Gold Sonya

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  1. WTF?

    Save my family!

    Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
    HeroA has been called in to stop a bank robbery, upon arriving at the bank robbery you see its your nemesis who you have been trying to track down for months. Your nemesis has been on a killing spree now for all that time and this could be your best chance to put an end to his crimespree however just before you head into the room to face off against him . . . .

    You find out that he also has your husband/wife and kids in a seperate building which is rigged to explode very soon, now you are faced with a dilema. Which do you do?
    • Defeat the nemesis and put an end to his crime spree but at the cost of the lives of your family
    • Let the nemesis escape one more time to save the lives of those you love
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post
    GG has one character and a V-neck spandex fetish. I'm not even sure she has more than one cossie.
    Even Though I Did The Cimeroa Arc To See What The Costume Looks Like I Don't Like It (And It's Free). You'd Think With A Toon With Such A Name As Mine I'd Have The Animal Pack. But I Don't. Never Wanted Her To Look Full On Animal. The Feline Face Is More Than Enough. Just Got The Steam Punk Pack Though. I Like The Wings, Guns, An Female Costume Pieces. I'll Have To Roll This Same Toon On Another Sever To Use Every Booster Pack Costume Piece. Haven't Used The Cyborg Pack Yet (Got It For Free With Architect, Now With I'd Gone With Magic Pack), Probably Never Will. Definitely Will Be Using Ever Piece In The Steam Punk Pack Though. I'm Going To Make A Version Of Feline Praetorian On Virtue That Has Dual Pistols, Then On Pinnacle She'll Have Assault Rifle. The Assault Rifle Version Will Have The Back Pack And The Dual Pistol One Will Have The Wings (Yes I've Thought This Through). Mind You She Doesn't Have ONE Praetorian Police, Or Resistance Costume Piece. Just Doesn't Fit Where I'm Going With Her Costumes. So This Pack Is A Breathe Of Fresh Air.

  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    No - I think it's an ugly style - the costume parts are cool and well made, but the whole steampunk thing isn't something I'm a fan of
    Have You Been A Fan Of Any Of The Booster Packs (Origin, Mutant, Animal)? Also Have Yet To See Golden Girl In Game. Maybe One Day I Will. Even Though I'm A Loyal Praetorian.
  4. Is Golden Girl Going To Have A Steampunk Outfit?

    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    I'm not really seeing the pony link here - apart fromt he fact that you can make quite a good set of riding clothes in the costume creator, minus the safety helmet
  5. Can I get a basic build for a lvl 27? Post a link for mids too, thanks
  6. Can't wait for this event. I'll be making a toon just for Spring Fling, just like I did for the winter event!

    Originally Posted by Beastyle View Post
    Snows melting. Flowers blooming. Birds chirping. Ancient gods of the Greek pantheon harnessing the power of love. Goblins running amok in the streets. Ah, it sounds like springtime in Paragon City and the Rogue Isles!

    That's right, with winter wrapping up it's time for our annual Spring Fling celebration! This is the season of love, and that means heroes and villains will need to embrace those fuzzy feelings and work together. Co-op teams missions will have players venturing to the Well of the Furies, retrieve Aphrodite's girdle, and stopping a dimension-hopping goblin. And as a reward for your deeds, there are various costume pieces to unlock, badges to earn, and temporary powers to be bestowed!

    The Spring Fling starts Thursday, February 10, 2011 at 9:00 AM PST (12:00 AM EST / 5:00 PM GMT / 6:00 PM CET), and will run for three weeks, ending Sunday, March 6, 2011 at 11:59 PM PST (2:59 AM EST / 7:59 GMT / 8:59 CET).

    Spring is coming and love is in the air for heroes, villains, and rogues alike, so join in the festivities beginning February 10th!
  7. Is there a group like this? Heck, even an all guns villain group would be cool as hell to be part of. Someone let me know.
  8. I love being a villain better than a hero. I love the gun better than the mace (tried the mace and didn't like it). I am using my second build with the gun and plan to make the first build simply match the second build. Over time they might be slightly different but not extremely different builds like they are now. I don't remember if you can buy respecs, but if we can I am going to do that.

