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  1. Like people have said, good AoE, slow DoT. I like it for soloing against big spawn sizes and for dropping on slower-moving teams. On steamroll teams, it may not be as useful.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Seldom View Post
    While many, even the devs, seem to concentrate on sadism or the enjoyment of causing suffering as a qualifier for villainy, that's actually a very rare motivation for those we call 'villains.' Look at the worst dictators and war criminals in real life, they hardly ever do bad things just to hurt people.

    The heart of villainy in my mind is a combination of psychopathy, selfishness, and proactivity. They are highly motivated to achieve their own goals, and could care less if someone else has some "nonsense" rules forbidding them from taking a certain route to that goal. If others are hurt in the process, it doesn't really matter, so long as the goal is reached.

    Most villains don't hurt the little guy because they're bad people, they hurt the little guy because they don't care. Supervillainy is all about the character having the means to do what they want, and using their power/wits to obtain it. Social boundaries and laws may be considered, but only as far as they can be manipulated towards achieving the end goal. If they become a hindrance they are ignored.
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    Present a reasonable villain. Hyena-cackling morons who want to eat babies and rip the heads off pretty girls because the voices in their head tell them so are boring. Give me a villain who feels the world is weak and it NEEDS a strong leader, or one who feels that the fight against evil justifies all casualties or, hell, even one who feels that free will is an abomination because it makes order impossible and then we'll talk. As long as the villain has a reason to be evil that I could look at and say: "Well, that's insane, but I can see the logic." Then that's a villain I want to play as.
    These. I'd reeeeeally prefer that we don't get any more 'well, players want more villainous arcs, so let's have them blind some school children!' content. And this comes from somebody who primarily plays villains.
  3. Turns out it's actually just Old Man Jenkins in a mask, trying to scare all you kids out of Twitter so he can buy it for cheap and use it to smuggle gold.
  4. As people have said, self-publishing has its problems... which can be more or less so depending on the medium. Music and games seem to be the easiest places to make it happen these days, with the ease of distribution on the internet. There are respected webcomic artists out there... just not many, because frankly, most webcomics are garbage, and even the good ones likely don't have a number of readers that really compares to larger print works. Really, if you name any form of art that can be digitized without losing most of its value, you can probably find somebody who's making a living doing it on the internet. The corporations currently do serve a purpose, though--like others have said, they offer quality control, access to much larger distribution channels, advertising, and peripheral needs like box art.

    And, as you hinted at in your first post, the definition of self-published is getting a little hazy these days--if I make my own game with no corporate input and then distribute it on Steam, does it count? Conversely, under what circumstances would it be worth my time to distribute the game myself instead of using Steam?
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dromio View Post
    I'd actually recommend away from Colour of Magic. That was the first Pratchett book I read and it turned me off of him for ten+ years. Only when I went back I read Guards Guards and then many of the others did I realize what a genius the guy is.

    Even holding as high an opinion of Pratchett as I do I still don't enjoy Colour of Magic very much.
    I think it's one of the weaker books in the series, but I still find it pretty good... at the very least, you need to read it before Interesting Times makes sense.

    As people have already said, Discworld is basically a pile of slightly related series that take place in the same setting. What I might recommend is picking up one of the standalone novels in it and reading that to see if it clicks with you... Small Gods would be my personal recommendation there, since it was the first thing I read by Pratchett and it got me hooked instantly. If not, picking up with the Watch books is good too.
  6. Kelenar


    I can name three missions she's in just in the category of level 50 villainous tip missions.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Razoras View Post
    Yeah, instructions should be getting distributed throughout the trial and not all in one lump before it even begins because you have no idea what they're talking about.
    Originally Posted by Demobot View Post
    This statement is a load of ****. Most trials I've been on, instructions were given right before we started a particular phase and the raids were completed successfully.
    He did post a clarification.

    Originally Posted by IanTheM1 View Post
    I wasn't saying that a raid leader always needs to do a total info dump before the trial begins, I was saying that a good raid leader needs to make sure everyone has the basics down. Bonus points if they clarify what strategy they're using. Giving contextual instruction during the raid isn't a bad thing, either.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
    Does VoodooGirl teach the guys at Regular Ordinary Swedish Meal Time?
    Nah, not enough mayo.
  9. In my experience, against most enemy groups, just Snow Storm and Freezing Rain will keep you alive versus x2 or x3, and higher in certain environments. Corner enemies with Hurricane whenever possible, and if you're in an enclosed area where you can keep them in one room, drop Tornado to keep them on their toes. Or rather, on their butts. Solo storm benefits a lot from controlled chaos: An enemy that's on the ground or flying through the air isn't shooting at you.

