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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
    And they've only been COMPLETELY borked for a month. Nobody'll notice.
    I haven't. I use the forum practically everyday. I am missing how its completely borked.

  2. I actually think they are doing a lot right such as:
    • introducing Gwen instead of Mary Jane
    • having Gwen's father as a proper filled-out character
    • going back to web-shooters
    • overall casting
    • choice of villain.

    I am not that bothered by the CGI. The CGI in the previous movies was mixed and the worst example was the scene just after the death of Uncle Ben. So perhaps they are deliberately avoid lots of shots featuring an unmasked Peter because they look naff.

    If it turns out to be just a marketing vehicle for The Amazing Spiderman Game I will be justly angry.

    I also wish Marvel could somehow reclaim the rights.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
    Friday is when Grimm is played here in the US and since that was the Friday after Thanksgiving aka Black Friday aka start of Holiday TV specials, it got bumped.
    Yeah, its as though people don't watch telly during the holidays

    Here in the UK I am looking forward to watching Doctor Who while digesting turkey and trimmings
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Gobbledygook View Post
    Wait a sec! When did Colossus become Juggernaut?!?!
    I was more confused by the arrival of Team Galactus?
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Turgenev View Post
    Running a UG right now, btw. =/
    *waves fist*

  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
    Wiki says 30 minutes in-game time, not two hours.

    I could have sworn it said 2:00:00. Something definitely said two hours, I may have right clicked the wrong temp power. But that would explain it, I spent more that 30 minutes in the Steel Canyon terrorising the citizens of Paragon City.

    Doh! User error
  7. I miss the old origin-based story arcs we did at the start and find the new scheme is limiting my desire to create new hero alts. One of the main reasons (but not the only reason) I have many more heroes than villains is simply the repetitive nature of villain starting arcs. When they introduced the Mercenary contact I created a few new villains but soon got bored and I am currently enjoying the new villain start. I don't know if it is more varied but its holding my interest at the moment

    So yes, more variety in the starting arcs is vitally important. Beyond the starting levels I find the choices okay. I personally wouldn't want to do single origin stories from 1 to 50.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Turgenev View Post
    Well, there's an upcoming Horde run for a Master Lambda trial; we'll tackle Keyes and Underground shortly thereafter. Our usual run times are 1030pm EDT (-5 GMT offset). A bit late for you, but if you can man up for a late Saturday night/Sunday morning run, I'll promise it'll be a fun run.

    My lady is away visiting friends and is not back until Sunday afternoon. Perhaps I will grind some serious coffee and try and stay awake!

    Keep an eye out for Power Jenny!

  9. $Diety I haven't read XMen for the longest time. That made no sense to me whatsoever!
  10. While I enjoyed X-Men First Class I also had to concentrate during the ending to stop my Cynical-Subconscious going "Why didn't he do that ... Why didn't they ... Should they have all..."

    Never take your Cynical-Subconscious to the movies, they talk all the way through the best bits
  11. Last night Project Daniel (my claws/regen brute, I'm sure you can imagine what he looks like) was rampaging through Steel Canyon, robbing banks, releasing prisoners, destroying cars, killing Longbow, you know ... the same old same old

    During the mission I picked up the Claymore temp power, which says it has 2 hours of game time. Used it on a couple of SWAT and Longbow before going back to claws. Anyway, when I finally exited the mission* I noticed the Claymore had vanished. I checked my rewards tab and "You receive Claymore" was clearly there, but it was not in my temp powers list Curiously I also did 3 side missions. I thought you only got 2 at a time?

    I bugged it rather than petition because I don't need the temp power back but wondered if anyone else had a similar problem?

    * Exited with 30+ minutes on the clock and Steel Canyon a smoking ruin. I love Mayhem missions.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    and indeed even love the "Save 21 mystics from Oranbega."
    For me that all depends on the last mystic

    Generally speaking the only missions I auto complete are "Talk to <insert zone> security office."
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CaptainFoamerang View Post
    Anyone else seen this concept art for The Lizard?
    My first thoughts mirrored those in the article, "why use CGI to make a monster that looks like a man in a suit?"

    Much like the next Batman movie I have decidedly mixed expectations for this.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kitsune9tails View Post
    In the interest of variety, sometimes pulling should be the best strategy.
    No problem with that either. But I'd rather it was because of some "real" environmental condition rather than because an "artificial" threshold has been breached.

    Please excuse the use of "real" and "artificial" in a discussion about computer-make-believe but I am sure you all know what I mean
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bubbawheat View Post
    One other thing I noticed is that it seems that Once is talked about a lot more online than Grimm is.
    Grimm is still an episode behind. I don't understand American networks with their strange gaps in broadcasts, seems very odd.

