1060 -
Quote:That's where I disagree completely. Stalker sets almost universally make huge AoE sacrifices to receive Assassin's Strike, which is the linchpin of an AT built around single target burst damage. The problem with the Stalker AT is that burst damage in this game is virtually useless outside of PvP, and it actually has less total DPS that most Brutes and Scrappers while receiving the lowest HP modifiers.My point was that old ET couldn't be "broken beyond belief" because of its DPA if every Stalker is getting something that can perform better, without the chance of killing yourself while using it. In other words, I'm saying that EM didn't really warrant a nerf given that it's in the same boat that all of the Stalker primaries are in - how much AoE does it sacrifice to get single target? Plus, get this, it sacrifices health, too!
There is a difference between fixing a deficient AT that can't achieve it's intended role and fixing a single skill that broke every single AT that it was proliferated to. Beyond the numbers being close between the old ET and the proposed change to Assassin Strike-- a dynamic which relies on an AT mechanic to achieve a critical no less-- I see little reason to equate the two. Energy Melee allowed Tankers to outclass many Scrappers in single target DPS. Energy Melee allowed Brutes to both out-burst damage stalkers and out DPS every AT in the game. And in PvP at the time, Energy Melee allowed Stalkers to kill anything but a Tank , Brute, or Scrapper in less than 1.5 seconds. This was all because of Energy Transfer's game breaking numbers. Meanwhile, every single Stalker is deficient in DPS when compared to a Scrapper or Brute. This is as close to apples and oranges as we can get. -
I just posted a few times in a thread about Energy Melee being in the penalty box and it got me thinking...
How many more Melee sets will be fixed before Trick Arrow? Heck, the one change that TA recently received I view as a nerf. The -Damage debuff in Poison Gas Arrow is far less reliable than it used to be, having been tied to a fix that granted the skill a useless pulsing mag 2 sleep. -
Quote:And you point is? Exactly how much less survivable is a Stalker than a Brute, and how much AoE does the average Stalker set sacrifice, and what exactly is the role of the Stalker?And yet the proposed i22 Stalker changes gives each and every Stalker primary a power that can exceed the DPA of the old Energy Transfer with as few as two stacks of Assassin's Focus (meaning two powers hit in between uses... or essentially each and every attack chain in existence).
I see no problem with that. The Stalker class will finally have DPS commensurate with the sacrifices already baked into the AT design. It's bout time.
**On a side note the readjustment was as much about insta-kill in PvP as it was about PvE imbalances. Build Up->Assassin Strike->ET was death in less than 2 seconds if you couldn't see the Stalker. Not only has PvP changed since then, but it is impossible to Assassin Strike->Assassin Strike, so the insane DPA it MIGHT have outside of hide does not produce broken levels of burst damage in PvP. -
Energy Transfer had about twice the DPA of Seismic Smash. That means that it was nearly twice as powerful as the second best single target attack in the game at the time, which was already markedly superior to any other such attack. It was broken beyond belief.
What should have happened was the creation of a new animation that didn't backload the damage in the manner it did. The damage should have come at the same time as the previous animation-- after about 1 second-- but should have then had a 1.5 second wind down. This would have allowed players to strike as quickly as before, but would have neutered the broken DPA.
I would still like to see the rest of Energy Melee fixed a bit-- particularly it's AoE damage. -
Quote:The amount of new content since Freedom went live has been amazing. I have no problem with these super packs if they help generate additional content for the game. In less than three months, we have so far received:
6 new power sets- Titan Weapons
Beam Rifle
Time Manipulation
Street Justice
*and coming soon*
Staff Fighting
Dark Control
Many new costume sets- Celestial
Gun Slinger
Elemental Order
Carnival of Light
And lots of new content- First Ward
Mercy 1-20
Atlas 1-20
Even if you don't want to delve into the Super Packs, and wish that you could just buy the items a la carte, you WILL STILL BENEFIT FROM OTHER PEOPLE BUYING THEM. - Titan Weapons
Tough + Weave is a solid addition to any build. With IOs, you are able to socket Steadfast and Gladiator's +3% in Tough. The net result is 5%-8% defense to all from weave. 6% defense to all from the IOs, and 15%-20% resistance to SM/L.
Think about all the robots in Praetoria and on Incarnate Trials. I believe that members of the IDF also have lethal resistance. Lethal really has been short changed.
While I like a lot of the suggestions that have been added since the original post, I think that any changes to trick arrow will be quick numerical improvements. Anything that is truly unique and creates a new mechanic will be used for new sets that can generate revenue.
I would love to see the recharge on Poison Gas arrow reduced. The set needs more mitigation, and being able to have access to more -damage would be wonderful. The same goes for Glue Arrow.
I think you are missing the whole point to Titan Weapons. Maybe roll a Mace character instead...
Check the animations and DPA on your attacks after that initial ponderous strike. -
TA needs buffs and serious developer attention. Poison needs buffs and serious developer attention. Gravity needs buffs and serious developer attention. These three sets are vastly under-performing compared to their peers.
I guarantee that melee ATs will receive that attention instead. Because, you know, Energy Aura was clearly worse off relative to other armor sets than TA is compared to something like Time, Radiation, Dark Miasma, Kinetics, Cold, Traps, etc. I am beyond frustrated with the melee slant in this game-- and I love my melee characters but the bias has gotten RIDICULOUS!! -
I am currently running with 5 parts Unbreakable Constraint (+proc) and Lock Down proc. I may swap out Lockdown for Gladiator's Fury %chance -Res. Anyone have any preference between these two procs?
Poison is still very poor compared to almost every other support set in the game. I need to take the time and make one last argument for it receiving some attention now that I have played it 1-50 and through all the incarnate content. -
I want Hasten to use the self-injection-with-a-syringe animation.
