Blue.Vs.Red Drones
Just when you thought the Zombie Apocalpyse never successfully killed or annoyed anyone...
Why are there no police drones guarding the Hero Trainer areas? I made a blue toon couple days ago (yes, shocker, I know). Everytime I stand at a trainer, while contemplating what powers to take, I exit the level up screen only to find I'm dead from any number of various event creatures.
At least on red side, when I'm busy with an NPC, the drones always handle up for me and I live. So this morning I was standing there, at an NPC trainer, and zombies were popping up around me. Being sturdy as paper, I must hover above where they can't reach me. Now I can't reach the trainer. So, i'm thinking, well, i'll kill a couple. Wow, the zombies are literally spawning mid-air then falling to the ground non-stop. There are now at least 20+ zombies beneath me, and I'm having a hard time range killing one minion. I was the only toon in the area. I was seriously starting to worry for some poor sap who stumbles up to the trainer and runs into this massive mob! In places where you must open a window, and spend any amount of time, there really needs to be some protection. Lastly, I'm not 'angry'. This is observational curiosity since I don't care about debt and events do not last forever. |
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
Train in RWZ and you'll never have this problem.
Why are there no police drones guarding the Hero Trainer areas? I made a blue toon couple days ago (yes, shocker, I know). Everytime I stand at a trainer, while contemplating what powers to take, I exit the level up screen only to find I'm dead from any number of various event creatures.
At least on red side, when I'm busy with an NPC, the drones always handle up for me and I live. So this morning I was standing there, at an NPC trainer, and zombies were popping up around me. Being sturdy as paper, I must hover above where they can't reach me. Now I can't reach the trainer. So, i'm thinking, well, i'll kill a couple. Wow, the zombies are literally spawning mid-air then falling to the ground non-stop. There are now at least 20+ zombies beneath me, and I'm having a hard time range killing one minion. I was the only toon in the area. I was seriously starting to worry for some poor sap who stumbles up to the trainer and runs into this massive mob! In places where you must open a window, and spend any amount of time, there really needs to be some protection. Lastly, I'm not 'angry'. This is observational curiosity since I don't care about debt and events do not last forever. |
Honestly, years ago when they were placing trainers and drones, the fact that they'd have these kinds of events several years in the future probably wasn't a consideration. There are no normal spawns near trainers, so they probably didn't see a need to put drones right next to them. This is just my speculation, of course.
Some blueside trainers have drones, some don't. Off-hand, I'm pretty sure that Galaxy, King's Row, Talos and PI all have guarded trainers, and Pocket D and RWZ trainers are indoors and safe from event mobs. The drones were added around the PI trainer quite recently, I think.
Why are there no police drones guarding the Hero Trainer areas?
I agree it would be nice if they could add drones to the remaining trainers who don't have them -- it isn't a huge inconvenience to have to go to the hospital after training, but it's irritating.
Arc#314490: Zombie Ninja Pirates!
Defiant @Grouchybeast
Death is part of my attack chain.
It wouldn't really matter in this context. Police Drones don't have a sufficient rate of fire to keep an area clear during an invasion event, if players congregate in that same area and draw all the invasion spawns there. Which almost invariably ends up happening around the trainers.
Why are there no police drones guarding the Hero Trainer areas? I made a blue toon couple days ago (yes, shocker, I know). Everytime I stand at a trainer, while contemplating what powers to take, I exit the level up screen only to find I'm dead from any number of various event creatures.
Actually, weren't the drones there before Castle was? ISTR they put the drones there ages ago to stop people training monsters down to Portal Court from Monster Island, long before they finally conceded that yes, the highest-level City Zone in the game could probably stand to have its own trainer. (Before then you had to trudge back to Talos Island every time, which wasn't all that frequent if you were in the zone's level range yourself, but got a bit tiresome if you were, say, the 20ish sidekick of some hero who was doing the Portal Jockey arcs - doubly so thanks to the snipers, which make PI unsafe to traverse alone at that level even if you can fly.)
Of course, if there were drones there, people would stop gathering there.
It wouldn't really matter in this context. Police Drones don't have a sufficient rate of fire to keep an area clear during an invasion event, if players congregate in that same area and draw all the invasion spawns there. Which almost invariably ends up happening around the trainers.

Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.
Actually, weren't the drones there before Castle was? ISTR they put the drones there ages ago to stop people training monsters down to Portal Court from Monster Island, long before they finally conceded that yes, the highest-level City Zone in the game could probably stand to have its own trainer. (Before then you had to trudge back to Talos Island every time, which wasn't all that frequent if you were in the zone's level range yourself, but got a bit tiresome if you were, say, the 20ish sidekick of some hero who was doing the Portal Jockey arcs - doubly so thanks to the snipers, which make PI unsafe to traverse alone at that level even if you can fly.)
Drones added 09/15/2005 Patch Notes
Castle added 05/02/2007 (Issue 9)
"Chew Electric Death, Snarling Cur!"

You say that, but it doesn't stop them doing it in the zones where there are drones near the trainers. I've stood and watched in amazement as the invasion hive mind has congregated around Blue Steel. And it's not like the hive mind doesn't notice the drones - it complains in Broadcast the whole time about how they're stealing its kills - but does it move away from them? It does not. The invasion hive mind is a very stupid creature.
Then again, I seem to recall seeing police drones actually disappear during a Rikti invasion, though that could simply be due to the 100 entity render limit.
I believe that to be the case. I certainly remember the drones zapping the rikti as they beam down... but it's easy to have so many avatars on the screen at the same time that you end up only seeing half of them at any given time... which may or may not include the drones depending on your location.
Drones were added to the doors to the Portal Buildings back then, but the drones in the central area weren't added until much later... and fairly recently.
Why are there no police drones guarding the Hero Trainer areas? I made a blue toon couple days ago (yes, shocker, I know). Everytime I stand at a trainer, while contemplating what powers to take, I exit the level up screen only to find I'm dead from any number of various event creatures.
At least on red side, when I'm busy with an NPC, the drones always handle up for me and I live.
So this morning I was standing there, at an NPC trainer, and zombies were popping up around me. Being sturdy as paper, I must hover above where they can't reach me. Now I can't reach the trainer. So, i'm thinking, well, i'll kill a couple. Wow, the zombies are literally spawning mid-air then falling to the ground non-stop. There are now at least 20+ zombies beneath me, and I'm having a hard time range killing one minion.
I was the only toon in the area. I was seriously starting to worry for some poor sap who stumbles up to the trainer and runs into this massive mob!
In places where you must open a window, and spend any amount of time, there really needs to be some protection.
Lastly, I'm not 'angry'. This is observational curiosity since I don't care about debt and events do not last forever.