    It didn't take me long to be vigilante, but now that I have to work two more days (at 12 hours a piece) I'll have to wait to Saturday. I might be able to get one tip mission in tomorrow, but we will see.

    The gun does major damage but kills my endurance. I guess I need to slot one more endurance in each of the gun powers. I already have stamina. Anyway, I can't wait until I'm back a full fledged villain. Did my first paper mission since level 11. Seems like forever but I know it hasn't been that long.

    Before I end this long rant of a post I have one question:

    Does anyone just have one toon? I mean could that work and be interesting or do you all think I need more than one toon for the game to keep its interest?
  9. Greetings,

    Why wouldn't anyone like a random attack of Arachnos Soldiers before you go in a mission?

    For example, let's say you selected a mission (paper mission, contact mission, or and or tip missions), the selecting of the mission could be coded to trigger a random attack. You would be greeted by them at mission doors (either outside or inside the mission).

    I know some people hate the Void Seekers awaiting Kheldians. I find it interesting that they have a specific hunter yet we don't. This is not cool to me. So I am definitely going to suggest it to the devs. I would hope others would too.

  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Derangedpolygot View Post
    Swing and a miss.

    There's ben a problem with kheldians and respecing...Curse you Kheldians!!

    I knew there was a reason why I deleted my Peacebringer!
  11. I like the Bane myself. Heck, I like the first build you get better than the Crab (the Wolf Spider gun wielding soldier). That's mainly because I like the cosmetics of the Bane as well as the lack of backpack legs (ugh).

    After I get my main toon to level 50 I'll make another SoA and it will keep the gun when I get my level 25 respec. I'll get the armor upgrades though. On both of them I'm going to get 'call reinforcements' soon.
  12. My main toon's name is Arbiter Praetoria, just like my global name (@Arbiter Praetoria). All of my Soldiers will be Arbiters even if they wear the tradition black Bane Spider Costume and cape.

    She's a hero and is at level 28. I'm hoping to get her to 50 soon. I like the Bane Spider (Isn't that what you call the one's that use the Mace?) and I like the original build you start off with (Maybe called a Wolf Spider). I'm going to master building both of those. I do not like Fortunatas though and loathe Crab Spiders. That is, of course, my opinion.

    Originally Posted by Aerik View Post
    Especially right after launch, the theme for most Crabs/Banes/Huntsmen has been Operative <something>. The majority of Arachnos soldiers in the game are named Operative something. I do believe that Arbiter is a reserved word now, so if you try to create a character with that name, it will fail.

    As for my Widows/Fortunatas, I decided to work with the spider theme from a slightly different angle. I went to the Interwebs and found the scientific names for some of the spider families. And so, my two Forts are named Theridae (Black Widows) and Sicaridae (Brown Recluses).

    Really, though, by now I think I've seen just about any kind of name for them. I'd suggest you start with a good back story. Once you've got all the details of you character fleshed out, it shouldn't be hard to pick out a very nice name.
  13. How do you go between builds? I asked because I want to have dual builds too on my SoA (who is now a level 28 hero).

    Originally Posted by Teeko View Post
    do both!

    You have 2 builds to play with. Thats what I did with mine.

    Build 1, i named it Solo and made it into a Widow and mde it a great stalker/scrapper combo.

    Build 2, I named it Team and made it a Fort. As I find the team buffs and AOEs very helpful.

    just my 2 cents.
  14. I basically took every power in the primary power pool set and am currently only mission two. I figured that the best defense is a good offence with the blaster, but was hoping I could do something to make her strong as my SoA. I'll have to work on using those devices. I make make a second build and take some of those devices soon so that I can get used to using them. Thanks for the help.

    Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
    Most of /Devices (that's the set blasters get) are click powers. The only toggles IIRC are Targeting Drone and Cloaking Device.

