Grey Pilgrim

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  1. You all need to do these runs on a Monday, Wednesday, or Saturday when I can actually make it.

    GL on Tuesday. Tough badge to do, but we have the people to get it done.
  2. Grey Pilgrim

    You could also try the weekly SG the forumites (and a few others) do, called Isolators. Wednesday nights at 8 PM Eastern/7 Pm Central. They're in the middle of their villainside run, but they should be starting up a hero one at some point. Kind of nice if you just want a regular group to team with. Not sure if that's your cup of tea or not.
  3. Depends on what you need. Are you survivable enough already? Assault is for you. Hitting the damage cap already? Go for the strike again ability rather than the +damage. If you do more than enough damage already, go for Melee. Support is also a good candidate if you plan to team or Trial a lot. You get some more survivability and damage capability, as do your teammates. Control would not be helpful for a Peacebringer, since you don't have enough mez to build on that.

    Assess how you want to play your Peacebringer and go from there. I'll have to debate between Assault and Support on mine, I think. He's more than survivable enough already and will mainly play in team content.
  4. Gratz. Definitely a tough badge to get.

    Hope I can make it to a run some point in the future. GP doesn't have the Longbow Lore power, but he's set with Assault or Support for Hybrid. Pretty sure I have a decent amount of team insps hanging out in my e-mail as well.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Madame Pistacio View Post
    For the 6/9 Hami Raid there will be no theme. People do not seem to be dressing up in them anymore

    As for the strategy, I personally liked the faster raids, but not everyone does. For those who were there... who prefers a fast raid (or 2) versus 1 traditional raid?
    Haven't had time to tweak costumes to the theme, but I still like the idea. Maybe do a couple of them per month instead of every week?
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GhostLotus View Post
    It could be they noticed it and intend to stealth-fix it, or decided it wasn't a super important critical fix as long as the power worked and they'd eventually get around to it, or they have no idea how to fix it without reworking the entire AS.
    Maybe. Though I'd quibble with the second as it does impact a Stalker's performance (part of the advantage of AS from Hide is an alpha strike, and you have less of that with this issue), and I'd doubt the third, as it just seems to be a delay in when the damage and animation is working. I don't know how long it takes to do those, but the work of them is already there, the timing is just off (and it wouldn't be the first time the timing of the damage application was off in a power).

    Also a pity that it didn't happen with I23, since apparently they got around to changing the sounds again. I think I like those more, at least.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Synesence View Post
    This was present on Beta long before Staff Fighting went live. I thought it would have been fixed with i23, but unfortunately, we'll have to wait a bit longer, seeing as how it only affects one power for one AT.
    Ugh, that makes it even worse. I was testing Staff on a Tanker, so that's why I never noticed it at the time. And regardless of it being one power, it's a new set. That should have been fixed back in beta.

    Do you know if the devs are aware of the issue? I don't recall any posts on the issue in beta, but I'm sure I could have missed one. Been on the forums less this spring.
  8. Title says it all. I don't know if this was around before I23 and/or if this affects other AS powers, but it is really weird for Staff. There are clear extra visual effects for Staff's AS, but they occur at the wrong time. There is a lag to a charge/electric effect around the staff, and then you stab, then there is a pause, after which there is a sudden surge in the air. It's all mis-timed and you can see it in the costume/animation editor as well as in game.

    To make things worse, this also affects when the damage and fear effect is applied from AS. Mobs always have time to react when I use AS on them, sometimes even enough time that they get to attack back (even if they die from AS!). There is no way this is WAI.

    Is this new with I23? Have people bugged this like I did in game? I'm also wondering if I should PM a dev about it... not sure if Synapse is the person or someone on the animation team. I've had longstanding issues where something is bugged for years by players, and the dev in charge of it only finds out about the issue when they finally see a player post or PM on the issue.
  9. Hmmmm, hopefully I have a successful run at some point. Sounds like you have to make sure people are +3 and people are playing sharp.
  10. *coughs* PERC needs to do a fiction contest again! *coughs*
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Caulderone View Post
    After the post by BP, I sent in a ticket and got a response saying that his post didn't mean what I thought it did. My bill date is the 15th, I get the points over 10 days later.