    Anyway I see Grimm has been picked up for a full season.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Frostbiter View Post
    I'm pretty sure that it is a crystal coffin.
    Agreed. Definitely the coffin.

    However I don't think there is anything more to it than that. It would have been the absolute proof the kid needed, but now its beyond access.

    The one thing that surprised me in this episode was that the Mayor seemed genuinely concerned for Henry. I suspect they are going down the root that the Evil Witch only wanted someone to love and was spurned etc etc.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Coin View Post
    My good lady, Rosie, nearly bought me one of these yesterday.....

    I think that's fair grounds for divorce, yeah?
    Depends. Did she get herself a Wonder Woman costume?
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SinisterDirge View Post
    I think it is always a bad tactic to blast a spawn that is double the aggro cap of the tank.
    Clearly. My point was that it is a good strategy right up until the tank hits the aggro cap, which is an artificial game cap and not something we should need to know about. For most of the game you don't need to know about it but this mission seriously breaks the spawn rules. In fact its a fine strategy for above the aggro cap too, its just that these spawns are so far above the cap that the slightest aggro from the Blaster drags 17 for him to deal with and there's nothing the tank can do.

    I don't object to artificial game caps per se, but I think this one is bad for the game because in this particular situation it makes Duo'ing harder than soloing. Its one of those things that exists to stop power leveling but makes the game worse for those of us that are trying to play the game "normally". I always felt the AoE caps were enough. This was implemented back in the days when there were 3 fixes for everything but 1 would do

    Also your tactic of targeting through the tank would only work if your blaster limited him/herself to single target and I am not sure even then. So you are left with pulling. Meh.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
    it seems more and more that they are talking at us instead of talking to us.
    I think that is a consequence of having to have something new in the store each week.

    I don't think they should back away from that but I think they causing problems for themselves by leaving the opportunity for feedback to so late in the process. I understand why they do that (they have told us about things that have never materialised in the past) but when it comes to costume packs they should be able to describe the contents well in advance, without that fear.

    I also think they should not be afraid of updating a pack once it has gone live. Such as by adding female equivalents or non-tinted elements.
  20. I have a +3 tanker on Freedom and am looking to try the Underground Trial and the revamped Keyes. However I am having trouble finding anyone running them when I am on. After 45 minutes to an hour of advertising myself and only hearing people run BAFs and SLAMs I get board and log onto a low level alt.

    So if anyone is planning on running the Underground at times between 21:00 GMT and 00:00 GMT and is willing on taking an Underground noob I would be very grateful. I am very good at doing what I am told

    I think 21:00 GMT is 16:00 EST and 13:00 PST but I wouldn't bet my life savings on that.

    ps: Have Clarion but only at t2 level.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MrCaptainMan View Post
    On my en/en Blaster, I found them all running already too, but I could snipe each of the portals in turn, one-shotting them each time with BU, and then hide round the corner and deal with the crowd of Rikti that ran over to me (and the subsequent rear-ambush that spawns as well - people shouldn't forget these) fairly easily. The fight with the Honoree went by quite quickly for me.

    Without a snipe, I imagine it would be a totally different story.

    Yeah, thats what we ended up doing because my tank was teamed with a blaster. But my problem with that encounter is that it is was harder with two. Solo I could run in and stand in the middle of the group fighting the 17-at-a-time that would notice me. But if I did that and my blaster friend joined in, he would get the rest that were currently tanker-blind. So the only become snipe-pull

    For any other situation it would be a valid tactic for the tank to grab all the attention and the blaster to snipe or nuke from a safe distance as they felt appropriate. But in this situation that would fail. And fail NOT because the tactic was suddenly bad but because an artificial mechanic made it so. I consider that bad design.
  22. Jagged

    Chuck Norris

    Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
    There's also the near every episode box displays on Chuck. There's been several times that the CoV and CoH (more the V than H, but no GR) boxes have been in the shot with the main actors in the Buy More. As well as the occasional ad in comic books back when GR first came out.
    There should now be a competition to find someone that bought the game "because they saw it on Chuck"
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Commander View Post
    Female version of Male Gunslinger

    As you can see, by editing the .costume files you CAN make female versions of the male costumes.
    Nice work
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
    1) Raise the Tanker damage cap to +300% (a 100% increase)

    3) Raise the Tanker aggro cap to anywhere between 20 and 34
    That would get my vote, if I got a vote

    And if I had to pick just one I would ask for the aggro cap to be raised. I probably wouldn't notice an increase to the damage cap but I do notice the aggro caps. When my team mates ***K up and aggro the next couple of spawns I would like to do something about it.