    You really want Targeting Drone, if you don't have it yet, I advise picking it up (actually I advise respeccing and picking it up sooner)

    Your key to survival with a /Devices blaster is keeping them at range. Web Grenade will help with that, and you probably want Caltrops as well (location AoE slow patch).

    Skip Smoke Grenade, it isn't that great. You'll probably want Cloaking Device at some point, and Trip Mine.

    With Trip Mine, you can lay a minefield and lure your enemy into it. Be careful when doing this, as it can be interrupted (so don't try to lay mines when you're being shot at)

    Blasters don't get defense/resistance powers in their secondary like SoA do, in fact you picked the only secondary that gets a defense power at all (Cloaking Device), and it suppresses half it's defense in combat.

    Blasters are designed to kill them before they kill you, and are usually pretty squishy. Most blaster secondary powersets have a mix of melee damage and active mitigation powers (meaning you have to actively use them to stay safe, rather than toggle up and forget about them). Devices is kind of an oddball set in that regard, as it lacks any melee attacks and it's active mitigation involves setting up your battlefield before the fight.

    May I ask what powers you selected that led to you only having Web Grenade at level 23? I'm asking because Devices has a few powers that are useful that you should be taking much earlier.
  15. I don't what's going on with my memory but I'm not logged into the game so I forgot if a blaster gets traps or devices. Seems about the same anyway so hopefully you all know where I'm coming from.

    With that note established at the outstart let me my question(s):

    In my secondary powerset are all of my traps/ devices toggle only and not 'always on'? Do I need a lot of stamina enhancements slotted (is this what you all call an IO because I forgot what IO stood for) in each device/ trap? I guess I need a good guide for this build because I want her to be my second level 50. I'm a long way from it though. She's only lvl 23.

    I do love dual pistols and only have one trap/ device and that is the first one you automatically get as a blaster. She will also be the only toon that DOES NOT go vigilante and stays hero.

    Anyway, I'm hoping you all can help me out here. I hate that she dies so quick going solo too. Any idea how I can get her not to die so often. My main toon (my hero who is an Arbiter/ SoA) doesn't die as easy. That baffles my mind but hopefully you all can help me get her at least as strong as my SoA. I call her an Arbiter but she is really a Mace Wielding Bane (I mean sheesh she still wears black but I'm writing a blog styled back story as to why that is)!

    Anyway I'm doing asking questions and ranting for now. Happy hunting heroes, vigilante, rogues, villains, and Praetorians.
  16. I can't see how my toon being a hero now (and never even going vigilante let alone villain ever again) would be considered a Destined One. I wish I would get rewarded after 6 months to a year for remaining a hero though. Of course my uncompleted villain badges will have to be ignored. I can live with that as long as I can be a hero in black helping out Statesman.

    Originally Posted by Tidbit Jr. View Post
    If you don't mind spoilers: your Arachnos Soldier / Widow eventually changes their destiny itself so that they really are a Destined One. Hence, you are now on-par with every Tom, Dick, and Harry in Arachnos' eyes.
  17. Greetings,

    Okay I have been wonder if Soldiers randomly attack me like Kheldians get attacked by Void Seekers. I did get one run in with like a small group of them when I was at my hero alignment tip mission door. I think what would be cool is if there was an Arachnos traitor PvE ambush from time to time along with dialogue. How long that would take to write as a code would probably take a very long time, but would be worth the wait.

    Anyway, I am just so happy I am finally a hero today. It is awesome to see my soldier finally do missions like all the other heroes. Right after my alignment was finished I did not hesitate to do a heroic mission. I saved a Midnighter in the first chapter of the story arch. I can't wait to do more heroic missions in my villain costume with all those original villainous abilities.

    I really hope I deal with similar ambush attacks like all Khelidians do. If not I look forward to it in the future!
  18. I understand an appreciate that, but I don't really like the mace power pool set to begin with. I like the gun they have. Suits me just fine. I'll work on my build to make it strong as possible though.

