Grey Pilgrim

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  1. Grey Pilgrim


    I'd recommend asking for advice on the AT forums, after reading some of the builds they have linked there. You can get the best advice that way and I think of the AT forums and the guides there as FAQs. Read those before asking more questions, as they are probably answered there.
  2. Apex first, then Tin Mage. Tin is the response to the attack in Apex's TF.
  3. Check the thread stickied at the top of this forum, "Welcome to Victory and How to Find Teams." I answered all of this there for you.

    Join those channels, form teams and announce them there, and welcome to the awesome server with its own emote!
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
    No, same New Dawn. You would have to dig up where I specifically stated that Excel has all the answers...
    Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
    Use EXCEL, don't be subjective.
    There are more instances throughout this thread. I chuckled when I read Redlynne's comment, as it's certainly the flavor you have given throughout this thread. If it's not your intention to do so... you need to work on your writing skills and what you say. And I do not mean that in a harsh way... there have been plenty of times in this thread where you have thrown me and others for a loop.

    Anyway, I'm still glad people are working and caring on all this. I just haven't had time for the forums lately, but I appreciate THB and others still talking to Arbiter Hawk and posting their Kheldian concerns. Talking about it doesn't mean action will happen, but doing nothing certainly means no action will happen.
  5. Happy belated birthday, MP. Things are a mite busy in Pilgrim's world, and the forums have been neglected as of late.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
    I don't see this happening.
    I know, it's really... really sad.

    Sure, the idea to make Confront a little more unique is interesting. If it was merited or even possibly needed. Scrappers get enough survivability as it is and are unique enough as it is. If a Scrapper player can't even see how a Scrapper plays differently (and in good ways) compared to Brutes and Stalkers, this conversation is doomed for a resolution.

    Nothing suggested in the OP would make my Scrappers more unique than they already are (and they are unique compared to my Stalkers and Brutes), and I would much rather see dev time focused on something that is actually needed in game.

    Like I said earlier, this is the 1% complaining about how the 99% might actually be evening the field by a slight bit. It's silly to even be having this conversation, but I suspect it's lasted this long due to the gawker status merited from watching people that want to have their cake and eat it too. The only thing that could make this worse is if we were rickrolled and linked to Jersey Shore reruns at the same time. *shudders*

    What would a Jersey Shore version of a rickroll be, anyway? A Snookibomb? *shudders again*
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
    No actually, there is literally no better use of resources than making a game more fun. Especially when there are no balance implications.
    While true, there are also a limited amount of resources the devs can put into the game at a time. They have to pick and choose what needs more help, and I can name many powers, ATs, etc., that could use more tweaking than Scrappers need at all. Even though I hate how over-priced the Flying Disc power is, I see more use in that (something that any player and AT can use) than giving Scrappers something else to "be more fun."

    I mean really, Scrappers need more to stand out or be fun? They do great damage and have great survivability, and they have no popularity issues (oh, and Arcanaville and others have pointed out, they get more unique +damage powers than Blasters do). I know you don't mean it that way, but this is like the investment bankers around right now that are complaining about how hard things are because they're having a slightly more difficult time sending their kids to private schools and paying off their private yachts.

    Scrappers take pride in kicking butt and have Scrapperlock--they have clear niche and don't need any more help to be "unique."
  8. Grey Pilgrim

    Tanker Damage

    Originally Posted by AquaJAWS View Post
    The secondary for a tank is the damage. Primary is the Defense. Different power sets all have different strengths and weaknesses. Some are stronger than others for damage.

    If you like how a tank plays, but you want more damage, have you considered a Brute? More damage and decent defenses as well. Scrappers could also hit that as well in some cases.
    He just asked about slotting a tank well for damage, not about other ATs.

    To the OP, there are a lot of ways to up your damage well. Slotting powers well (like getting your damage to the ED cap while still getting a decent amount of recharge) are discussed in a lot of threads and guides. To my mind, frankenslotting is okay when you only have so many slots to put in a power, but it's usually better to get a bonus of some sort. Usually you can balance between slotting a power as best as you can while still getting IO bonuses.

