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Hey, all:
My Mind/Electricity/Mu dominator hit 49 during last night's excellent combined raids, and I'm a bit stuck on choosing my final power. I'm satisfied with all my choices from the primary and secondary, so it's down to pool and partron.
Right now, my pools are Speed, Leaping, Fitness, Concealment and Mu, so I'm locked out of opening another pool. I was thinking Grant Invisibility would be useful for team stealth situations; Super Jump could give me better vertical movement (Raptor Pack has worked so far), and the patron pet could work as a set mule if nothing else, although I'm not trying for perma-dom. Any suggestions would be appreciated, and thanks again to those who led the Hamidon and Mothership raids. -
Quote:Two players both could have come up with imaginative, iconic character names, but the one who registered the name first on a particular server gets to keep it. I think that process is fine, and it's similar to patenting inventions.Not similar, the SAME. We're not talking about someone else creating another regenerating mutant with claws... we're talking about people creating the EXACT SAME NAME that someone else already thought of. You can't try to claim to be creative when you want what someone else had first. It's as simple as that.
However, it doesn't make the second person who attempted to register the name some sort of dullard, since there's no way to find out if a name's already in use apart from using the "check name" feature. -
Don't forget that Taunt has a -range debuff that can also be useful to force mobs to close with you and fuel RttC, Invincibility, etc.
Good point about letting AAO saturate before using SC. My bind for SC is /bind mousechord "powexec_name shield charge"
What's "mousechord?" It's clicking both the left and right mouse buttons at the same timeThat way, I don't have to mess around with keyboard and mouse.
My current tanker project is SD/Ice, and so far I've been really pleased. Shield Charge made a big difference for offense, of course, and one tactic I've found helpful is to stand in Ice Patch, wait for the baddies to start flopping and then aim SC at my character's feet - stee-rike! Takes a little guesswork out of aiming with the reticle.
I'm really looking forward to Frozen Aura.
Good luck! -
I'm in for Neurodyne 45 Mind/Electric dominator/Vengeance bait.
It used to be extremely low damage, focused more on mitigation, and for that it acquired a bad reputation.
Now, Ice Melee still isn't top of the heap for damage, but Frozen Aura does damage equal to Footstomp, and I think the range of Frost was extended to make it easier to hit more enemies. Frost and Freezing Touch are both DoT attacks as well, which can make the damage seem less.
Ice Patch, however, makes soloing easier, IMO. Bad guys can't attack you if they're falling down, and you can take as long as you want to beat them up.
Hope this helps. -
I am 100% behind Sardan's suggetsions and would like to add that team leaders should have an indicator (star, maybe) in the search window.
Looking forward to the "Team LFM" ideas. -
Quote:Yeah, "fault" and "responsibility" were probably the wrong words to use there. The decision about the phrasing and content of post does rest with the author, though.I don't owe anyone here anything. Anyone who thinks I do has an awfully inflated sense of entitlement.
No animosity here.
By the way, for Sam's character was "Senseless" taken? -
Quote:It's not your fault if you found a name you liked when someone else didn't, but it is your fault, or at least your responsibility, if you take time out to snark at him or her.How do you define 'elitist'? If someone is mad because they couldn't find a name good enough for them, when I was able to find a name good enough for me, does that make it suddenly my fault that they refused to look beyond the most commonly used words?
Srs bzns and all that. -
Quote:Similar statements come up whenever one of these naming threads starts, and I think they're elitist. Fusion_7 at least offered suggestions on how to craft names rather than dismissing those having trouble generating handles for their characters as "not creative enough." The value of a name is subjective, and some players will have a great desire to get a name descriptive of their toon without using obscure synonyms or language tricks.Good character names are not running out, just peoples imaginations. As you can see from my post, with a little thought you too can make a name for yourself.
My point here is it's better to offer help instead of saying you never had trouble naming a character because "Vinegar Pancake" was available on every server.
