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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    The monthly Paragon Reward Tokens are awarded differently. They follow the same schedule as the old Veteran Reward program.
    I always received my vet awards mid-to-late month prior to my billing date. I assumed that corresponded with the day I started my trial which was June 28th vs the day I paid for my first subscription on the 2nd of July. Except that I didn't get a reward token the end of September. I guess I'll wait and see when I get it in October but if it is after the 13th should I assume that my September token was never awarded and I need to bug support about it? Or will the token I get in October BE the token for my September subscription?
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The_Spad_EU View Post
    They also appear to have a higher threat level than you as "undecided" mobs will usually pick them to attack first over you.
    I found this to be true and hilarious as enemies run well past me to hit the pet before turning on me.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by St_Angelius View Post
    it will only be around the 11th in october, novermber it will be back to your billing date.
    I missed that it would be back to normal in November unless "gradually fixed over time" means "fixed this month." Still, that only makes my request even more reasonable if it is just this one month they extended the current sale (particularly on costume slots in my case) another week in addition to whatever is already planned for the 11th.
  4. If those of us with a billing date around the beginning of the month will all receive our points on the 11th of each month, can we please make sure whatever is for sale during the first week of a month stays on sale for 2 weeks? My billing date is, of course, on the 2nd so I'm having to wait an extra 9 days before I get my points. It would be nice if the current sale could be extended another 7 days. At least this one time with the confusion. I was very disappointed not to get my points this week as I expected.
  5. You could argue that the fantasy blade IS the barbarian weapon of the katana options and has been in for a long time. It wouldn't hurt to add a scimitar-type weapon to both broadsword and katana (one a little fatter/bigger than the other). I never really understood why the Chinese Broadsword from the MA was added to katana but the Jian wasn't. And why didn't it get an organic sword? Maybe it's the name holding the customization back. Everyone knows exactly what a katana looks like and it could be limiting the imagination of the artists which would be sad since the powerset isn't restricted to one sort of blade. It's a style related to a single very sharp but light blade and not strictly kenjutsu. Whatever the reason, the katana customization could use some love with only 11 choices vs b'sword's 20+.

    Claws is another that could use some love and the obvious choice for the barbarian pack would have been animal paws with claws extended. That would have been awesome.
  6. My wife was able to login yesterday afternoon without any trouble and Support helped her get back into her Master account so all seems well. That's not good that people are occasionally locked out for no apparent reason.
  7. I've never had any luck with the reset button so I had given up on it and never use it... well once in a while I'll use only to discover yet again it doesn't work like I need it to.

    But I'll give it a try. If that works then this suggestion probably isn't needed but I still like it, especially for publishing costume files people can actually use.

    Oh, and I need to add to the original suggestion: if you don't import scales it should also leave the skin color alone.
  8. That was a cool mission. I didn't notice the bug because I have my own name turned off. I'd turn them all off but a couple of friends made twins and I can't tell them apart without the names hovering above them LOL.

    Actually, I wouldn't call it a bug. That's just the way disguises work.
  9. Shadow said he did that. So did my wife although she didn't try rebooting or attempt to restart more than once. She'll probably try again this afternoon though. Hopefully she'll have an answer from support by then too.
  10. I'm assuming he means the "normal" hazard zones related to the city itself, and we are mainly talking blue-side here. So you should be able to LRT to Perez Park, Boomtown, Crey's Folly, Dark Astoria, Eden and probably Striga too although I could see that being an exception. I wouldn't expect it to let me travel across time and dimension.

    Without the hazard zone ability I don't see the point in ever getting it and not much point even with it.

    I agree with Kid Einstein. A long range teleport that let me select a waypoint on the current zone map (either defined by me or a neighborhood/store/mission marker) and instantly go there would be MUCH more interesting than an ability to change zones to a static point in a different zone. When I first took Teleport that is actually what I thought it was - pick a spot on the map and go there. I was very disappointed to find I could only teleport to a spot I could see and thought I had really screwed up until I read a guide on how to use it.
  11. My wife got the exact same thing last night after installing the patch.

    She went to Manage Accounts and it asked her some stupid security question like "What hospital were you born in?" She knew the answer but of course it was "wrong" because it isn't like she had ever told NCSoft where she was born. Since she couldn't get past that she wasn't able to try resetting her password. She finally submitted a support ticket via the website somehow and had to sit out SG night - both of us were very sad.

    I hope support gets back to her and everyone else having this issue soon.
  12. I did this sort of today. I saved two costumes, the original and the costume with the misshapen head (no idea how it got that way). I then used a text editor and the scales are all at the top. I copy+pasted the scales only from one costume to the other, then re-loaded the 2nd and poof, face shape fixed.

    But it would be nice to be able to do that with a check-box.
  13. I would like to be able import a costume without changing the body shape or face. Perhaps a couple of check boxes:

    [X] Do not modify existing scales
    [X] Do not modify existing head

    The first is hopefully self explanatory but refers to all the various body & face shape sliders. The second refers to both the face shape sliders and all costume bits stored under the Head section - basically only import everything below the neck.

