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  1. Yeah, I've found myself writing in lots of fail dialogue along the lines of ... "and then Mighty Mouse swoops in and wins the mission for you."
  2. My advice, WittyLibrarian: leave Wittypirate as a Boss and drop both Rain and Hurricane. According to what you said, the complaints are about Gaspar's original uberness. You've nerfed him down. Your friends don't need Freezing Rain to beat him any more.
  3. I would think that an ally with Robotics powers would do the trick.
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    I tried to create my own Custom Outcasts, which could be higher then lvl 20. But a single mission, on a "Small" map took up 69% of my files space. I still have 3 more missions to create.

    I've decided to abandon the arc I had planned. Non of the other factions fit what I had in mind.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    If you have a 4 mission arc planned, all using your custom Outcasts, you won't have to use 69x4=276% of your available space. If you tell the system, "Remember those Outcasts I made for Mission 1? Use them again in Mission 2," the system will reply, "Oh yeah, I'll just go back and access those same files again, I already know those guys."

    The only thing you need your leftover 31% for will be mission briefings, objective placement, things like that.

    There would be a problem if you tried to have different custom factions in every single mission .. but you're not trying to do that.

    Finish that arc. You may have to keep your mission briefings, etc. short, but you can do it.
  5. QR

    If the response is immediate, i.e. the author is online when I play their arc, receives my feedback in real-time, and responds in real-time, then yes, that's cool, let's start a conversation; if I'm comfortable sending you my opinion, then I'm comfortable exploring it further. Or if it's just a simple "ty for the feeback", that's great, too, and definitely will raise my opinion of you.

    If the response is delayed, i.e. the author is offline or busy when I send my feedback and doesn't get back to me for a while, then I'm likely to be confused at best and annoyed at worst. I don't retain feedback I send in long-term memory, so your response is going to be a non sequitur to me. Something like "but that's working as intended" will be incomprehensible. Even a polite "ty for feedback" will provoke a "you're welcome", but I will still be wondering who the hell you are. The only response that would make sense in a delayed case would be something like, "Hi, I'm the guy who wrote the arc you played a few days ago - the one with the giant frogs? - I appreciated the feedback about the confusion surrounding the floor safe. Thanks!" That would be nice, but even still it would honestly annoy me a little. I gave your work sincere criticism (good or bad), but by now I'm over it, I've moved on, I hope I helped, but I don't care any more.
  6. ICF_Zombra

    Custom Sniper?

    I saw a custom sniper in an MA arc once. How can I do this?

    Thanks in advance, Z
  7. How awesome would it have been to call my arc "$Name and the Warp Weapon Affair" and have it fill in the observer's current character name? That would be, like, automatic player interest!
  8. Hm! I didn't realize the DE Monster Pack also changed high-level DE. I'll try that!

    If it doesn't work, I may give your method a shot, Draggynn.

    Thanks to you both for your ideas.
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    I'm having problems where NPC's are uttering $name, or $heshe, instead of actually using the name. Usually it's in a patrol, or I think it did it on a boss, but before the boss was aware of the hero. Is there any solutions to this?

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I'm having the same issue. The weird thing is, when I'm testing, sometimes these work, and sometimes they don't. I doubt there is any kind of fix out there, but can't hurt to ask.

    For now, I'm hoping that certain arc variables can throw this off, and that once I finish the arc, I can tweak little things like irrelevant numbers until they're working, and hopefully they'll stay that way.
  10. DISCLAIMER: I am a MA newb.

    I wanted to put Devouring Earth in my final mission, rampaging all over the place terrifyingly, but when I tested the arc with my 50-Unyielding, all that appeared were level 51 Granites and level 49 Boulders and nothing else. I tweaked the mission a few times and could occasionally spawn a 51-Greater Devoured, but that was it. It felt very weird - I wanted to see Deathcaps and Herders and the crystal shard guys, but all there was was a bunch of easy-to-kill rocks. Any advice?

