Tanker Damage




If I want to maximize tanker damage, am I better off Frankenslotting than actually going for sets. So like thinking ACC/DAM, with some RECH and ENDRED thrown in as well for 6 slotting powers.



Originally Posted by thgebull0425 View Post
If I want to maximize tanker damage, am I better off Frankenslotting than actually going for sets. So like thinking ACC/DAM, with some RECH and ENDRED thrown in as well for 6 slotting powers.
Ok, first--it's called a question mark. Whew, that feels better.

You're better off building smartly. Knowing what secondary you are would help, but you need to have a good build if you want to pump out the damage. I suggest posting your build in the tanker forums.



It was a general question. Thinking of a SS/Shield, or SS/Invul tanker. I only have 1 tank going now, but tanks are my favorite to play.

Didn't know that the secondary would make a difference.



The secondary for a tank is the damage. Primary is the Defense. Different power sets all have different strengths and weaknesses. Some are stronger than others for damage.

If you like how a tank plays, but you want more damage, have you considered a Brute? More damage and decent defenses as well. Scrappers could also hit that as well in some cases.



Frankenslotting does not usually give significantly better enhancement values than slotting sets. In fact, considering how set bonuses add up over your build, it tends to be worse. Frankenslotting is most useful for low-budget builds and for powers that need a lot of aspects enhanced (Siphon Life needs acc/dam/end/rech/heal, for example, and no single set provides all of those things).

Plus, many attack sets give their most desirable bonuses at 4-5 slots, so you can put whatever in the last slot or two to round out whatever the set doesn't enhance sufficiently.



There's a huge difference in damage with your choice of secondary. With the exception of certain powers such as Against All Odds, your primary doesn't really impact how much damage you do as a Tanker all that much. A large chunk of a Tanker's damage usually comes from a damage aura and so if you choose a primary that lacks a damage aura, that could be a factor as well.

Far and away the biggest factor is going to be the secondary you choose, as this will dictate how many AOE damage powers you have, how many single-target powers you have, and generally what you'll be good at damage-wise. You seem set on Super Strength as a secondary since both of your options are */SS, and Rage will certainly up your damage output considerably.

If you're looking to maximize damage output and you're set on making Super Strength your secondary then I'd recommend Shield since Against All Odds will add even more to your damage and Shield Charge will give you some extra AOE.

With great power comes great RTFM -- Lady Sadako
Iscariot's Guide to the Tri-Form Warshade, version 2.1
I'm sorry that math > your paranoid delusions, but them's the breaks -- Nethergoat
P.E.R.C. Rep for Liberty server



Originally Posted by AquaJAWS View Post
The secondary for a tank is the damage. Primary is the Defense. Different power sets all have different strengths and weaknesses. Some are stronger than others for damage.

If you like how a tank plays, but you want more damage, have you considered a Brute? More damage and decent defenses as well. Scrappers could also hit that as well in some cases.
He just asked about slotting a tank well for damage, not about other ATs.

To the OP, there are a lot of ways to up your damage well. Slotting powers well (like getting your damage to the ED cap while still getting a decent amount of recharge) are discussed in a lot of threads and guides. To my mind, frankenslotting is okay when you only have so many slots to put in a power, but it's usually better to get a bonus of some sort. Usually you can balance between slotting a power as best as you can while still getting IO bonuses.

And your primary and secondary do make a big difference. Fire and Shields are more offensively oriented defense primaries for tanks, and slotting for them is different than, say, Willpower. Knowing what you're going for would be helpful.

There are a lot of up to date guides in the Tanker forum that you can check out as well. If you're interested in the Fire primary or secondary, you can also check out the link in my sig.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Originally Posted by thgebull0425 View Post
If I want to maximize tanker damage, am I better off Frankenslotting than actually going for sets. So like thinking ACC/DAM, with some RECH and ENDRED thrown in as well for 6 slotting powers.
For the non level 50 characters:

While leveling, say pre-40, frankenslotting has big benefits. Set bonuses really aren't worth chasing onesie twosie. IMHO. Frankenslotting can make the most of those limited slots. Possibly achieving in 3 slots what would have taken 4 or 5 of a particular set.

As far as increasing damage specifically:

First: Accuracy. Misses do not increase damage. Missing 1 out of 3 is basically -33% damage. I've heard around 60% acc enhancement for PVE can be sufficient.