    I find that Storm's weakness, when soloing, is open spaces--if you're on an office map, you can ram everybody into a small room with Hurricane and keep them bouncing and flopping around on their butts until they die, but that's much harder to pull off in an outdoor map.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
    Apparently "Give $playername any Pacification Grenades you have before we fight Marauder." translates as "Wait until midway through the AV fight and then give $playername any Molecular Acids you have."
    These are the people who are lucky it's not possible to slap somebody over the internet.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SerialBeggar View Post
    If someone is advertising their recruitment on a channel, I'll respond on the channel. I'm not going to send a tell unless significant time has past and I'm not sure if the recruiting has concluded. Responding to the channel gives a better impression to the player base that the game is still dynamic with active teaming activity going on. Remember, there are a lot of returnees checking the game out. Why promote a negative perception of being ignored or that the game is on the decline because one can't get on a team?
    Because for the league leader, tells are a lot easier to deal with than a mixture of tells, broadcasts, and global channel chatter. I have multiple global channels I post stuff like that into, all of which are busy enough to warrant their own tabs. If I just get tells, that's a single tab I have to watch, and I don't really have to worry about missing responses in unrelated garbage. If people broadcast and respond in the globals too, I have to watch four tabs, three of which have unrelated stuff happening in them that I have to pick through.
  12. Anything above 5 million-ish I'll at least consider. If there's a steady niche worth 5 million in profit per IO that doesn't seem to have any competition, I'll ride it until something better comes along. Usually, if I'm marketeering, it means I'm both low on money and have some end goal in mind, so I prefer items that aren't very volatile. When I'm just out for cash and can afford to eat some losses if the prices tank, I'll try for at least 20 million per item, preferably 50+.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TrueMetal View Post
    Strange, I'd swear I've seen Lambda runs where all 10 or at least 9 acids have been used without one being taken in the courts.
    Same here. Was on one last night where the doors were all down really quick. Much more quickly than two acids will spawn in the courtyard.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
    I suspect many gamers think the developers of the world are phenomenally lazy, because they never seem to get balance right. But there is a good reason that no RPG in history has ever been totally balanced, and that's because game balance is not only hard to achieve, the target you are aiming for is constantly moving if your game continues to introduce new systems or content.
    Eh, there's still a lot of laziness out there. I've seen plenty of systems where anybody with some decent skill at probability can sit down and prove that two options that should be roughly equal in power vary wildly. (Not saying that this applies to CoH, just that the situation definitely does exist.)
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
    Agreed. I'd also note that if it works I could imagine some potential usages in the medical field (potentially as a communication tool for people with disabilities) so making it as an entertainment device may provide the funding for other useful applications.

    Plus they are cool.
    Pretty much all of this. And hey, anything that gets us one step closer to a true mind/machine interface.
  16. I'm spending most of my time on a Corruptor in the teens. Trials are so two weeks ago.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by reiella View Post
    Actually, I think that may be a good case for having the 'effective' softcap be different from different types of content.

    It'd be fine, as an example, to be able to 'easily' get to the soft-cap for solo content on your own. However, when you start looking at group content, it should require some sort of additional support from the group to reach. And again another step up when you start talking about 'raid' content.
    Hmm, true. With the given model, more defense would always make you able to take on more enemies, which would address some of the game's current problems, like the second FF defender on a team being useless. You'd just have to be careful to avoid the standard teaming situation turning into 3 FF/ defenders, 3 Sonic/ Defenders, a tank, and a blaster to nuke once the tank rounds up the entire mission.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
    Main things I'd consider:

    - Change the Defense and Resistance formulas so they are no longer multiplicative.

