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  1. For my bane

    Alpha - yummy, yummy damage - Musculature
    Judgement - Ion (fit the best I thought)
    Lore - Vicky (though of course now they announce Arachnos pets - as I have a VH, hard to make a new one, but if their are giant spider options, will be hard not to)
    Interface - Reactive
    Destiny - I actually did go for end (Ageless?) I do have some end problems, so that fixed them right up.
  2. Jetpack

    In-N-Out Burger

    I miss Jack in the Box a lot more than In-N-Out.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Haggard4Life View Post
    Personally, I really hope they never do a CoH 2. I like this game and I don't want to see resources pulled from it to do a different game. And I don't see how splitting up our community would be a good thing.
    MMO sequels don't have a great track record.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
    Look. I like COH. I wouldn't have been here constantly since Feb 2005 if I didn't. But you guys can't handle a 24 person BAF without chugging that zone, Hami raids, Rikti mothership raids, invasions, etc. have always been painful - so why do you keep on doing more without fixing the underlying issues?
  5. Grinding prisoners, eh?

    Wasn't that the first xp nerf?
  6. Jetpack

    Created Threads

    Originally Posted by Municipal View Post
    Ah. Thank you both for your replies. It is more an OCD thing. If I am finished with a thread I made - I want to delete it. If I am unable to do so my OCD kicks in and I get annoyed. ><
    Well, if you ask a useful question, the answers need to stay for other people.

    The thread is like your kid, that moves out and is ungrateful.

    Never calls either.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
    You keep putting the failure on the customer. This is wrong. When a company runs specials, promotions, sales, etc, their GOAL is to ATTRACT ATTENTION. If they are not doing that, then they have FAILED.

    If you're running a special and try to get word out to your customers, and most of them don't hear about it, then YOU HAVE FAILED. Call the customers lazy if you like but the COMPANY has FAILED in their goal. Rationalize it all you want, but the bottom line is that the sales/marketing department blew it.
    Pretty much.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mr. DJ View Post
    I don't know if anyone still uses the old launcher (if you even can anymore) but soon as the NCSoft launcher goes, the Anniversary Sale is right there in the Latest News section...since April 27th.
    That's great, but answer this one honestly.

    Your method - put in a news section on the launcher. How many subscribers even pay attention to that, much less click on it regularly.

    My method - put it on the motd pop-up so that everyone who logs in sees a 50% off sale on character slots (have it pop up the one time).

    Which method results in more sales?
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EarthWyrm View Post
    Y My statement that the communication relating to the sale could have been better is one that I'm more than willing to stand behind, given the amount of time I spend on the forums and the fact that I still managed to miss mention of it.

    If your goal is to make money, tell your subscribers the easiest way possible. In game.

    Don't make them work for it.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MothersWomb View Post
    They can use /gmotd and reach all players.
    That would be far too simple.

    They might actually make more money doing that.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hube02 View Post
    Personally, I'm betting on new salvage and some unbelievably expensive way to convert the old to the new (al-ah shards to threads) because of the hordes of all the current salvage some will have by the time they open the next slots. Making the current stuff relatively useless in the same way that shards became mostly useless.
    Plan on this.
  12. Well, I got Hee Haw #4.

    Though Young Romance #170 looks good, in a pervy sort of way.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Slazenger View Post
    Right, so how do you determine who the no.1 SG is if you don't include prestige?
    I don't think you can.

    Best is a really personal judgement.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Slazenger View Post
    Sure I can, If I started playing the game as of today and I wanted to join the best SG, the only way in game to tell who that it is, is to go to the SG guy in Atlas or Port O and bring up the top 100 SG's. If I wanted to join the best I would automatically join the No.1.
    Any otherway of supposidly joining the best SG is just hearsay with no hard facts.
    Well, that would only show you were new and didn't know what prestige is.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Slazenger View Post
    Who created that?
    Can you rephrase the question?
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Slazenger View Post
    That is your opinion, but any SG that has accrued prestige and been running for over 6 years and earned no.1 spot deserves it in my book, someone who can earn and burn inf in less than a month and take no.1 spot is meh to me at the best.
    Well, here is your problem.

    Prestige isn't a measure of how good a SG is.

    It's a measure of the prestige generated. That's it.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jibikao View Post
    I miss reading Castle's posts. Even sometimes I disagree with him, it is still better to hear what's dev's position on certain things. When is the last time other devs post here?

    Shame the newer devs aren't willing to post as much.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Doomguide View Post
    First guess, to be able to instruct 4 teams to do 4 different things more easily than trying to break up 3 teams into 4 on the fly to do 4 different things.
    Good thinking, but there were no instructions from the leader during the trial.
  19. I asked when the trial started, but got no response.

    This BAF I"m on is 4 teams of 6.

    Anybody understand why they would do that instead of 3 teams of 8?
  20. Think I agree with Dark Watcher.

    I wouldn't have stuck with CoX if it hadn't been for inventions giving me a way of advancing my characters even further.
  21. We'll be buying 5 more slots for our accounts, for certain.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Phillygirl View Post
    ^^^ This

    Not to be an anniversary party pooper but I have friends unsubing pretty fast over this and Justice once again is loosing some fine players, from what I hear other servers are loosing people as well.

    And there has been no response from a developer in almost 2 weeks and not even anything from OCR indicating that they care or are even reading the feedback in the past 9 days.

    I am sure there are many that would rather current issues with incarnate content are addressed before we get anything new. It really should have been a priority but their silence speaks volumes to it not being so.
    On the bright side, there was a post by Pos earlier today about the lag related to being a league. Hopefully the fix that is on the way (whenever that is), helps.