46 -
Why would you get mad or take offense to something someone said simply because they don't know the difference?
After you explain the difference polietly, and they continue - THEN take offense. Not knowing is not the same thing as intentional. Immediately taking offense unequivocally makes you the rude person (the tiny cute girl included). -
Why are there no police drones guarding the Hero Trainer areas? I made a blue toon couple days ago (yes, shocker, I know). Everytime I stand at a trainer, while contemplating what powers to take, I exit the level up screen only to find I'm dead from any number of various event creatures.
At least on red side, when I'm busy with an NPC, the drones always handle up for me and I live.
So this morning I was standing there, at an NPC trainer, and zombies were popping up around me. Being sturdy as paper, I must hover above where they can't reach me. Now I can't reach the trainer. So, i'm thinking, well, i'll kill a couple. Wow, the zombies are literally spawning mid-air then falling to the ground non-stop. There are now at least 20+ zombies beneath me, and I'm having a hard time range killing one minion.
I was the only toon in the area. I was seriously starting to worry for some poor sap who stumbles up to the trainer and runs into this massive mob!
In places where you must open a window, and spend any amount of time, there really needs to be some protection.
Lastly, I'm not 'angry'. This is observational curiosity since I don't care about debt and events do not last forever. -
They should decrease cast time, and increase dmg for Corrs RoA.
Even if someone says no, and effectually calls you stupid, shouldn't stop you from requesting it or discussing it. Even if your arrow's are possessive. -
Quote:Being the aforementioned gaming buddy, I side with the aussies on this issue...my only regular gaming buddy is American and chooses to play in their morning (apart from the weekends it's the only time we can sync our schedules) - our teaming has been very heavily hit by this new maintenance pattern...
We used to get a good 2-4 hours in. Now we're lucky to get 30 mins to an hour before shutdown.
I literally wake up at 4 in the morning just to play with the aussies. Where's the love? -
1-3 hours a day for over 3 years, 20+ 50's, IO's out the butt, always run highest diff, pop inspies like nuts, use my head instead of mids.
When I make a toon, it's because I plan on taking it from 1-50 via missions and TFs, IO'ing it, seeing what it can do. Then moving on.
Don't care about badges, despise the market, sell everything at the QM I won't be using, and like AE for solo fun only.
.. That, now said in a nutshell, is quite depressing.
Average? Hardcore? Can't be casual!? Beats me.
<logs off> -
Given there are millions of textures in the game - why do I feel like everywhere I look, I see the same three? I see the same objects too (like roof vents, etc) used over and over, just placed slightly at different angles and depths, in every zone. At least Cim was 'very' different.
Does the city age? If so, will their technology improve? Their gas guzzling cars are getting quaintly zestless.
If i'm outside fighting a mob, of supreme elite geared soldiers, how is that an passerby citizen can stroll through and not be "altered" in some form or fashion by the massive explosions going off? Their hair should catch fire, they should fall to their knees, clothes ripped to shreds, and beg for a hero to save them.
We have quite a few layouts for office buildings and caves for instanced missions. But why does every office look the same? They ALL have the same flipping decorator? Every couch the same, every plant, table, computer, ledge, fence, carpet, cieling, and elevator look identical. zzzOMG.
Not wanting to leave here on a down-note. I tried CO. They have so many cool nuggets. They have excellent animations tied to travel powers. And, their character creator blows CityOf out of the water. Nonetheless, guess what I'm playing! Cov of course! Why you ask? Good question! Boiled down to game-play. CO has HORRID gameplay from both a utility and technical standpoint. Secondly, CityOf has people forming teams and working together, vs. CO that has almost a 100% lack of player to player interaction.
Given that, CityOf really has an excellent game, to which I would love to see a makeover/facelift done on. Don't bother bringing it up to speed. Blow us out of the water by adding rideable (and varyingly textured) motor boats that have gun turrets attached, that disable all of our powers except for the turret unless we hop out. Weeeeee!
Omg I went so far off topic.lawls.
I vote you should go into the hall, it might provide even further "depth" to it.
Whoa. Relax little buddy.. Looks like you already know how. That was meant for the people who asked, in this thread, how to do it.
If you have Photoshop, it's very very easy to create this effect in less than 2 seconds. You can even tweak how much distortion, dark lines, etc.
Here's the original;
1.) Now select the layer containing your image.
2.) Select "Filters" from the menu.
3.) Select "Poster Edges".
Here's the Poster Edges Editor;
4.) Adjust the edge and posturization sliders to your preference.
5.) Click Ok.
Here's my result;
Have fun!
Here's a comic cover I was working on some time ago using Poster Edges;
Which one has the correct information June 24th or today?
Wait! I just remembered! The servers were down allday June 24th. So that information is wrong too! -
And that's all I have, almost two accounts of villains!
Good point. Clarification: VILLAIN server.
I heard Vritue population borders and can surpass Freedom at times. Are they farming-centric as well over there? -
I have all my toons on Freedom. Ever since AE came out, all the zones have been abandoned with the exception of farm teams in CapAuFarmer. "L2 Dom lf L54 Boss Farm".
