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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Veikira View Post
    I don't think I've ever been this upset to see a game go...almost feel ridiculous for feeling this way. Just a game right? I mean, I met some amazing people here. Relationships that I've held on to even when I wasn't playing this game, people who I've come to call friends. It has inspired me as an artist to get back into drawing and more so, creating concepts of my own. Just a game? Can't really sum it up like that cause it's been more then that.

    How many of us not only met some great people due to this game but life long relationships? Congrats to those couples.

    Paragon is in my opinion the most community friendly development team. I've migrated to several MMO's, none of them come close to the level of interaction with their fans.

    Thank you guys. I hope you don't move to save CoH. I hope you come back strong and release a new Hero MMO under the development of Paragon Studios. I'd be there.

    Much love.
    Dear Veikira, I completely sympathize. CoH was for so many of us way more than "just a game"; it was (is) a community where we shared our hobby/passion investing lots of time, creativity and to varying degrees money. I havent done much with other MMORPGs and from what little I have done, City of Heroes was entirely "my cup of tea" and other MMOs mostly arent. Like you, in the event CoH isn't saved (as looks increasingly likely at present) then I also hope the remarkable development team that gave us CoH gives us an MMORPG as good or better than CoH. For sure, I'd check it out and likely stay.
  2. Re: all the AE babies ruining the game. Maybe they did. I wasnt there at the time (having started under Issue 15) and I played only content the first 2-3 months. I'd play my def during the day, usually soloing unless one of my new MMO friends happened to be on, maybe go up a level, but by evening more were on, and I'd team with friends who had work the next day. Often after they crashed I'd see people advertising for teammates to play AE and in far shorter but often less enjoyable time gained another level. Compared to dev content many of the AE missions were (imo) far less interesting. But of course, that was prior to my understanding that these AE's were often written for max gain (in XP or tickets) for the least amount of travel and effort and most had next to no story, unlike say TALOS VICE.

    If that turned off so many veteran players at the time that they left game in sufficient numbers never to return which in turn resulted in the sunsetting of the game EIGHT issues later (almost nine, and I'm counting from Issue 15)... well, I'd be surprised.

    As I posted before, one of my earliest friends had gotten into CoH (her first foray into gaming of any type) when her brother and his friends persuaded her to try it and PL'ed her first character to 50, a toon she subsequently rarely played. I met her on a low level tanker, her 2nd toon, "learning to play coh" in her words. As a grassgreen newbie to CoH and all MMORPGs, I often told players I was new and learning. I asked for constructive advice, or sometimes teammates took the time to explain what strategy we were gonna use. I also teamed with other new players so we could learn together. I appreciate that teaching new players (or even taking the time to type chat with us) could feel frustrating to many veteran players. By logical and erroneous extension, I can now assert it was NEWBS who killed CoH!!!! And yes, that's entirely intended as a joke.

    Continued Best Wishes to the Dev Team and the CoH Community! For slightly more than 3-1/2 years CoH provided me with great entertainment and enjoyment. I wish it were continuing.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dz131 View Post
    Snape killed CoH
    LOL, yeah it was Professor Snape alright! (joking)

    As said in another post earlier in this thread, I also loved the "Talos Vice" AE arc. It was one of many faves! Just look at the Award Winners and Guest Author AE missions; many of these are jewels! Various friends and SGmates wrote AE's to give a playable look at their character's backgrounds. Some were amateurish, some were good arcs, all were fun (imo.)

    I'm one of those guilty(?) of using AE to PL toons (either mine or someone else's). I've also PLed using content such as Maria Jenkins' arc (both as leech and farmer.)

    I doubt there's a single reason to attribute declining numbers to. I really doubt it's due to Mission Architect. It'll be to due to a confluence of factors that all boils down to the REAL REASON: NCSoft believes it can increase profit above whatever levels of profit CoH generates by doing something else and "sunsetting" this.
  4. Thank you, Leandro and Golden Girl. Kallisti Wharf is of course beautiful and seeing it is bittersweet, but I'm more heartened than saddened to see this.
  5. I'm already following several threads on Titan Network's forums and will check out Paragon Unleashed in the days again.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Black Pebble View Post
    Man, that Black Pebble guy is pretty keen!
    Yes indeed that Black Pebble guy IS pretty keen! So is Arcanaville. Thanks for posting this!!!
  7. Quinch, I like what you wrote. I too would like to see the Paragon Studios team rehired and for CoH to continue into Issue 24 and beyond and it's to our detriment that NCSoft doesn't want to. I don't have enough of a business background to know why NCSoft can't continue publishing CoH but it seems that they've said (at minimum indirectly) that they can get a better return on investment pursuing other ventures. And after all, that IS the goal of most corporations, and NCSoft has a fiduciary responsibility to its stockholders. (I'd say all corporations, but those like Public Broadcast Corporation in the U.S. are an exception.)

    Yes, I too really REALLY hope NCSoft will sell the IP and do what it can to facilitate the continuation of City of Heroes, provided it doesn't want to continue publishing this remarkable, award-winning MMORPG. Some people here (or else on Titan Network's forums) with business backgrounds have offered explanations as to complexities, legalities and hence expense (in time and money) of selling the IP.