    Thanks in advance, Z
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    ...so it's a power that's never going to get used because nobody's going to want to chance getting a bad debuff for 20 minutes that they can't remove. Awesome!

    [/ QUOTE ]
    ... You're kidding, right?

    Or when you say "never" do you actually mean "not by me and people who think like me, who may not be as vast a majority of the playerbase as I may be inclined to imagine"?
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    This is not a limitation because of Martial Arts. It’s an issue with all player characters.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Thanks for the clarification, Brawler!

    By the way, I didn't think it was JUST Martial Arts ... I'm not THAT dumb ... but Positron did make it sound like it was a few very specific sets. We appreciate your bringing the light of truth in this matter. YES
  13. It's not working in my vestigal arc. Lame.

    Or do I have the abbreviation wrong?
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    Yeah, it basically comes down to the fact that there are certain powersets (coughmartialartscough) that make true "wizard robes" impossible to animate. Jay explained this as much in the Q&A at HeroCon.

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    Forgive me if this is too obvious, but if they look that bad, why not simply prohibit certain ATs or power sets from taking them? Fire Controllers already can't take Talsorian Broadswords.

    It'd be different if "robes are going live as soon as we iron out the last few problems". If they're impossible to mesh with Martial Arts, just give up on meshing them with Martial Arts and make them for everybody else.
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    I’d like to hedge off the flamers in advance, the “High Collar” clips with most of the sholderpads, sorry.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Don't be sorry! THIS IS A MAJOR STEP FORWARD. It used to be, "We can't give you that costume piece because it'd be possible for someone to clip it with another costume piece. Therefore no one gets to have it." YO, WE ARE WILLING TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR MAKING COSTUMES THAT DON'T LOOK LIKE [censored]. Thank you for recognizing that!
  16. ICF_Zombra

    Opinions needed.

    You make a strong case! Don't have time to rebut in depth, so how about if I call for this compromise?

    A URL isn't terribly immersion-breaking. After all, you'd expect some kind of contact info on a "real" ad. That I would have no problem with. That would direct the consumer to the product handily, I'd think.

    But having text saying stuff about "go to the forums for this video game you're playing right now!" is out.

  17. ICF_Zombra

    Opinions needed.

    Wow, that's beautiful, Echonis. Nice first post
  18. ICF_Zombra

    Opinions needed.

    [ QUOTE ]
    I hate to say this, but in cases like this I would think "screw immersion". I mean the point of the ads is to increase awareness of a product and/or service. But awareness of said product and/or service does nothing if you do not know where to get it from. And in this case, you need to break in-game immersion to tell them. I know what you guys are getting at and understand, but there are times that you just have no other option and this is one of them.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Of course there is another option. Not breaking immersion.

    There are plenty of ads in the world that "tease" - that give limited information about a product in order to entice the viewer to learn what it's about for themselves. Suggesting (in-game) that the City Scoop is a completely in-game news service would still increase buzz about the real life, out-of-game Scoop.

    Think about Positron for a second. Matt Miller is not a computer-generated guy in an armored suit ... but he is still Positron. Yet, in-game, Positron isn't a game designer. Nevertheless, when my heroes are in Steel Canyon looking at the guy who dispenses his Task Force, sometimes I think of the lead designer. And when the lead designer posts here on the board, I see his name and think of the radiation guy in Steel Canyon. Yet no one could say that the guy in Steel Canyon somehow breaks immersion. Why can't in-game ads be built on the same principle?
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    The "Hover" was added to make TP viable as a PVE travel power -- removing it is not really an option.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Maybe this is a good time to bring up the old QoL feature that PvE Teleporters have been asking for (on and off) for years: have the hover cancel instantly upon pressing a movement key.
  20. Wow. Way to go. Thanks Positron and NCNC.
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    I can't stand to hear another "HUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 I JUMPED YIPPEE" sound.

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    I lolled.
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    Well, Villains don't get this news on their front page. I guess it is Heroes only.

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    Think about what happens to you when you play a good April Fools' joke on a supervillain.