5889 -
I thought I'd do the "Destroy the Titan Center" mission, so I was practicing on them in the wild and I can't get them to combine. I thought it was something along the lines of getting two of them in proximity down to half- or quarter-health and then they'll will combine, but I can't seem to manage it.
Can someone remind me what the trick is? -
Quote:As you're watching those movies, you can actually see the sections that scream "video game level!" can't you? Pod race, the arena fight, the space battle, the giant poundy whatsits with molten metal....The more recent movies were an unmitigated disaster. Disney taking over STAR WARS is fine by me. They got it out of George's hands and that is a good thing. He is a poor director. He had some amazing ideas and he should've had some assistance directing/scripting etc. Such horrid dialogue! Pod race for 10 mins +?! WTF?! JAR JAR!!! The horror...the horror...
And the shameless stealing of other people's work. I mean, "Commander Cody" homage is moderately amusing if you're 50 and recall the 1940s "Commando Cody" serials they ran on Sunday morning TV after Flash Gordon (or the band from the 70s), but you can't tell me Naboo isn't Dinotopia.
Ugh, not to mention the subtle racist things. I was not surprised people were upset with those films, especially Phantom Menace. -
What does "Natural" mean? Do they have to be Natural origin? Because I have regular humans who are of the "really good at their job" ilk but I chose other origins for them in order to unlock specific contacts. (Remember when we had to do that?)
Quote:Devious. Sent you a note.
Saw this on Cracked this morning:
George just got Star Wars WRONG somehow in the prequels. There were light sabers, there were droids and there were Jedi, but it wasn't Star Wars. When he made A New Hope, he was setting out to make a film drawing from all the old Westerns and sci-fi serials he loved as a kid. He didn't know what Star Wars was -- he just made it. When he made the prequels, however, he was actively trying to make what he thought a Star Wars movie was, and that is why he failed. Cody Johnston, Cracked.com, 11-2-12 -
Quote:Anyone quoting Rotten Tomatoes has an immediately invalid argument.
Whoever runs RT cooks the books, as it were, massaging the fresh factor to come out the way they want it to. The most egregious example of that was Superman Returns. It had a solid "fresh" rating, but if you actually read the reviews you'd see they clearly should have been given the "rotten" icon. After that happened I looked at a couple other movies and the same pattern turned up. -
I haven't been around much lately as it's rather depressing to log in knowing the end is nigh. But I just wanted to say this is a very cool thing you've created here, CR.
There are two twins in Black Lagoon? But that's... genius!
This just in! This movie now has a title!
"Kitchen Sink, or, All Our Secondary Characters Who Can't Carry a Movie Alone." -
Van Helsing 2, in other words.
Quote:I'm not sure which message you object to in Wall-E (Love conquers all? Be true to yourself?) but it's nowhere near as soul-crushingly horrible as Up, one of the most depressing movies ever made. Or Finding Nemo, which starts off with a mass murder and never recovers... not the least reason because of the lamest humor in any Pixar movie.I know it made money . . . which is why they made it, of course. But it was the first poorly reviewed Pixar movie. So while it was a commercial success, it was not a critical success while all of the other Pixar movies were loved by critics and audiences alike.
I liked Cars. I actually liked it better than I expected. Cars 2 is the ONLY Pixar movie I have not purchased. It wasn't horrible and was actually somewhat entertaining, but for a Pixar film, it was disappointing. Personally I was not that crazy about Wall-E's heavy handed "message," but the robots were cute. One that I liked a lot but is often forgotten is Ratatouille -- it is nice to see an animated film where the ending is a little bittersweet.
I think that Disney will do a very good job with the Star Wars universe . . . you don't pay 4 Billion for something unless you are going to make good use out of it.
I just looked up the reviews for Cars 2 and it's pretty clear you're misremembering. Many of the major reviewers gave it a thumb's up. Roger Ebert, LA Times, Rolling Stone, Boston Globe, Hollywood Reporter, San Francisco Chronicle, Entertainment Weekly, USA Today, Variety -- all positive reviews. NY Times, WSJ, Village Voice, Time and the NY Post didn't like it. Not the raves Cars had, but I find those raves to be utterly inexplicable. -
Quote:I only dipped a toe into the EU then ran away -- because of terribleness -- but I think they'd have to find stories that take place decades after Return of the Jedi since there's no way to pull off anything else if they're to use the same actors.As I recall, the nebulous plans for 7, 8 and 9 were to continue the rebuilding of the Jedi legacy by Luke (and possibly Leia; and given that Hamill and Fisher are both on good terms with Lucas, this makes it feasible for them to appear) and for Luke to fill the Obi-Wan mentor role just as Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan and Yoda had done. To make that a constant anchor of the 'wise magician' role would be a very good starting point.
I believe anything else would involve preventing a new Sith Empire from rising, rather than some 'hidden Sith threat'. None of this automatically has to address any of the subsequent novels or media works, because Disney/Lucasfilm is not obliged to.