    Some of us fans will remain sorrowful and/or angry about the ending of City of Heroes. Practically all of us posting here have either written about (or simply displayed) classic feelings of Grief and Bereavement which is compounded when the loss is sudden and unexpected. I'm beginning to think NCSoft shouldn't have bothered with a PR statement (which many here found insulting) but instead hired a Bereavement counselor.

    I'll confess I'm not feeling as hopeful as I was a few days ago but plan to continue with reasonable community action(s) and hope either that this somehow convinces NCSoft to reevaluate and change its decision OR that this support not only raises the morale of the Dev Team and makes it more likely that these fine individuals will continue as their own studio to produce something even more remarkable than CoH in the near future.

    I remain a Fan of CoH and will miss it. I'm lucky enough to be in touch with many of the friends I made thru CoH. If CoH fandom is sufficiently together and persistent we may gain something, though it may take years. (I'm thinking now of Star Trek fandom and how long it took for new Star Trek movies and series to be developed.)

    Anyhow, I've wandered far afield from praising your letter. Best wishes and perhaps I'll see you in-game. I for one am playing until the very last moment.
  8. The Radio!!! I'd TURN the Radio ON and listen to music and sweet nothings all night long (as well as the occasional tip as to the next great heist!)

    (Can you tell I loved the Radio's arc?)
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ashen_Fury View Post
    Hamidon. You can put it ANYWHERE. No, really.
    I'll take your word for that, Ashen! Also the Hamidon Raid ran on Justice as it does most Monday nights at 9 EST. Sadly, we didn't have enough for the Rikti MSR that traditionally follows, but there were cool teamups afterwards despite that.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SinisterDirge View Post
    Paging PSLAnimal.
    This is also ROFL!!!
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Radionuclide View Post
    There are way too many bugs in that game. Just sayin'.

    ROFL, Rad!!!!! And i presume you don't mean insects...
  12. JohnRobey


    Originally Posted by CaptainMoodswing View Post
    I'm curious whether or not Emperor Cole actually wore the Statesman costume in his own reality.
    While my reply is certainly NOT definitive, I was under the impression that the Praetorian Marcus Cole never became Statesman, per se, even though he's an Incarnate. My two cents.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Black Pebble View Post
    The dev team did look into that. It would have resulted in fundamental game-breaking issues, unfortunately. Not as in game imbalance. I mean as in it would cause things to explode break-wise, as the game makes fundamental assumptions on how powers are assigned.

    You saw that in more of the newer Power Sets. Since the flexibility of choices wasn't something that could be easily granted, the idea was to make the choices as compelling as possible.
    Once again, Black Pebble, I want to say THANK YOU to the development team! Your care and dedication to City of Heroes and the player-community matches if not surpasses even the most ardent of us fans. THANK YOU!!!
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lock0n View Post
    Cross-posted to the titan network
    So in trying to understand what's been going on with NCSoft and their announcment from yesterday, I've done a bit of digging around with some help. I came across this article from 2009:
    It's interesting reading and helps to explain some of the context of why NCSoft is making the decisions that it's making. The basic gist of it is, NCSoft currently has more money then they can spend. Really, literally, they can't spend all the money they have. So from that standpoint we can see that offering to buy the IP won't really phase them much, because they don't need or want (yes, I know that sounds hard to believe) the money. The risk to them is far greater that at some point in the future, someone else will come in and take money away from them with a better game/property. So it makes sense in that context to hang on to the IP and bury it, to prevent the competition from getting a leg up on them, especially with a possible product they used to own.

    But that's also why the SaveCOH movement can't let up with the pressure that we've created. As Mercedes Lackey and others have pointed out, the actual acknowledgement of our efforts from NCSoft is shocking and unusual. It means that people there are actually concerned that future earnings (the only thing they really care about) could be impacted at some point by the negative publicity that they are getting from this event. So we have to keep going. We have to keep threatening their future earnings and make them realize that the potential negative aspects of sitting on the IP and squashing our community will come back to bite them in the future. Because I for one, believe that it will.

    So stay strong, stay committed, and keep fighting the good fight. This is far from over and we have to keep going. We WILL win.
    Dear LockOn, Thank you for this. Both this article and SerialBeggar's link have helped me understand WHY it isnt/might not be good business for NCSoft to keep CoH (or any given product) around, even ones that are profitable. It doesn't help me LIKE the decision, but it makes it more understandable.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by houtex View Post
    Paragon Wiki has no ties to NCSoft or Paragon Studios, other than effectively 'chatting' about the game. It will be there as long as the people involved want it to be. Which is quite a bit beyond the sunset date.

    Thanks, Mike! And continued thanks to the dev team and this fan community!
  16. My purpose in starting this thread is for venting all the way to constructive feedback (that may or may not ever be seen; but that's a risk I'll take.)

    The proper way to sunset a game of this longevity (imo) would be something on the order of an 6-18 month announcement that the game will be ending, that the development team is of course fully in on it and crafting the conclusion to many a plot. Yes, that might have caused revenues and participation to fall OR advertised correctly it might have caused a huge influx into the game by both new and former players to take part in the grand finale of CoH!

