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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    The Prankster and a few others made it a point to shoot down any opinion criticising the game with snide comments, passive-aggressive underhanded insults and other malicious arguments. I'm not surprised to see those reused. I don't people on ignore for disagreeing with me. I put people on ignore when there's no point in discussing anything with them.

    Excellent post.
  2. Looking forward to seeing the new sets.

    Ahh, more alts to make.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by reiella View Post
    As an update for myself, it does appear my 2% runs were an anomaly, getting 6-7% now which is expected rate for BAF.

    May even go so far as to blame it on poor eyesight at this point.
    Actually, a fix is progress for iXP for leagues with more than 8 members.
  4. You don't increased rewards any longer on the spawn team.

    Shared league wide now.
  5. BAF is the favorite trial for me.

    It's straight-forward. I usually enjoy stopping the prisoners. It's a good all around trial.

    I love Lambda on my Bane. Otherwise, it's eh.

    Keyes - I'll skip it. Fortunately, that seems to be the majority opinion.

    That being said, I only do trials for the carrots. Lambda on my Bane, I would do occassionally, but I would otherwise be doing story arcs and tips.
  6. I'm hoping that this is a bug with League xp sharing, as it didn't use to be this way.
  7. I'm no expert at all, but you need more slots in attacks for IO bonuses.

    I would dump the 3 extra slots in Vengeance and the 3 to hits in Aim.

    Does Fulcrum Shift need 3 Accuracy?
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MrCaptainMan View Post
    Do you sincerely think the BAF is wonderful?

    I thought you were some sort of leet powergamer who likes a challenge or something.

    I mean, I can do the BAF. Hell, I could probably lead one, by now. It seems a bit...simple. And not like 'easy' - like 'simpleton'.

    And yet, some people can't lead a BAF. I'm sure you would do fine, but others, not so well.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Leandro View Post
    Last night we had 4 people in lab, 3 squishies and a brute, and we were running out of time. The clock got under one minute while we desperately tried to get enough acids. I got caught in some unfriendly fire, and died, leaving only 3. I raced to the hospital...

    And I saw 3 people standing in the door and 3 people in the cutscene spot.

    Me: <name1>, <name2>, <name3>, help in lab, you three
    Me: also the 3 @$$holes in the cutscene
    Me: we need help in lab, stop slacking
    League Leader: be nice, leandro. i figured they'd have the last one before we could get there

    Two of the players in the cutscene moved to help, but one of them just stayed there without giving a darn. This is why I have a strict "you're goofing around in the cutscene, you're kicked" policy, and I announce it clearly.
    I like the way you think.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MajorPrankster View Post
    Why not?

    There is nothing wrong with change, even if some players don't like it because others will.
    Sounds like the Star Wars Galaxies argument. That went well.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arilou View Post
    May I say how strange the question is? One-handed sword is a concept totally distinct from two-handed sword. There's no reason at all to switch them up.
    Unless you had a concept that fits better with two handed weapons.

    Which Sam clearly does.
  12. Basically.

    Truthfully, I look at rewards merits as just a way to buy more alignment merits.

    In case you haven't tried the wiki (you probably have, but newer players may not know...)
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
    Oh look! Friggin Taser is lying about me again! I have been posting in threads, true. But spamming them to sabotage the normal functionality of the forums? Mmmmm, no. This is just like old times, man. Remember? Back before that really long forum break you took?
    One of the biggest mistakes they made was allowing two banned individuals back.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
    What'd be nice would be a series of missions (like Tips) that'd generate an Astral or two every day you ran the set of missions, then would generate an Empyrean at the end of an arc with an "alignment mission" type finishing mission. That and random thread drops here and there. Or better yet, if the missions are multi-objective, thread drops for completing the objectives.

    It'd be SLOWER than relentlessly grinding trials, but not "a few days vs 7-12 months" slower.
    There have been a number of suggestions like this, and I would love them to be done.
  15. I'd support most ideas that remove the needless complexity to the system.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
    From my memory Bill and TonyV have had issues in the past so that might be coloring this discussion.

    I think you can guess my views on some of TonyV's more extreme view points.
    I think I can!
  17. Thanks for starting this thread, Bill. Some good data - and as others have noted, x8 isn't normal either, so this is the more quick solo method.

    I wish I could say I'm surprised by the crap being thrown at Bill.

    Edit - after being on my first Keyes, I appreciate the earlier 2 trials much more.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
    Nobody is saying they want rewards "quickly". What they're saying is they want a reward path that doesn't involve standing around 60+% of the time doing NOTHING simply to grind raids over and over and over again.
    Or waste their time on a failed Keyes. After sitting around.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
    The only people who make this statement are the ones who need a strawman. Very few people have said they want the rewards instantly. But that's an argument with potential points, so I can see why someone people would rather debate characitures.
    Golden Girl? Strawman? Inconceivable!
  20. I know I'll make new characters on teh VIP server, but probably not move any.
  21. I thought you could join at -4 without the Alpha. Not personal knowledge, as never having done the task force, but I thought that was the way it worked.