    And your primary and secondary do make a big difference. Fire and Shields are more offensively oriented defense primaries for tanks, and slotting for them is different than, say, Willpower. Knowing what you're going for would be helpful.

    There are a lot of up to date guides in the Tanker forum that you can check out as well. If you're interested in the Fire primary or secondary, you can also check out the link in my sig.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zeh_Masteh View Post
    Also consider Musculature: its higher tiers also have EndMod, but it also has Damage, so your blaptroller will be able to kill more easily.
    My E3 is only lvl38 now, but when he hits 50, he will definitely be going for Musculature
    Works well on my E^3 as well. Helps him a bit with his recovery (he has a lot of toggles), and in recovering end when he uses those powers. The damage boost is a nice pairing for him. I have Musculature on my En/En Blaster as well... it's nice enough that part of me wishes my Archer and Dual Pistols Blasters had it, but the recharge and +heal (for Heal Self) from Spiritual is better for them.
  10. Can't recommend John Steakley's Armor enough. Well written, good character development, strong themes, and all on a very sci-fi war against aliens backdrop. First heard about it from a talk Orson Scott Card gave at the Barnes and Noble I was working at, and I would say it's up there with Ender's Game, if not better. I've read it several times and enjoy it a lot.

    The Thrawn trilogy is seconded by me, and Zahn's newer Star Wars books are good fun, if not quite as good. He does the universe a lot more credit than its creator.

    Harry Harrison has some fun with the "It Takes a Thief..." in space idea in his Stainless Steel Rat books. Though I think the first book came out before that show, so... yeah. Basically, the main character is a thief and a con man, and gets pulled into working for an interplanetary police agency. I liked the first three books (got them as a gift), they're a good mix of humor, good plots, and strong characters. There are twelve in all, but I tried reading one of the later ones and didn't enjoy it as much, so I haven't bothered to read beyond them. The ones I liked were The Stainless Steel Rat, The Stainless Steel Rat's Revenge, and The Stainless Steel Rat Saves the World. I'd read them in that order, as the character does develop across those. If someone else has read 'em, they can say how the other ones do.

    Oh... and if you're in the mood for humor and sci-fi, you need to read The Hitchiker's Guide, if you haven't already.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
    Nothing too impressive here. Got my new Dark/Dark Controller from 20-35 between most of Saturday evening and a couple hours on Sunday.
    I think by "nothing too impressive" you mean, "I can't dedicate my whole life over a weekend to a game." I got my Dark/Elec Dom from 28 to almost 32, and my StJ/EA Brute from 48 to 50. That's all I could do in the few hours I had, and I'm content with that. Might have done a little better if I hadn't run some Maria Jenkins missions with a team once I hit 50, but he had a few shard drops at least, and the double inf.

    Now I just have to get the Brute enough Alpha components that he can participate in Tin Mage TFs this week.

    It was nice to see all the TFs going at once, though! Anyone manage to do story arcs outside of Maria Jenkins? I kind of miss running story arc teams... doesn't seem like it's possible to get much of a team going outside of TFs and Trials these days, but maybe that just reflects my own play patterns.
  12. Smiling Joe, thanks for those. I knew you had updated things somewhere. I am sad you have given up on your PB, though. I am admittedly playing my STJ/EA Brute more these days (who is a Praetorian version of my Peacebringer), but I haven't given up on him!

    Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post
    I thought my sig explained that to some degree. It is what each person makes of it depending on build and playstyle, which means it's versatile.

    I don't want to give the wrong impression, but I remember in I9 they said they were not going to make the Solar Flare change from KB but would look into it working while hovering since many PB's hover fight and they did that. I at that time was for KD, but after playing it for years I know how to work it and the recent change in casting works well for my style.

    Pulsar's change worked well for me as well and while nice there is no pressing need to up the mag on the stun, but I would not fight it.

    Photon Seekers recent change was very very good to me and my style of play. Increased damage or rain of arrow type casting changes would be welcomed but are not critical.

    I just don't see anything calling out at me like before the recent changes, but ALWAYS look forward to the "devs" perspective concerning these things. For every Lord Xenite with a really really good suggestion there are ten other horrifically bad suggestions that essentially change the Kheldian to this or that person's favorite AT. Bugger on that ish.
    I don't want Peacebringers to have a different or new playstyle, so we can agree there.