I'm looking for a server where farming is NOT the only thing going on.
Can you point me to a forum that may already discuss this topic, or tell me your favorite non-farming server.
I like SF's (especially RSF), Story Arc missions, and custom non-farm AE missions (there's only 3 of those on freedom - i know because I made three arcs).
Will happily move all my toons to another server on some good advice.
Thanks in advance,
-Mouse -
Bug: MA has turned freedom server into one gigantic farm.
Actual Beahvior: Cap Au Diable broadcast shows no evidence of anyone actually teaming to do missions, only teams for farms. Every other zone in the game has been abandoned, and the majority of the player base is in MA doing L52+ farms. Not content - farms.
Expected Behavior: Like it was pre-black market. Denizens would be in every zone LF members to do various missions, arcs, and strike forces that was at their level in order to gain experience, which in turn provided the feeling of triumph and earned respect.
Suggested Fix:
1.) Remove the black market completely. Just delete it all.
2.) MA missions will now require all players to be with 5 levels of the content for experience gain, or you can be lackied with no gain of experience.
3.) Remove half of all experience gained from any mission that isn't completed when you quit the team or log off.
Looking forward to the changes. -
(Fire/Shield Brute) I decided to wrestle this toon into performing the way it should - or at least try. Because - dangit, I want a shields toon!
Endurance: Got the Mayhem End Increase Temp. Got the Increase Recovery Empowerment Buff, 3 slotted stamina, and my alt /RAD to follow me around and auto/heal/AM. The result: I still have to stop and recover endurance from time to time - though obviously less downtime. Though, can you believe I'm still running my endurance down to "Empty" after any mob containing more than 4 baddies. My attacks even have "2" EndRedux slotted in each, My AAO has an end redux, my tough and weave each have end redux.
This leaves me with two options:
1.) I'm so retarded I've slotted Attack Rate SO's instead of end reduxs. Uhmhum.. yea..
2.) This toon is massively endurance heavy.
Defense/Resistance: So, I have your basic all SO build, with tough and weave. Still getting slammed by lethal/smash, by even 'Council' - the most retarded baddies in-game. So - to counter, I leveled to get more slots in tough/weave. It's now 4 slots each, with 3def/1end and 3res/1end. Then I removed one of those SO's and threw in the steadfast 3% def IO. Result: This has helped bring up my defense to smash/lethal enough where I don't fall over like a paper-doll against council. It is decidedly much better at this point. However, this was Council papers set to relent, padded to 4 mates. Impressive.. for me. When I went to solo a tsoo mission, unpadded team, on relent, and I was toasted by the tsoo boss. Tried it on Carnies, and well, with no psi defense, turned out to be instant death. Tried COT, and was so ToHitDeBuffed that my endurance wouldn't allow me to continue to fight the mission - gave up on it.
So in the end, even if I manage to ramp this guy up as best I can possibly do (with my albeit limited skills) - I can't get this guy to work if the opposing class can either;
a.) Suck my endurance away. b.) Is very accurate with lethal/smash. c.) Can -speed me. d.) Can -ToHit me. or e.) Can do Psi Dmg.
That leaves me doing council paper missions?
I think it's all got to do with putting all the marbles in melee/range/aoe. That just doesn't seem to work for me.
Ok, ok, I'll grant you I'm retarded. All of my issues are probably just me. Take it or leave - I AM trying to help by providing my honest feedback. (albeit lacking in any qualitative or quantitative data - sorry) -
Objective Feedback (provable facts): I like the look of the shield. I dislike how well my toon performs from a defensive perspective.
Sorry but that's a provable fact, I do, in fact, dislike how it performs.
Subjective Feedback:
Endurance: I've finally managed to get my toon capable of beating down 1 mob, during a solo paper mission, without running completely out of endurance. WOOT! I still have to rest now and then. What a pain.
Defense: What defense? Where? I've got tough and weave, but apparently they were just to help further my endurance issues, because they sure are not helping me survive. Lethal/Smash is still kicking me around like a paper doll. My ice/rad has better dmg mitigation with holds than this guy has in defense.
In all, I think i've decided to shelve this shields toon for now.
It's just too annoying when I have so many other toons that provide the "fun" that I seek. Honestly, I had more fun leveling AR/Traps! lol Well, at least that was before the Vomit Nerf.
I hope they fix this set soon. I was so looking forward to shields. -
This is not a patch, this is housecleaning worthy of throwing out the window.
Where's the fix for the teammates buffs displays that are magically disappearing? No one can tell who has what buffs, or when they are blinking if they are invisible.
Where's the fix for the massive numbers of users who are getting Out Of Sync and must catch a TP, zone, or relog so they can ReSync?
That Trial Patch should have gone in a year ago.
>>Masterminds / Thugs / Call Thugs / Empty Clips: Also decreased this powerÂ’s damage.
Where's the fix for the daily issues with your chat channels mysteriously vanishing, which can be fixed if you rezone?
Or the fix for the daily issues with the Channels themselves going completely down?
Boo. Not a good patch. Should have not bothered wasting your time with this, and focus on the real issues. If this is the "Important" player requested fixes I would just laugh my butt off.
My two cents.