    So, yeah.
    Did you follow this up at all? Because that comment from CS is bull... he said it should be awarded on your bill date. There is no other interpretation of those words at all.

    Please, Black Pebble, please get CS to work right with you guys on this.
  12. And yay, we now have fireworks emotes to go along with this event. Should be fun.
  13. The idea is to get the proc firing somewhat often, so you get more mileage from that. From what I have read and experienced, the tier 2 attack usually works best. Tier 1 doesn't proc enough and longer recharging powers don't let you reapply it fast enough. I would think Thunderstrike could have that issue (and Shield probably would like to have the proc up constantly to add to its resists, though maybe that's less of a concern).

    Kind of depends on your build as well and what you would have to give up to slot the set as well. If you were aiming for decent Psi defense on your Shield Tanker, for instance, you might not want to drop Scirocco. Might of the Tanker is a good IO set if you can incorporate it into your overall build plan, but you do need to do that part.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
    The thread is linked. Go read it before assuming what it, and my post on it, is about. Seriously, I put a bloody link to it in the freaking post. Is it THAT hard to click and read before telling me what you *assume* I said or it's about?

    Don't be THB, GP.

    So... what in that part that you quoted suggested I hadn't read the thread? I got the "it's good to keep mobs away" thing FROM the thread. It's a small thread with a small amount of posters, but that is something consistently said in there. Not sure what you read, but what I said shows I had read the thread (and did so before responding).

    For the rest of the comments from me that don't touch on the thread you linked to, that's from the experience of reading the Tanker forum for years, and from playing a Tanker since I started the game in its first month. I have never, ever, ever wanted a keep away power as a Tanker. KD? Sure, that's nice mitigation that allows me to follow up with my attacks (which Hand Clap does not). My thoughts and feelings on the subject A) make sense for how the Tank AT plays and B) are commonly voiced by other Tanker players. Whenever a player asks about what powers to take or drop from the set, Hand Clap and Hurl are the most commonly noted.

    I like Hurl and kept it on my SS Tanker, but I can see why people would drop it. And while the idea of Hand Clap is fun and all, it's just not that great for Tanks. If you like it on your SS characters, good on you, but that doesn't change the issue most people have with it.

    Sorry to divert from the thread so much, but it was apparently unavoidable.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Caulderone View Post
    Something else to try, as a constructive suggestion, is the temp power Stun Grenades. They are a short (11s) mag 3 stun, meaning they will stun Lts.

    Most of the horrible debuffs come from Lts., so make a target bind and hit them with a grenade, then kill them first.

    It might help enough to get by.

    edit: And, the new (coming soon) KB to KD proc might make Repulsing Torrent worth having, too.
    Does Energy Torrent have KB in Tanker Ancillaries? If so, I am SO confused by how the devs set up that power... Controllers, Brutes (and I believe Doms) all have KD in that power... not sure why they didn't spread that to tanks. At any rate, it's a nice opener for my StJ/EA Brute on the DA mobs.

    Besides looking for lieutenants, I also suggest looking for boss types. Certain ones, the rad ones in particular, really hurt my EA Brute, so I drop them ASAP. Other characters, like my Fire/Fire Tanker, are just equal opportunity or lieut focused, because the bosses all affect him int he same way.

    Toxa, I'm finding this thread interesting. It seems like WP should still be pretty solid in DA, especially with decent defense and all its regen. So it might be a strategy thing (and remembering that it should be challenging). Though you do have me worried that the 55% positional defense I'm aiming for with my SR/Staff Tanker is too low, heh. Though he does have Guarded Spin to go on top of that. We'll see how it goes, I guess.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
    Was going to reply to just how ridiculous you are for saying this as a reply to me when I said nothing of the sort, but you know what, forget it. Not going to deal with the BS from you or in general from this part of the forum.

