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  1. Speedblade_EU


    Thx, I'll try that
  2. Speedblade_EU


    Is there a Herobuilder that works on OS X?
  3. Well, since no one knows whats wrong in the mac forum, I thought I'd try posting here, just to see if anyone could help.

    I play on my MacBook Pro (The new one with Geforce 9600m GT 512mb), it seems like I can only play for about on hour, before the game chrashes to the desktop. I have no idea about what is wrong and it is quite annoying..

    Any ideas?
  4. Speedblade_EU

    Crash to Desktop

    I'm getting this too on my brand new MacBook Pro 15,4"..
  5. How can you get the CoH comics on a mac? When I try to get them, it just say that it can't open the page.. ?
  6. Speedblade_EU

    Which Mac?

    I guess I'll go for that then.. Thx for the advice guys..
  7. Speedblade_EU

    Which Mac?

    Fair enough..
    To all you out there that are alot smarter than me on this subject - I hope you can help:

    The specs are:

    The 15-inch MacBook Pro
    Intel Core 2 Duo
    4GB RAM
    320GB hard drive
    NVIDIA GeForce 9400M + 9600M GT with 512MB

    The 13-inch MacBook

    Intel Core 2 Duo
    2GB DDR3 Memory
    250GB hard drive1
    NVIDIA GeForce 9400M graphics
    Illuminated keyboard
  8. Speedblade_EU

    Which Mac?

    Well I see that the new Macbooks got GeForce card.. How would that do?
  9. Speedblade_EU

    Which Mac?

    I was looking at the new Macbooks at the Apple homepage, and I am considering to buy one. There is just one problem...

    Can CoH run ("smoothly") on a Macbook, or do I need to go Pro? Or what do I look for in Macs?

    In advance- Thanks
  10. What ever happened to leaning while you where flying? You know.. The one that made you lean while turning?

    I remember it being on test long time ago, but I never heard about it again.. Was it trashed?
  11. uuh.. thanks alot saved me e bunch of time..
  12. How would you bind a key to change to the 5th costume slot?? the keybind option in options only goes to 4.
  13. Speedblade_EU

    Acting Avatars

    I guess i said this beforem but.. THX!!!11111!oneoneone!!
  14. Speedblade_EU

    Acting Avatars

    Whoohuuu... Well.. if i, by any chance, could get Speedblade and Trashtalk as a GIF animation which maybe would include Michael J. Fox, as Aeroblaze a natural Blaster, it would be just swell..
  15. Speedblade_EU

    Acting Avatars

    I would be oh so happy if i could get the always supercool Vin Diesel (as Riddick) as Trashtalk.. My mutation Brute..
  16. Speedblade_EU

    Acting Avatars

    Uhhh.. Pistol -> You' da bomb! These are aws0me!.
  17. Speedblade_EU

    Acting Avatars

    Wouw they look amazing.. Can i be any chance get Jason Stratham for Speedblade?? Would be perfect.. Here's the picture..
    Jason Stratham for Speedblade

    Ohh.. And he's a Mutation Scrapper.
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    Very nice!

    Wouldn't it be really cool if they actually released a multi-part tie-in comic series to go with Iss #10? I'm still mournful that we never got the Rikti War novel (currently working my way through reading The Web of Arachnos and The Freedom Phalanx, tho)

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Are they any good btw? Thinking about getting them myself..
  19. Sure.. I'll try it out.. BUT.. I like Paint very very much..
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    Who was exposed to the very Devouring Earth mutagen she was trying to find a cure for.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Talk about ironic..
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    Well there's already a villain with wings, so don't see why it's gonna be a problm with samurai armour

    Great ideas, hope the devs see this.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Hmm.. Good point..
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Hmm.. Before i say anything more, i must state that i like your suggestions.. But i think some noobs will be mad that the NPCs get samurai armor before them..

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Aw come on - who knows who long that particular NPC has been active? And besides, it's a wellknown fact that all the NPCs cheats when it comes to powersets and such - why not when it comes to costume parts as well?
    At any rate, I just thought that the samuarai pieces were rather fitting for that particular Hero.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    True.. True..
  23. Hmm.. Before i say anything more, i must state that i like your suggestions.. But i think some noobs will be mad that the NPCs get samurai armor before them..