AS/Staff Animation and Damage Application is Wonky...




Title says it all. I don't know if this was around before I23 and/or if this affects other AS powers, but it is really weird for Staff. There are clear extra visual effects for Staff's AS, but they occur at the wrong time. There is a lag to a charge/electric effect around the staff, and then you stab, then there is a pause, after which there is a sudden surge in the air. It's all mis-timed and you can see it in the costume/animation editor as well as in game.

To make things worse, this also affects when the damage and fear effect is applied from AS. Mobs always have time to react when I use AS on them, sometimes even enough time that they get to attack back (even if they die from AS!). There is no way this is WAI.

Is this new with I23? Have people bugged this like I did in game? I'm also wondering if I should PM a dev about it... not sure if Synapse is the person or someone on the animation team. I've had longstanding issues where something is bugged for years by players, and the dev in charge of it only finds out about the issue when they finally see a player post or PM on the issue.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
Title says it all. I don't know if this was around before I23 and/or if this affects other AS powers, but it is really weird for Staff. There are clear extra visual effects for Staff's AS, but they occur at the wrong time. There is a lag to a charge/electric effect around the staff, and then you stab, then there is a pause, after which there is a sudden surge in the air. It's all mis-timed and you can see it in the costume/animation editor as well as in game.

To make things worse, this also affects when the damage and fear effect is applied from AS. Mobs always have time to react when I use AS on them, sometimes even enough time that they get to attack back (even if they die from AS!). There is no way this is WAI.

Is this new with I23? Have people bugged this like I did in game? I'm also wondering if I should PM a dev about it... not sure if Synapse is the person or someone on the animation team. I've had longstanding issues where something is bugged for years by players, and the dev in charge of it only finds out about the issue when they finally see a player post or PM on the issue.
This was present on Beta long before Staff Fighting went live. I thought it would have been fixed with i23, but unfortunately, we'll have to wait a bit longer, seeing as how it only affects one power for one AT.



Originally Posted by Synesence View Post
This was present on Beta long before Staff Fighting went live. I thought it would have been fixed with i23, but unfortunately, we'll have to wait a bit longer, seeing as how it only affects one power for one AT.
Ugh, that makes it even worse. I was testing Staff on a Tanker, so that's why I never noticed it at the time. And regardless of it being one power, it's a new set. That should have been fixed back in beta.

Do you know if the devs are aware of the issue? I don't recall any posts on the issue in beta, but I'm sure I could have missed one. Been on the forums less this spring.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



It could be they noticed it and intend to stealth-fix it, or decided it wasn't a super important critical fix as long as the power worked and they'd eventually get around to it, or they have no idea how to fix it without reworking the entire AS.



Originally Posted by GhostLotus View Post
It could be they noticed it and intend to stealth-fix it, or decided it wasn't a super important critical fix as long as the power worked and they'd eventually get around to it, or they have no idea how to fix it without reworking the entire AS.
Maybe. Though I'd quibble with the second as it does impact a Stalker's performance (part of the advantage of AS from Hide is an alpha strike, and you have less of that with this issue), and I'd doubt the third, as it just seems to be a delay in when the damage and animation is working. I don't know how long it takes to do those, but the work of them is already there, the timing is just off (and it wouldn't be the first time the timing of the damage application was off in a power).

Also a pity that it didn't happen with I23, since apparently they got around to changing the sounds again. I think I like those more, at least.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



I noticed that this only happened if you started the AS animation without the Staff already out. So if you have your staff out in combat stance, it won't do the odd delay.



Originally Posted by Polydeuces View Post
I noticed that this only happened if you started the AS animation without the Staff already out. So if you have your staff out in combat stance, it won't do the odd delay.
True but in order to take out staff you have to hit a power in the tray, sometimes an enemy will be close enough to hit (Staff's range is..strange sometimes) and drop out of hide, ruining your intended AS combo.

Still strange it does it only when staff is not out, it's like the drawing of the staff lags the actual hit and damage animation.



Basically, if they can ensure that the weapon draw always happens before the AS is executed, this problem should go away then.

Until then, just draw your weapon out before you initiate your AS.



Originally Posted by Polydeuces View Post
I noticed that this only happened if you started the AS animation without the Staff already out. So if you have your staff out in combat stance, it won't do the odd delay.
This is not my experience - there is always a delay on damage when I do a hidden AS whether or not I have the staff out first - its really easy to notice when you build up first THEN hit AS, since build up made you draw your staff it is already out when you hit AS.

The other side effect of this delay (and the one that really hurts) is that the stalker ATO proc effect from AS is ALSO delayed - so if you queue up a second attack while AS is still animating you won't go to hidden until just after the attack queues up - you have to wait until AS actually fires, then queue up your second attack to take advantage of the proc's effect. My current staff stalker is staff/EA and is close to the def cap, so it isn't a big deal since the follow up attack from the AS'ed mob usually misses - but this would be a real killer on a resistance based staff stalker.

Globals: @Midnight Mystique/@Magik13