    - Remove aggro cap. Replace with following rule: every enemy after the 16th reduces your defense and resistance by 1%.
    You'd have to be very careful about the interplay between these two. If you kept a relatively easy-to-attain defense softcap, this would let you, say, have a FF defender buff a high-defense tank to 40% above the softcap, then let them herd up three or four groups in relative safety. Not the end of the world, but I can see it leading back to i0-2 'sit in one place and let the tank herd the level' gameplay.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Draggynn View Post
    In general this means slotting range in LS is useless.
    This is my experience. Like Draggyn said, the storm only sees and aggroes so far, and range enhancements don't help it much past that. Way back before ED, I had mine 5-slotted with Damage/Range HOs, hoping to make it a killer sniper storm, and was sorely disappointed when it pretty much behaved exactly like it always did before.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by sleestack View Post
    Wow, did nobody read my earlier post in this thread? The hashes don't have to be reversible to get the passwords. All they have to be is hashes of weak passwords (which is what most people use) and then be compared to a Rainbow Table.
    Unless the password was also salted. Although, again, from the comments, it sounds like that might not be the case.

    Always kinda amazed when huge companies don't use... good security at all for these sort of things. It's one thing to have your network breached by an unexpected bug, but it's another entirely to have your customers' password information easily accessible inside of said network.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ice_Wall View Post
    Lastly I'd want better villain content, content designed around the villain becoming a super villain, becoming more feared and getting bigger jobs with higher rewards towards the end of the career. Much less people talking to you like a lackey, furthering other peoples schemes and no more robbing a bank to get only a small amount of loot.
    Originally Posted by Gearsinger View Post
    I don't particularly like the way mezzing works in this game. I believe it should be incredibly rare, but also very scary when it does happen.

    In my opinion, minions shouldn't be able to wrest control away from players. It should take a big bad to lock a player down; Ghost Widow, for instance. On the other hand, no one should be immune to mezzes. I would get rid of Break Frees and mez-immunity toggles, while allowing more resilient archetypes to have some mez resistance to shake it off sooner.

    I would design certain encounters wherein it is lore appropriate for an enemy to have that kind of power. There would be a unique wind-up animation to give players a few seconds to pop inspirations to try to weather the hold, or for a tank to taunt to make sure the enemy doesn't go after his squishies while he's helpless.
    These are two big ones for me. Also, rebalancing. I think the game's pretty well-balanced as it is, but there are definitely some places improvements could be made, and it would be the perfect chance to ditch the cottage rule and completely cut certain powers.

    Another big one: Make a new engine, preferably one based around an easily-extensible setup for powers and effects. Adding a new damage type or status effect really shouldn't require tearing the engine halfway apart, and proliferating powersets between ATs should be trivial, not the kind of thing you spend weeks on. While you're at it, make a map editor with a drag-and-drop interface so that new maps with existing tilesets are trivial too.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
    Very well, very well. I submit fibb(BB(A(G, G))), where fibb(n) produces the nth number in the Fibbonacci sequence. p.o
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bubbawheat View Post
    U-stream highlights - editing as they go...


    cog/bits aura

    Steampunk BACKPACKS - and they're animated (showed pic)

    Steampunk rifle (showed pic)

    animated victorian decor aura - victorian designs that move (showed pic)

    new face technology - for more detailed faces. (showed pic)

    Steampunk mechanical wings (showed concept art)

    Travel power - Steam jump (showed video)

    Oil geyser costume change emote

    due June 1
    Welp, guess my Victorian wind-up doll is coming back.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
    Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure
    Originally Posted by Harry_Canyon View Post
    Independance day
    Naked Gun Trillogy
    Originally Posted by MaestroMavius View Post
    Short Circuit
    Originally Posted by Primantiss View Post
    Kung-Pow! : Enter the Fist
    Originally Posted by Mystic_Fortune View Post
    The Fifth Element
    Some of these are cornerstones of pop culture, several of them have pretty good reviews both from critics and viewers. (If they screw up the Short Circuit remake, I will flip out.)

    Hmm, mine...
    Pee-Wee's Big Adventure (Not a bad movie, but probably one people would stare incredulously at me for admitting I like.)
    The Tremors sequels
    Gremlins 2

    And it's not a movie, but Puni Puni Poemi. For people who thought Excel Saga was too intellectual.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jophiel View Post
    I like a good story but I don't sweat some of the details others do. Different levels for different things and different people.
    This is about my level. I like a story to go with my smashing, but I don't obsess over the details too much. I don't have any real issues with Barracuda or Roy Cooling's arc, for example. (Enjoy facing PPD in the 20s, heroes!)