    I don't like the IO. I don't like where it may lead - going from comments *already* being made elsewhere. You don't like that, tough.

    What I find amusing, as a final word here, is for all the "oh, no, it can never do any good, it's horrible, how can a melee AT handle a PBAOE knockback power, it's against everything good for the AT," in yet another thread about the *same* thing (Hand clap and its clones,) gee... look, tanks, brutes, etc. describing EXACTLY how they use it. And in EXACTLY the same ways I say I do....

    Wow, amazing. Strange how that all seems to go out the window with "OMG PBs have it so bad with this!"

    Whatever, guys. I'm done with it. Have fun waving your IOs at each other.
    I'm still confused by your attitude to the proc. It allows you to keep your powers just as you like them and allows other that don't enjoy that aspect (like KB in Solar Flare) to remove it. Your objections seem to be objections seeking something to object to.

    People already complain about KB necessarily, and this change probably isn't going to change that at all. People are people. Continue on as we all have for the past 8 years. No need to find new things to get upset about here, basically, you're looking at the gift horse of a GOOD compromise in the mouth. And to be honest, I'm trying to get you happy about something you should be happy about.

    Not going to touch much on Handclap, but if you see that as a validation of your liking that power... okay. The best you've got there are some people saying it's a fun "get away from me power!" But that kind of power is worse than situational on a Tank. My usual issue is getting mobs to get close to me on a tank (darn stay at range buggers), not getting them away from me. There is a reason Handclap is derided by the majority of Tanker players: you shouldn't want or need a "get away from me" power on a Tank. I'd love it on some of my blasters, but not my tanks.

    Originally Posted by Kazz View Post
    It does on my +3 brute unless I crank the levels up.
    Why don't you up your diff? If I was fighting stuff that was -2 or -3 to me all the time, I'd be bored mighty quick. I restarted a mission on a Brute in DA when I realized I had slotted his Lore to Rare levels and forgot to up the diff. Fighting things one level lower was just too boring. I debated leaving things at -1 for my Blasters and taking up the amount of mobs a notch, but that felt too easy as well, oddly.

    Just curious, is all.

    Last but not least, THB, ease up. You're not helping your cause. We're all Kheld players here and can be friendly even if we don't all agree.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
    Actually, both sides should be grateful because the devs came up with a decent compromise.
    Yup, that's basically what I was saying. I know Memphis Bill is a hardline "don't take mah KB out of mah PB powers" type, so that's why I focused on that, since he seemed to be more down on this proc than I thought he should. There have been some players and posters that go overkill against KB since the game started, helped in part by players that don't know how to use it well (or get overly offended by its use), so Bill should know he'll continue to get comments about KB. It's not the fault of this proc or even the proposed change, and the change makes the situation better for all than what we have now.

    I still think making a Null the Gull option for all powers would round this out the best. And the devs shouldn't be afraid of that because there are jerks that have a phobia about KB.

    Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
    You made an irrelevant comment and I made an inference. Sorry for assuming that your comment had something to do with the current discussion.
    THB, you do tend to get a little insulting and harsh when you are debating with people. People can honestly disagree with your opinion and still be okay people. And even if someone is being a little antagonistic with you, returning the favor rarely helps.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
    Sure, and I made certain I didn't spay it had absolutely nothing to stack with the resistance. It's very situational though. And I'm not suggesting that SR/Staff sucks, just that it doesn't get as much leverage as some of the other powersets staff can be paired with. A number of the people not liking staff have it pared with SR.
    I'd say the issue is more with them not liking Staff itself than the combination. From the posts I have seen, at least, they all seem to dislike how staff puts up a bunch of smaller orange numbers for an attack than one big one.