    Currently my toon is level 15 and as soon as I can she'll be a Rogue and then go full on hero with her gun and then stay there. This (after playing so long) will be my only toon too. So I have to pace myself and make the most of the game with this toon. I tried other aspects of the game but to no avail. Until I got into the soldiers (I don't really like the widows) I had no game direction what so ever. Highest level toon was a lvl 35 and I got bored with the brute so I scrapped her. Since then haven't gotten any further than lvl 30.

    I'm hoping that if I pace myself with my 'soon to be hero' Arachnos Soldier will end up being my level 50 so I can enjoy end game content. Her name is Arbiter Praetoria!

    Originally Posted by 9783_Dollar_Man View Post
    One thing worth keeping in mind is that VEATs do not currently have access to APPs, meaning that if you do not do a patron arc as a level 40+ villain or rogue, you're SOL when it comes to getting a new power pool at 41+. My SoA is currently a rogue, and will probably stay there until he does a patron arc and gets his mace mastery. After that, he might go hero.
  19. Gold Sonya

    Costume Pieces

    About my current Soldier. I was wondering if there was a way I could make second soldier type outfit in the second slot you get for a mission that is supposed to trick someone into thinking your soldier is a hero? Is there a way to get all the SoA costume pieces in order to do this?
  20. My second (after deleting the first due to glitches in game, which are now fixed ) Soldier of Arachnos is named Arbiter Jameela Ali. So apparently you are incorrect. In fact all of my soldiers will be Arbiters. I do not really like the Widows that much, so on them I will pass. I like the Soldier archetype so much that I only have ONE villain that isn't a soldier (Clawing Wolf). I am pro-red side and anti-red side so I won't be switching any of my toons to blue side. I totally HATE blue side. Tried it and have realized it is NOT for me. So all my slots (instead of the one with Clawing Wolf) will be filled with my female Arbiters (I can't seem to make a toon that is male other than Clawing Wolf, that might be because Clawing Wolf is a HUGE Werewolf with claws). I almost thought about deleting my only Brute that I have been talking about, but no way. After I get all my soldiers to lvl 50 I'll go back to him and finally put him at lvl 50 with them.

    So, again, Arbiter is not reserved. You can name you can call your character and Arbiter as far as I can see because I named them all this during character creation.

    Note: This toon as since been deleted. I have a new toon now (refer to signature).

    Originally Posted by Aerik View Post
    Especially right after launch, the theme for most Crabs/Banes/Huntsmen has been Operative <something>. The majority of Arachnos soldiers in the game are named Operative something. I do believe that Arbiter is a reserved word now, so if you try to create a character with that name, it will fail.

    As for my Widows/Fortunatas, I decided to work with the spider theme from a slightly different angle. I went to the Interwebs and found the scientific names for some of the spider families. And so, my two Forts are named Theridae (Black Widows) and Sicaridae (Brown Recluses).

    Really, though, by now I think I've seen just about any kind of name for them. I'd suggest you start with a good back story. Once you've got all the details of you character fleshed out, it shouldn't be hard to pick out a very nice name.
  21. Gold Sonya

    Dp Vs DS

    Yeah the comparison doesn't make sense. I totally agree with that. I like Demon Summoning 100 times better though. Never thought I would be a lover of a Master Mind power. I am wondering how much damage the whip can do alone withing the power set itself. I guess it wouldn't make sense to use it by itself though. I also think DM works extremely well with Poison. I am going to use this toon I have (Demoneeka) whenever I think about it. My main toon is going to be a Widow I just created a toon to save the name. Demon Summoning (as I knew it would) got me back to being a true Villain. This is the whole reason I got into this game: TO BE A VILLAIN. It is really awesome to see Villains get an exclusive powerset. To me Dual pistols got tedious. I guess I just hate range attacks, but I like controlling pets (go figure).

    Okay that is my rant before I do my last twelve hour shift for the week. See you all on Freedom server. My global name is in fact She Unknown (that will be the name of my Widow when my second toon hits lvl 20).