    It's true, in that alternate universe those players are also faced with losing all their investment (time, creativity, money), but they'd also have a glorious conclusion to a glorious ride.

    And of course there's the alternate universe I hope we eventually find ourselves in where NCSoft facilitates sale of the IP to the dev/entreprenuerial team so CoH can continue with fan-driven subscriptions (or F2P if that's the better business model.)

    Wishful thinking, of course. Peace.
  17. I guess I'll have to let all the older veteran players speak to this. I started under Issue 15, so Mission Archetect and many other features were standard for me that you all saw developed. I don't really see how AE/MA could be construed as leading contributor to the decline of CoH player popularity. Every seven and eight year veteran I'm spoken with has taken a break from CoH for some period of time and for a variety of reasons, usually personal and not game related at all. (Yeah I know, some veteran MMO players DO leave to check out every new game, just to see, but many if not most return.)

    Some people wrote really GREAT stories using Mission Architect--I'd hoped to do so but never did--and I love those arcs as well as those developed by Paragon Studios. Yeah, there were tons of XP/AE ticket farms/farmers, so what? MA added more options, which I think is good. I was still cutting my teeth on original content and MMO gaming in general when I met one of my oldest friends here. Her brother had gotten her playing and over the course of a couple of days had PLed her Def to 50. When I met her she was solo on a low level tanker, as she put it "learning to play" CoH. Over the course of the next three years we each got several alts to 50, joined active supergroups and rarely missed a day online (prior to 8/31/12). We still played AE when we felt like it. Pardon my digression into reminiscence. I don't think Mission Architect is the smoking gun.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fluct View Post
    CoH revenue has been slowly declining for years and in part that'll be due to people like me. I realise that probably sounds weird, why would anyone admit to that, but I guess I represent a silent percentage of the player base.

    I bought the game at European release and played solidly until a few months after CoV arrived as part of a very active SG coalition. However once people had one or two 50s they tended to lose interest, with nothing compelling to do at max level they were left with alting for replayability. As people began to leave the game, and friends lists became silent, it just started feeling boring.

    The weird thing is I kept my subscription for quite a while even though I wasn't playing at all. Eventually though economics caught up and I cancelled. Since then I've regularly come back, but rarely for more than a month at a time. Why? I'm not sure. Since Paragon took over the reigns the game has improved immensely, but something just doesn't grab me long term and my sub inevitably cancels again.

    I've been doing this repeatedly for the past 4 years, you'll notice I'm not a VIP at the moment as my most recent subscription literally finished just prior to the announcement.

    I'm a fan of the game, I'm definitely a fan of the Dev team - but I've not subscribed as much as I feel I should have - as much as the game has deserved. In effect I've contributed directly to it's downfall in some small way.

    That makes me sad.
    Thanks, Fluct; I bet what you've written how many former subscribers feel; however, I urge you NOT to feel sad. As harder economic times have hit, various friends have had to give up MMO subscriptions, even as they didn't want to. Seems to me, what you did made sense at the time. I don't recall ever seeing a notice, official or otherwise, that CoH was in danger of ending due to either a lack of players or revenues/profits.
  19. Thanks for the link to:
    That's AWESOME!!!

    Is the Paragon Wiki expected to last beyond 11/30/12? (Sorry to bring it up, but is there a likely time limit on this wiki?)
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BellaStrega View Post
    I doubt it would be a problem to just link it.
    Here's a link to Titan Network's Save Paragon City forums:,134.0.html
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rubberlad View Post
    Thanks Robey. I'm not registered at the Titan Network, and its not something I can do easily over a cell phone during the work day right now but feel free to repost my original action item and supporting post if you think it will help.

    Gangrel: Hyperlink for point #5 is now fixed.
    Sure, Rubberlad, I can copy your forum post to Titan Network easily. Consider it done.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Riverdancer View Post
    This was posted yesterday by the nice folks at NCSoft:

    So long and thanks for all the fish

    I don't believe they were ever going to sell the property, and I think there's a LOT of PR spin words in that release. <shrug> Bullcrap and lies are in orange.

    Anyway, it's been a slice folks.

    If you're interested, a few of us are playing Guild Wars 2 on Darkhaven server. I'm Riverdancer.
    Good luck with that Riverdancer! One of my friends raved to me about the beautiful artwork and user-friendly interface is for GW2 and acknowledges it still has that, but went from praising GW2 the first two weeks to saying she hates it in less than 2 months and that it's not half the game GW1 was.

    Myself, I'm waiting to see how NCSoft handles matters with the CoH Community & the Formerly-Known-As-Paragon-Studios development team and until they either make things right for all of us (such as selling the IP in a manner that restores the dev team and our game) or the servers get shut down, I'm not touching another NCSoft product.
  23. Hmmm, I may well stand (or sit) corrected. Please carry on!
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post
    Dear Captain-Electric, Thank you for the History lesson as well as the hearty laugh in your signature line graphic. "So You Made A Game Where Players Have Spent The Past 8 Years Defending Their City. Tell Me What Happened When You Threatened to Destroy That City?" ROFL!!!!!