    Not really seeing your reasoning with the other stuff. Sure, you can kind of/sort of control the KB from Solar Flare if you're hovering (though that requires a certain kind of playstyle, rather than being open to the player's choice), but no other melee PBAOE damage power has that same issue. War Mace/Battle Axe? No problem. SS, Broadsword, Katana, Fire Melee (and more)? No problem. There are no good reasons for keeping the KB in Solar Flare when it was removed from melee damage PBAOEs YEARS AGO. Peacebringers do not do scads of damage in human form and the KB in this power weakens an already weaker performing set.

    I have talked Pulsar to death earlier. I'm not sure why anyone is content to use a weak, not useful PBAOE mez (and it is not useful... I want the KB out of Solar Flare, but Solar Flare and Incandescent together can do more than Pulsar might do).

    Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
    Last thing I'd want to see in any section is one person saying jump and the other person saying "how high?". We need to question and answer for ourselves not watching Fox News and believing everything it said without investigating the news brought to people by other countries sort of thing. I will be comparing an SO build to another first of all as that is what the game is still built around but then looking further down the line would be interesting.
    Funny. I could have sworn I've been asking you to back up your statements for... ages. I'll be nice and tell you stop being Fox News.

    Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
    There is more to them than that, I impressed people when I used a PB for a defender whilst using a Scrapper for a Tank, doing Scirocco. Yeah that's all we need, not even more than a SO build. You could give that dude nothing and take from him everything. It's all there, its just what the creative mind seeks to do with it. The Kheld has many avenues to go down, but people generally pick certain ones, certains one that maybe in truth what they need for 99% of the game, but again the game was balanced around everyone on SOs. The All Kheld Team on SOs is capable of much imo not just in theory but in practise.

    WS, Dwarf is a poorer Tanker. PBs can aid better duct tape defensive manuevers. There are going to be pros and cons to each but if you wanted the same thing from both types you could be in for a disappointment as there are pros and cons to each.
    Wait, what? There is something missing here. If a Scrapper was able to tank Scirocco for your team (with you "defending"), then he probably was not SO'd (or other teammates were buffing him, or he used a lot of insps). All your Peacebringer could do for him is throw an occasional heal his way. You can't buff his resists or his defense, you have a paltry heal.

    Sure, heals are nice on STF (that's usually all my Fire/Fire Tank needs on Recluse, though I use insps to get my defense and resists high enough to stand up to his ridiculous damage and +to hit), but he had to either have some buffs from other teammates going, or inspiration use. It's commonplace for teams I've played with to just pull all four patrons at once, but that's usually with someone that can take more heat than a Scrapper, and more help than a Peacebringer can give. My IO'd Fire Tank (with higher resists than most Scrappers get) had issues with the patrons before being Incarnated, so I'm skeptical that you are giving us all the info in this example. Seriously, no amount of "creativity" is going to make a Defender or even a pocket Defender out of a Peacebringer. I love 'em, but they are not Defenders.

    And yeesh, work on that last paragraph with Dwarves. I'm not even sure what you are trying to say with all that confusion, but there is definitely nothing specific. Just... work on phrasing and be specific so we can discuss that deeper than the obvious "there are pros and cons" to each dwarf form.
  13. Huh, didn't see this anywhere on the ITF I was on last night. Might be a random spawn issue. Isn't Romulus in one of the new missions from DA? Might be grabbing that version for some spawns when generating them.
  14. Smiling Joe's old thread with his spreadsheets are here. I thought he updated them with the Peacebringer changes... I'm assuming the links at the start of the thread are still the old one before the Inner Light changes, since he lists "Build Up" in the powers list for Peacebringers. I distinctly remember him saying he updated it, but that must have gone somewhere else, perhaps a beta thread. If he can point it out (or someone else can find it with better search fu), that would be good.

