Umm... Am I being punished?
It's the ebil people in charge of forum merging and their hatred of time zones. It's all a nasty plot.
But shhhhh! I didn't tell you.
Friends are just enemies that haven't betrayed you yet.
Yes you are being punished. The reasons for your punishment have been classified for some reason by a guy named... Nemesis, Lord? Who is that and how did he get access to our files?

Serious answer. No you aren't being punished. Its a known issue going on at the moment. Had it myself. In game /petition or /bug saying you should have XYZ vet reward rewarded on a certain date and it was never rewarded. It may take a couple of days but a GM should contact you either through email or in game and help straighten it out. Took about a day or so for mine to get through, but I started it on the weekend when many of them were out so. There was a posting from one of the red names somewhere along the lines, but I can't find it right now to link to it...but its out there somewhere.
EDIT: Found it:
Serious answer. No you aren't being punished. Its a known issue going on at the moment. Had it myself. In game /petition or /bug saying you should have XYZ vet reward rewarded on a certain date and it was never rewarded. It may take a couple of days but a GM should contact you either through email or in game and help straighten it out. Took about a day or so for mine to get through, but I started it on the weekend when many of them were out so. There was a posting from one of the red names somewhere along the lines, but I can't find it right now to link to it...but its out there somewhere.
My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw
Serious answer. No you aren't being punished. Its a known issue going on at the moment. Had it myself. In game /petition or /bug saying you should have XYZ vet reward rewarded on a certain date and it was never rewarded. It may take a couple of days but a GM should contact you either through email or in game and help straighten it out. Took about a day or so for mine to get through, but I started it on the weekend when many of them were out so. There was a posting from one of the red names somewhere along the lines, but I can't find it right now to link to it...but its out there somewhere.
EDIT: Found it: |
Had the same thing with my account. Contacted CS and it was resolved with in 48 hours. Now I'm the proud owner of a 36 Vet Rewards badge and goodies.
Thank you for the time...

I'm going on 57 months so I don't typically worry about this stuff. As a result of reading this thread, I logged into my plaync account and I was surprised to see that my last vet reward and my upcoming vet reward both have an elapsed time of four months instead of three months.
I'll see what CS says about it. I'm glad this got brought to my attention if it turns out that I should actually be most of the way to 60 months at this point.
I know not all my jokes are good ones... and I realize some people don't like a list format for their humor needs but... er... I didn't think it was THAT bad...
My last Vet reward of 21 months was given to me back on April 7th... Which, if I am doing my math correctly, would seem to indicate that I should have gotten my 24 month reward sometime around July 7th...
Nope... not there yet.. last one I have listed is still my 21 month.
So I go to my account information with NC Soft and there it lists my 21 month reward on April 7th, 2009. And it shows my 24 month award will be given out on...
September 30th, 2009.
Ummm... huh? Now, I don't claim to be a math wizard.. but assuming someone hasn't been messing with the time/space continuum... shouldn't that be my 26 month reward?
This is what happens when you put Ouroboros Offices in charge of the Vet Reward program.
My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw