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  1. Am I the only one who has been using my villain to help the 5th take over the Sharkhead Isle Council base? It makes me feel very evil, like playing a short Westin Phipps arc without all that annoying dialogue.
  2. Quote:
    Players will embark on clearly marked missions that will alter their character alignment along the moral compass. They'll play out similarly to how newspaper and police scanner missions currently work, though they won't be as "mad libby" as those, more tied to the decisions that players make. These missions will have recurring characters and enemies that will feature largely into the story that players build around their new role. These central story characters will be going along their own progression path, changing sides with the player.
    This is the first I've heard about a newspaper-like system or that recurring characters will feature into our character's journey. That sounds cool!
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by AmazingMOO View Post
    The 'Check Name' button should appear on some form in most if not all of the character creation screens. At the very least, the Name and Bio screen needs to be revamped so that it allows for a non-commit version of the name check.
    I thought someone who saw the new creator said there's a Check Name button on the Register screen.
  4. Haggard4Life

    I16 Closed Beta

    Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
    Pets zone now?
    Don't believe Posi. It's probably a trap.
  5. Haggard4Life

    I16 Closed Beta

    Originally Posted by macskull View Post
    Well, I could be wrong, but there's nothing in the character creator/powerset proliferation/animations that we haven't already seen. There's nothing to really test in the character creator.
    What about Earth Assault or the mentioned changes to Elec Armor? It's certainly not as big as a brand new set, but maybe this is the first time they've been able to close off the character creator from non-closed beta people.

    I don't know, it's just a theory for why they might be doing this. But I still hope they won't be.
  6. Haggard4Life

    I16 Closed Beta

    Y'know, I'm kind of surprised they haven't tried to close off the character creator for previous closed betas, especially with powerset proliferation or new powersets. And especially now that we have access to Real Numbers during character creation. It might cause problems when we start complaining about powresets before they're ready to be seen by everyone. I think some of that happened with the Shields set.

    This is probably one of those things where it's better not to see it getting made, like sausage or legislation or babies.

    But I am a little sad I won't get to play with the power customization.
  7. I had a horrible experience with rep meters on another forum. It was a forum where I discussed politics (my first mistake, I know). Generally, things went pretty well. Those who agreed with my political opinion gave me positive rep and those who disagreed gave me negative rep. And they usually included funny comments and we all signed our names since it too was an anonymous system.

    But when discussing a very divisive issue one day, someone took offense at my posts and gave me negative rep with extremely threatening comments. They were kind of scary. And I couldn't really complain to anyone about it because the moderators had gotten so sick of the rep flamewars that even mentioning the rep system or rep comments was a banable offense.

    After that experience, I swore off using rep systems.
  8. Yes you are being punished. The reasons for your punishment have been classified for some reason by a guy named... Nemesis, Lord? Who is that and how did he get access to our files?
  9. I never liked the villain version of the old board, but I love this new board's villain color. So I'll be sticking with redside.
  10. *sniff* This is the last "I'M LEAVING" thread on the old boards. *sob*
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    Finally, we'll have other people who spell colour with a 'u' and actually know what Doctor Who is.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    American geeks should be aware Doctor Who because of the new series that's been on the SciFi Channel for the last few year.
  12. Haggard4Life

    Comic Con Panel


    I really like the new MA animations. My main character is a MA Scrapper and I think I'll change several of the animiations to the new punches. But I think I'll keep the current Eagle's Claw animation since I like it so much.

    And I hope they'll eventually let us use bright colors on the Earth sets. I have a bubblegum themed character in mind that I wanted to use with Earth Assault and bright pink rocks would work great.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    Anyone else see the sign that read 'Ask about the City of Heroes Guest Author program'?

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Yeah, I saw that on some random SDCC pic in the last couple days. I'd also like to know what it is.
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    I don't know that we'll be getting much info more than we've already got, on GR at the presentation, but it'll be nice if they do.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Well, Comic-Con panels are where comic book companies like to make announcements, so why not the devs? *hint hint*
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    They have a presentation today.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I hope someone attends and shares all the juicy details with us!
  16. Pretty cool looking FX on that power.
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    Will there be a cost to switch sides?

    [/ QUOTE ]
    $39.99 plus tax?
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    Some very good guesses here on the powers, but Earth Assault will be a very melee heavy set. Also opted for the regular Hurl boulder Animation, since the Propel Boulder animation uses the full 3.5 second long propel animation. Now I may be a huge fan of propel for my grav doms/Trollers, but the thought of having 2 versions of it didn't seem too fun.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Aw shucks. I've always liked the Legacy Chain Rock/Boulder Propel attacks and was hoping to have them on a player character eventually (maybe a Rock Blast powerset one day? ). But I can understand why you went in this direction because of the animation times.
  19. I'm going to make an Earth Control/Earth Assault Dom, make everything pink, and call her Bubblegum Princess. Or maybe The Bubblegum Bandit. I haven't decided yet.
  20. Very interesting Dev Diary and character bios. I love reading about this game's lore.

    I'm excited to get the next Dev Diary to learn more about Praetoria.
  21. I think Positron said we would get Going Rogue info in July, but I don't remember anyone saying we'd get I16 info this month too. Anyway, I agree with others that Comic-Con is a likely place to get any possibly info.
  22. I just played the new SF on my Mastermind and I kept having issues. There was one map that I suddenly couldn't summon my bots anymore. And it was like that until I exited the mission. And then it seemed like all my bots would suddenly die for no reason or be killed by my exploding FF generator. That wasn't behavior I saw before the I15 update.

    Has anyone else seen any odd behavior in their MMs with this beta?
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    no cross-faction level pants.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I love farming for level pants.
  24. [ QUOTE ]
    While I can't say positively that I saw any of the Devs online

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I saw Sunstorm on Victory redside near the end of the event. He spawned about 50 Rikti Monkeys which killed me and then crashed me to my Desktop. It was awesome! The Devs seemed to be having fun with their new "Make the players crash" button.
  25. [ QUOTE ]
    Anyone figure out how to get rid of the fur?

    I have tried everything I can think of to duplicate this costume.. No jazz.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I think that picture was made by someone pigg diving and then manipulating the costume in a demorecord. So it's possible we don't have access to that option in the main game.