Incarnate Salvage, now what?
Nobody but the devs know what future use any of it will have. Supposedly we'll want Astral merits for "something." But there are five slots left. Either we'll use them for that, or they'll introduce seven *new* types of currency.
Hold on to it and see.
Personally, I'm betting on new salvage and some unbelievably expensive way to convert the old to the new (al-ah shards to threads) because of the hordes of all the current salvage some will have by the time they open the next slots. Making the current stuff relatively useless in the same way that shards became mostly useless.
Well, like you say, we'll see, I'm just saying it would be nice to have some other use for it than spending gobs of influence to convert it to whatever we'll need in the future.
This is just a guess on my part, but I would be willing to bet that the next 4 slots will use the same salvage, incarnate threads and the common to very rare components s weve been using for Interface to Lore. I also think that the Omega slot will use the same salvage as Alpha did, now that many player have burned though most of their surplus shards and will continue to do so as they try to unlock the next 4 slots.
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Personally, I'm betting on new salvage and some unbelievably expensive way to convert the old to the new (al-ah shards to threads) because of the hordes of all the current salvage some will have by the time they open the next slots. Making the current stuff relatively useless in the same way that shards became mostly useless.
They've mentioned new Lore pets in the future, I expect those will use the same salvage as the current Lore abilities and of course you can always start making alternate abilities from the current selection.
"Trust me, it worked in the Simpsons." - Calash
... and of course you can always start making alternate abilities from the current selection.
Even with this, what happens when you've made every incarnate power so you can slot whatever you choose?
I'm just saying a little prayer for the future that the dev gods smile on us and give us something else to use it for.
Even with this, what happens when you've made every incarnate power so you can slot whatever you choose?
From a Trial Rewards point of view it makes a lot of sense. By making it so that a portion of the trial rewards (threads and components) are effectively useless once a person has all the stuff they want the devs provide a built in catch up mechanism for people who start running the trials later.
Eventually it will be possible to use Astral and Empyrean merits to buy "other things" at that point a player who doesn't have their incarnate slots filled will have the option of acquiring those things at the same rate as a player who has them filled without completely halting incarnate progression.
Then any extra salvage will be pretty much useless (except as a expensive upgrade when the next set of slots are released). I know that's not what you want to hear but I'd be very surprised if it were any other way.
From a Trial Rewards point of view it makes a lot of sense. By making it so that a portion of the trial rewards (threads and components) are effectively useless once a person has all the stuff they want the devs provide a built in catch up mechanism for people who start running the trials later. Eventually it will be possible to use Astral and Empyrean merits to buy "other things" at that point a player who doesn't have their incarnate slots filled will have the option of acquiring those things at the same rate as a player who has them filled without completely halting incarnate progression. |
If you come late to the trials you have a very painful road to get caught up to them that is made even harder by everyone being focused on the latest and greatest. Adding more layers of incompatibility is just going to make it worse.
Actually its pretty much the opposite of a catchup mechanism.
If you come late to the trials you have a very painful road to get caught up to them that is made even harder by everyone being focused on the latest and greatest. Adding more layers of incompatibility is just going to make it worse. |
Let's say that when the Empyrean and Astral merits options are released the merits from a single trial allow you to purchase 3 Gee-Gaws.
A player with all of the current incarnate boosts will be able to purchase 3 Gee-Gaws per trial. A player without any incarnate abilities can choose to either purchase 3 Gee-Gaws and make incarnate progress or purchase no gee-gaws and make faster incarnate progress. In both cases however the players are limited to 3 Gee-Gaws per trial.
Once you have all of the incarnate abilities you desire the trial rewards effectively decrease (since you have no use for threads/components) which functions as a catchup mechanism. Have-nots get greater rewards than haves (geegaws + incarnate progression versus just gee-gaws).
Now when the next set of slots are released we get what is effectively a gear reset. Your ability to carry-over progress from one set of slots to the next means that everyone starts on an almost even footing regarding making the new abilities (again, a catch-up mechanism). The concern there becomes balancing out the power levels, which is another reason for limiting the ability to carry over progress. If it proves necessary the devs can drastically alter the rate at which you can make the old abilities to make "gearing up" to the new trials easier.
For example, a simple solution would be when the new slots come out add iXP for the current slots to the Tin Mage/Apex TFs and allow people to make abilities for them using alpha slot components. In that way even if the existing trials aren't being run a new player can gear up on the non-trial content.
I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.
Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.
So sad to be ending ):
If we are going to use Astral Merits in the future why don't they just cap the amount you can gather now so that they don't need to make a whole new currency for the next step?? If they need to expand the cap with the next step they can.
If we are going to use Astral Merits in the future why don't they just cap the amount you can gather now so that they don't need to make a whole new currency for the next step?? If they need to expand the cap with the next step they can.
Becuase if they did that you would know how many you should gather for each character, and it would be the next best thing to trading.
I don't get what you mean. Say they limited the Threads to 100 (random number) because they knew the next steps would take at least 1000 Threads to move up the chains it would mean they would prevent the worry of certain players being able to immediately get the next powers.
I would assume that the biggest reason they don't put a cap is that people would complain about an artificial cap and not being able to advance their toon. But, you could also argue that it would help to facilitate using your alts.