    Why would you want Hasten on SR/Staff? Guarded Spin has a short cooldown anyway, stacking the defense buff is easy without any extra help (And isn't a melee def of 80% overkill?). You could get Elude up more often, but you should have enough defense to not need Elude. Wanting to avoid Hasten would seem to me one reason for putting SR and Staff together.
    For recharge, it probably depends on what attack chains you're going for, and to get up your AOEs faster. I know I'm looking forward to the recharge my build is going to be adding so the AOE attacks are up faster.

    I also think you're discounting the end reduc more than you should. I'm not sure how well it compares to the better end use of just having form of the body going (so you use fewer attacks), but SR is toggle heavy, like Arcana said, and even without Tough going, my blue bar goes down fast. That'll get better with more IO bonuses and accolades, but it isn't something to just ignore, either.
  19. I like Arcana's suggestions for the set. Good mix of damage and control and has a good/different flavor from other secondaries. I might possibly quibble with Dragon's Tail, as that seems a bit over the top or more melee AOE than I want for a Blaster, especially with Spring Escape, but I have no clue what I would put there instead.
  20. Grey Pilgrim

    Dual Pistols?

    Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
    It is very difficult to change any of the animations now. People have grown attached to them. Changing them in beta is really when it needed to be done. I still hope for ES to be shortened, but the devs must tread carefully now that it is live.
    Any changes to animations in powersets will most likely be via alternate animations--like you said, anything else would tick people off that like the current batch. And given how often those happen (and never for a single powerset, that I can recall), I wouldn't tell anyone to hold their breath for alternate DP or Staff animations.

    Biggest thing I want from Dual Pistols is to have each of its ammo types be competitive. Fire and standard are pretty much the only worthwhile options for a Blaster, and even then I almost never use Standard... Fire just does what you need it to do: kill it fast. That's a pity in a set that technically should have a lot more options. The damage of the set is okay for the most part (low end standard, middle with fire, with maybe the biggest issue being the length of its animations... but even then people make more of that then is necessarily true), it just doesn't let you use its main gimmick as you should.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
    And I'll keep 1 starring people who knock stuff out of melee range when I'm tryin'a Scrapperlock stuff. It goes both ways.
    ORRRR we could all stop being so diametrically opposed. It doesn't have to be all 100% one way or the other for how you feel about KB. People should learn to use KB well and melee types don't have to get all twisted up when the mob they were fighting gets knocked away (especially if that mob is going to die in 2 seconds anyway). KB isn't pulling monsters to the Portal Corp. courtyard or insulting your mother, it's just a power ability that can be used well or badly.

    And Bill, you had better be grateful they gave us an option to take away KB that didn't require you to give it up as well. I like you and all, but your pro-KB stance on Solar Flare makes next to no sense to me... but at least they gave you the option to keep it.

    Keep in mind that my anti-KB stance in Solar Flare comes from a player that has an Energy/Energy Blaster with a battlecry of "This calls for more knockback!" (and I get a bit annoyed with another player on my server that has some issues with players that have knockback powers entirely... yes, that same Energy/Energy Blaster could be useful on the adds in the BAF, but whatever).

    Again, the option to turn off KB is a compromise for players and devs (and this proc doesn't even go far enough with it, as I said before), so calling sour grapes on it, especially someone with a desire to keep KB in all their powers, is a bit iffy.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
    Also I haven't been on beta so I'm not sure if the -KB carries over to powers that summon pets like Seekers. If the unique issue didn't exist, this would be the next problem to solve. This proc built into SF and PS with the option to toggle it off via the little pidgeon in Pocket D would be ideal. I agree that we shouldn't have to waste enhancement slots to fix gimpy powers, but I'll take what I can get.
    Why even throw in the proc? Have there be a Null the Gull option to make KB powers KD without a proc. That way people can build as they want and you wouldn't hear the complaints you currently do. As for making this set desirable, they could easily make a damage set that people would want without this proc, so it's not like it was needed.