I do agree that putting Master Skywalker front-and-center would be the best idea, since you know Hamill has already called Disney and offered to sign up. Personally, I'd use him sparingly, the way Obi-Wan was used in the original: the big gun you pull out for major plot twists.
I read that Newsarama article offering advice and they had some good points there, too. I disagree about the "no more C3PO" thing, though, because they're really reacting to bad writing than an inherently bad character. I'm not a fan of Threepio, but it's not like the craptacular characters created for the prequels, not a single one of which is as interesting as any from the the good trilogy. Qui-Gon comes closest, but he's really just Kenobi II. -
Quote:Just a point of clarification: Lucas never had an over-arching plan for 9 movies. He had some nebulous ideas for a larger universe and backstory, but there wasn't any plan for a "trilogy of trilogies" with Star Wars as the middle part of the story. That's myth-making that came about after the movie's success.Quote:Yeah, the 9-movie idea was around at the beginning - and Uncle George did his best to backpedal away from it over the past decade. I really, really like the idea of Lucas providing the rough ideas and outline of a new trilogy, with someone else converting it into a polished, final product.
When I saw Empire Strikes Back on opening day it was clear to me that Lucas was just making this stuff up as he went along, because half of the characters make bizarre turns that completely change who they were in the first movie. Lucas' long-time producer Gary Kurtz -- who had been in on the Star Wars universe since the 1975 rough drafts -- later confirmed that originally there were no plans to make 9 movies. No long story-arc, no detailed story, nothing. The big announcement at the time was that Lucas was going to make ELEVEN sequels. Not prequels, but sequels. (This was based on the comment that simply by taking the profits from Star Wars they could make those movies before running out of money, even if they all flopped. Personally, I think Lucas was making a Citizen Kane joke. If you've seen Kane, you know what I mean.) -
Quote:I watched Cars 2 flying back from Africa (it's a 26-hour trip, ran out of stuff to do) and I liked it a lot more than Cars. And this from the guy who dislikes Larry the Cable Guy's routine. Of course, I hated Cars, so I'm damning it with faint praise.Yeah, Cars 2 was the first loser for Pixar . . . it was made because Cars was a massive merchandising hit and Cars 2 kept the flow going even though the film wasn't very good. But don't lose confidence with Pixar under Disney -- think Wall-E and Up. Brave was a beautiful film even if the plot was fairly ordinary, and it was still successful.
Also, it made a ****-ton of money. Earning $560 million on a $200 million budget (with a reported $320 million in merch) doesn't make it a loser. Even the worst-performing Pixar movie is a money-printing machine. -
I heard a recent rumor that seems legit claiming SW:TOR may also be shut down sooner rather than later. It was mid-level scuttlebutt from the EA financial side (Schwab), saying they've lost more than 63% of their customers in their social games so they're thinking of "re-focusing their digital store strategy." (His words, not mine.)
Quote:Tortured (ha ha) metaphors aside, many of us *have* talked about NCSoft's similar behavior in the past and even complained directly to them about it.Yea shouldnt just avoid countries with Aparteid (the shutdown) but whats going on here is not that aparteid is a problem but the real question is why wasnt it an issue when it was happening to other games in other parts(other ncsoft games that have been shutdown) of ther country(NCSoft) but is a big problem when it happens in this part of the country(COX)?
Why wasnt the issue addressed then? Or why no speak out against it then like now? Why was apathy appropriate then but not now?
This what makes it seem lees so than people caring about NCSoft done and more so it's only a problem because how dare them shutdown the game they are currently playing.
If aparteid was THAT much of a big deal and so wrong then it should have been addressed a long time ago instead of not giving a crap as long and treated as if it was the proper thing to do but when it happens here it's the most villainous thing that could ever happen to a person. -
I actually quite liked the Big Time story arc from Slott's run. It had a lot of classic Peter Parker's troubles in it despite giving him a career boost. After that there were a couple crossover events where I lost the thread and stopped reading because I'm not into buying 6 other books just to see how the story plays out. Not in this age of Wikipedia plot-synopses.
Left to his own devices, though, Slott seems like he can write a very entertaining Spider-man story. -
If I were writing the book, I'd keep to the core parallels: New York City and the New York Times. The NYT still has a large readership as well as a significant online presence. Based on what I've seen, I don't think the current creative team is thinking about the overall aspects of these stories. Something that goes for all of the new DC comics I've encountered. (Admittedly I don't read any of them regularly, just ones and twos here and there.)
The guy playing the Governor is also British. Are all these actors born able to do an American accent?
Quote:I know! I totally hate that! People falling for the truth! Morons!I would agree with you that it's just harmless humor if it weren't for the fact that we've seen this before. I think every single person I know who is now eligible to vote for the first time will be supporting Obama because they saw the Daily Show and it was funny and Romney is evil. It worked against McCain too, this cheap way of cornering the young vote. I even know some actual adults who fall for it.
I've actually been saying that a vote for Romney is a vote for Mad Max, but zombies work just as well.