1516 -
It's too bad that it is working as intended. That changes a TF I otherwise very much enjoy from an "as often as possible" to "meh, once in a while with friends maybe". I had held out hope up until now that the frequency of both would be toned down eventually but now I understand why the Praetorian is there at all.
Ah well. -
Yes, that video looks similar to our runs. I admit the air strikes aren't necessarily insta-kills depending on your AT but they do seem to be auto-hits that do a lot of damage over a short time very frequently.
I still think, even if he is teleporting, you have to take Primal out first if for no other reason than to stop the air strikes. -
Have all colors under skin and all colors under costume. When you pick a skin color it locks out of the costume color pallette and the two closest to it. If you change the skin color to one used in the costume all of those revert to black or white.
I'd like for the parts that can use it (mainly hats but some of the newer pieces too) to have 3 color choices and not just two.
I want to select hair styles separate from hats, even if the choice is limited. Something like "Stilleto Boot/Shiney Leather" I want to see "Fedora/Long Hair" & "Cowboy Hat/Short Hair" for example.
I want costume colors to be costume colors, not some weird combination of skin and the color I picked. Not some combination of pre-tinting on the part and the color I picked... I want the color I picked! I want white tights. I don't know how GG does it without getting a tannish-white suit. Or is that just me? -
Only a couple of the Civic Squad are mutants.
Since Sister Psyche is considered a mutant (she herself doesn't seem to think so) then the Clockwork King, Penelope Yin, Aurora Borealis, and Malaise are too.
Most of the Crey Protectors could probably be considered clones of mutants making them mutant even if they were grown in a vat.
Devoured are described as transformed normal human beings which is classic Science origin. Some Greater Devoured were probably mutants before their transformation although I'm not sure how a mix like that would be considered.
I think some or most of the Family bosses and Longbow Wardens could be considered mutants.
I would consider Miss Liberty and her daughter Ms. Liberty to both be mutants even if they use magical items too.
I'm not sure if the Woodsman was a mutant or magical when he was alive. Not enough information.
Heroic Mutant Contacts
Villain Mutant Contacts -
I mentioned the teleporting-at-will thing in the beta feedback along with many other people. It is hard to believe the devs don't know it is working that way.
Which brings up the other thing he does too often which is calling in air strikes. They are almost constant and should slow down considerably since they are insta-kill patches. They should come about as often as the big praetorian robots call down orbital bombardments (I could say the same about the end of the Apex).
I like the Sutter. I've run it 3 times so far and have never failed to complete it even when it was a pug. But by far the most frustrating part is Primal Duray and that alone almost ruins it for me. -
I was about to post asking for an elec/elec blapper build to be my 2nd on Golden Avariel but found this fit me to a tee! Thanks!
Did you get the 2 merits? Sounds more like you got too close to a drone or the market.
Quote:AV's aren't mandatory? I'm just guessing.I'm curious to why you feel they aren't. They have limited levels, set goals, and numerous other things that make them like TFs. Plus, the respec trials were eligible.
Quote:Pretty sure it can be done if you pace yourselves. Obviously, the difficulty will vary based upon team makeup. With the Titan, make sure you stock up on the special insps dropped from the spawns near the acid lake.Mostly our own fault I know. I still think it was a lot of fun and I was just curious if others had done it or any of the TF's that have a minimum of less than 6.
We did Eden just last night (too late to change once the list was finally published) but I wouldn't mind running it again in a few weeks. It's awesome.
Sorry to derail my own thread but...
Does anyone know if 4 SO-slotted level 41ish characters can do Eden? We had 6 last night and it seemed like it took us forever to take out the Rock wall and we very nearly team-wiped fighting Titan. I can't imagine doing it with only 4 if they didn't have good IO sets that exemplared well to 41st. For one thing, I didn't see any difference between the size of the spawns with 6 and the spawns I've seen in the past with 8.
I ask because we've been wanting to try some of the TF's with fewer than 8. We did Posi 1 on a lark with 3 players running some teen-level characters the other day and aside from the insane city hall door ambush (did you know you only have to approach the door to trigger the ambush?) and the simulcrums (3 cloned scrappers with buildup ouch!) we had a great time. I'm looking to see if others like it can be done by the minimum number of characters "at the right level", like maybe the ITF or Eden. -
See I was thinking the opposite, that the male pieces, while less flashy, are actually more versitile, at least once the baked in shirts/ties are removed.
Don't get me wrong, most of the female pieces are awesome and I can't say any of the male pieces are awesome, but I foresee my males and huge characters getting a bit more mileage out of the pack. Mainly because the female pieces are so glaringly obvious and don't go well with existing costume bits. I end up either using the whole set on my females or none of it with the notable exception of the choker, jacket, and belt (plain) which are extremely useful.
I would have found the bustier more useful if it went all the way to the waist instead of being arched (or better yet, came both ways) so that I didn't HAVE to put the steampunk belts with it to cover the skin. I would have found the thigh-high more useful if the shoe was completely tintable and came in a couple of different shapes... but then I don't like the witch boots because they are so extreme in their foot shape so that's probably just me. The skirt is not really a skirt and more like pants that have been cut up the inseam so I was much less excited about that once I put it on. It IS nice to have something skirt-like that covers below the knee though so I guess my feelings about it are ... complicated. I have mixed feelings on the new faces too. They look good by themselves but... Maybe it's the skin tone? Does it match the other skin on the body? I'm not sure but something about them bothers me.
I'm sure over time I'll end up using most of the pieces quite a bit just like I have the other boosters (exception Science... I don't think I've used any of the pieces in that on any of my characters yet, I only got it for the super tailor). -
Several of the hats have problems depending on the head shape. Having a bald patch come out of the top of the fedora is common and not visible until you exit the tailor as just one example and that's on males too.
