Mutants and mutant storylines in CoH
All of this is from memory, so may be faulty:
Vahzilok, higher-level 5th Column/Council and lower-level Devouring Earth drop Mutant/Science DOs
Tsoo, lower-level 5th Column/Council and higher-level Devouring Earth drop Mutant/Magic DOs
Higher-level 5th Column/Council drop Mutant SOs
Edit: I'm assuming (almost) all members of the above groups follow the enhancements they drop, so if you want to use named characters that would be a guide.
If you have Fusionette, you might as well include Faultline. They are frequently found together and he is a mutant too.
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
All of this is from memory, so may be faulty:
Vahzilok, higher-level 5th Column/Council and lower-level Devouring Earth drop Mutant/Science DOs Tsoo, lower-level 5th Column/Council and higher-level Devouring Earth drop Mutant/Magic DOs Higher-level 5th Column/Council drop Mutant SOs Edit: I'm assuming (almost) all members of the above groups follow the enhancements they drop, so if you want to use named characters that would be a guide. |
The Devouring Earth technicallly are Science too, although the science part of the DE is based around the Hamidons original scientific experiments, you could say the DE creatures themselves fall into Mutant or even Natural categories. My own DE based character falls somewhere between the 3, she's the natural "output"/offspring of a mutated DE Spore tree thingy which only came about due to Hamidons scientific experiments which created the Will of the Earth virus.
Terra for example is probably a mutant/science origin AV.
The Tsoo are magic and natural based really. Not sure Mutant applies to them at all really.
The Center is a mutant, but I don't believe his powers have ever been described other than referring to them as 'non-combat.'
Only a couple of the Civic Squad are mutants.
Since Sister Psyche is considered a mutant (she herself doesn't seem to think so) then the Clockwork King, Penelope Yin, Aurora Borealis, and Malaise are too.
Most of the Crey Protectors could probably be considered clones of mutants making them mutant even if they were grown in a vat.
Devoured are described as transformed normal human beings which is classic Science origin. Some Greater Devoured were probably mutants before their transformation although I'm not sure how a mix like that would be considered.
I think some or most of the Family bosses and Longbow Wardens could be considered mutants.
I would consider Miss Liberty and her daughter Ms. Liberty to both be mutants even if they use magical items too.
I'm not sure if the Woodsman was a mutant or magical when he was alive. Not enough information.
Heroic Mutant Contacts
Villain Mutant Contacts
Back Alley Brawler is likely a mutant as well. It is implausible that anyone could be that strong and tough while being a normal human.
Foreshadow is a mutant I believe. Mirror Spirit may be too, but I don't recall for sure.
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
From the Rogues Gallery 'group' Blast Furnace is specifically stated to be a mutant (as is Frostfire, but you probably have him already as part of the Outcasts.) Mangle and Echidna seem to be mutants from their descriptions.
If you have Fusionette, you might as well include Faultline. They are frequently found together and he is a mutant too.
The Vahz are more Science based.
Terra for example is probably a mutant/science origin AV. |
And the vans are definitely all science origin. Although parts of them might be other. Go go Frakenstien's Super Monster!
Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.
Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.
Fairly certain Mirror is magic.
Foreshadow is Natural. His constant re-incarnation might be considerEd magical, but that really only affects his motivation. His abilities are mere training.
Like Positron. He IS a mutant (generates antimatter) but he is a Tech hero because his ability as a mutant is basically worthless on it's own - his suit (one of his many inventions) make it usable.
Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.
Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.
Isn't there some CoV contact that talks about Mutants? He says something like, "I am not a Mutant, you are not a Mutant, that building over there is not a Mutant."
I'm sure I've seen that in game but I can't for the life of me remember who it was who said it.
Didn't find it but I did stumble across Dr. Forrester who says he is developing technology "in the area of applied mutation science."
Dmitri Krylov in Ashley McKnight's origins explanations arc.
I actually only remember that because I love how Dmitri Krylov is written and pretty much all of his dialogue ever written is stuck in my head. Also, Fake Russian Accent.
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Devoured are described as transformed normal human beings which is classic Science origin. Some Greater Devoured were probably mutants before their transformation although I'm not sure how a mix like that would be considered. |
And since no one else has mentioned it, both the hero and villain "origins of power" arcs give you lots of detail on mutation. Especially if you yourself are one.
I thought Penelope and all those others were natural? Why would you assume that because Sister Psyche is any other psychic has to also be? Any of them could have psychic powers from a magical, science or any other origin. Though by far the majority of psychics in CoX are natural.
"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.
And since no one else has mentioned it, both the hero and villain "origins of power" arcs give you lots of detail on mutation. Especially if you yourself are one.
