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  1. I have two accounts (mine and my wife's). Neither has gotten a reward token since Freedom launch. I've filed numerous petitions and been mostly ignored my "Customer Support". Several of the petitions they didn't even reply to, and the ones that they did reply to they were very rude in giving me a form letter that basically said that I'm too dumb to know when my billing date is. The last one actually had a part (an automated field?) that said that I should expect to get my reward token on or around <date> and I should be patient and wait. Thing is, that date was a week earlier. I replied "I know I should expect to have gotten my token a week ago, THAT'S WHY I FILED THIS PETITION". No reply. Not getting my reward tokens, which I paid for, is annoying, but I can live with it for the time being. However, I may just quit if I have to deal with Support again. They are very skilled at making me feel like I'm not wanted as a customer.
  2. Then it sounds like I am missing Paragon Points for September, and reward tokens for September and October for both of my accounts. I guess I'll file petitions even though I cringe at the thought of dealing with "Customer Support". Not getting what I pay for is not doing a lot to convince me to keep paying for this game.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Caulderone View Post
    So, as of yesterday, I got my monthly Paragon Points awarded.

    So, instead of getting them on the billing date, did we all once again get our points just like in September?

    Chime in and let's find out!
    I didn't get ANY points in September. Not store points nor reward tokens. This month I got store points but not reward tokens. Were we supposed to?
  4. There is a minion (a Bane Spider most times I have done it) standing on the opposite side of the big square block from the Arbiter. That is the minion to his boss/lt. Defeat both and the mission progresses.
  5. Thanks for the reassurance, but it's not an issue of globals/email being down. Globals/email are up. Some of my email is there, some is not.
  6. I was emailing recipes to myself 2 FULL HOURS before the scheduled downtime today, but the server went down early. Now I'm missing several (4-5) emails with recipes AND the recipes are missing from my inventories as well. Seems like the character data was backed up right at downtime, but email data was backed up earlier or not at all. People said that announcements were made in-game, but I must have been logging in/out my various characters and missed them. If anyone else was emailing anything to yourself (or anyone else) during that time period, you might want to check to see if anything is missing.
  7. Feature Name or Description - Mutation: Quick Reflexes

    Operating System (Vista, XP, OS X version): Vista
    User Client (Mac/PC/Linux): PC
    Emote: N/A
    Server: Test
    Zone: Rikti War Zone
    Character name: Indivisible
    Time: 1852 CST
    Location: 386.3 -1188.0 -2282.8
    Archetype: Tanker
    Critter Type: N/A
    Level: 50
    Bug Description: +30% recharge rate listed in power description does not appear in combat attributes, does not seem to work at all. Animation loops.

    Character already has +50% global recharge and 40% recharge resist. May not be tagged as non-resistable, may be conflicting with set bonuses.
  8. I would like to mention that the Gravity Control hold is also stunning, or at least playing the stun animation.
  9. Yeah, I completed the TF twice tonight (neither time succeeding to earn the badge I've already earned). It seems to complete without crashing you now, at least as long as you don't qualify for the Master badge. To think about how many attempts it will take me to get me this badge AGAIN fills me with disgust. I need a new hobby.
  10. The fact that it was supposedly fixed (presumably in today's patch), tells me that they had time to code a fix, run it through internal testing, and run it by QA before publishing it. That suggests pretty strongly to me that they knew it was an issue before I16 launch, but our time and efforts weren't worth even a footnote in the Known Issues list or even a warning in the I16 patch notes. That's what really burns my butt about the whole thing. Many people, myself included, don't have many hours each week to play this game. How much our time is valued by the providers of this game is going to be 95% of our perception of how valued we are as customers. I understand how hard the devs work on this game, and I think they are doing a fine job, but patch note, a warning, a bullet in the Known Issues list would have gone a long way here.

    Do I trust that it is, in fact fixed? Based on my past encounters with Customer Support, NO. Their information in the past has ranged from slightly incorrect to blatantly false. In nearly 6 years, I've had one good encounter with CS. What's my recourse if I somehow manage to pull this amazing feat off again and the same thing happens? Another form letter will be my only reward.
  11. I have a screenshot showing the last mission complete with the challenge settings still intact and they aren't going to give me my badge. Nothing like paying someone to waste your time and efforts. I enjoy the accomplishment of the more challenging aspects of this game, but I expect to have something to show for it. It's like buying something at the store, getting home to find the box empty, and having customer support point to the "no refunds" sign when you return. Absolutely terrible.

    And after all these years of devoted patronage...
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    Me and a group of peep's did the Bat'Zul SF and didn't get a badge or Souviner for it. Anyone else have this problem?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yes, I also did the SF and recieved no badge.
  13. Indivisible

    Changes to Rage

    [ QUOTE ]
    Many players complained about the stun at the end of Rage because it turned off toggles and left them helpless. At the same time, hardcore players with perma-unstoppable or Unyielding were able to avoid the Stun effect. Thus the casual player was getting penalized and hardcore player wasn’t getting the desired penalty. We're still looking at the issue - so feel free to post your thoughts &amp; ideas!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    So having Uyielding is Hardcore now?!?!?! I NEVER had perma-Unstop, and as it is now I'm only one "stun" effect away from death... I'd say theres still a great deal of risk, especially considering how much debt I've wracked up in the last few days. Lets think about one thing: how many power sets create their oun status effects (at least as frequently as Invuln/SS)? I have become my own worst enemy and people hate to wait after EVERY fight for me to unstun (old Rage), or rest (a prediction for new Rage).