    I just skimmed a few old posts, but posts made since the changes, and it's clear from them that Warshades are still a ways ahead (I think Inner Light only marginally drew the DPS numbers together). The deciding factor in the DPS numbers are Extracted Essence... without those, the numbers are close. To be honest, I feel dubious that anything will happen with Photon Seekers to help narrow that gap, if we can't even make headway on the Solar Flare KB and Pulsar mag 3 issue, which aren't going to change DPS as much as Extracted Essence really does.

    Maybe Hawk will prove me wrong and he's got something up my sleeve, but I'm feeling a little down about the possibility, to be honest. In the history of this game's design, a thing gets looked at and some changes go through, and that's it for at least a significant amount of issues. It sounds like Blasters are in the dev's eyes currently (and you can bet Arcanaville is going to help there... couldn't convince her to help immediately with PBs back around I21), and I don't know how many other power balancing things they are going to look at around whatever new sets they have in the works, along with new incarnate powers.

    Last but not least, New Dawn, you have to stop just appealing to Excel. Excel is a program, not actual numbers. If you find something to quibble with in Smiling Joe's old (or newer, when we find them) sheets, you can go ahead. But you actually have to discuss data, not a program for looking at data.

    I'll also point out that the disparities that Solar Flare and Pulsar face are easily viewable on CoD or Excel or any other tool you want to use, when you compare them to other equivalent powers. You can debate those comparisons if you want, but stop with the appealing to some program for looking at numbers.

    I may put in a consolidated thread for Peacebringers soonish, but we've had plenty of topics on the subject that were fairly consolidated, and I know Arbiter Hawk has read a lot of our posts. I'm not sure we're all that disorganized on the subject. Still, I think the last comments of his via Redlynne make me wonder what he is reading... if I recall correctly what was said, anyway.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mr_Morbid View Post
    And that's why we knew you'd be buying an Irish midget.
    So, so, so VERY true.

    Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
    I saw many more Leprechauns than I expected, so I started to ask people who had them what they thought, and the reactions were universally positive.

    I stand by my purchase, but I have two complaints:

    1. The toggle seems to come off very often, so I'm not getting my 10% as much as I should.

    2. It gets old having him around... I'd like the bonus sans the pet.
    You but the ugly thing, you've got to live with it and yourself.

    I'd try bugging that toggle thing (unless it's turning off from zone to zone and that's how it's supposed to work). You overspent on that thing, you might as well have overspent for a power that works well.

    MG aside, I've seen a few of these things around and I honestly don't know why people have bought them. It's the cost of a new powerset (I still don't have Titan Weapons, though I'm thinking I didn't like it enough to actually buy it). 10% inf isn't that much, and for people that have been around as long as MG, I don't know how that drop in the bucket is possibly worth it. Inf from defeats is nice and all, but the big cash comes more from drops... and even with my luck with purples, I make a most of my cash from occasional good drops and a little crafting. Heck, I'd maybe use this thing some if it was free, but I really wouldn't worry about 10% that much.

    I know you stand by your purchase, MG, but I'm not seeing the value you are.
  16. Oh, Mental. You sad, sad, sad person. Fight the man! They want your money! Stop giving in!


    Oh, and I feel quite lied to. When will you stop lying to us all, MG? When?

    Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
    I am NOT buying that Leprechaun!
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by RogerWilco View Post
    I think the buyable travel powers have an annoyance factor to make them less good than the ones you can actually take as powers.

    If for example the hover board did everything that Fly did, a lot of people would probably see it as freeing up a slot for another power choice and never pick a travel power.

    I think hoverboard and ninja run are extremely good, given that once bought, they are basically free. I don't have all of the others, so I can't compare. I think hover board is even faster than standard fly, so you can spend the time you arrive earlier at missions to turn your toggles back on.
    I already find it ridiculous how fast hoverboard is... if it didn't detoggle, I would be irate. Besides animation issues, it's a purchasable power that could possibly replace other powers, like you said. The devs were worried enough about how prevalent Ninja Run was (doesn't seem to be as bad an issue anymore), but that one actually has limitations below Super Jump (and I believe SS) that hold it back from me using it on too many characters alone.

