


Well, the nay-sayers have been proven wrong. The rating system is not actually as bad as that, and despite the alleged masses of griefers and malcontents giving 1 and 2 star ratings to everything, within a week of I14 launching a non-DC arc has made it into the Hall of Fame!

...for a few hours. And then later for a few more hours. And then for some minutes.

It seems that arc #2291, "The Footsteps Initiative" has been constantly teetering on the brink of Fame-dom. What a controversial, polarizing story it must be, to be getting so many 5-stars and yet so many 1 and 2 stars! Because surely, nobody would *ever* give it a rating dishonestly, just for the sheer joy of watching it vanish from the Hall of Fame?

Okay, so now we know the Hall of Fame is reachable. But here's the problem: authors want to reach the Hall of Fame to get a new arc slot open. The idea is, you make an arc, the playerbase loves it, and they give you more room to give them more arcs.

For this system to work, it's not enough for Hall of Fame status to be theoretically reachable. It needs to be *maintainable*. Your adoring public cannot constantly flip-flop between "tell us one more!" and "stop writing".

Those who believe in the rating system say that eventually, Democracy will win out. The cream of the crop will rise to the top of the ratings, and we will have plenty of good arcs to play. Just give it *time*, man. It's only been a week since launch! The playerbase has barely had time to make enough arcs to completely fill up the 999 pages of the search system. There can't possibly be *one* arc good enough to garner 1000 positive votes from a pool of 130k players in there.

Well, I'm giving it time. I'm giving it three months (from now until June 14th) for an arc to reach Hall of Fame status, and stay there.

It's entirely possible, of course, that CoH players are such a discerning bunch that not a single author can make something good enough to merit a Hall of Fame award. The writing in the game is simply top-notch. I know that after running Vivacious Verandi's arc, or Stephanie Pebbles, the bar of my expectations is raised high.

Because it certainly isn't possible that the rating system places too much power in the hands of low voters, or that the requirements for HoF are unrealistic. No, if in three months the Hall of Fame has not had a permanent resident yet, it can only mean one thing: none of the players are good enough writers, and they don't deserve any more than the three basic publishing slots.

Edit: Added sarcasm tags for clarity. Everything that's italics is meant to be read in a sarcastic voice.

Yes, that *is* a lot of sarcasm.

Character index



And........she has spoken.



I believe the proper wording is :

(copyright Talen Lee)

[COLOR=darkorchid]Nebulhym's AE Arcs: Try them now![/COLOR]
# 12647: Of feathers and fur...[COLOR=yellow]Winner of [B]The American Legion[/B]'s January 2011 AE Author Contest![/COLOR]
# 292389: From Tartarus with love...
# 459592: Interdimensional Headache



And........she has spoken.

[/ QUOTE ]

Net worth of my opinion: somewhere around 1.4 Eurocents.

Character index



With the sarcasm tags, I actually found that funny...!

(And thanks for the sarcasm tags... I tend to run snarky so I presume other people are intending humor where sometimes they're not...)

As it is, I'm very curious to watch how "differences in rating standards" and "herd mentality" will play out in the 4 vs 5 ratings, etc., over time...

#28470 - MA & YOU! Quick Tutorial
Poster 1481: Cause of How Some Silly Stealed My Wings
Cultist fun in 3586 Project: Perilous - Into the Chthonian Pit
Formerly of Perils of Paula!



I rate this thread 4.6 stars.



I rate this thread 4.3 stars, and thus knock it out of the Hall of Fame. HAH! Take that, Stat 400!

Global @Twoflower / MA Creator & Pro Indie Game Developer.
Mission Architect Works: DIY Laser Moonbase (Dev Choice!), An Internship in the Fine Art of Revenge (2009 MA Award Winner!) and many more! Plus Brand New Arcs for Issue 21!



I rated this 5 stars...but then I accidentally hit the report button, so more than likely this thread will get yanked for being a farm thread.


Oh...and your post didn't mention the words "frankenslot" "FotM" or include enough 1337-speak to satisfy my slaker, gamer-slug tendencies. My level 3 earth/storm controller couldn't solo your AV. And your costume is the wrong shade of blue.

Better luck in future posts.

Why do I do do do things I do
Nobody was ever there for me to talk to
Once I was youngster, pure and true
Now I'm running with a sick, sick crew.



I should also mention that until we start seeing more Hall of Fame arcs, there is an entire subset of Architect badges that are impossible for anyone to earn.

Remember this badgers: every time you rate an arc low because of some perverse pleasure, you're preventing yourself from earning 5 badges. People are willing to pay good money for badges, but clicking little stars is something they can't muster up.



I believe the proper wording is :

(copyright Talen Lee)

[/ QUOTE ]