2677 -
I remember when the 'card trick' animation was glitched. The neck and arms were really affected...
and remember the sideway faces?
When you take a screenie of a favorite framed painting/picture on one of the office walls, print it and actually hang in in your home.
Thank you guys...I may not have big bucks to help support and try and save our game, but I will use my heart and creativity......and I will continue.
I took the card and played with it a bit...I am saving it.
Guys, this is what NCSoft is expecting to happen. First, we were shocked and devastated about the new of the game closing. Perhaps they expected some sort of 'save our city' campaign....in giving us 3 months left to play, I am sure they also expect the fervor to settle down and die out. They expect people to leave and find other games to play. They expect us to finally resign ourselves to the end. Let's NOT do what is expected. PLAY the game as much as you can! KEEP getting the message out...don't lose the momentum or the determination to try and save the game. Remember all the strong New Year's resolutions that fizzled out after a period of time passed? Let's not allow that to happen.
I will always be your friend, you wittly heroic/villainous clever fun-loving fantasic helpful players of the best game ever.
In our City I will show
'Cos to a mission I want to go
I love the game...I've watched it grow
But since the news of the 31st I think you ought to know
That I'll keep flying long as I have wings
And I'll keep loving all this game brings
I'll keep stallin' till the pendulum swings
'Cos the game ain't over till the fat lady sings
NCSoft I can't tell
If your profits weren't all that swell
(it seemed like all was well)
But since your news I haven't gone to hell
So I'll keep pluckin' at your old heart strings
I'll keep truckin' long as a noobie dings
I'm not duckin' what tomorrow brings
'Cos the game ain't over till the fat lady sings
Babs has left Galaxy town
Positron hid his frown
I am not just fooling around
And I won't let you get me down.
So though the end, you're trying to bring
I ain't grievin', none of these things
Ain't retreatin' I'm a hero with wings
'Cos the game ain't over till the fat lady sings
This seemed the best place to post this, and I am sorry if it's not....that being said, here is a beautiful tribute for supporing our troups done by an sg. Is there some talented base builder out there that could do a 'save our city' tribute?
When Cimerora first hit beta, Babs showed uo...as a BUSH. When a claws character made the remark that he was going to 'trim' the talking bush, Babs yelled 'eeek' and jumped up on the head of this npc. It's one of my favorite shot/moments in the game!
You may never know what results come from your action...
but if you do nothing, there will be no result. -
..because it stated exactly how I feel in my heart.
Over the years I have saved a lot of screenies, as I am sure so many other have. I just wanted to share some of the best. I hope you will post some of your best here, too.
Here is an unexpected shot from INSIDE the train!
Milk still shoots out of my nose when I see this...even when I am not drinking milk
Guess he couldn't wait...
Snap, Crackle and Pop!
Talk about two-faced
ow ow ow ow ow
meanwhile...in Cimerora...
I discovered this in the northwest ocean in CoV....awsome
This is a shirt I made for myself back in 2005...as you can see it's been well worn, and I will probably never get rid of it.
Back (even then I knew ................)
This is what I am going to do....I am going to make one of these for every one of my characters, print them and then send.
here is the plain cape if anyone wants to use it, too.
OMG OMG TA!!!!!!! That was fanfriggintastic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kruunch, the community here at the forums, and folks like you who really love this game are trying to save it. You can go to CoHTitan, or see the other posts here on some of the things you and your friends might want to do. If all you do is sign the petition, it will be appreciated.
I'd be in with both my accounts.
I have 8. Healix was my very first ever creation, and the first to hit 50.
Check out Tony V's first post on CoH Titan here...looks like someone created a program that allows you to save all your character info. You will need to take pics of them also.
Sentinel+ Extractor
That being said, here is one example of how I have saved the pic and info on every one of my characters. (I am going to do a similar thing for the bases...)
I used Photoscape (it's FREE and awesome) to combine the pictures and add the frame.