1478 -
Quote:I'm sorry Sylph, but you've just been a great big ol' fountain of misinformation about this stuff.Regarding the Cryptic -> Atari -> Perfect World discussion: after Cryptic split from NCSoft they were developing Champions Online when the company was bought out by Atari, and later after CO launched were bought out by Chinese publisher Perfect World Entertainment. This is where the PW raising the Game Engine license fee to an unsustainable value theory comes into play. This is a perfectly reasonable possibility.
Alternatively, it has been brought up that a shuffle in management could have changed the company's perspective on dealing with the CoX IP, which would put the fault squarely on NCSoft's shoulders. I also believe this theory also holds water because I've seen it happen within the Anime Industry first hand and the decision is more about someone's personal preference than actual marketability. Companies would like everyone to think they are intelligently operated, but oftentimes there is much wasting to be found and decisions are pushed so someone can creep further along the corporate ladder via short-term gains at the cost of long-term benefits to the company itself.
Finally, as mentioned, Nexon now has a controlling interest in NCSoft's stock. However, their influence in shutting down CoX seems far less credible given they do not have a competitive product of the same theme/genre.
First, there's the whole "5-year license" thing for which there is absolutely ZERO evidence. And now, you claim that Nexon has controlling interest in NCSoft, which is also not true. Nexon IS the largest single outside shareholder of NCSoft stock, but their total ownership only comes to 14.7% (notice the link to a source).
Seriously, you're normally awesome. But please stop saying unfounded or factually incorrect things as is they were fact; all it does is rile up people. -
I've been getting dust in my eyes with strange regularity over the last 24 hours.
It's weird ... as a cyborg with occular implants and no tear ducts, it shouldn't be affecting me the way it is ... -
If there's one thing about City of Heroes that, at least in my humble opinion, separated it from every other game, it's this:
In most games, MMO or otherwise, the player usually feels as though they're playing in the developer's game. In City of Heroes, it's almost always felt like the developers, community team, and players were in it together; that this was our game. That speaks volumes about the people who collectively made up Paragon Studios, and why it's almost criminal that it's all come to such an abrupt end.
You and everyone else there has my respect and my gratitude. -
FWIW, I've been trying to get a straight answer about VIP status from NCSoft support as my billing cycle is supposed to come up for renewal on Tuesday. While I haven't received one yet, I did notice a few minutes ago that my CoH account management screen no longer has a "VIP until" entry. Also, buying points has been disabled. My billing management screen still has me listed for my upcoming scheduled payment, but that may not be indicative of anything at this point.
Sylph Knight started the thread on Justice about it. Back Alley Brawler/Tic-Toc/Christopher Bruce just posted in that thread, saying that while he wasn't aware of any 5-year limitation, he'd ask Jack Emmert about it next time he saw him. So for now, take it as just a rumor.
Tic-Toc/BABs/Christopher Bruce posted in that thread and said that, to the best of his knowledge, there was no 5-year limitation, but that he'd ask Jack Emmert about it next time he saw him. So take this with a grain of salt for the time being.
Thanks, Tic; this is one rumor I'd really like to have confirmed or refuted as quickly as possible for my own reasons.
Quote:While I can buy that, why shutter the entire studio? Why even green-light another project (presumably not using the Cryptic engine) from Paragon?I did some digging and I think I found out why the game is being shut down. This is all based on prior public knowledge and some conjecture, so I apologize if this is inaccurate.
Cryptic Studios kept the original rights and engine when they separated from NCSoft and sold a 5-year licence to the company. Those 5 years are now up, and since that time Cryptic Studios has developed Champions Online, been bought out by Atari, which was itself bought out by Perfect World. Seeing how Perfect World is another Korean Developer with a Super Hero MMO of its own, it clearly doesn't want competition. Therefore, they will not sell the renewal licence to NCSoft or have made the licence fees too high for profitability.
Now that this is out of the way, I want to thank everyone I have ever had the pleasure of playing with in City of Heroes. I grew up with the game and matured greatly because of your support. You defined much of who I am today. I hope you all find happiness down the road and never stop believing in your Justice. -
Considering that Paragon Studios in its entirety was shut down today, the odds of that happening are slim to none.
Better kept secret than Tic-Toc being BABs, at least
Honestly? I might become transient for the forseeable future.
I guess I might try being a gold member in STO, but there's really not much new for me there as far as content goes. Neverwinter, perhaps? I was interested in Wildstar, but today's news has left me with a really nasty taste in my mouth when it comes to NCSoft. I know the Wildstar team isn't responsible, but it just wouldn't ... feel right, y'know? I might give TSW a chance, but I'm not really sold on it yet.
So yeah, I might be done with MMOs for a while. -
I know the feeling, man.
While I can't claim to have met my true love through CoH, it was there for me to briefly take my mind off of things while I was caring for my father who had terminal cancer. It was there for me through the good times and the bad, just a way to escape for a bit and play the hero or the villain. Somewhere along the eight+ years I've been here, it turned into something more.
