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  1. Slice in Japanese is either "kire" or "suraisu"
    Brute - Either "chikushou, hitodenashi, kedamono, kichiku"
    Hack - "hakku"
    Ninja - "ninja" .....Go figure...
    Stealth - "suterusu"
    Swift - either "mokumoku, musei, seishuku, hissori, sairento"
    Invisible - either "meimei" or "inbijiburu"

    Kire Musei? Meimei Hakku?

    Hope that helps
  2. High_Dragon

    Farming Tanks

    I guess I'm the oddball here.....I use my Fire/Stone/Pyre tank for farming and AV soloing....
  3. If I remember right, Lightning reflexes is a 20% recharge boost, so one would only have to slot 87.25% in recharge bonuses. Not too difficult depending on what pools/epic pools you take.
  4. I took charged brawl and havok punch early, then took thunderstrike as soon as it was available, in between and after concentrated on the WP powers till I hit about 35, then respec'd, dropped what I didn't need/want. I don't recommend Jacobs Ladder personally, but other people swear by it, so if you have a respec or two, try all the powers out and see what you like.
  5. As long as you're prepaired to slug it out with bosses for a few seconds, you should like it. Mows down minions and LT's quick. I didn't get any of the patron pools, one of them would most likely help with ST damage though, but I'm happy with what I have.
  6. I have a 50 El/WP brute. LOVE IT. Wp has darn good survivability, and Thunderstrike and Lightning Rod are good Aoe's and just plain fun to watch.

    Be warned...your single target damage will SUUUUUUUUUUUCK. It's not terribad...but with procs, and damage bonuses from sets, and during the 10 second boost from Build Up, full rage bar, Havoc Punch and Chain Induction are between 200-300. Now I have enough global recharge that Thunderstrike and Lightning Rod are up pretty quick, and they dish 300-600 each.

    Once you get a bit of recharge and damage boosts, Thunderstrike will be your hardest ST hitter, and the aoe is an oddball, it's aoe factor radiates from your target, not you.
  7. I have an SR scrapper and an SR brute. Love them both, and was given a helpful tip/warning, depending on your primary for either AT, SR can be amazing, or a royal pain depending on slotting, but it's so easy to get up over the soft cap AND make up for the end drain of the toggles and primary attacks.

    The brute is Dark Melee, no end issues or problems hittin softcap. The scrapper is Broadsword, almost if not as end-heavy as Battleaxe, but even easier to cap.

    I was told that with any end heavy set, always overslot for Recovery and end reduction. Obliteration's set bonuses are nice, but the lack of end redux is a pain. Fitting in a Numina +regen +recovery, and a Miracle +recovery can very easily make up for this.

    I five slotted health, 3 Numinas, the Miracle piece, and a Regenerative Tissue +regen piece
    (those 3 are pricey, yes, but worth it).
  8. Just a suggestion, they can get a tad pricey, but the Numina's +regen +recovery piece, and Miracle +recovery are going into my build at 50.

    I have 2 vet respecs left, and am going to try a few variations because I may try this in pvp a bit as well.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kryph0n View Post
    Yes, here on Virtue. By way of Justice. So I'm moving in.

    I really dont know what kind of people you have here on Virtue, since those of us on Justice are completely self absorbed and a lot psychotic. Either way, I'll be running around with some new Hero's on this server.
    There are self absorbed morons on every server...I'd like to think less so on Virtue..least I've only run into a few. If you're tryin to get away from the Psychotic people....well...um.... Hey Look a Distraction!....
  10. Yeah..umm any decent build with Lightning reflexes and a moderate amount of global recharge bonuses won't need aid self. Energize will boost your regen and drop end usage for 30 seconds, and can easily, with cheap IO's, recharge after a minute, or sooner.

    The build I have doesn't use hasten(though I do have a couple LOTG +rch IO's) and energize recharges in 46 seconds. Also, unless you fly/hover, grounded more than covers your kb protection. I plan on either dropping ONE Karma, KB protection, or slotting a set with a KB protection bonus in, just in case I'm Superjumpin after someone and they land a KB power.

    With adding recharge, comes faster recharging attacks, so you won't need to take as many, and can just fire off the two or three hardest hitting, and have a fourth attack on standby just in case you're hit with -rch.

    Also....A LOT of people take super jump...you might wanna consider tossing the Med pool for leaping, and grab CJ(decent immob/defense boost) and SJ, or at least ditch Swift and get Hurdle, otherwise you may be slightly frustrated runnin round while people are leaping over/away from you.
  11. At level 42 with my Electric/Mace tank. Wicked fun. I don't use power sink anymore, and will probably respec out of it. Plannin on adding physical perfection, laser beam eyes, and already got focused accuracy.
  12. Agreed. I like the concept. I personally am not a fan of Invuln, not knocking the set. That being said... I think Invuln, Energy(color tinted to blue)(not as bad as it's rep) Dark(color tinted to blue) or electric, with Devil Dingo's electric eel suggestion would be the way to go.