If we are going to use Astral Merits in the future why don't they just cap the amount you can gather now so that they don't need to make a whole new currency for the next step?? If they need to expand the cap with the next step they can.
As for the general question of why introduce a new currency for each level of slot personally I don't think the concern is hoarding. I think that the reason for doing it is to make running the new content the way to get the new powers. In the current case switching from shards to threads meant that getting the new powers required running the incarnate trials instead of simply running the old content. Since they didn't put any limits on the new trials people were getting the new stuff in a few days anyway so clearly the devs weren't to concerned about hoarding. If they had allowed us to make the new powers using shard components then people would almost certainly have abandoned the trials in favor of farming the WST and the level 50 TFs.
This is just a guess on my part, but I would be willing to bet that the next 4 slots will use the same salvage, incarnate threads and the common to very rare components s weve been using for Interface to Lore. I also think that the Omega slot will use the same salvage as Alpha did, now that many player have burned though most of their surplus shards and will continue to do so as they try to unlock the next 4 slots.
Nobody but the devs know what future use any of it will have. Supposedly we'll want Astral merits for "something." But there are five slots left. Either we'll use them for that, or they'll introduce seven *new* types of currency.
Hold on to it and see. |
So far, we've gotten generous global enhancements, a ranged attack, pets, ally buffs, and enemy debuffs.
What are we missing that might work for Hybrid, Vitae, Mind, ...the one I can't remember... , and Omega?
A melee attack? Controls? Some kind of whacky (yet awesome) travel power? A domination-like power?
Just curious what people might think?
Anyway, gratz on having all the Incarnate abilities you want, hold on to the loot...
Virtue Server-
MA: (All SFMA, all technically long/very long, but all play quickly)
#200411 "Exploding Planet" (I apologize in advance for the final mission, but in all likelihood, the planet will explode.)
#144416 "Shadow of Grime Alley"
#161003 "You Don't Know Beanstalk, Jack"
No, you just have to look at it kinda sideways.
Let's say that when the Empyrean and Astral merits options are released the merits from a single trial allow you to purchase 3 Gee-Gaws. A player with all of the current incarnate boosts will be able to purchase 3 Gee-Gaws per trial. A player without any incarnate abilities can choose to either purchase 3 Gee-Gaws and make incarnate progress or purchase no gee-gaws and make faster incarnate progress. In both cases however the players are limited to 3 Gee-Gaws per trial. |
People have been doing the new incarnate trials until they reach their incarnate goal then they stop. Depending on how kind the RNG has been to them they may do more or they may be ready to puke at the thought of another trial.
Now the astrals are not tradeable so whatever the gee-gaw is it better be really nice if you are going to get people in to doing these things again. Think cathedral of pain here. Now if the devs pull another "Oh yeah you will be able to use your shards, yeah yeah don't worry about it" and start pricing the new things at a point where people say f' that noise you wind up with people who are late to things standing around trying to get people to run the obsoleted stuff from a diminishing pool of interested people.
...Depending on how kind the RNG has been to them ... they may be ready to puke at the thought of another trial.
Like I've said before, I for one am never going to pay the price in INF needed to create a rare or very rare.... I mean, what were they thinking 800 million if you start at uncommons to get 1 very rare? 4.8 billion if you are one of the really unlucky that never sees a rare or very rare to get tier fours slotted in all of them? And this is supposedly attainable by a "Casual Player"
The more I think about it the more I think I may just role up another character instead.
Sorry, a little off track. But, just saying :P
Here's how I see it and how I think the community has been reacting from my admittedly narrow viewpoint.
People have been doing the new incarnate trials until they reach their incarnate goal then they stop. Depending on how kind the RNG has been to them they may do more or they may be ready to puke at the thought of another trial. Now the astrals are not tradeable so whatever the gee-gaw is it better be really nice if you are going to get people in to doing these things again. |
That being said, I like the trials. I'd run them even if they didn't give incarnate progression simply because they are fun.
you wind up with people who are late to things standing around trying to get people to run the obsoleted stuff from a diminishing pool of interested people. |
Now when the devs release the next tier of slots this will likely change. At that point I'm hoping that the devs will introduce a "gearing up" method to allow new character to get ready for the next tier of trials faster and on smaller teams than is currently required. The simple fact in any progression system is that you will, over time, have players drop out of it (due to burn out, real life issues or some other reason), providing a system to introduce new blood without relying on other players to farm for them is a sensible practice. I would not be to surprised if the devs eventually release "shard-component" recipes for the newer slots.
OK, I'm sure this has been asked before but I can't find it to save my life, if anyone knows where an existing thread on the subject can be found, please point me in the right direction?
So anyway... now that my characters has all the incarnate powers I want, what use is the salvage I have left? Almost 200 shards, nearly 50 threads and miscellaneous common, uncommon and rares I picked up grinding for the very rares I needed.
Will there be a use for these in the future? I realize they don't hurt anything sitting in inventory, but it would be nice if they had some use. I understand that they don't want to make them trade-able, but it would be nice if we could get something for this extra stuff we have laying around.
Anyone know?