I haven't tried a hat on a huge. -
Thank you so much for this. I have several shield characters and some of these suggestions are going to help a lot, especially for my level 40 fire/shield scrapper.
Quote:Didn't you have to buy the game to upgrade from the trial? Which pack did you buy for that? I assume it wasn't the latest Going Rogue if you can't play your dual pistols. Something old you picked up in a store?Hey all, finally got a full subscription a few days ago after finishing out my trail last month and have a few quick questions...
I started a character on trial and gave him the dual-gun power set; unfortunately not knowing much about the game I didn't know you had to get the big game pack to keep the power once you subscribed lol. I assume there isn't a way around this unless I buy the full going rouge pack?
Sorry, just curious. -
Quote:Wedding pack was one of the first packs discounted back the last week in April when the Anniversary sales started. Sorry you missed it.Dang, I was hoping for Super Science or Wedding Pack to be on the list. I can't justify those for the list price, but for half price...
This is the first one they've put on sale that I didn't already have. It never impressed me greatly but for half-price it does. -
Thanks Avatea!
Original Post updated
JUNE 2011
June 7th to June 13th - Alpha Strike (from Apex in the Rikti War Zone)
June 14th to June 20th - Return of he Reichsman (from Dr. Kahn in Founders' Falls) / Thus Spoke the Reichsman (from Barracuda in Grandville - Please note the last mission requires your SF leader to speak to Lord Recluse at the end of the Strike Force in order to get the rewards)
June 21st to June 27th - The Statesman Task Force (from Statesman in Independence Port)/ The Lord Recluse Strike Force (from Lord Recluse in Grandville)
June 28th to July 4th - Eden Trial (from Woodsman in Eden) / The Crystal of Serafina (from Ice Mistral in St. Martial) -
Come on guys! Still no list for June? It's the 6th and tomorrow's target is still unannounced.
The "Man" in "Manager" triggers the profanity/copyright filter.
And here I thought that my arcs had escaped this bug. Guess you really can't tell until you try to enter the mission with the error.
Edit: I can use "Manager" in an objective description, just not as the name of a captive. -
*nudge* Hey devs, can we get the June list? Knowing in advance makes scheduling the next SG activity easier.
I was excited last night when the launcher said "June WST Click Here" but all I got was the May list. -
NICE! I'm floored. It's beautiful and I love the rain. Did you request the scene or did he come up with it on his own?
Quote:This is exactly how I use it. I don't think I'd ever use super speed if I didn't have that jump pack.If you are a super speeder, it's really useful through terrain that isn't normally easy for a SS, such as Terra Volta.
It can always be used to break your fall by triggering it before impact by applying a short burst (jump) from it.
Pre-fly-buff I also used it for a 30 second speed boost but that isn't necessary now days.
Speaking of past uses, before they moved the level 1-4 contact mission doors to much more reasonable locations, I used it to jump over big red spawns in AP when I had to go into and out of the "pit" (as I not so fondly called it back then). -
Great to see a second one! Keep up the good work. I'd love to see Arbiter Fabulous in print again too.
Since this is also the screenshots forum, I thought I'd share some great action shots a friend of mine just posted on our supergroup forums. They are of our two converted NWN game characters - my beer-drinking paladin of an agricultural goddess and her desert freedom fighter. I don't think it's hard to tell who's who. We made 17th level last night and rescued Lou and his family from the clockwork. She titled the series "Camilla and Zahra Ride Again"
Enjoy! I'd love to see other action shots from the game.
Personally, I'd just like a new contact that has 10+ unique but repeatable hit-and-run missions into Praetoria along with at least one good long single-run story arc. All of the missions would reward iXP and random threads for killing enemies.
The end of the story arc(s) would be a component of some sort. Preferrably there would be 8 arcs, two for each slot where the first drops an uncommon component and the second dropped a rare (so chance for 4 uncommons and 4 rares).
I would even be ok if they had a new currency for these so they can't combine with the iTrials... that wouldn't be ideal but I'd understand it. -
Quote:I'm on your side Wanted... our SG spent well over a month in the Shard slowly going through all of the task forces and having a ball. The roleplay was phenomenal because it was like going off to war on another planet - cut-off from our loved ones and everything else we knew or thought we knew about existence and experiencing the weirdness that is the Shadow Shard and the effect that had on our psyche (and in my case it is the cause of that character's incarnate powers).Would be pretty cool if they added different maps and art designs for the TFs as is. Or slightly update the TFs without any major changes or overhaul to it like they did to Posi. But that doesn't stop me from liking the existing ones and having fun with them.
This is what I think. No one is forced to agree with me. Just like no one is forced to agree with any of the other opinions mentioned here. I'm just irritated at how some posters voice their opinions as if every single one of the player database shares their opinion.
We also did the same to the old Posi. We just treated him like any other contact and played a couple of missions a few times a week for about a month - starting at 13th and gaining like 5 or 6 levels before the end (and immediatly jumping into Synapse). There is no way I would try the current Posi's with everyone below the max level. I like the new Posi, but it isn't the same... the two serve entirely different goals. I'm glad they kept the old one in Ouroboros because both styles of TF design are valid.
I would love it if they put in a few new maps in the SS TF's and perhaps cut out 1 or 2 of the most repetitive stuff, and for the sake of all that's holy give Faathim a psychic hotline so we can call him! I'd also like it if they lowered the team requirement to either 4 or 6 (depending on the TF) so that small SG's can attempt them as an ongoing project. But if a revamp means adding insane ambushes we can't see coming or gigantic areas everyone is just going to fly over anyway, then I'm not so eager for that.
Now if they added an entirely NEW TF in the shadow shard that is the quick pick-up-group type of TF, then I'm all for that.