202 -
Quote:Never feel the need to appologize, the hyphen was added into webheads name, so the parent company could copyright it. This is not only acceptable, but some words are not right without the hyphen in them/ or the prefered spelling is with a hyphen. I use them liberally, and have gotten several superb names going that route... Cut-Throat on Virtue is one of my favorites as well as my first 50.Rift-Dancer
Nemean Lioness
I like -'s I do. Spider-Man has one and if it's good enough for him, She-Ra and He-Man then it's good enough for me.
Also snagged Hyper-Beast on virtue last night. -
Quote:* Uebermensch
Really?! Noone on virtue realised that when you cannot write the german umlaut you are free to use Ue?It is official way of spelling.
Actually, I used to be the owner of that one on Virtue, but dumped it to make room long before we had more than one page of characters...
In retrospect, I should have retrieved it long ago, as it is likely no longer available, and I am at work. :P -
All on Virtue
Felinoid (Last night.)
Ballistic Badger (Last night.)
Iron Matrix
Strong Box
Airspeed (And Landspeed)
Full House
Midnight Diamond
Turnstile (Just had to check and see if it were there, snagged it two days ago.)
Released "Gemstone Titan", "Shout-Out", Hoka Hey", and "Star-Born" in the last few days. Found Cowbell last night, but funny enough, Cowbelle was taken. :P -
I think there ARE ways to get a lot of the system, but players haven't been big on picking it up. I can definitely see the completion of an AE arc being the ticket to admitting a person into a super group for example, with the final pop up window being the "password" the player needs to join the group. I also am surprised we haven't seen the birth of "gauntlet clubs," where players build missions that are intentionally nigh-impossible to compete with each other on who can survive/win the missions, again using the final pop up as a codeword that is "proof" the player completed the task.[/QUOTE]
I have done this very thing (in bold), and have actually worked on an arc with this premise (in italic). The only problem I had with the italic idea was that what some characters might find a challenging gauntlet that they can scrape by with clever inspiration usage, and/or sweat and tears, others might walk through wondering when the challenge would come... It is a balancing act that is tough to manage. -
"God of Thunder"~KISS = Skullbanger SS/WP Brute
"The Wall"~Pink Floyd = Strong Box Inv/EM Tank
"The Warrior"~Scandal = Airspeed EB/EM Blaster
"Veteran of the Psychic Wars"~Blue Oyster Cult = War-Torn Emp/PB Defender
"With a Little Help From My Friends"~Beatles = All Masterminds
"Crazy Train"~Black Sabbath = Runaway Train DM/Inv Brute
"One"~Metallica = Full House DB/Nin Stalker
"Don't Fear the Reaper"~ Blue Oyster Cult = Most Stalkers
"Barracuda"~Heart = She-Blade Claws/Regen Scrapper
"Ballroom Blitz"~Krokus = Rogue Serpent Thugs/DP Mastermind -
Quote:I hope he's still doing the movie 90, too. 90 on-screen murders in 90 minutes = YES!
You know? Just when you think that you have seen everything that could possibly shock you (no pun intended), I come on here and see you posting again. :P Nice to see you about again (not that you haven't been here, just haven't noticed... I been busy). -
I have the same problem on my wife's computer. ATI Radeon 9250 (Yes fully aware that it is an older card, but always worked before and I know they said that if you could play at launch, you could still play today.) Trees in the distance do this luminance thing as well, which is funny since this card won't show glow on any setting.
Other than that, her computer has been embarrassing mine since I17, I have the issue where my computer hangs up on log in to the point that it shoves me back to the login screen... No error popup, no explanation, no cookie for me. I was fine with that too, until going rogue and the new Que system. Waiting in 155th place in line is ok, having to do it again because of some error that I can't seem to get any assistance on (Hijackthis and DXdiag showed absolutely no errors anyone has been able to identify) is less fun.
In any case, I can only turn shaders to low (with world bumpmaps) max on her computer. This did little, but a tad less bright, though she can't navigate these corridors alone and fights are just not an option. She says she feels like she is in the equipping room before entering the Matrix. :P -
Overheard in Brickstown:
Quote:It happened because it is true!![Broadcast] Babbage: I just stomped this whole Hero team!!
[Broadcast] Galaxy Archon: Well aren't we special...
[Broadcast] Babbage: But they are just laying around here. Am I supposed to kick em?
[Broadcast] Advanced Oscillator: They will probably use a revive ability, wait for it.
[Broadcast] Babbage: No. they are disappearing!!
[Broadcast] Galaxy Archon: LOL! Don't fight much do ya?
