Servers Up??
They are down. Some are unknown currently..
The server status page switches itself between the current date and June 24th... in the lower right hand corner, look at the date..
Refresh until you get the right date.
its weird, its going from up to unknown, to down then back to up again, and im not refreshing the page
The page is designed specifically to eliminate the need to refresh the page. XML coding was used to auto update the information.. meaning, when the server is down, the XML code automatically updates the status on that page for that specific server.
However, somewhere in the code, there is a loop of some sort. A bug. And because of that bug, the XML auto updates between 2 dates: current date and june 24th.
The change between unknown, up and down is because of that bug.
As I said before, look at the date listed...
Which one has the correct information June 24th or today?
Wait! I just remembered! The servers were down allday June 24th. So that information is wrong too!

I find it ironic that you, IncredibleMouse, reged on June 24th... o.o
LOL Sho nuff. Didn't notice that.

It is okay, I forgive you.
it says servers are up but when i go to log in it says servers may be down for maitence, what gives here?