I thought Penelope and all those others were natural? Why would you assume that because Sister Psyche is any other psychic has to also be? Any of them could have psychic powers from a magical, science or any other origin. Though by far the majority of psychics in CoX are natural. |
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I think some or most of the Family bosses and Longbow Wardens could be considered mutants.[/url]
I was under the impression that Family bosses got their powers from the Superadyne but they don't Troll out since it's a higher grade and smaller doses. Though mentioning the Family reminds me that some of the Syndicate is probably mutants. |
Back Alley Brawler is likely a mutant as well. It is implausible that anyone could be that strong and tough while being a normal human.

Going back on the origins of power arc you JUST MENTIONED would be why people are saying psychics in COX are mutant. (by lore; plenty of players totally ignore that or are ignorant of it)
I do think it was unfortunate that both the "natural" hero and villain were "without powers" and both get pissy about being asked. I'd love to see Sunstorm as the natural contact for instance.
My point was that psychics can come from ANY origin, and so can any powerset for that matter. My fire/psi domi is science-based, for instance, and my fire/fire scrapper is magic and my fire/fire domi is a mutant. Oh noes how can fire powers come from science, magic AND mutation??? Gavin must be an idiot who doesn't know all powers have to only come from one origin!!!!!111one!1!!
Assuming that ALL characters with a certain powerset are from a specific origin because ONE character has that origin, is silly. Very silly.
"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.
We're talking about psychics, not anything else. Bringing up other powers, powersets, abilities, etc. is irrelevant.
The Origins of Power gives the lore explanation for psychics. Whether or not YOU PERSONALLY AGREE is totally irrelevant. It's there for lore purposes; you and everyone else can choose to incorporate it or not as you see fit. But that doesn't make it stop existing.
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To put it in the simplest terms I can come up with:
Natural: Your abilities are the same as every other member of your race.
Mutant: You were born with powers, but normal members of your race do not have the same powers.
Science, Technology or Magic: You didn't have powers, but you do now, thanks to the effects of science, technology, or magic.
If you're a human, and you were born psychic, then you're a mutant, because normal humans don't naturally have psychic abilities.
Don't ask about VEATs. Whoever decided that they were all natural apparently thought that everyone was going to play Wolf Spiders. Of course, they weren't the first and won't be the last time for the game's lore to break the game's pre-established lore.
To put it in the simplest terms I can come up with:
Natural: Your abilities are the same as every other member of your race. Mutant: You were born with powers, but normal members of your race do not have the same powers. Science, Technology or Magic: You didn't have powers, but you do now, thanks to the effects of science, technology, or magic. If you're a human, and you were born psychic, then you're a mutant, because normal humans don't naturally have psychic abilities. Don't ask about VEATs. Whoever decided that they were all natural apparently thought that everyone was going to play Wolf Spiders. Of course, they weren't the first and won't be the last time for the game's lore to break the game's pre-established lore. |
Note in advance, I'm only speculating here, but the psychic weirdness re

All humans have psychic powers at pathetic levels, and when they harness them under normal circumstances write it off as a lucky guess, intuitive leave, or a creative spark of some sort.
Some mutant have as their mutant ability vastly stronger psychic talents, much akin to some mutants having super strength.
With much training, and practice, focus, and meditation it is possible for a normal human to hone their psychic abilities to the point where they are useful, reliable, and direct-able.
I know, it's a bit of mental gymnastics to get to the conclusion that everyone is psychic, albeit if only to a very minute degree, but it's not all that out there for the super-hero/comic book genre.
We're talking about psychics, not anything else. Bringing up other powers, powersets, abilities, etc. is irrelevant.
The Origins of Power gives the lore explanation for psychics. Whether or not YOU PERSONALLY AGREE is totally irrelevant. It's there for lore purposes; you and everyone else can choose to incorporate it or not as you see fit. But that doesn't make it stop existing. |
Psyche's words are that she "believes" she is not a mutant at all, and that psionics are not mutants either (both Sister's opinion, not given as fact). No mutants existed before 1938 (stated as a fact). Psionic characters exist back to the sybils of Rome and even earlier (also presented as a fact).
Given that evidence in a complete vacuum, nothing suggests that psionic characters are or should be mutants. If anything, it suggests that they should not be.
But I also like to read this bit of ambiguity as evidence of my proposal that all powersets can be any origin. At the very least Psyche doesn't agree with her own clasification as a mutant.
"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.
I'm needing to do a little research for a possible AE idea floating in my head. Unsure of what characters are mutants or what storylines go on about mutation. While it would be focused Primal Earth, I'm fine with any Praetorian examples. Off the top of my head I can think of:
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