257 -
This T-shirt NEEDS to be an extra in this pack!
Mostly liking what I see here, though it's a shame we cant get hats and glasses on these beast heads, and still no Kilts/Skirts/Shorts on the monstrous legs.
I always wanted to put together an all MM team for the raid, hover above Hami, and use Assemble the Team to drop all 60 of us on him at once!
Not so much as a travel issue, but just a general "why is it still separate?", I'd really like to see OB get merged to a single co-op zone. Would also help with that Alpha Slot unlock.
Hmm, maybe I'm not loooking in the right spot, but is there a page that lists the Rare and Very Rare abilities?
I have Silvershaft and Shadow Shaft on Victory. They're 'tech ninjas' inspired by Storm Shadow and Snake Eyes.
Alot of whats been said above, but I also have one personal gripe:
Soometimes, I'm just looking for a quick fix, and it really doesn't seem like there are a whole lot of one-shot missions that aren't farms. It's been a while since I paid attention, but I know the last time I really cared, about a year ago, the prevailing attitude was just "Single mission arcs can't be good". I think that's false, but since the people who seem to actually care about AE seem to endorse that attitude, it creates a self defeating spiral. Maybe someone should host a "best single-mission arc" contest? -
Quote:I just logged in and Respec recipies are only 150-200,000,000 at WW right now. I checked, because I have a spare one on one of my characters, and if it was really going for 2-5 Bil, I woulda sold it in a heartbeat.Yeah, but I'd rather buy stuff I actually need, I have 56 50s, and the respecs are running at 2-5 BN a toon atm.
If you're juggling multiple Purples 150-200 Mil should be chump change for you.
Positron specifically, and the Devs in general have stated multiple times that allowing us to keep 10 loose Enhancements per Respec is generous. -
Ah, but this isn't "burned", it's the normal Blue tech labs, but some of the walls have big holes blasted in them, with debris lying around that's still glowing red from the impact.
The thing that most impressed me was being able to jump down the elevator shaft and get to the next level.
I was on one Saturday on Champion that came out about 23 Mins. Probly wouldve been faster if I hadn't faceplanted a half-dozen times myself.
<3 =/= R
A lot of my characters have Japanese names, so if you're familiar with it, they should be no problem- although one of my friends once jokingly refered to my character Tsukekage as "suckage" (for those unfamiliar with Japanese, it's more like sue-key-ka-gay)
My big axe tanker Kharnage is a play on carnage and Kharn the Betrayer from Warhammer 40K
My Bots MM IonIX is technically Ion 9 (alternate spelling of Ian, pronounced E-an), but since he loses a little bit of his humanity with each successive upload, he no longer realizes the roman numerals are a series #, not part of his name. (Though I am tempted to rename him IonX after he becomes Incarnate) -
Hmm, well it's kind of a bummer to hear about them overwriting the abandoned warehouses I'll agree, and any bandwidth killing bugs should definitely be addressed, but I still give an A for effort on the part of the new skins, even if theyve been implemended haphazardly.
Just wanted to drop in and say grats to whoever did the new warehouse interiors, they're a HUGE improvement over the old mats.
Also, I dunno if this is new for i19 or not, but I did a tip mission yesterday with a 'destroyed portal corp' map that had huge holes blown in the walls and a blasted out elevator that I could jump through the shaft to get to the next floor- that was AWESOME! -
I generally use a Freespec in my SG Base, like several above posters.
Although since it's addition, I'll sometimes use the quiet room in AE. -
Quote:Likewise, I wish the Iron Blade from Croatoa or something similar was availible, a few of my low lvl characters would love to have a sword to swing around just for looks.I wish Summon Teammates was on the list. Would be a rather useful for those who don't have Assemble the Team.
I mean, all of my Melee peeps can whip out a Revolver for show, but not the other way around? -
I Like the idea of Coins, though I think there should be some kind of influence sink involved in the conversion- maybe have a 1B Coin cost 1.1 Bil, or only cash out for .9 Bil.
and I think they shoulc be called "Billion Universal Coins"... -
Quote:You know, Ebay now has an option for listings to "List Until Sold/Cancelled"?Should they be capped? Nah.
They should have however adopt a eBay-liketime for sales - 3, 5, 7, or 10 days - as well as a rating system for sellers. 8D
On topic: No.
As has been stated many times above, Price Caps do not do what most people think/want they would do. -
Honestly, I was just looking for some theoretical, or perhaps philosophical discussion- I've already crafted both and sold the lvl 34.
My actual decision being, since my goal was to craft one, the non-crafted price was irrelevant. -
So, I had some good luck with Merit Rolls this weekend, and ened up with two Miracle: +Recovery recipies, one lvl 32 and one 34. The alt could definitely use one, so I plan on slotting one and selling the other- that's where the Theoretical Math comes in:
The lvl 32 has a last 5 of around 60Mil, and the 34 about 100Mil. However, both sell for around 150Mil crafted.
So my question is, which one causes me to 'lose' more if I slot it? If I slot the 32, am I 'saving' 40Mil over slotting the 34, or am I 'losing' more because my profit margin on it would be higher? -
Quote:DUDE, I would so pay $2 Billion for a cape made out of dollar bills!In a game based around character customization adding cool options (like a cape made out of dollar bills) that can only be obtained by spending extremely large quantities of in-game currency seems rather unfair.
Well, Hundred dollar bills, anyways... -
I'd say about a 7 for normal Pools and APPs. Patron Powers and Epic ATs I rate around a 4 or so, as they do have specific reasons for thier looks, though it would still be nice to be able to customize them.