Thank you. -
What is the -End value on Preemptive Interface? I am trying to decide on the potential value of this skill on my DM/ELA.
Thanks. -
Thanks Noble.
Is there any way that we can get more asymmetrical costume options? I would LOVE to have something half as awesome as Noble Savage's outfit.
Edit-- just read your reply. Add me to the pile of players excited about some asymmetrical costume options! -
Midnight Grasp is a great skill, and has very high DPA when you factor in Arcana-time server ticks. I always drop Shadow Punch for Midnight Grasp at this point. It has been buffed to the point where it is your best attack aside from Gloom as far as DPA is concerned.
Actually, melee range was increased from 5' to 7' since then, which is a drastic improvement for melee cones (same for Shadow Maul). Off the top of my head, this increase of 2' nearly doubles the area of effect on Jacob's Ladder at 34 versus 67 square feet for 5' and 7' radii respectively.
I wrote a guide a long time ago for the Buzzsaw DM/ELA build that advocated tossing out Shadow Maul and running a proc chain on single targets given that Shadow Maul could not reliably hit more than 2 targets. It can now reliably hit 3 targets and 5 targets is not unheard of. My build has taken Shadow Maul since the change and uses it well. -
All damage buffs that are placed on the Mastermind have no effect on pets. A damage buff would have to be placed on the pets individually for them to benefit. Damage buffs differ from enhanced damage, which is what's socketed in abilities or can be granted through the Musculature Alpha slot.
The irony here is that Call to Justice, the hero alignment power, is a far superior ability for Masterminds. It will buff all of your pet's damage by 40% for a full 30 seconds as well as provide 10% +ToHit. -
I agree. First Ward is the best zone in this game, and has one of the best plots so far. I can't wait for new zones if this is an indicator of things to come.
I also recomend MMs for being the best healers. Granted, they have the worst healing values in the game, but they can deal 90% of their maximum damage while animating heals 100% of the time. On top of this, they are significantly tougher than any other support AT in the game-- as a dead healer is a useless healer/rezzer.
I too have a DS/Pain, and in many situations it is the best dedicated healer there is. Share Pain can be used with reckless abandon while standing in melee range and spamming your AoE heal. You won't be doing this on a Defender or Corruptor. -
Please get on the VIP Media Blitz Beta test forum and make some comments about Poison. Outside of making procs finally work with Poison Trap, there are a lot of things that we need to push for with this set.
I have already made a few suggestions for Venemous Gas-- namely making it a PBAoE click debuff (2 minute durantion, 4 minute recharge, perma on SOs) or allowing the debuff ticks to have 10 seconds of duration just like Hurricane currently does.
This set is NOT working well in actual game play. -
Quote:Jayboh and a few other fellow posters posted in the other poison threads about the issues with poison. There's word that the set will be looked at come 21.5.
Well, here are the current updates to poison in the 21.5 patch notes.
Quote:Poison- Venomous Gas now properly benefits from To Hit Debuff and Defense Debuff enhancements and enhancement sets.
- Venomous Gas will now accept customized colors.
- Paralytic Poison now lasts the correct duration in PvP for all versions of this power: 4 seconds for Controllers and 2 seconds for Corruptors and Masterminds.
Quote:400 hp on minions eh? That's interesting. Guess how much damage you do with Aim->Spring Attack-> Soul Drain-> Cutting Beam? And then consider that the spawn after this is being met with a +100% to +150% damage buff.
If a more concrete example is needed, consider the process of fighting a spawn
with beam/dark
Its jump in
hit dark pit
Hit soul drain.
jump out
position the cone
hit aim
hit disintegrate
hit cutting beam
start single targeting until your cone is recharged
Position Cone
Hit aim
Hit Build Up
Cutting Beam
Psychic Scream
-- Minions have taken over 400 hp of damage and are dead that mag 2 stun is not needed
start your single targets on whatever is left.
And why are you using Disintegrate in your AoE combo? Are you hoping to spread Disintegrate with Cutting Beam? Have you even played Beam Rifle? I have a hard time believing that you want Cutting Beam to deal more damage to a single target.
Beams/Dark will out DPS any other combo due to Soul Drain. It also has the potential to offer superior burst damage on spawns following a saturated Soul Drain. It has the option to open with a minion level stun at range and immediately stun a boss with Lancer Shot and start spreading Disintegration. -
Quote:Firstly, mathematics. Soul Drain with ONE target outperforms Build Up in total damage buffing-- 60% for 30 seconds versus 100% for 10 seconds. With socketed recharge of 95%, you will have Soul Drain up nearly 50% of the time while Build Up is active just 22% of the time. Soul Drain with 4 targets and a high recharge build (200% global) absolutely destroys every other secondary for damage buffing. That would be 90% enhanced damage 95% of the time, while Build Up would offer 100% enhanced damage 43% of the time.Seriously I have no idea how someone can talk about pairing a single target very limited aoe primary, with a secondary that requires you to be surrounded by more than 4 targets to out perform any of the other secondaries. (less devices). Soul drain on high recharge needs 4 targets to outdo build up.
If you want a wade in stun things and then single target them to death play style beam rifle/ electricity manipulation is much better. You have two aoe stuns that can neutralize everything up to bosses and actually take out the minions.
Secondly, if you would have read my post, you would realized just how fast Leap Attack sets up Soul Drain. And with Dark Pit, you don't have to wade in to stack stun mag-- that's a huge perk. This combo works very well together, and that's coming from experience.
There are certain strengths that Beam Rifle offers-- single target DPS, a reliable stun in it's hardest hitting attack, and the only crashless nuke that has mez (also a stun). Dark significantly augments all of these strengths.