Second: Enhancing to just over 90% damage. Much more than that may not be worth chasing as it will start to experience 'diminishing returns'.

Third: Recharge. Once you get around 90% in damage then recharge becomes important. Hitting a target 3 times in the same amount time you would have hit it twice is a good increase. (150% times the damage I think)

Last: Red inspirations. While not a fan, they are very effective boosts.

Bear in mind endurance usage. If we can't activate an attack that's not helping either.

Also, pvp has some nuances that benefit damage procs. But that is another story.

Great game while it lasts.



Originally Posted by thgebull0425 View Post
If I want to maximize tanker damage, am I better off Frankenslotting than actually going for sets. So like thinking ACC/DAM, with some RECH and ENDRED thrown in as well for 6 slotting powers.
Maximizing damage output on a tank is a delicate balance of "enough acc, enough damage, enough recharge, and enough EndMod+EndRed to sustain it all".

Not enough Accuracy? You don't hit anything. Therefore you're burning endurance for nothing.

Not enough Damage? You don't kill anything fast enough. Making excessive Acc pointless, and hopefully your Recharge and Endurance numbers will be high enough to offset it.

Not enough Recharge? You have big attacks. But they don't come up often enough to output a sustained amount of damage and you have long lags between some attacks, during which your opponent is regenerating health uncontested.

Not enough Endurance support? You run out of Endurance, possibly your armors shut off, you get squishier, and can't attack, bringing your damage output down.

What the "right" amount?

How long is a piece of string?

It's not up to US to define it for you.
It's up to YOU to define it for yourself. As someone else said "What "feels right" to you?"

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Well as it stands now, I am thinking of two combos, both involving SS. One would either be shield, or one would be Invul.

But SS is going to be the secondary for my tank.



Most people go for at least some set bonuses, especially Defense and Recharge.

If your damage is maxed out (and other stats are good) but you still have a slot empty, throw a damage proc in there (like Chance for Lethal damage from Mako's Bite, or Chance for Psi damage from Perfect Zinger). These especially make a difference on low damage attacks like Jab.



Originally Posted by thgebull0425 View Post
Well as it stands now, I am thinking of two combos, both involving SS. One would either be shield, or one would be Invul.

But SS is going to be the secondary for my tank.
Inv/SS is a great, super-tough tank.

Shield is slightly squishier, but it can make up for it in damage output. I'm working on a Shield/SS right now that I'm looking to turn into an AoE beast (Shield Charge, Foot Stomp, Spring Attack).

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Other ideas.

Leadership pool - Assault for a small damage boost to all powers. that pool also has Manuevers for a defense boost.

At Incarnate levels - T4 Musculature can do some serious good if your build can spare the benefits of the more well rounded Alphas.

Unless you are constrained by budget, Full Sets, and plenty of them, ALWAYS trump Frankenslotting. There are only a very few specific powers where that is not true, in my experience. If Frankenslotting at least use 2 or 3 form a single set to get some bonuses.



Originally Posted by JakHammer View Post
Unless you are constrained by budget, Full Sets, and plenty of them, ALWAYS trump Frankenslotting. There are only a very few specific powers where that is not true, in my experience. If Frankenslotting at least use 2 or 3 form a single set to get some bonuses.
Other than the fact that you're directly contradicting yourself by saying "always", then saying "but a few instances".

Medium recharge PBAOE attacks actually benefit from frankenslotting. It's possible to jack up their accuracy, endurance reduction, and recharge while keeping damage above +90% AND tossing a damage proc in there, turning it from something you use once or twice in a fight to a legitimate part of an attack chain with a really nasty bite.

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One thing to add to your damage is to slot damage procs in your first tier attack. Since you have to take it at creation and you want to use it alot to keep up Bruising having it slotted with damage procs (even if only the dmg proc from the taunt set) you can raise the potential damage value of that weakest of attacks.

Jem - Ill/Rad Controller Lv 50+3 Nic - Mind/Psi Dominator Lv 50+3 Lady Liberation - Invuln/SS Tanker Lv 50+1 Invicitx - Demon/Pain Mastermind Lv 50+1 Celeste - Emp/Arch Defender Lv 50+1 Nightsilver - DB/WP Scrapper Lv 34 Dusk Howl - StJ/Regen Brute Lv 32 Kyriani - Time/Energy Defender Lv 41Psifire - FF/Psi Defender Lv 50
Star Lighter - LB/LA Peacebringer Lv 30