    Purchasable stuff like the hoverboard and flying carpet should be for fun, not to replace things like Fly.
  18. Are you only using three trays? I have three stacked in the lower right (kind of like you do), and that's for all the main powers I use all the time. I have two other trays elsewhere for all the extra powers we keep getting in game and that I only use so often, like the Oro Portal, etc. I even have the Incarnate powers in those, since my other trays are usually full with earlier powers that I still use with some frequency. Maybe it's just my background in a lot of FPS games, but I don't really find it problematic to move about and click on things on the screen at the same time.
  19. Yeah, even with the added explanation, this is a rather hard patch note to follow. Would this enable a switch from Nova to Dwarf all in one key press? I'm guessing so, but I wanted to make sure I was following this right (I've always been a bit weak on keybinds and I haven't had to monkey with them on my triform PB for years).
  20. Yeah, I'd move the vet reward attacks out of the hotkeys. 1-5 (and their alt and ctrl variations) are all commonly used powers for me. If I use it semi often and want to find it easy, it goes 6-0 on the first tray. You really shouldn't be using the vet attacks commonly, especially when you have so many combos as it is. I understand using the vet attacks at early levels, but still using them later (especially with a weapon set and all that redraw it causes), I don't see why putting them farther away on the tray and clicking them (or still using the key for them) is hurting anything.
  21. Excellent! Good to hear.

    I'll have to see how it plays out in Scorch after the change. It currently doesn't proc as much as I'd like it to and was debating moving it to Fire Sword, but I'll wait to see how it goes after the change.
  22. When I remember how practically broken this game was at launch (both for what players could and could not do), I'm amazed we all still play it! While the aging process has had some ups and downs, I can still say that this game has improved by leaps and bounds and is still getting better, for the most part.

    I'm enjoying all these discussions, if nothing else because they're coming up with some good ideas, rather than just arguing about how well Blasters are doing. Some interesting concepts have come up out there. I particularly like the proactive approaches that don't just ask for "moar damage!" I find Blasters to be tactically fun and interesting now, and adding abilities to make them even more proactive appeals to me (though I hope we keep in mind the many ambushes we get in game and the need for Blasters to deal with them).
  23. Where's the thread from August/this fall on this? Can't quite recall when it was, but we had a big one where we really hashed this out. I point that out because the posts and Arcanaville have all the math and logic in there for why the crashing nukes aren't doing enough for how much they punish the user. I would hazard to say that the current huge "Blasters in modern COH" thread over in the archetype forums has some on this as well.

    Originally Posted by newchemicals View Post
    I just consider Judgement to be my "blaster nuke" now. Its up and ready to fire more often, its ranged, hits more targets and has no crash. It does less damage so what? At least it doesn't have 10 seconds of no end + time to retoggle a bunch of stuff.
    I mostly have the same issue with my Energy and Electric Blasters, and that's case in point for why the crashing nukes need help. I don't know if I'm 100% on board with the crashless nukes being fine in a world with Judgement, but the crashing nukes definitely need help.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
    You puzzle me you really do I am sure I wasn't going in a new direction. What I am saying is that if PBs could do as sufficient disorientating as WS then PBs could overpower WS's built right, played right and we might as well delete the inferior WS. The idea is to not overpower one. The ever demanding call for buff after buff will only lead to one Kheld being better than the other one minute and then, the other Kheld being better than the next minute and before you know it the Kheldian AT is overpowered compared to other ATs. I can see differences in my Khelds, I don't think they're unfair at all. I can see differences on excel, but there are Pros and Cons to weigh up and each of us will put our own value them differences.
    If you're puzzled, I'm even more so. Pretty much all your responses to my posts say things that have little to do with what I said. That takes a lot of work. Like I said last time, you may not be trying to straw man, but you're pretty much getting there through your approach.

    This part of your post makes it look like people are calling for buff after buff, balance be damned. I don't think I've ever seen a post calling for additional changes here in the Kheldian (or I21 beta) forums that does so. People disagree on what they should be and how far they should go, but most posters have been notably concerned about balance. I'm certainly in that category, because I know I worry about it with any of my ideas.

    This part of your post also suggests that I want Peacebringers to mez as well as Warshades, when I have done no such thing. Making Pulsar a guaranteed Mag 3 would not suddenly make Peacebringers do better mez than Warshades. It would, at best, make Pulsar competitive with Gravitic Emanation. I say at best, because Gravitic has a much faster cast time, which would still make it more usable than Pulsar. 1 versus 3 seconds is a lot with how combat can go in CoH.