    I have a SS/Energy brute, LOADS of fun.
  13. High_Dragon

    Help a girl out

    Originally Posted by Limedolly View Post
    Sorry maybe I confused people and wasn't very clear. The character itself is half egyptian but the name doesnt actually need to be egyptian as she was only there because of the dig site. As to what the artifact really is going to be i'm still working on it. I'm thinking of a name based more on her powers, which is why im having trouble cause i'm horrible with energy related names.

    I'm sorry if i confused people D=
    Ohhh...well in that case... Wiki names associated with Quantum physics, astro - phenomenon associated with star activity, nuclear terms(maybe more for radiation, but whatever), try information and terms in relation to a particle accelerator, the particle collider they build in europe..hadrosomething... hope that helps
  14. High_Dragon

    Help a girl out

    This is what I've done before - I take an egyptian mythology figure or name, and adjust, spell a little different, add another name, ect.

    I have a few characters with demonic origin, so they get the last name of Demonborn, so you get Anubis Demonborn.

    Also have a female character, origin tied to artifacts used by the Eqyptian god Osiris...so I tweaked the name, and got Osyrya.
  15. High_Dragon

    Shield Defense

    Mitigation. A good Primary with KB/KD, stuns ect. Also set bonuses, even some of the more inexpensive sets, can help boost the defence/resist and regen.

    I'd suggest War Mace, Stone, or Electric Melee as a primary.

    If I remember right, stone will be the bigger single target damage dealer. Seismic assault is just nasty.

    Get a little recharge slotted in, and have any of those sets aoe kb/kd attacks up every 10-20 seconds(or less) and you should be fine.
  16. Geeeeeeeez... yeah reading this post my co-workers think I'm possessed or something. This is the funniest thing I've seen in quite a while...

    Now I have a sudden desire to make a WM/EA brute....with purple.....must...have...strong..and...pretty..... .
  17. I have an EL/WP brute, been 50 a while, and taking into account the difference in damage and defence/resist between brutes and tanks, it is FUN!!!!

    I have hasten, only down about 15 seconds(still lacking 2 LOTG +rch)

    Thunderstrike comes up fairly often, maybe twice per spawn, while lightning rod is up every spawn(running +2/+6 missions fairly often) and I use that to open.

    Tanks will survive better and take a little longer to kill everything, granted, but it still should be alot of fun.
  18. High_Dragon

    AoE Scrapping...

    Originally Posted by Rieze View Post
    I simply get up, find them, kill them. The ones in PI drop purples, you know.

    Also, who said you aren't allowed to put one or two KB protection IOs in /ela anyway.
    Oh I know. I normally do punish the fool for interrupting my jump....normally by knocking him off the building while administering the beatings!

    I'm just sayin I was suprised and amused when I was knocked down the first couple times, now it's not so amusing, but I'll live with it.
  19. High_Dragon

    AoE Scrapping...

    Higher resists, faster recharge on power sink than consume, end discount and temporary regen buff from the heal.

    It has a solid KK/immob protection power, good end drain resist... it covers EVERYTHING and does it pretty well.

    I think the Fire armors self heal may recharge a little faster. Fire armor will give much higher Fire resist, electric gives overdone energy resist.

    Electric also has a really good "god mode" power, coupled with a very bad crash.

    Only drawback to taking electric is the kb protection doesn't work in air... which I find slightly amusing and slightly annoying, super-jumping through FF or PI and getting knocked down by Crey Sharpshooters.

    It was funny the first 2 times...
  20. High_Dragon

    AoE Scrapping...

    Electric armor is MUCH tougher than fire, but not as tough as dark.

    Electric will also do about the same damage as dark, and has less end issues than dark.
  21. Personally I will agree with just targetting the sapper and chewing it up before it gets a shot off. On most scrappers, just build-up and one/two shot it.

    On say Dual Blades and Claws, who have their "build-up" ish power as an attack, run in, use a quick single target knockdown power, following up with another strong single target attack to finish it off.
  22. This is why being adaptive in playstyle is helpful. I love scrappers. I enjoy the hell out of my tanks too, but I'm a scrapper player.

    When I tank, I look at the team makeup, and how they're meshing, and adapt. If we're scrapper(or scrapper playstyle) heavy, screw the tactics, run in and destroy anything moving. If I'm with a group of ranged squishies that prefer to play it a little safer, I'll herd or pull or whatever.

    My general idea of tanking is such that I keep the aggro off the people who don't want to be hit, so if a scrapper runs ahead, more power to them. Far as I'm concerned Scrappers are made to take a hit and return it 10 fold. I'll keep the squishies safe while you go bust heads.
  23. I rolled an ELA/Mace the day I16 dropped. I went into it with the Fire Armor squishy set mindset and was quite pleasantly suprised. It's a very resilient set. What really irked me though is the Stupid-high Energy defence. Even leaving Grounded totally unslotted, on so's, it's over 100%(90% cap). The end drain from the War Mace powers gets slightly tricky if I'm not paying enough attenion to my blue bar, but at lvl 47-50, when I start throwing IO sets in, that and the low Smashing/Lethal resists will be boosted.

    Drop some +recharge bonuses so Energize is available more and it's a very fun tank with darn good survivability, IMHO, and the mitigation from war mace KB/KD doesn't hurt!

    I'm planning on Tough to help the S/L resist, and weave 6 slotted to add defence, already running CJ.