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This is what I think too. And the change in geography can be explained by the Hamidon Wars. In some of the Paragon City zones we can see how the Devouring Earth have impacted the land, so I wouldn't be surprised if the landmasses of the world have been drastically changed on Praetorian Earth.
Hmm... I wonder if this means they're going to start a new comic book? If they are, my guess is it'll focus on Going Rogue and the new Praetorian storylines.
It would be awesome if they could get Mark Waid to write a story again. -
No worries. Take your time. There's no rush.
Maybe they wanted to announce this one today and are waiting for PAX this weekend to announce others that are in the pipeline.
This is the only way I'd accept a Praetorian Hamidon raid/event. We already have two Hami raids where we fight an amoeba. I'd like to see something new and interesting. And if it has to involve Hamidon, a non-amoeba Hamidon would be much better.
Getting to name and design a character for the game is a very cool prize. I don't care much about any of the other prizes (how am I going to upgrade my laptop with the ATI card?), but the character design one is awesome.
I used these transfers a lot more than I did on the first round and now I feel very happy with how I have all my characters arranged.
1.) On my home server, Victory, I culled the herd. I kind of turned it into a classic superhero/villain server. I moved a couple characters to Virtue because they had fleshed out backstories (and weren't superheroy), transfered a couple superheroy ones on, and deleted a bunch of lowbies (some were restarted as Praetorians). Now I have lots of room for new characters.
2.) I made Virtue my lore server. I only had one character on there before and then added the two lore characters from Victory. I also started a bunch of new ones and restarted some as Praetorians because I had worked out detailed stories for all of them.
3.) I had started a bunch of characters on several servers over the years that I've never played even though I like their concepts. So I moved them all onto one of the low populated servers and made it my concept farm. I plan to tweek and change them until I feel they're ready to be restarted on either Victory, Virtue or another server.
4.) And I moved a few characters to Infinity because they aren't superheroy and they don't have any background, but I still enjoy playing them. So I think that'll be the theme of this server. -
Quote:Y'know, I think I'll enter the contest anyway to try to prove that the game looks great without Ultra Mode.I think the reason they had created this event is because they are wanting the loading images to be updated to the standards of the new Praetoria screens. So in essence, Ultra Mode shows the best of the best as we see it right now, which means they'd probably opt for UM over no-UM.
Meh. This is the computer I play the game on. If the screenshots I take on it won't be good enough then there's no point.
The "highest Ultra Mode setting" part makes me wonder... Will those of us that have non-UM compliant computers be at a big disadvantage because our screenshots won't have UM stuff, like shadows, in them?
I originally thought I would go Resistance all the way with my new characters, but I came up with a few fun concepts for Loyalist characters while I was in the beta.
For one, I came up with a story for what happened to the US reservations and American Indians during the Hamidon Wars. Basically, pockets managed to survive the destruction with the help of the animal spirits of their old faiths, who empowered a champion to protect The People. Then Emperor Cole discovers where they're hiding and invites them to safty in Praetoria City with the promise that they can keep their cultures alive. This wins their loyalty and the champion joins the Powers Division... and that's where my character starts the tutorial.
I really love the lore the devs have created in Praetoria and I've come up with a bunch of concepts for boyt Loyalists and Resistance. I'm very excited to dive in! -
Thank you very much for letting us in a day early!
I love this game! -
For the Incarnate content, morality missions and any additions to Praetoria, you'll need to have purchased Going Rogue to access them.
But other than that, I'm expecting plenty of other content for those who don't buy GR. There will probably be new regular missions added to the CoH and CoV sides of the game. They're still working on the "Coming Storm" story and that will most likely be open to everyone. They could update Cimerora or other existing zones. They could open up a new zone for everyone to access (maybe we'll go into the future for that one instead of the past).
So don't worry. If you don't buy GR, there will still be plenty to do in the future Issues. -
The hints we've gotten so far is that magic in Praetoria is being "tightly controlled." I think it was mentioned in either Maria or Tina's revamped arcs. I'm guessing it's a story that's yet to be told.
Some of us had systems that worked perfectly fine for the game we were playing until an unneccisary graphics upgrade changed things. And some of us are not is the same situation you are and cannot upgrade our systems (*cough*laptop*cough*).
Quote:Praetoria has a noticable lack of magic in it, so it kinda makes sense that there wouldn't be a whole lot of new magic costume options (for this expansion).Most of these costume pieces are very nice. I especially like the new hairs! And the goggles.
We've been needing some decent ones for a while. However, it would be nice to see something new for us magicky, non-techy people too.
For those of us girls who don't want to look like streetwalkers, the magic booster is kind of..lacking I suppose, and not everyone is into super high tech/robotic characters.
Quote:What did they say in the "What the Future Holds" section?I didn't snap pictures of the whole slideshow, but this was the "table of contents" slide:
http://i.imgur.com/YXJLr.jpg -
Of course DCUO is going to have more content than GR. It's an entire new game while GR is an expansion. If you thought GR would have enough content to be like a brand new game, then your expectations were astronomically too high.
Quote:Given the amount of time I'm assuming it takes to make a new powerset, I'd definately say your expectations were too high. If a powerset covers multiple ATs (say, a melee or ranged set), they have to make sure the powers are adjusted for each of the different ATs and I'm guessing that adds to the length it takes to make a new set.To be totally honest when they announced an expansion I was expecting at least 2 new powersets for each AT (primary and secondary each) and was hoping for a new AT all together. Given the high amount of set sharing that already occurs I don't feel that is too high of an expectation as it would be 8 new powersets total (new blaster manipulation set, new buff/debuff set, new armor set, new dom assault set on top of the 4 already created) I'm just sad I can't actually make a "new" character if I've already tried out each unique primary and secondary once before.
Yeah, while there was overlap with Tyrant's bio (and how could you do a Praetoria history without that?), there was still new info about Praetoria in here. And I don't remember seeing pictures of Imperial or Neutropolis before (were they in the vidoc?).
Huh? Did they announce something about this somewhere?
EDIT: Nevermind, just saw War Witch's announcement. -
Those enhancements are kinda neat, but they don't make me regret my decision to prepurchase GR. I'm fine with this bonus limited to those who pre-order through Gamestop. It's a nice incentive.
Fun idea! I would kind of like a set that combines Martial Arts and a weapons set. Like MA and Katana or Dual Blades or Battle Axe. And then for the secondary, a combination of Willpower and Shield Defense.