    Even IF that change was made, Warshades would still do better with mez, because they have another mez power (and a good WS player can do well with Inky Aspect).

    Heck, even IF Peacebringers got an equivalent to Inky Aspect, I don't see that as making Peacebringers overpowered in comparison. At best, that's an equivalent. Mez capability is not some fragile line that is the only thing keeping poor Warshades from being overwhelmed by their Peacebring brothers.

    But I'm not even asking for that! I'm asking for Pulsar to have a Mag 3 guaranteed. Put it on rough parity with GE and any other AOE mez out there.

    Asking for KD rather than KB in Solar Flare is much in the same lines: it's not an overpowered request, but a request for parity, much like we finally have with Inner Light and Mire, Eclipse and Light Form.

    So I was never off point, you just read things your way and keep trying to champion things your way. Put up with alternative opinions. Atleast I have broken the AT down on Excel, I must of done alright if I am can see where Arbiter Hawks coming from. The fact that we will have a different opinion on things means we put a different value on things. Especially with Incarnate powers and what will be datamined, other important things to look at I can only assume any correct buffs will come when they do and not before.
    This particularly takes the cake. I'm reading things my way? I'd say you're a pot calling me a kettle, but I'm not misreading you, the evidence is all over our posts. You are constantly and consistently attributing things to me that I am not saying!

    And alternative options? I love alternative options (so thanks for yet again attributing something to me that is not there), if they make sense. You're not providing a response to my arguments or even an alternative option to think about or roll with. If I am arguing that there is evidence for Solar Flare and Pulsar needing changes, the response should be to argue against that evidence. Your response is boiling down to "my Peacebringers do okay," which is not even what we're debating in the first place. I'm not going to go with an option that has nothing to do with what is being discussed. The closest you get is suggesting that Warshades need to have superior mez, but like I pointed out above, I'm not arguing for a completely even field!

    I don't even get the excel spreadsheet comment. I've looked at other good tables put out by people like Smiling Joe, and I'm pointing out specific things about the powers that are unequal to other, equivalent powers. If you're reading spreadsheets so well, you should be able to appreciate how much weaker Peacebringers are at mez, and how Solar Flare's KB can restrict their capabilities in Human form. If you're not able to see those things, I would rightly question your ability to read how powers work and apply them in game.

    Enough for now, but the previous posts are rife with things like this, which I've kind of even pointed out before (Human is not the Tank form, so it should have great enough strengths that the tank form does not have, etc.).


    Ack, I completely forgot to add that Inky Aspect STACKS with GE, meaning you can take a boss out of the fight, something Pulsar will not be able to do with my suggestion (but Pulsar will be more useful with every other mob type, at least). Probably didn't need to remind most, but it was worth adding.

    And I apologize for being a little cranky with the above, but I feel like I've had to repeat these ideas for YEARS (we were saying this stuff well before I21), and it's a little frustrating to have to say it all again to a poster that has been around for all those threads, AND to have to deal with constant misrepresentation of what I am even arguing for.
  25. Grey Pilgrim

    Burn these days?

    Originally Posted by Stone Daemon View Post
    It should probably be mentioned that while Burn will scare enemies away from a scrapper, the ones that get caught in the initial activation of the power will die. Nearby enemies that are above the target cap for that initial attack and start getting hit by DoT (after the initial 5 are dead) are the ones that start running away, and you can usually finish off some of them before they're able to flee.
    I was going to say this about the earlier mention of the "Scrapper" issue. Most of the damage is front-loaded and will really hurt/defeat mobs. Through in another AOE, and you should be close to defeating lieuts, I would think (they're extremely hurt on my Fire/Fire Tanker after Burn + FSC, so they have to be defeated or close to it for Scraps). It's really not an issue, particularly with how Burn now works.

    Frankly, if you're Fiery Aura and don't have it and Fiery Embrace, you're not thinking straight. The two are awesome powers (and more interesting than the overpowered version that was around early in the game).