[Broadcast] Advanced Oscillator: They probably just went to hsp to regroup.
[Broadcast] Babbage: Should I go hide?
[Broadcast] Advanced Oscillator: No, they'll be back, jst wait
[Broadcast] Babbage: just stand here and let em get me?!?!?
[Broadcast] Advanced Oscillator: ....
[Broadcast] Galaxy Archon: LOL L2P NEWB! -
But shouldn't that read "Former Paragon Hero Goes Vigilante"?
You know, for the sake of accuracy and all that. :P -
Welcome aboard!
You can find some room over there behind my addictions. -
Save for the fact that you then have most characters logged off at these terminals as opposed to day job locations if you keep track of such things. I am sure that you would be able to just log off as usual, just something to think on.
Quote:I've seen these. They really don't roleplay all that much on teams. I have never put that in my characters' description; if you can't see that I'm roleplaying then either I'm doing a bad job of it or you really don't understand what roleplaying is about. Roleplaying isn't just standing around chatting in local.
I used to do this, and still have the tag on many of my older alts. Though I admittedly tend to dump the RP and using ((OOC)) on teams that don't RP themselves. It just became easier to adapt to the play style of the group than to enforce mine on them. I can hand-wave it as an aside, a what-if, or a guest writer that never read an issue of the book before and has no concept of the fourth wall.
Roleplay in this game is best described to me as roleplay in real life. for the most part, I am playing as whatever I have on my character sheet at the time. Though, as is customary in all but the most obsessed groups, there are times where you wind up just rolling dice and talking.
The Chaste Avenger sounds gleefully amusing. Despite the fact that the CCA may make it hard to publish, we suffer no such over-regulation on our imaginations here. Go nuts! -
Quote:By the way, what the heck is up with the shape of his head and neck?
Please give generously, together we can combat and defeat "Robus Liefielditis" in our lifetimes. -
If I am a winner, I permit NC Interactive, Inc. and NCsoft Europe Limited to use my name, likeness, photograph, hometown, and any comments that I may make about myself or this contest that I provide for advertising and promotional activities. I also certify that I am at least 13 years of age and am eligible to participate in this contest
I once bent over the world and had a taste myself....
Epic! -
Some of the best I have had lately. -
Collision Matrix
Omega Collider
Siege Collider
Living Collision
Human Collider
Unstable Collision
One of those should work. -
*Clears throat...*
Welcome back,
Your dreams were your ticket out.
Welcome back,
To that same old place that you laughed about.
Well the names have all changed since you hung around,
But those dreams have remained and they're turned around.
Who'd have thought they'd lead ya (Who'd have thought they'd lead ya)
Here where we need ya (Here where we need ya)
Yeah we tease him a lot cause we've got him on the spot, welcome back,
Welcome back, welcome back, welcome back. -
Always a pleasure to see old faces necro themselves. I never leave. CoH is my first digital love that I now share with my first real love, but there is plenty of city to share.
Welcome Back! -
I have had an issue since the launch of I17 that crashed me back to login with no error message on certain zones. Since I recently upgraded my computer, and prior to I17 there was no problem at all, I decided to dig deeper...
So I found that when running even in Windowed mode, and at settings that my old computer still can play without a hitch, I was accumulating quite a bit of information in the Task Manager... To the tune of 1.8 million K! (As an aside, my older computer never gets to this point.)
My best solution was to minimize the window while the game is running and refresh my desktop, and I watch as my usage dropped from that ungodly number to around 25 thousand K. When I returned to the game, it was much smoother, and did not seem to want to accumulate that much memory again (though it will still climb to around 650,000K, but more than acceptable to the alternative.) It may or may-not help, but I found that this works for me, and I figure that someone else may get use out of it.
Good luck! -
I found another Longbow mission villain side with my stalker, and while not actually being supressed, there is a noticible slowdown on the speed of Eagles in flight and the distance they will flee to. I will get on in the A.M. after my night audit shift and test a lot of Longbow missions to make sure.
Quote:Just as an update, I disabled my AVG resident shield and began immediately having the Mapserve Disconnects every time I tried to zone into a mission. This was not just a few times, this was 100% reliable to replicate on my system. Maybe not ground breaking revelation, but reactivating AVG smoothed everything out again. Just for the record, this had no effect on my loading problem, but at least maybe a bit of info towards fixing the Mapserve issue.
As for Harry's problem there isn't anything obvious. His game settings are set extremely low. His HJT report is clean as a whistle. Memory and page file size seem OK. Yes it's a very low end original Athlon but that shouldn't be a problem unless AVG is bogging down the loading of the zone data so the connection times out.