Quote:In the last two months i created Feral Catgirl on Virtue, Freedom and Champion. But then it's such an obscure, esoteric name, neh? -
Running Super Speed and Combat Jumping together can allow you to slide up some surfaces if you jump into them at an angle.
Quote:Not quite. The -resistance debuff from Disruption Field does not draw aggro to the caster, although it used to.Any debuff except -Perception will cause mobs to aggro on the caster so even if the proc doesn't fire it's still a debuff that is being applied and causes aggro. Because of the way that -perception "doesn't" work for the mobs this makes the -perception part of the power useless.
Vigilant: (adjective) alertly watchful especially to avoid danger.
All right, now that we have map indicators for escortable NPCs, how about changing Vigilance so that it functions as radar, showing the locations of hostages, glowies and boss-level or higher enemies? Perhaps it could be charged up, similar to Domination or Fury and give greater range or more frequent "pings" as it reached its maximum.
I'm not advocating a full-function radar as in the Metal Gear Solid games, and any type of enemy-detecting radar could be a problem in PvP.
Eh... maybe Defenders could just get the old Defiance. Blasters aren't using it anymore -
Most Fun:
Hurl Boulder/Hurl - Ripping up chunks of scenery and tossing them definitely has that "super" feel to it.
Assassin's Blades - One for each kidney.
Least Fun:
Thunder Strike/Total Focus/Tremor/any "slam dunk" animation - Congratulations, you are now the world's slowest luchador attempting a double axe handle blow from the top turnbuckle. -
Longbow also like to stay at range, which puts them out of the reach of RttC, and Arachnos also has a fair number of range-only mobs (Fortunatas, Mu, drones, etc.)
Quote:For Fury generation, it doesn't matter if the attacks hit. Anytime an enemy launches an attack at you, you get Fury, regardless if the attack connects. Oppressive Gloom pulses every two seconds, and Cloak of Fear every four. That may be enough time for enemies to launch attacks before getting mezzed.I'm not worried about the damage. I want the attacks to hit, to build fury faster. I just mentioned the stealth because I'd be likely to have it, and I was worried that I'd go from "You can't see me!" to "You can't attack" too quickly for them to build any fury for me.
Anyhow, you could always turn off OG or CoF between groups and retoggle them after the alpha strike. Might be a bit high-maintenance, though. -
I'd say the thing you could look forward to would be Speed Boost at 20, and the posted build has it very late. If you don't plan to exemplar down, that could be OK, but SB is so useful I'd recommend taking it much earlier.
You don't have a movement power per se, and although Siphon Speed is handy, it requires a target that might not always be available. Inertial Reduction is an ersatz Super Jump that you can keep perma on yourself and teammates.
I would also recommend looking into Maneuvers (for defense to all) and the other Leadership pool powers. Corruptors get decent values for those, and they help everyone on your team.
Finally, take a look at Mace Mastery for the patron pool choice. Scorpion Shield is typed defense, but it covers smashing, lethal and energy, which take care of most ranged attacks as well.
Good luck. -
I've never used the Gravitational Anchor proc, but in general, procs work well in powers you can spam. Frostbite has a quick recharge and hits multiple targets, so there are more chances for the proc to activate. By itself, it will only hold minions, but the proc hold can stack with others.
I don't think Gravitational Anchor or any other procs are affected by Domination, Critical Hit or other inherents. -
No, the mortar itself has standard accuracy. The power that summons it can't miss, of course, so there may be some confusion there.
Smoke Grenade 'em, and they shouldn't see you, either.
Quote:Why bother? You'll quote yourself on it soon enough.Bingo. As long as you're having fun, do whatever you want. But if your game feels like a job, then you've lost the game... no matter how high your stats are or how uber your loot is. And you can quote me on that.
I keeed! -
The Rikti have actually conquered Praetorian Earth, and Emperor Cole and his crew are retreating to the only place they know that had any success repulsing the aliens. Of course, the Rikti are right behind them...
Or maybe Hero 1 is just stopping by for tea.