386 -
Like someone else has said some other thread
your promoting that people make more petless masterminds! -
NVM Apparently I was looking for avatar instead my bad should have look there instead of thinking it was picture. lol Another wasted thread!
Katze your picture freaks me out everytime I see it I honestly say!
Hello. I have been having alot of trouble getting a picture like everyone else has (well not exactly everyone) im browsing for the picture and then i clicked save signature but that didnt work so i tried upload but that just didnt work either so what exactly am I doing wrong? Can somebody please give me some advice on to how to fix this problem. I have this mad picture and it's less then 150kb so it should work but it just doesn't. So yeah I need help!
The one reason I dont like WP is because if you meet an opponent with a power that does mass -regen your practically screwed! in my prospective
OMG thankyou it's not just me. Im having that problem too.
I thought that I would make a thread about peoples combos so people can have an idea what other people use as theyre combos.
(sorry if someone else has already made a thread like this for I didn't check). -
Quote:I like Villain powersets better than Hero ones, but I like hero content better than villain content.
When I read that I realised we like the same thing. I'm planning on bringing my mastermind Bot/traps to heroes so I can get the awesome contact Maria Jenkins, When I have her as my contact i can kill all those Praetorian AVs. gonnabe very fun murddrering those past commrads
(sorry for any misspelt words) -
Quote:Semi-stealthy grammar-semi fix
Very cute, by the way.
If you click the "User CP" link on the top left of the page, you can go to "Edit Signature" under Settings & Options. That will allow you to input a block of text or a small image that will show up every time you post.
... ... *sigh* And my inner Grammar Nazi wants you to know it's "you're," not "your." Stupid Grammar Nazi brain... grumble grumble...
Wow really that's what that does. Thanks heaps -
Hey, I'm excited that we will be able to bring tanks scrappers and defender and blaster to be villains. and the other way aroubd too.
And im wondering is there percific AT Primary and Secondary that you guys would love to be on the other side, like a tank coming along and taking all the aggro away from all the other ATs, or a defender that has healing as a primary. or maybe your looking firwardto seeing more then 5 pets in heroes( illusion controll has 5 pets). So what exactly are you looking forward too?
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Why do people write down here? And... your reading this why? -
I feel like a noob asking this question but is softcap, im using mids hero/villain designer and is the softcap where it says Pre ED. Because im planning on softcaping my characters but curious to know if i am actually softcapping them.
Quote:I paid the 'instant gratification' price on mine and didn't wait for long term bids to go overnight. When I had the money I bought each enhancer for a buyout price (and farmed all of the money on that toon).
The total was 7.1 Billion. If you are willing to bid and wait days at a time for the enhancers/recipes you want you could probably get away with half that.
I had made a slight change to ur build so it wasnt insanely costful
I changed the ragnarok IOs to 3 lvl 50 damage IO and 2 Accuracy IO and it turned way more affordable cos each ragnarok in Virtue cost like 180m each!. (like 180X5=900m) I really did not have the attension span to make that much money!
Please tell me what you think about the change or try give me a cheaper substitute please. -
Can somebody send me a scrapper MA/SR Build with IO names please?
If you can make it visable on mids -
I have two robotic masterminds and one ninja also one mercenary
Dark Droid Robotic/Darkmiasma
Assault bot: Assault king
Protector bots: Hammer Champ, Razor Champion
Battle Drones: Hammer, Razor, Assault
Techno War Robotic/Traps
Assault Bot: Oil Tanker
Protector bots: Armor Plate, Chain Mail
Battle Drones: Sword, Spear, Bolas (bolas is a weapon that is a rope and at the end of the rope is a metal ball)
Forgot His Name (actually forgot it)Ninja/darkmiasma
Oni: Fire Boar
Jounin: Ice Tiger, Wind Tiger
Genin: Fire Cobra, Ice Cobra, Earth Cobra
Archon Twilight Mercenary/darkmiasma
Commando: Marco
Spec Ops: Sebastion, Michael
Soldiers: Jake, Pailey
Medic: Zack
What are you supposed to write here? -
Hey. I have a few question that only experienced robotic trap player could answer. (maybe other primaries could answer too)
1. Whats the lowest level that a first time robotic traps could solo an Arch-villain?
2. How many immobolize power does it take to imobilize an Arch villain with web grenade and electrifing fences
3. Id it super-hard that fight at the lowest level for an Arch-villain kill Easy-Medium-Medium Hard- Hard -OMG so hard i crapped my pant and got dia-ree-a! -
we only died 3 times! I hate the lvl 40 bosses! we had to skip 2 because we thought they were having insane mood swings.
I did manticore's tf. the team had 1 scrapper (me) and two tanks.
We totally owned that tf. WHO NEEDS HEALS (sorta funny that i was using a spines/regeneration so basically i need heals!) -
thanks guys for the help half of it i dont understand but i understand the basic term of the way people use it now.
Sorry I havent really noticed. But I'll look and check again.
Hi. I know I'm asking for alot here but in issue 17 could we get an option for our pets to have like a switch like they have passive defensive and aggresive do, have a switch like that except it's for melee and snipering. Because lately I have been heaps annoyed with my pets, when I have them in the perfect position for shooting their enemy they run straight in the group of enemies and if there is a group next to it I just end up having to run and sometimes I die because my pet just wont stay snipering. I'm just saying sometimes people would love for theyre pets to be using their melee attacks but if they're trying to kill something that does tremendous melee damage like a Giant monster they die constantly and they have no chance. I have tried using the go to option but the pets just leave where I put them and they run straight into the mob and if they survive after the fight they go back to where i told them to go to. So if you do the melee/sniper thing basically I see it as the 3 circles with options in advanced controls for pets the two on the right at the ones that control aggressive, defensive and passive and the very right the follow, attack my target, stay, go to etc, and on the very left there would be another circle that when you click on it it would give you the option of melee or sniper. When you would pick sniper your pets always stay a distance from your enemy( if your enemy come to your pets they just stay there until the mastermind gives the pets an order to follow) but if they pick melee they will swarm all over theyr'e enemies and stick to them until they die or the pet dies or giving other orders. If you cannot do this atleast make a way to get your pets to stay at a spot and still protect you or attack your target. Thanks for reading
does anyone agree that this would be a great thing for pets?
I think someone else already said they wanted a melee/sniper thing but I just wanted to make a thread of it. -
Quote:I know for sure that ill would read it aslong as it's not heaps about macros but if you do, do heaps on macros could you please atleast write it in an easy ish way because i might try make that macro that dumps 3-4 red insps in boss bot. LONG live Missile Bot! ( I ask for it to be easy ish to understand because this will be my first time doing one. I feel bad being a 15 months veteran and not knowing how to do that.)Thanks for the feedback! I could always make a full-on Bots/Traps guide if the MMs on the forums want me to. There's one already out there but it seemed the original poster may have just posted what he learned at an early phase and theorycrafted the rest. This is just my two cents, though, not trying to say anything bad about his guide writing ability (just that I felt he missed a lot).
I think I cover a lot of the main points in the build. Feel free to message me at @Circus of the Damned if you'd like to see the build in action on infinity and ask questions.
level 50 mastermind robotics/ dark miasma
level 50 controller fire/ kinetics
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What are you supposed to write down here? -
Quote:It gives you a description but I dont understand still.
Hello. I have been hearing people say that dps means something but they never explained it because i think they think every1 knows what dps does but apparently I dont so if anyone could come help me i'd be VERY HAPPY.