
toggle a melee attack
pass near the foe
the attaque trigger 2 sec after, you are far from your foe.
so... this power offer you to heal and refill yourself to compense your poor health by jumping in a pack of mob or heroes (gloups !) ?
question can this power be used like some people use super speed in PvP ?
i mean
turn super speed on
toggle a melee attack
pass near the foe
the attaque trigger 2 sec after, you are far from your foe.
[/ QUOTE ]
Nope. it doesnt require a target so it fires right away. Best bet is to wait till a player is pinned down if you want to debuff them. Or, mass hold/sleep a group of the many longbow hanging around, wade in, use DP, get out before they wake up.
My MA IDs:
Fiend Space: 211464
For these facts, i think you cant defineively pvp without stamina. DP could still be great, but just as a support buff or a good debuff agaisnt regens.
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I've never had stamina on my mind/psi and have no end problems unless I run into a player built as a sapper.
[/ QUOTE ]
Aye my psy/plant doesn't have stamina either and does quite well.
Max Powerz: Lv 50 Tanker
Max Khaos: Lv 50
Overlord of E.V.I.L.
My Brute - http://maxy-khaos.mybrute.com/
LF SG! Arc ID# 193083
good to know !
i'm planning on removing Stamina on my next freespec
And DP doesn't interrupt sleep??
My Mind/Psi uses it all the time after Mass Hypnosis.
EDIT: As far as I'm aware, an attack will only interrupt sleep if it causes damage.
I keep both Stamina and Drain Psyche around simply for the fact I never ever have to worry about low endurance again. It's just a personal choice I know and I bet I could get along fine without. I just choose not to. Also, with Stamina and a DP buff I can keep TK up for a long time before having to pop a blue.
Thanx _Echo_..
I am still wondering about my build.. Any advise??
EDIT: As far as I'm aware, an attack will only interrupt sleep if it causes damage.
[/ QUOTE ]Or heals, or does KD/KB/KU.
Ive been using this power for a few levels now and i must say its AMAZING

Ive currently got it slotted 2ACC/2REC/2END
Question is if i slot it with 2HEALS will it increase how much health is regened or how many tics is applied ok its kinda hard to explain so lemme draw a picture lol