They say that you always remember your first. I think I'll be remembering coH as both my first and my last, because I don't see any other MMO out there that could ever take the place of this one. I see no development team or community team that could replace those at Paragon Studios. And I see no community that could ever replace this one. -
... but I'd just like to say that I couldn't have asked to play on a better server. I moved to justice from Pinnacle a few years back, and have never once regretted it. Justice is home to some of the most friendliest, helpful, and knowledgeable people in City of Heroes, and it's a damn shame that the rug is being pulled out from under us all like this.
Just wanted to say that. -
All I've really gotten out of this thread is that some people have a VERY narrow understanding of what anime is. Really, it's just the Japanese term for animated cartoons and movies from Japan (dunno if Japanese people also refer to Western animation as anime). That Dictionary.com definition someone posted earlier in the thread is just horrible, as just as many genres are accounted for in anime as they are in live-action; maybe more genres, actually. Stuff like Dragonball, Gundam, Pokemon, Bleach, or Sailor Moon don't even begin to scratch the surface. As such, there are very few things in CoH that could strictly be considered "anime-related". Maybe the Mecha Armor, but that's about it.
Whether or not Ice was pulled from Brutes during the CoV beta due to the slows hindering fury generation (that's what we were told, fwiw) is actually far less relevant than it once was thanks to the increased retention time of generated fury while in combat. I could see the set possibly being a little slower to generate fury early on, when you depend more upon enemy attacks to generate fury. But once a player has a sufficient number of attacks, it shouldn't be that bad.
I'd like for Synapse to port Ice over to Brutes on the beta server purely as an experiment to see what would happen. -
Soooooooo ... we basically log onto the forums and continuously drink until we leave or black out?
Welp, buh-bye, liver! It's been fun! -
In fairness, they weren't very good trolls.
Quote:You forgot to mention the several trolls we picked up in the chat as a result of being on TwitchTV's front page. Hit_Streak was getting in some serious batting practice with his banhammer.Hey guys,
Nothing really new this coffee talk. They cover the new super packs, a number of the new ATOs, the new IO sets, some of the new IO set bonuses (ex getting rid of reduced XP debt, etc) . And a lot of whacky stuff with people photo bombing Zwill's camera, including Dr Aeon running by as Jack In Irons. All stuff covered on beta and the like.
Questions didn't really bring any new revelations, just Synapse confirming he does want to eventually proliferate stuff that hasn't been yet like Kinetics to Masterminds, Spines, Ice Melee/Armor to Brutes, Ninjitsu to scrappers, etc. No confirmation for anything for I25, if there's time in the schedule to do it he'll work at it (as he says he wants to do more proliferation about every 3 issues) but no guarantees there's time.
Psionic Melee was brought up but only in the fact it's been announced and is being worked on, we'll get more news when we get it.
So if you haven't heard about any of the new stuff, go look at the coffee talk otherwise just hit up beta there are plenty of threads covering the new IOs and things. -
Quote:I hope they do. Because as someone who first saw that scene as the opening of Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger, my mind is sorta boggled as to how that'll work in the PR universe aside from invocation of wibbly-wobbly-timey-wimey stuff.According to one comment in the youtube that scene is a placeholder and they'll be filming a new mass fight for Power Rangers.
Then again, youtube comment. . .
And for the record: I was a little too old for Power Rangers when it first started airing. The only reasons I ever watched it were for giant monsters fighting giant mechs, and for the Dragonzord, who is quite possibly the best alternate-universe Mechagodzilla of all time. I know next to nothing about any actual plots from any of the series once the Green Ranger became the White Ranger. -
Quote:It's called a rewrite. There is a precedent in this game for existing lore to be expanded upon or changed when re-examined and updated.Out of curiosity - Is there ANY lore that says the Skulls are an ethnic gang? Being founded by a couple of guys named Petrovic means zilch in a country where 98% of the population traces its roots to other continents. My surname is German but I have about as much resemblance to a citizen of Germany as a Ball Park hot dog has to a bratwurst.
If they want to say "Hey, this was a Slavic gang all along" then I'd like to see more background than just "They were founded by a couple of guys with names that sounded like they might be Czechoslovakian or something like it. What more do you need?"
Quote:I would just have another reason to get started on Standard Lore Rant #4 about how the studio trashes and discards its own lore. -
Quote:That's kinda the point.C'mon, really? Nobody's going to say it?
They all look caucasian now. Where's the racial diversity?
The fact that they're a gang with strong Eastern European roots has been played up. Much like the Family, Tsoo, and a lot of gangs/criminal organizations in real life, there's an aspect of racial homogeneity. -
Not every skull you encounter speaks with the accent. I'm not sure if there's a "method" to it, like "higher rank = more accent" or anything like that.
Gonna have to run around KR on beta and observe.