    Obviously these options won't be available/do nothing if you are attempting to change the sex of the character.

    If I have to choose between them then I'd choose the second option. I've run across several cases in the last few weeks where one or both would have come in handy, mainly when trying to copy a "uniform" (Vanguard, SG, Police, whatever) across several characters or players.
  14. Trio ran it today. I got it but the other two didn't. Difference was I hadn't turned in halloween salvage on that character so I got a 4th slot but the others already had 4 slots and got none.
  15. I played the hero-side mission last night with my dark tank and absolutely loved it. The maps, the story, the missions, the final cutscene, and the rewards at the end all seemed good to me.

    I thought the Lost were given some well deserved attention and didn't see any problem with the anti-magic attitude of Theo. It foreshadows the division amongst them regarding magic that comes to a head in the 40's as those Lost transform into Rikti. Theo's realization of the paradox at the end was well done. I liked seeing the pumucites get some face-time.

    Good job and looking forward to running villain-side tonight!

    BTW - I like that what is basically a TF contact was on the zone map. This should be done for all the TF/Trial contacts.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xinner View Post
    Can any one make a good asian female face in the costume creator?

    If so could you post a screenshot of the sliders and let me know which face and shape.

    Thanks a bunch.
    Would you consider Jiao in my sig an "asian" face? I was certainly trying to go for chinese with her. If so I'll try to snap a pic of the sliders tonight but I thought one of the newer faces worked well these days. Heck, I may have switched to that face although I don't think so.
  17. It would be nice if the description in the store specified.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Shadow Walk View Post
    Hoot? I thought it was "hoorgb".
    That it was. I stand corrected.
  19. Well, I'm glad to see it confirmed that they are global. Can I assume that almost everything in the store is global with the obvious exception of consumables?
  20. Thanks Zombie for the suggestion. I took one of my older characters into Ouroboros and ran all of them that I missed with my new character. I had to run Habashy again because the crystal requires that you take them in order. Very nice stories! Very immersive.

    I'm glad you mentioned Twinshot too because I was able to take my new one through her arc and gained 3 levels from it. I loved Flambeaux and Dillo's dialog! What a hoot.
  21. Golden_Avariel


    At level 44 I got the following numbers:
    Unslotted Fly: capped at 56mph
    Unslotted Afterburner w/Fly: 69mph not capped (that speed is from memory)
    Slotted a level 45 Flight enhancement in Afterburner: no change in speed
    Slotted a level 45 Flight enhancement in Fly: 77mph capped

    I didn't go about it scientifically but those are my results. I didn't notice any change in Hover with or without Afterburner but maybe I wasn't paying close enough attention.

    I "felt" the increase in speed immediately, especially in enclosed spaces. I also noticed that afterburner adds hover-type maneuverability - i.e. I was stopping on a dime and taking sharp corners without the usual coasting slide you usually get with Fly alone.
  22. Does anyone know what the level ranges are for the new contacts in AP? I don't see it in the patch notes, just their names and descriptions.

    By the time I finished Officer Fields I was 9th level. He gave me Aaron Thiery but when I hiked over to him he refused to talk to me. That was very disappointing. I'd like to know for future reference how much I need to throttle back in order to fit them in. I had figured they had 5-level ranges like almost every other contact in the game i.e. 1-4 for Habashy and 5-9 for the rest. I was obviously wrong.

    I feel a little bit lost on what to do next. I guess I'll go hit KR radios or the Hollows like usual.
  23. Snow Globe is right. Most items I already own are showing a buy button. I have maybe a half-dozen things that are missing a buy button over the entire store. The vast majority show it. So unless I KNOW I don't already own it (i.e. it was released with issue 21) I'm not buying anything.
  24. Golden_Avariel

    Freedom? Hardly

    IMO the Reward perks should be in the same order that they were released in the game. So Inventions should be up around Tier 3, maybe 4. Where it is now is a pretty high bar considering how long it's been in the game. I wouldn't qualify if I slipped to premium.

    My supergroup is using Freedom to try to recruit back friends who have left. Some because they couldn't afford the subscription and some because they couldn't justify it. Some who are on the edge are hoping it will allow them to continue playing. But Inventions being up that high feels to me like a deal breaker since we all range from 2-3 years of vet rewards which wouldn't qualify for IO use. Not being able to play the characters they remember because all their slots are greyed-out is going to go over like a lead balloon. $2 a month isn't much but it's putting a sour taste in my mouth to suggest it. Maybe I'm being overly pessimistic but that's how I feel.

    I don't really have a problem with most of the rest of the perks although I really wish free players could return tells to people who send them tells. But then I've always wished that. Limiting medium and large inspirations is kind of... strange. Makes me think they ran out of things to put on the perks list.
  25. I got kicked off Justice and haven't been able to get back on. I can login to Protector just fine and can chat with my friends still logged on to Justice. Strange.