    ORRRRRR, keep this proc and have there be a second, Null the Gull option. That way you have the choice to turn it off in all your powers or just one. Would work nicely, to my mind.
  23. I'll probably pick up the new set for Solar Flare, which should fix most of the KB issues human form has (and the bonuses work well enough with a Kheldian's needs). In Nova form it's not a big deal because the form is ranged (so for those of you mentioning your Energy Blasters... you should be able to work with the KB and not have it affect your performance at all... and you could put it in one of your AOEs if you want it to not affect team play and still use that AOE, I guess).

    Still... even if this is Arbiter Hawk's idea of how to elegantly solve KB issues, I don't think I can quite say it fixes all problems for KB or Peacebringers. It's unique, so there are issues with that angle, and then there is the whole matter of slotting this enhancement versus something else. All the scads of melee powers with KD can slot damage procs, etc., and there is STILL nothing different about Solar Flare that merits it having the KB that other melee AOE powers never have (not to mention a good amount of ranged powers... Energy Torrent for Brutes and Doms, for instance).

    I'm sure this gets us into the "good enough" category for most players and the devs, which I wish I could say is good enough for me as well. Heck, that category is enough for me with other things. Still bugs me here, probably from all the years of issues with Khelds. Oh, and not to mention Pulsar still needing help.

    Just so people know I'm not all sour grapes, I am going to enjoy being able to use Solar Flare and be able to keep meleeing things. That and the formshift speed up are going to make me very happy.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
    I suspect part of the impression of poor damage is coming from the fact that all of Staff's AoEs are DoT powers.

    One big number makes an impression of lots of damage. Lots of smaller numbers don't, even if they add up to be MORE than the one big number.

    I recall Dual Blades getting a lot of flack for the same reason, until it was conclusively proven that it is firmly in the upper half of damage sets.
    That and comparing to Brutes and group/forum think... the OP's "feelings" about the set come from going from a Brute to a Tank. There aren't any numbers with that, just a feeling. There should be a weakening between the two, given the design, so that shouldn't be a surprise.

    And with this thread, I'm sure people will forum think into believing the set is weaker. Someone on a team earlier this week asked me if Staff really was bad for Tankers, given what he had read on the forums. Sure, he was questioning it somewhat by asking me my opinion, but most players aren't necessarily going to do that, from my experience.

    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    Technically, SR has the scaling passives. Whether an extra 10% matters or not is a matter of opinion, but an SR tanker that takes tough would have significant potential s/l resistance to stack with that.

    You could also make the case that the end discount in staff could make it easier to run tough in the first place (albeit these are non-concurrent benefits).

    Perhaps SR is not the best primary for Staff for a Tanker, but Staff might be a decent primary for SR with its optional features of end discount, +regeneration, and +resistance.
    Yeah, I'd agree it's not optimal, but saying it's not a good match isn't accurate either. Besides what you commented on, I think the +defense from Guarded Spin is helpful when you are leveling for SR, and I'm sure it'll be helpful in newer content with the higher accuracy and higher levels from mobs. Having that defense to build on also lets you build for other things from powers and IOs. The build I'm working on will have a good chunk of +HP and +regen besides having good recharge.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ORACLE View Post
    Context is the key. Dr. Gemini was referencing the role of a tanker. I was pointing out I have no trouble doing my job with this tank but acknowledging limitations of defense based (SR) set.

    Regarding damage which was the OPs point and the subject of my original post, I used the word Percieve/Perception liberally. I agree with Dr. G that it does feel like dual blades...the animations are great but Staff is just not my cup of tea as it stands.
    I can get not liking it more for how it adds up all its numbers (like Dual Blades), though it still seems so odd to me. It's not like how Flame Thrower or even Burn used to be, with a long, drawn out DoT. Wanting one big number versus 2-3 adding up to relatively the same amount in the same time just seems like a big perception issue.

    But hey, I enjoy my "Hulk Smash" War Mace and Super Strength sets, so I can kind of get the perception (as long as it doesn't disregard the overall balance numbers).